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Kevin R. Johnson is currently Dean, Professor of Law and Chicana/o Studies, and the Mabie-Apallas Public Interest Law Chair holder at the University of California at Davis. From 1998-2008, he served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. He has published extensively on immigration law and policy, racial identity, and civil rights in national and international journals. Dean Johnson's bookHow Did You Get to Be Mexican? A White/Brown Man's Search for Identity was published in 1999 and was nominated for the 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. He also has publishedRace, Civil Rights, and American Law A Multiracial Approach and Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader (2002). The "Huddled Masses" Myth Immigration and Civil Rights (2004).

Full Biography...
Dean Johnson's latest book is Opening the Floodgates: Why America Needs to Rethink its Borders and Immigration Laws (2007), which has received positive reviews and was featured on television and radio.

A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where he served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review, Johnson earned his undergraduate degree in economics from UC Berkeley. After law school, he clerked for the Honorable Stephen Reinhardt of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Los Angeles and worked as an attorney at the international law firm Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe in San Francisco. Professor Johnson has served on the Legal Services of Northern California board of directors since 1996, was Vice President of the board, and is the current President of the board. In 2006, he was elected to the board of directors of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Dean Johnson joined the UC Davis law faculty in 1989 and was named Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1998 and Dean in 2008. He has taught a wide array of classes at King Hall, including immigration law, Latinos and Latinas and the law, refugee law, civil procedure, public interest law, and Critical Race Theory. In 1993, he was the recipient of the law school's Distinguished Teaching Award. A regular participant in national and international conferences, Dean Johnson has also held leadership positions in the Association of American Law Schools. He has been honored for his service by the Minority Groups Section of the Association of American Law Schools with the Clyde Ferguson Award in 2004 and previously by the UC Davis campus. In 2006, the Hispanic National Bar Association named him the Law Professor of the Year. He was named the National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies 2008 Scholar of the Year. In 2003, Dean Johnson was elected to the American Law Institute.

... CloseSpecial Interests
Immigration Law And Policy, Refugee Law, Civil Rights, Critical Race Theory, Critical Latina/o Theory, Complex Litigation, Civil Procedure (Including Civil Litigation And Complex Litigation)
Selected Career Highlights
Appointed Dean of the School of Law, July, 2008.
Named Mabie-Apallas Public Interest Law Chair in 2004.
Appointed Associate Dean of the School of Law, July, 1998.
More Career Highlights...
Published How Did You Get to Be Mexican, A White/Brown Man's Search for Identity, 1999 (nominated for 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award).
Recipient of the 1993 Distinguished Teaching Award.
Law clerk to Judge Stephen Reinhardt, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Co-author of two amicus curiae briefs submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in immigration cases.
Director, Chicana/o Studies Program 2000-01; joint appointment Chicana/o Studies, 2000.
Editor of the Harvard Law Review, volumes 95-96.
... CloseSelected Publications
Opening the Floodgates: Why America Needs to Rethink Its Borders and Immigration Laws, NYU Press, 20077 (Critical America Series)
Complex Litigation: Cases and Materials on Litigating for Social Change, Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2008 (with Catherine A. Rogers & John Valery White)
The "Huddled Masses" Myth: Immigration and Civil Rights, Temple University Press, 2004
Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader, New York University Press, 2002
More Publications...
A Reader on Race, Civil Rights, and America Law: A Multiracial Approach, Carolina Academic Press, 2001 (co-authored with Timothy Davis & George A. Martínez)
How Did You Get to Be Mexican?: A White/Brown Man's Search For Identity, Temple University Press, 1999 (nominated for 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award)
The Devastating Impact of the Initiative Process on Latina/o and Immigrant Communities, 96 California Law Review (forthcoming 2008) (symposium)
An Assessment of LatCrit Theory Ten Years After, 83 Indiana Law Journal, (forthcoming 2008) (with Keith Aoki) (symposium)
Hurricane Katrina: Lessons About Immigrants in the Modern Administrative State, 45 Houston Law Review 11 (2008) (endowed Lecture)
The Story of Whren v. United States: The Song Remains the Same, in Race and Law Stories, (Devon Carbado & Rachel F. Moran, editors, Foundation Press, forthcoming 2008)
Protecting National Security Through More Liberal Admission of Immigrants, 2007 University of Chicago Legal Forum 157 (symposium)
The Immigrant Rights Marches of 2006 and the Prospects for a New Civil Rights Movement, 42 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 99 (2007) (co-authored with Bill Ong Hing)
Taking the "Garbage" Out in Tulia: Racial Profiling and the Taboo on Black/White Romance in the "War on Drugs", 2007 Wisconsin Law Review 239 (symposium)
Immigration Reform, National Security After September 11, and the Future of North American Integration, 91 Minnesota Law Review 1369 (2007) (co-authored with Bernard Trujillo) (symposium)
The Legacy of Jim Crow: The Enduring Taboo of Black-White Romance, 84 Texas Law Review 739 (2006)
National Identity in a Multicultural Nation: The Challenge of Immigration Law and Immigrants, 03 Michigan Law Review 1347 (2005) (2005 Survey of Books related to the Law) (with Bill Ong Hing)
The Forgotten "Repatriation" of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and lessons for the "War on Terror", 26 Pace Law Review 1 (2005)(endowed lecture)
Maria and Joseph Plasencia's Lost Weekend: The Case of Landon v. Plasencia, in Immigration Stories, (David A. Martin & Peter H. Schuck eds., Foundation Press, forthcoming 2005)
Hernandez v. Texas: Legacies of Justice and Injustice, 25 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 153 (2005) (symposium issue)(reprinted in "Colored Men" and "Hombres Aqui": Hernandez v. Texas and the Emergence of Mexican American Lawering 53 (Michael A. Olivas ed., Arte Publico Press, 2006)
Cry Me a River: The Limits of A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools, 7 African-American Law & Policy Report (UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall) 1 (2005)
Immigration and Civil Rights After September 11: The Impact on California - An Introduction, 38 U.C. Davis. Law Review 599 (2005)
African American and Latino Cooperation in Challenging Racial Profiling, in Neither Enemies Nor Friends: Latinos, Blacks, Afro-Latinos, (Anani Dzidzienyo & Suzanne Oboler editors, 2005, Palgrave MacMillan)
Roll Over Beethoven: "A Critical Examination of Recent Writing about Race", 82 Texas Law Review 717 (2004)
The Last Twenty Five Years of Affirmative Action?, 23 Constitutional Commentary 171 (2004) (symposium) (reprinted as adapted in 29 Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 171 (2004))
A Principle Approach to the Quest for Racial Diversity on the Judiciary, 5 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 5 (2004).
International Human Rights Class Actions: New Frontiers for Group Litigation, 2004 Mich. St. L. Rev. 643
Driver's Licenses and Undocumented Immigrants: The Future of Civil Rights Law?, 5 Nevada Law Journal 213 (2004) (symposium issue).
Foreword: LatCrit Goes International, 16 Fla. J. Int'l L. x (2004)
Law and Politics in Post-Modern California: Coalition or Conflict Between African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/os?, 4 Ethnicities 381 (2004) (special issue) (Linda Trinh Vo & Rodolfo D. Torres eds)
The Continuing Latino Quest for Full Membership and Equal Citizenship: Legal Progress, Social Setbacks, and Political Promise, in The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960, 391 (David Gutiérrez editor, 2004, Columbia University Press)
Integrating Racial Justice into the Civil Procedure Survey Course, 54 Journal of Legal Education 242 (2004)
Racial Profiling After September 11: The Department of Justice’s 2003 Guidelines, 50 Loyola Law Review 67 (2004) (symposium)
Open Borders?, 51 UCLA Law Review 193 (2003) (reprinted, as adapted, in 9 Bender’s Immigration Bulletin 256 (March 1, 2004))
Civil Liberties Post-September 11: A Time of Danger, A Time of Opportunity, 2 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 3 (2003) (symposium)
The Case for African American and Latina/o Cooperation in Challenging Race Profiling, 55 Florida Law Review 341 (2003) (symposium)
The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Need for, and Impediments to, Political Coalitions Among and Within Minority Groups, 63 Louisiana Law Review 759 (2003) (symposium)
Immigration, Civil Rights, and Coalitions for Social Justice, 1 Hastings Race & Poverty Law Journal 181 (2003)
Struck by Lightning? Interracial Intimacy and Racial Justice, 25 Human Rights Quarterly 528 (2003) (with Kristina L. Burrows) (published as adapted in 29 Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 219 (2004))
September 11 and Mexican Immigrants: Collateral Damage Comes Home, 52 DePaul Law Review 849 (2003) (symposium contribution)
The End of “Civil Rights” as We Know It?: Immigration and the New Civil Rights Law, 49 UCLA Law Review 1481 (2002) (reprinted in 23 Immigration & Nationality Review 587 (2003)
Race, Civil Rights, and Immigration Law After September 11, 2001: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims, 58 NYU Annual Survey of American Law 295 (2002) (symposium contribution), reprinted, as adapted, in Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims 9-25 (Elaine Hagopian ed., 2004) (2004 Myers Outstanding Book Award) and Anti-Terrorist Measures and Human Rights (Wolfgang Benedek & Alice Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos eds., 2004)
Latina/os and the Political Process: The Need for Critical Inquiry, 81 Oregon Law Review 917 (2002) (symposium contribution)
The Moral High Ground? The Relevance of International Law to Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Immigration Laws, in Moral Imperialism: A Critical Anthology, 285 (Berta Esperanza Truyol-Hernández editor, 2002, New York University Press)
U.S. Border Enforcement: Drugs, Migrants, and the Rule of Law, 47 Villanova Law Review 897 (2002) (symposium on “New Voices on the War on Drugs”)
Race and the Immigration Laws: The Need for Critical Inquiry, in Crossroads, Directions, and a New Critical Race Theory, 187 (Francisco Valdes, Jerome McCristal Culp, & Angela P. Harris eds., Temple University Press, 2002)
On the Appointment of a Latina/o to the Supreme Court, 5 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (2002) (symposium) (published concurrently in 13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 1 (Boalt Hall) (2002))
Comparative Racialization: Culture and National Origin in the Latina/o Communities, 78 Denver University Law Review 633 (2001) (symposium)
Regional Integration in North America and Europe: Lessons about Civil Rights and Equal Citizenship, 9 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 33 (2000-01) (symposium)
Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, and LatCrit Theory: Commonalities and Differences Between Latina/o Experiences, 6 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 107 (2001) (reprinted in reprinted in 22 Immigration and Nationality Review 459 (2001)
The Case Against Race Profiling in Immigration Enforcement, 78 Washington University Law Quarterly 675 (2000) (published in adapted form in Human Rights, Winter 2001, at 23) (reprinted in 21 Immigration & Nationality Law Review 531 (2000))
Race Matters: Immigration Law and Policy Scholarship, Law in the Ivory Tower, and the Legal Indifference of the Race Critique, 2000 University of Illinois Law Review 525
The Rodrigo Chronicles, Latino/as, and Racial Oppression: A Blueprint for the Next Generation, Harvard Latino Law Review 47 (2000) (symposium)
Race and Immigration Law and Enforcement: A Response To “Is There a Plenary Power Doctrine?", 14 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 289 (2000) (symposium)
Foreword – Celebrating LatCrit Theory: What Do We Do When the Music Stops?, 33 U.C. Davis Law Review 753 (2000) (symposium)
Discrimination by Proxy: The Case of Proposition 227 and the Ban on Bilingual Education, 33 U.C. Davis Law Review 1227 (2000) (co-authored with George A. Martínez) (symposium)
Lawyering for Social Change: What’s a Lawyer to Do?, 5 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 201 (1999) (symposium)
Crossover Dreams: Chicana/o Studies Activism and Scholarship and the Roots of LatCrit Theory, 53 University of Miami Law Review 1143 (1999) (co-authored with George A. Martínez) (symposium)
Race, The Immigration Laws, and Domestic Race Relations: A "Magic Mirror" Into the Heart of Darkness, 73 Indiana Law Journal 1111 (1998) (reprinted in 19 Immigration and Nationality Review 585 (1999), 2 Immigration Law and the Constitution 217 (Garland Publishing, Gabriel J. Chin, Victor Romero, & Michael Scaperlanda eds., 2000), and Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima, & Angela Oh eds., forthcoming, 2002))
Clinical Legal Education and the U.C. Davis Immigration Law Clinic: Putting Theory Into Practice and Practice Into Theory, 51 SMU Law Review 1423 (1998) (co-authored with Amagda Pérez) (symposium on Clinical Legal Education)
Immigration and Latino Identity, 19 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 197 (1998) (symposium)(reprinted in 19 Immigration and Nationality Review 569 (1999))
Essay on Immigration, Citizenship, and U.S./Mexico Relations: The Tale of Two Treaties, 5 Southwestern Journal of Law & Trade in the Americas 121 (1998) (symposium)(reprinted in The Legacy of the Mexican and Spanish-American Wars: Legal, Literary, and Historical Perspectives (Gary D. Keller & Cordelia Candelaria eds., Bilingual Press, 2000))
Racial Hierarchy, Asian Americans and Latinos as "Foreigners," and Social Change: Is Law the Way to Go?, 76 Oregon Law Review 347 (1997) (symposium)(to be reprinted in Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima, & Angela Oh eds., forthcoming, 2002))
“Melting Pot" or "Ring of Fire"?: Assimilation and the Mexican-American Experience, 85 California Law Review 1259 (1997) (published concurrently in 10 La Raza Law Journal 173 (1998) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 427 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., NYU Press, 1998) and Readings in Race and the Law: A Guide to Critical Race Theory (Alex M. Johnson, Jr. ed., West Publishing, forthcoming))
The New Nativism: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, in Immigrants Out! The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States, 165 (Juan F. Perea ed., NYU Press, 1997)
Some Thoughts on the Future of Latino Legal Scholarship, 2 Harvard Latino Law Review, 101 (1997) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 198, 488 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998))
The Antiterrorism Act, The Immigration Reform Act, and Ideological Regulation in the Immigration Laws: Important Lessons For Citizens and Noncitizens, 28 St. Mary's Law Journal 833 (1997) (symposium)
“Aliens" and the U.S. Immigration Laws: The Social and Legal Construction of Nonpersons, 28 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, 263 (1996-97) (symposium) (reprinted in 18 Immigration and Nationality Review 3 (1999)
Why Alienage Jurisdiction? Historical Foundations and Modern Justifications for Federal Jurisdiction Over Disputes Involving Noncitizens, 21 Yale Journal of International Law 1 (1996) (reprinted in 17 Immigration and Nationality Review 389 (1995-96))
Fear of an "Alien Nation"? Race, Immigration, and Immigrants, 7 Stanford Law & Policy Review 111 (1996) (symposium)
Racial Restrictions on Naturalization: The Recurring Intersection of Race and Gender in Immigration and Citizenship Law, 11 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 142 (1996)
Public Benefits and Immigration: The Intersection of Immigration Status, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class, 42 UCLA Law Review 1509 (1995) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 376 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998) and Critical Race Feminism: A Reader (Adrien Katherine Wing 2d ed., 2002)) (reprinted in 17 Immigration and Nationality Review 457 (1995-96))
An Essay on Immigration Politics, Popular Democracy, and California's Proposition 187: The Political Relevance and Legal Irrelevance of Race, 70 Washington Law Review 629 (1995) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 110 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998))
Death of a Salesman?: Forum Shopping and Outcome Determination Under International Shoe, 28 University of California at Davis Law Review 769 (1995) (symposium)(co-authored with Christopher D. Cameron)
Civil Rights and Immigration: Challenges for the Latino Community in the Twenty-First Century, 8 La Raza Law Journal (Boalt Hall) 42 (1995) (symposium)
Free Trade and Closed Borders: NAFTA and Mexican Immigration to the United States, 27 U.C. Davis Law Review 937 (1994) (symposium)(reprinted in 16 Immigration and Nationality Review 465 (1994-95))
Responding to the "Litigation Explosion": The Plain Meaning of Executive Branch Primacy Over Immigration, Responding to the "Litigation Explosion": The Plain Meaning of Executive Branch Primacy Over Immigration
Los Olvidados: Images of the Immigrant, Political Power of Noncitizens, and Immigration Law and Enforcement, 1993 Brigham Young University Law Review 1139
ng the Gap: Some Thoughts About Interstitial Lawmaking and the Federal Securities Laws, 48 Washington & Lee Law Review 879 (1991) (contribution to Annual Review of Securities and Commodities Law) (reprinted in Securities Law Review (1992) (Donald C. Langevoort, ed.))
A "Hard Look" at the Executive Branch's Asylum Decisions, 1991 Utah Law Review 279
Liability for Reckless Misrepresentations and Omissions Under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 59 University of Cincinnati Law Review 667 (1991)
Joint Ventures and the Federal Antitrust Laws: Determining Which Combinations Foster Competition, The Computer Lawyer, Vol. 3, No. 7 (July 1986)
Immigration Law Professors Blog,
Social Science Research Council, From King to Obama: Race in America, Spring 2008 Open Borders, Integrated Economy, Sacramento Bee, Nov. 18, 2007, at E2
Protecting National Security Through More Liberal Admission of Immigrants, NEXUS: Journal of Opinion (Oct. 8, 2007)
Who Cares About How We Treat Immigrants?, LTVN The Legal Television Network published Jan. 3, 2007
Book Review of Immigrant America: A Portrait, by Alejandro Portes and Ruben G. Rumbaut (2006), Law and Politics Book Review, Vol. 16 No. 12 (Dec 2006), available at
Radical Immigration Reform: Opening Up the Borders?, LTVN The Legal Television Network published on Dec. 18, 2006.
Book Review of John D. Skrenty, The Minority Rights Revolution, (2002), in 47 American Journal of Legal History 315 (2005)
Book Review of Jose Luis Morin, Latina/o Rights and Justice in the United States, (2005), in 4 Latino Studies 169 (2006)
Is a New Civil Rights Movement Emerging?, Diverse Online (May 4, 2006)
Comments on Raven Lecture on Access to Justice, y Georgetown Law Center Dean T. Alexander Aleinikoff's (Mar. 26, 2006)
Guest Contributor, Nov. 2005-Jan. 2006
We Shouldn't Make Policies We May Regret: Mexican Repatriation of 1930's Should Warn Us Against Quick Fixes, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 7, 2006
Book Review of Mark Dow, American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons, (2004), in 6 Journal of International Migration and Integration 154 (2005)
Entries for Latino Immigration and Intermarriage in 2 Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, and Society in the United States, 344, 371 (Ilan Stavans, ed., 2005)
Get Real About Migrant Workers, Sacramento Bee, May 13, 2005.
Stick to Fighting Crime, Boston Review, Dec.2004/Jan. 2005, at 17
Asian Exclusion Legislation, in Encyclopedia of the Great Plains 139 (David J. Wishart ed., 2004).
Book Review of Gendered and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends, (Pierette Hondagneu-Sotelo ed., 2003), in Contemporary Sociology 33(3) (2004): 304.
Strom Thurmond’s Daughter and the Enduring Taboo on Black/White Marriages, S.F. Chronicle, Jan. 4, 2004, at D5.
A Defense of the Estrada Filibuster: A Judicial Nominee that the Senate Cannot Judge, FindLaw Legal Commentary, www.findlaw.com, Feb. 27, 2003
The First Latino Supreme Court Justice?, FindLaw Legal Commentary, www.findlaw.com, Oct. 17, 2002
Immigration Law Practice in Oxford Companion to American Law, 411 (Kermit L. Hall, 2002)
Race Profiling: Back to the Future?, California Bar Journal, July 2002, at 8
On the 30th Anniversary of the Chicano-Latino Law Review, 23 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 1 (2002)
In Memoriam: Daniel J. Dykstra, 35 U.C. Davis Law Review 519 (2002)
Legal Immigration in the 21st Century, in Blueprints for an Ideal Legal Immigration Policy, 37 (Richard D. Lamm & Alan Simpson eds., 2001)
The Case Against Race Profiling in Immigration Enforcement, Human Rights (American Bar Association), Winter, 2001, at 23
Race, Immigration and International Law, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, March 24-27, 1999, 93 ASIL Proc. 214 (2000)
Book Review of Ethic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry, (Crawford Young ed., 1998), 1 Journal of International Migration and Integration (Canada) 512 (2000)
oreword -- Dedication of The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues, 1 The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues 1 (1999)
Pride and Prejudice, Latina, June 1999, at 114
Racial Mixture, Identity Choice, and Civil Rights, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Civil Rights Journal 44 (fall 1998) (review essay)
Book Review of Keith Fitzgerald, The Face of the Nation: Immigration, the State and the National Identity, 31 International Migration Review 189 (1997)
Proposition 187: The Nativist Campaign, The Impact on the Latino Community, and the Future, ulian Samora Research Institute Working Paper No. 15 (June 1996)
California's `Civil Rights Initiative' Deserves Our Full Attention, Hispanic Business, May 1995, at 8
INS v. Elias-Zacarias: Its Disturbing, But Limited, Implications, in Mark Silverman et al., Winning Asylum Cases 3app-1 (1992 & 1994 Supplement)
e Supreme Court's Decision in INS v. Elias-Zacarias: Is There Any "There" There?, 9 Interpreter Releases 285 (1992) (co-authored with Deborah Anker & Carolyn P. Blum) (reprinted as adapted in 4 International Journal of Refugee Law 267 (1992))
Court Restricts Ability of Immigrants to Obtain Political Asylum, Update on Law-Related Education, at 37 (Spring/Summer 1992)
Judging From a Passing Glance, The Recorder (San Francisco), July 15, 1992, at 7, col. 1
From Refugees to Rubber Stamps, The Recorder (San Francisco), Sept. 18, 1991, at 4, col. 2
Reconsidering Refugees, The Recorder (San Francisco), Sept. 10, 1991, at 4, col. 2
The Truth and Consequences of the Common Law as Social Propositions, (Book Review), 23 University of California at Davis Law Review 903 (1990)
Case Comment, The Supreme Court, 1981 Term, 96 Harvard Law Review 106 (1982) (Rogers v. Lodge, 458 U.S. 613 (1982))
Case Comment, The Supreme Court, 1981 Term, 96 Harvard Law Review 278 (1982) (American Tobacco Co. v. Patterson, 456 U.S. 63 (1982) and Connecticut v. Teal, 457 U.S. 440 (1982))
Note, In Defense of Tribal Sovereign Immunity, 95 Harvard Law Review 1058 (1982)
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Revision as of 06:08, 22 November 2008

Kevin R. Johnson is the Dean of the UC Davis School of Law - King Hall. Before becoming a professor, he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review, served as a clerk to Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and worked for law firm Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe. Johnson joined the faculty at the UC Davis School of Law (King Hall) in 1989, was named Associate Dean in 1998, and the Dean in 2008. He is the first Latino to head a law school in the UC system. [1]

Dean Johnson is nationally respected as a scholar in civil rights, chicano/a studies, and immigration law. He serves on the board of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, [2] and as the president of the board of directors of Legal Services of Northern California. [3] Johnson is a senior immigration advisor to Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama [4], and contributes to the influence immgration law blog, ImmgrationProf [[1]].


  1. ^ "Kevin Johnson named Dean of law school". UC Davis News & Information. 2008-05-05. Retrieved 2008-08-21.
  2. ^ "MALDEF LEADERS AWARDED TOP HONORS FROM NATIONAL HISPANIC BAR". MALDEF. 2006-8-21. Retrieved 2008-08-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  3. ^ http://www.lsnc.info/Home%20Page
  4. ^ "Immigration issues Don't Divide McCain, Obama". National Public Radio. 2008-6-10. Retrieved 2008-08-21. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)

Kevin R. Johnson is currently Dean, Professor of Law and Chicana/o Studies, and the Mabie-Apallas Public Interest Law Chair holder at the University of California at Davis. From 1998-2008, he served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. He has published extensively on immigration law and policy, racial identity, and civil rights in national and international journals. Dean Johnson's bookHow Did You Get to Be Mexican? A White/Brown Man's Search for Identity was published in 1999 and was nominated for the 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. He also has publishedRace, Civil Rights, and American Law A Multiracial Approach and Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader (2002). The "Huddled Masses" Myth Immigration and Civil Rights (2004).

Full Biography...

Dean Johnson's latest book is Opening the Floodgates: Why America Needs to Rethink its Borders and Immigration Laws (2007), which has received positive reviews and was featured on television and radio.

A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where he served as an editor of the Harvard Law Review, Johnson earned his undergraduate degree in economics from UC Berkeley. After law school, he clerked for the Honorable Stephen Reinhardt of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in Los Angeles and worked as an attorney at the international law firm Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe in San Francisco. Professor Johnson has served on the Legal Services of Northern California board of directors since 1996, was Vice President of the board, and is the current President of the board. In 2006, he was elected to the board of directors of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

Dean Johnson joined the UC Davis law faculty in 1989 and was named Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1998 and Dean in 2008. He has taught a wide array of classes at King Hall, including immigration law, Latinos and Latinas and the law, refugee law, civil procedure, public interest law, and Critical Race Theory. In 1993, he was the recipient of the law school's Distinguished Teaching Award. A regular participant in national and international conferences, Dean Johnson has also held leadership positions in the Association of American Law Schools. He has been honored for his service by the Minority Groups Section of the Association of American Law Schools with the Clyde Ferguson Award in 2004 and previously by the UC Davis campus. In 2006, the Hispanic National Bar Association named him the Law Professor of the Year. He was named the National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies 2008 Scholar of the Year. In 2003, Dean Johnson was elected to the American Law Institute.

... CloseSpecial Interests Immigration Law And Policy, Refugee Law, Civil Rights, Critical Race Theory, Critical Latina/o Theory, Complex Litigation, Civil Procedure (Including Civil Litigation And Complex Litigation) Selected Career Highlights Appointed Dean of the School of Law, July, 2008. Named Mabie-Apallas Public Interest Law Chair in 2004. Appointed Associate Dean of the School of Law, July, 1998.

More Career Highlights...

Published How Did You Get to Be Mexican, A White/Brown Man's Search for Identity, 1999 (nominated for 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award). Recipient of the 1993 Distinguished Teaching Award. Law clerk to Judge Stephen Reinhardt, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Co-author of two amicus curiae briefs submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in immigration cases. Director, Chicana/o Studies Program 2000-01; joint appointment Chicana/o Studies, 2000. Editor of the Harvard Law Review, volumes 95-96. ... CloseSelected Publications Opening the Floodgates: Why America Needs to Rethink Its Borders and Immigration Laws, NYU Press, 20077 (Critical America Series) Complex Litigation: Cases and Materials on Litigating for Social Change, Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2008 (with Catherine A. Rogers & John Valery White) The "Huddled Masses" Myth: Immigration and Civil Rights, Temple University Press, 2004 Mixed Race America and the Law: A Reader, New York University Press, 2002

More Publications...

A Reader on Race, Civil Rights, and America Law: A Multiracial Approach, Carolina Academic Press, 2001 (co-authored with Timothy Davis & George A. Martínez) How Did You Get to Be Mexican?: A White/Brown Man's Search For Identity, Temple University Press, 1999 (nominated for 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award) The Devastating Impact of the Initiative Process on Latina/o and Immigrant Communities, 96 California Law Review (forthcoming 2008) (symposium) An Assessment of LatCrit Theory Ten Years After, 83 Indiana Law Journal, (forthcoming 2008) (with Keith Aoki) (symposium) Hurricane Katrina: Lessons About Immigrants in the Modern Administrative State, 45 Houston Law Review 11 (2008) (endowed Lecture) The Story of Whren v. United States: The Song Remains the Same, in Race and Law Stories, (Devon Carbado & Rachel F. Moran, editors, Foundation Press, forthcoming 2008) Protecting National Security Through More Liberal Admission of Immigrants, 2007 University of Chicago Legal Forum 157 (symposium) The Immigrant Rights Marches of 2006 and the Prospects for a New Civil Rights Movement, 42 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 99 (2007) (co-authored with Bill Ong Hing) Taking the "Garbage" Out in Tulia: Racial Profiling and the Taboo on Black/White Romance in the "War on Drugs", 2007 Wisconsin Law Review 239 (symposium) Immigration Reform, National Security After September 11, and the Future of North American Integration, 91 Minnesota Law Review 1369 (2007) (co-authored with Bernard Trujillo) (symposium) The Legacy of Jim Crow: The Enduring Taboo of Black-White Romance, 84 Texas Law Review 739 (2006) National Identity in a Multicultural Nation: The Challenge of Immigration Law and Immigrants, 03 Michigan Law Review 1347 (2005) (2005 Survey of Books related to the Law) (with Bill Ong Hing) The Forgotten "Repatriation" of Persons of Mexican Ancestry and lessons for the "War on Terror", 26 Pace Law Review 1 (2005)(endowed lecture) Maria and Joseph Plasencia's Lost Weekend: The Case of Landon v. Plasencia, in Immigration Stories, (David A. Martin & Peter H. Schuck eds., Foundation Press, forthcoming 2005) Hernandez v. Texas: Legacies of Justice and Injustice, 25 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 153 (2005) (symposium issue)(reprinted in "Colored Men" and "Hombres Aqui": Hernandez v. Texas and the Emergence of Mexican American Lawering 53 (Michael A. Olivas ed., Arte Publico Press, 2006) Cry Me a River: The Limits of A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools, 7 African-American Law & Policy Report (UC Berkeley-Boalt Hall) 1 (2005) Immigration and Civil Rights After September 11: The Impact on California - An Introduction, 38 U.C. Davis. Law Review 599 (2005) African American and Latino Cooperation in Challenging Racial Profiling, in Neither Enemies Nor Friends: Latinos, Blacks, Afro-Latinos, (Anani Dzidzienyo & Suzanne Oboler editors, 2005, Palgrave MacMillan) Roll Over Beethoven: "A Critical Examination of Recent Writing about Race", 82 Texas Law Review 717 (2004) The Last Twenty Five Years of Affirmative Action?, 23 Constitutional Commentary 171 (2004) (symposium) (reprinted as adapted in 29 Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 171 (2004)) A Principle Approach to the Quest for Racial Diversity on the Judiciary, 5 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 5 (2004). International Human Rights Class Actions: New Frontiers for Group Litigation, 2004 Mich. St. L. Rev. 643 Driver's Licenses and Undocumented Immigrants: The Future of Civil Rights Law?, 5 Nevada Law Journal 213 (2004) (symposium issue). Foreword: LatCrit Goes International, 16 Fla. J. Int'l L. x (2004) Law and Politics in Post-Modern California: Coalition or Conflict Between African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/os?, 4 Ethnicities 381 (2004) (special issue) (Linda Trinh Vo & Rodolfo D. Torres eds) The Continuing Latino Quest for Full Membership and Equal Citizenship: Legal Progress, Social Setbacks, and Political Promise, in The Columbia History of Latinos in the United States Since 1960, 391 (David Gutiérrez editor, 2004, Columbia University Press) Integrating Racial Justice into the Civil Procedure Survey Course, 54 Journal of Legal Education 242 (2004) Racial Profiling After September 11: The Department of Justice’s 2003 Guidelines, 50 Loyola Law Review 67 (2004) (symposium) Open Borders?, 51 UCLA Law Review 193 (2003) (reprinted, as adapted, in 9 Bender’s Immigration Bulletin 256 (March 1, 2004)) Civil Liberties Post-September 11: A Time of Danger, A Time of Opportunity, 2 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 3 (2003) (symposium) The Case for African American and Latina/o Cooperation in Challenging Race Profiling, 55 Florida Law Review 341 (2003) (symposium) The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Need for, and Impediments to, Political Coalitions Among and Within Minority Groups, 63 Louisiana Law Review 759 (2003) (symposium) Immigration, Civil Rights, and Coalitions for Social Justice, 1 Hastings Race & Poverty Law Journal 181 (2003) Struck by Lightning? Interracial Intimacy and Racial Justice, 25 Human Rights Quarterly 528 (2003) (with Kristina L. Burrows) (published as adapted in 29 Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 219 (2004)) September 11 and Mexican Immigrants: Collateral Damage Comes Home, 52 DePaul Law Review 849 (2003) (symposium contribution) The End of “Civil Rights” as We Know It?: Immigration and the New Civil Rights Law, 49 UCLA Law Review 1481 (2002) (reprinted in 23 Immigration & Nationality Review 587 (2003) Race, Civil Rights, and Immigration Law After September 11, 2001: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims, 58 NYU Annual Survey of American Law 295 (2002) (symposium contribution), reprinted, as adapted, in Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims 9-25 (Elaine Hagopian ed., 2004) (2004 Myers Outstanding Book Award) and Anti-Terrorist Measures and Human Rights (Wolfgang Benedek & Alice Yotopoulos-Marangopoulos eds., 2004) Latina/os and the Political Process: The Need for Critical Inquiry, 81 Oregon Law Review 917 (2002) (symposium contribution) The Moral High Ground? The Relevance of International Law to Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Immigration Laws, in Moral Imperialism: A Critical Anthology, 285 (Berta Esperanza Truyol-Hernández editor, 2002, New York University Press) U.S. Border Enforcement: Drugs, Migrants, and the Rule of Law, 47 Villanova Law Review 897 (2002) (symposium on “New Voices on the War on Drugs”) Race and the Immigration Laws: The Need for Critical Inquiry, in Crossroads, Directions, and a New Critical Race Theory, 187 (Francisco Valdes, Jerome McCristal Culp, & Angela P. Harris eds., Temple University Press, 2002) On the Appointment of a Latina/o to the Supreme Court, 5 Harvard Latino Law Review 1 (2002) (symposium) (published concurrently in 13 Berkeley La Raza Law Journal 1 (Boalt Hall) (2002)) Comparative Racialization: Culture and National Origin in the Latina/o Communities, 78 Denver University Law Review 633 (2001) (symposium) Regional Integration in North America and Europe: Lessons about Civil Rights and Equal Citizenship, 9 University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review 33 (2000-01) (symposium) Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans, and LatCrit Theory: Commonalities and Differences Between Latina/o Experiences, 6 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 107 (2001) (reprinted in reprinted in 22 Immigration and Nationality Review 459 (2001) The Case Against Race Profiling in Immigration Enforcement, 78 Washington University Law Quarterly 675 (2000) (published in adapted form in Human Rights, Winter 2001, at 23) (reprinted in 21 Immigration & Nationality Law Review 531 (2000)) Race Matters: Immigration Law and Policy Scholarship, Law in the Ivory Tower, and the Legal Indifference of the Race Critique, 2000 University of Illinois Law Review 525 The Rodrigo Chronicles, Latino/as, and Racial Oppression: A Blueprint for the Next Generation, Harvard Latino Law Review 47 (2000) (symposium) Race and Immigration Law and Enforcement: A Response To “Is There a Plenary Power Doctrine?", 14 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 289 (2000) (symposium) Foreword – Celebrating LatCrit Theory: What Do We Do When the Music Stops?, 33 U.C. Davis Law Review 753 (2000) (symposium) Discrimination by Proxy: The Case of Proposition 227 and the Ban on Bilingual Education, 33 U.C. Davis Law Review 1227 (2000) (co-authored with George A. Martínez) (symposium) Lawyering for Social Change: What’s a Lawyer to Do?, 5 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 201 (1999) (symposium) Crossover Dreams: Chicana/o Studies Activism and Scholarship and the Roots of LatCrit Theory, 53 University of Miami Law Review 1143 (1999) (co-authored with George A. Martínez) (symposium) Race, The Immigration Laws, and Domestic Race Relations: A "Magic Mirror" Into the Heart of Darkness, 73 Indiana Law Journal 1111 (1998) (reprinted in 19 Immigration and Nationality Review 585 (1999), 2 Immigration Law and the Constitution 217 (Garland Publishing, Gabriel J. Chin, Victor Romero, & Michael Scaperlanda eds., 2000), and Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima, & Angela Oh eds., forthcoming, 2002)) Clinical Legal Education and the U.C. Davis Immigration Law Clinic: Putting Theory Into Practice and Practice Into Theory, 51 SMU Law Review 1423 (1998) (co-authored with Amagda Pérez) (symposium on Clinical Legal Education) Immigration and Latino Identity, 19 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 197 (1998) (symposium)(reprinted in 19 Immigration and Nationality Review 569 (1999)) Essay on Immigration, Citizenship, and U.S./Mexico Relations: The Tale of Two Treaties, 5 Southwestern Journal of Law & Trade in the Americas 121 (1998) (symposium)(reprinted in The Legacy of the Mexican and Spanish-American Wars: Legal, Literary, and Historical Perspectives (Gary D. Keller & Cordelia Candelaria eds., Bilingual Press, 2000)) Racial Hierarchy, Asian Americans and Latinos as "Foreigners," and Social Change: Is Law the Way to Go?, 76 Oregon Law Review 347 (1997) (symposium)(to be reprinted in Law Through Asian American Eyes: A Critical Inquiry for Multi-Racial America (Eric Yamamoto, Chris Iijima, & Angela Oh eds., forthcoming, 2002)) “Melting Pot" or "Ring of Fire"?: Assimilation and the Mexican-American Experience, 85 California Law Review 1259 (1997) (published concurrently in 10 La Raza Law Journal 173 (1998) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 427 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., NYU Press, 1998) and Readings in Race and the Law: A Guide to Critical Race Theory (Alex M. Johnson, Jr. ed., West Publishing, forthcoming)) The New Nativism: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, in Immigrants Out! The New Nativism and the Anti-Immigrant Impulse in the United States, 165 (Juan F. Perea ed., NYU Press, 1997) Some Thoughts on the Future of Latino Legal Scholarship, 2 Harvard Latino Law Review, 101 (1997) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 198, 488 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998)) The Antiterrorism Act, The Immigration Reform Act, and Ideological Regulation in the Immigration Laws: Important Lessons For Citizens and Noncitizens, 28 St. Mary's Law Journal 833 (1997) (symposium) “Aliens" and the U.S. Immigration Laws: The Social and Legal Construction of Nonpersons, 28 University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, 263 (1996-97) (symposium) (reprinted in 18 Immigration and Nationality Review 3 (1999) Why Alienage Jurisdiction? Historical Foundations and Modern Justifications for Federal Jurisdiction Over Disputes Involving Noncitizens, 21 Yale Journal of International Law 1 (1996) (reprinted in 17 Immigration and Nationality Review 389 (1995-96)) Fear of an "Alien Nation"? Race, Immigration, and Immigrants, 7 Stanford Law & Policy Review 111 (1996) (symposium) Racial Restrictions on Naturalization: The Recurring Intersection of Race and Gender in Immigration and Citizenship Law, 11 Berkeley Women's Law Journal 142 (1996) Public Benefits and Immigration: The Intersection of Immigration Status, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class, 42 UCLA Law Review 1509 (1995) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 376 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998) and Critical Race Feminism: A Reader (Adrien Katherine Wing 2d ed., 2002)) (reprinted in 17 Immigration and Nationality Review 457 (1995-96)) An Essay on Immigration Politics, Popular Democracy, and California's Proposition 187: The Political Relevance and Legal Irrelevance of Race, 70 Washington Law Review 629 (1995) (symposium)(excerpted in The Latino/a Condition: A Critical Reader 110 (Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic eds., 1998)) Death of a Salesman?: Forum Shopping and Outcome Determination Under International Shoe, 28 University of California at Davis Law Review 769 (1995) (symposium)(co-authored with Christopher D. Cameron) Civil Rights and Immigration: Challenges for the Latino Community in the Twenty-First Century, 8 La Raza Law Journal (Boalt Hall) 42 (1995) (symposium) Free Trade and Closed Borders: NAFTA and Mexican Immigration to the United States, 27 U.C. Davis Law Review 937 (1994) (symposium)(reprinted in 16 Immigration and Nationality Review 465 (1994-95)) Responding to the "Litigation Explosion": The Plain Meaning of Executive Branch Primacy Over Immigration, Responding to the "Litigation Explosion": The Plain Meaning of Executive Branch Primacy Over Immigration Los Olvidados: Images of the Immigrant, Political Power of Noncitizens, and Immigration Law and Enforcement, 1993 Brigham Young University Law Review 1139 ng the Gap: Some Thoughts About Interstitial Lawmaking and the Federal Securities Laws, 48 Washington & Lee Law Review 879 (1991) (contribution to Annual Review of Securities and Commodities Law) (reprinted in Securities Law Review (1992) (Donald C. Langevoort, ed.)) A "Hard Look" at the Executive Branch's Asylum Decisions, 1991 Utah Law Review 279 Liability for Reckless Misrepresentations and Omissions Under Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 59 University of Cincinnati Law Review 667 (1991) Joint Ventures and the Federal Antitrust Laws: Determining Which Combinations Foster Competition, The Computer Lawyer, Vol. 3, No. 7 (July 1986) Immigration Law Professors Blog, Social Science Research Council, From King to Obama: Race in America, Spring 2008 Open Borders, Integrated Economy, Sacramento Bee, Nov. 18, 2007, at E2 Protecting National Security Through More Liberal Admission of Immigrants, NEXUS: Journal of Opinion (Oct. 8, 2007) Who Cares About How We Treat Immigrants?, LTVN The Legal Television Network published Jan. 3, 2007 Book Review of Immigrant America: A Portrait, by Alejandro Portes and Ruben G. Rumbaut (2006), Law and Politics Book Review, Vol. 16 No. 12 (Dec 2006), available at Radical Immigration Reform: Opening Up the Borders?, LTVN The Legal Television Network published on Dec. 18, 2006. Book Review of John D. Skrenty, The Minority Rights Revolution, (2002), in 47 American Journal of Legal History 315 (2005) Book Review of Jose Luis Morin, Latina/o Rights and Justice in the United States, (2005), in 4 Latino Studies 169 (2006) Is a New Civil Rights Movement Emerging?, Diverse Online (May 4, 2006) Comments on Raven Lecture on Access to Justice, y Georgetown Law Center Dean T. Alexander Aleinikoff's (Mar. 26, 2006) Guest Contributor, Nov. 2005-Jan. 2006 We Shouldn't Make Policies We May Regret: Mexican Repatriation of 1930's Should Warn Us Against Quick Fixes, Houston Chronicle, Jan. 7, 2006 Book Review of Mark Dow, American Gulag: Inside U.S. Immigration Prisons, (2004), in 6 Journal of International Migration and Integration 154 (2005) Entries for Latino Immigration and Intermarriage in 2 Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, and Society in the United States, 344, 371 (Ilan Stavans, ed., 2005) Get Real About Migrant Workers, Sacramento Bee, May 13, 2005. Stick to Fighting Crime, Boston Review, Dec.2004/Jan. 2005, at 17 Asian Exclusion Legislation, in Encyclopedia of the Great Plains 139 (David J. Wishart ed., 2004). Book Review of Gendered and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends, (Pierette Hondagneu-Sotelo ed., 2003), in Contemporary Sociology 33(3) (2004): 304. Strom Thurmond’s Daughter and the Enduring Taboo on Black/White Marriages, S.F. Chronicle, Jan. 4, 2004, at D5. A Defense of the Estrada Filibuster: A Judicial Nominee that the Senate Cannot Judge, FindLaw Legal Commentary, www.findlaw.com, Feb. 27, 2003 The First Latino Supreme Court Justice?, FindLaw Legal Commentary, www.findlaw.com, Oct. 17, 2002 Immigration Law Practice in Oxford Companion to American Law, 411 (Kermit L. Hall, 2002) Race Profiling: Back to the Future?, California Bar Journal, July 2002, at 8 On the 30th Anniversary of the Chicano-Latino Law Review, 23 UCLA Chicano-Latino Law Review 1 (2002) In Memoriam: Daniel J. Dykstra, 35 U.C. Davis Law Review 519 (2002) Legal Immigration in the 21st Century, in Blueprints for an Ideal Legal Immigration Policy, 37 (Richard D. Lamm & Alan Simpson eds., 2001) The Case Against Race Profiling in Immigration Enforcement, Human Rights (American Bar Association), Winter, 2001, at 23 Race, Immigration and International Law, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law, March 24-27, 1999, 93 ASIL Proc. 214 (2000) Book Review of Ethic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry, (Crawford Young ed., 1998), 1 Journal of International Migration and Integration (Canada) 512 (2000) oreword -- Dedication of The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues, 1 The Scholar: St. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues 1 (1999) Pride and Prejudice, Latina, June 1999, at 114 Racial Mixture, Identity Choice, and Civil Rights, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Civil Rights Journal 44 (fall 1998) (review essay) Book Review of Keith Fitzgerald, The Face of the Nation: Immigration, the State and the National Identity, 31 International Migration Review 189 (1997) Proposition 187: The Nativist Campaign, The Impact on the Latino Community, and the Future, ulian Samora Research Institute Working Paper No. 15 (June 1996) California's `Civil Rights Initiative' Deserves Our Full Attention, Hispanic Business, May 1995, at 8 INS v. Elias-Zacarias: Its Disturbing, But Limited, Implications, in Mark Silverman et al., Winning Asylum Cases 3app-1 (1992 & 1994 Supplement) e Supreme Court's Decision in INS v. Elias-Zacarias: Is There Any "There" There?, 9 Interpreter Releases 285 (1992) (co-authored with Deborah Anker & Carolyn P. Blum) (reprinted as adapted in 4 International Journal of Refugee Law 267 (1992)) Court Restricts Ability of Immigrants to Obtain Political Asylum, Update on Law-Related Education, at 37 (Spring/Summer 1992) Judging From a Passing Glance, The Recorder (San Francisco), July 15, 1992, at 7, col. 1 From Refugees to Rubber Stamps, The Recorder (San Francisco), Sept. 18, 1991, at 4, col. 2 Reconsidering Refugees, The Recorder (San Francisco), Sept. 10, 1991, at 4, col. 2 The Truth and Consequences of the Common Law as Social Propositions, (Book Review), 23 University of California at Davis Law Review 903 (1990) Case Comment, The Supreme Court, 1981 Term, 96 Harvard Law Review 106 (1982) (Rogers v. Lodge, 458 U.S. 613 (1982)) Case Comment, The Supreme Court, 1981 Term, 96 Harvard Law Review 278 (1982) (American Tobacco Co. v. Patterson, 456 U.S. 63 (1982) and Connecticut v. Teal, 457 U.S. 440 (1982)) Note, In Defense of Tribal Sovereign Immunity, 95 Harvard Law Review 1058 (1982) ... 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