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Indeed, although subbed to the mailing list it doesn't seem to be working for me and haven't recieved any messages thus far.
Indeed, although subbed to the mailing list it doesn't seem to be working for me and haven't recieved any messages thus far.
[UPDATE] Book title is "The Alphabet of Manliness". Release is June 2006, and cost is $15 (a bargin compared to the price Maddox wanted, $50,000).
[UPDATE] Book title is "The Alphabet of Manliness". Release is June 2006, and cost is $15 (a bargin compared to the price Maddox wanted, $5,000).

~~I dont think anyone recieved the email, none of the fansites have the title posted. I think it was a gimmick by Maddox to piss us off :P
~~I dont think anyone recieved the email, none of the fansites have the title posted. I think it was a gimmick by Maddox to piss us off :P

Revision as of 22:11, 18 October 2005

Please see Talk:The_Best_Page_in_the_Universe/Delete for discussions over whether this article should be deleted.

Personal Information

Where exactly is this page concerning his status with the people of Armenia? I haven't found it. --BlueGlowGuardian 00:31, 13 May 2005 (UTC)

Hello. About a while ago I removed some personal info that someone (either vandal or legit editor) posted. The private information on Ouzounian included his phone number and address. The information was correct and I seriously doubt he would appreciate if he received masses of phone calls from people he does not know. Please make sure to keep this article free of such things. --BlueGlowGuardian 01:31, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)

However, we can still see it by looking at the edit history. I believe only a developer can take the entry out of the edit history. WhisperToMe 02:00, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)

The user who added the info was (talk · contributions). His edits have been reverted twice for adding Maxddox's personal information. I have left a warning on his/her talk page. -- FP ?? 02:44, Apr 27, 2005 (UTC)

Proposal for polishing up this article

  • Introduction explains relevance (rework and tighten up existing one)
  • Since this is an article about the site, not the author, begin with an overview of the site's content, followed by additional details about Maddox.
  • Keep April Fools and MAM sections
  • Remove Lou images section (it doesn't merit its own section)
  • Too many lists of facts: rewrite
  • Trim down external links
  • Maybe more discussion of knockoff and fan sites

Lou Images

Ok, what the heck does lou images have to do with Maddox? This all the explanation that is offered for the subsection: "The Lou images are shock images that Maddox uses to joke around with his friends and to shock his enemies." OMG@!@!!! Maddox shocked his enemies with some PIXXX!!?! My question is, who cares? I'm a reader of the The Best Page, and I've never run across these images. What is the source for this? IMHO, the Lou Images section is full of jargon and inside jokes bordering on patent nonsense not fit for an encyclopedia. It needs to be clarified and its importance explained, or it needs to go. (some anon)

  • Because its on his site? Really, it's not that difficult to see why we have info about the Lou images. Heck, he explained them in a text somewhere. WhisperToMe 21:30, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • I understand that the images are on his site (even though I've never run across them before and for the life of me can't locate them), but just because something is on Maddox's site doesn't mean that it needs to be included in an encyclopedic article about the site. By that logic, we might as well mirror the whole friggin' site here on wikipedia, since everything on his site is ON HIS SITE. What I'm trying to say is, we should include only significant items in the article, things that will help the reader to understand what Maddox and his site are, and not every minor detail about the site. On what basis do you justify having the Lou images in the wikipedia article? Is it indispensible to helping the reader understand Maddox, or does it just confuse things? And if you can justify it, how can we make it less inside joke-ish?
  • Wikipedia has an entire list of shock images. The reason why we describe them and give them their own section is because most people would not want to look at those images; Wikipedia instead describes them so that they know what is there without having to actually look at the image. WhisperToMe 22:14, 25 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • That's great that Wikipedia has an entire list of shock images. My question is why are they a part of the Maddox article?
  • It'd be kinda silly to list them separate from this article since they are actually on his site and that he had been asked about them. Maddox spilled the beans over where he got the images from and how he uses them. WhisperToMe 00:06, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • i wasn't able to find them, either. Unless someone can provide a source to these, I'm leaning toward removing the section as well. -- Norvy (talk) 28 June 2005 15:39 (UTC)
Removed. -- Norvy (talk) 29 June 2005 16:15 (UTC)
Added back - I showed Norvy proof that the images exist and I added on the source of Maddox's commentary. WhisperToMe 05:04, 13 July 2005 (UTC)

MAM coded by Maddox?

To suggest that the coding of Maddox's page and that of "Mothers against Maddox" is similar.

Maddox makes use of javascript and style sheets; MAM does not. Maddox shows little regard for whether an HTML tag is capitalized or not, and tends to use line breaks quite a bit, while MAM is textbook HTML, all lowercase and mostly inline.

A Sample from Maddox's site:

<BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white" LINK="yellow" VLINK="FF0000">
<font size=6 color="#FFFFFF">
Yes, it was April Fool's last week you morons.
<font size=5 color="D8D5D8">
Last week I decided to do something I hadn't done before by posting an 
<A HREF="c.cgi?u=april_fools04">April Fool's</A>
prank on my site.  I started writing it around midnight, and there was
a point when I sat staring at 
the obnoxious white background and thought to myself "this is
too obvious, nobody could possibly be dumb enough to fall for
this shit."  After all, if the "Mr. Clean" parody icon (a not-so-subtle nod
towards my new direction in content), the use of "LOL, ROFLMAO,
FAG," relaxed grammar and spelling, and the fact that the articles were dated
"04-01-04" didn't give it away, there were still a lot of hints thrown in
For example, see if you can spot the clue in the URL of every article:
<CENTER><IMG SRC="http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/af_url.gif" WIDTH=655 HEIGHT=45></CENTER>

A Sample from MAM:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC" text="#993333" link="black" vlink="gray" alink="gray">

<table border="0" width="800" align="center">

<img src="top.jpg" border="0"><br>
<img src="mid1.jpg" border="0"><a href="main.htm"><img src="mid2.jpg" border="0"></a><a href="about.htm"><img src="mid3.jpg" border="0"></a><a href="petition.htm"><img src="mid4.jpg" border="0"></a><a href="contact.htm"><img src="mid5.jpg" border="0"></a><img src="mid6.jpg" border="0"><br>
<img src="bottom.jpg" border="0"><br>
<font face="Arial" size="10"><b>Home</b></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="2"><b>
<u>1/24/04 - Update</u>: This past week I have been getting a lot of e-mails from people interested in helping me. At the moment, the best help would be to <a href="petition.htm">Sign the Petition</a>. When I have some free time at the end of this month I will organize a large group and we will start an internet protest against Maddox's website. Currently, parental blockers are not blocking his site and this is just unacceptable. If you wish to contact me about how you can make a difference, <a href="contact.htm">click here</a>.<br>
This is the offical website of Mothers Against Maddox (MAM). The self-proclaimed <a href="http://maddox.xmission.com" target="new">"Best Page In The Universe"</a> is run by a sick, sexist, prejudice, arrogant, hateful person by the name of Maddox. His website is giving children the wrong ideas about life and the world in which we live in. The more support that MAM gains from parents, the higher chance we have to shut his awful site down.<br>
Maddox is an extremely egotistical human being and his ego grows as the number of children that get lured into his site increase. By using twisted "humor", he tricks children into believing his hateful, biased opinions about people, the world, and life in general.<br>
I discovered his website when I found my oldest son, age 14 looking through a <a href="http://maddox.xmission.com/suicide.html" target="new">page on his site</a> that promoted suicide. I was shocked to find out that my son had been going to this site on a constant basis. Ever since my son started going to Maddox's website, I noticed an increase in his hatred towards certain groups of people and his negative attitude towards life. I no longer allow my children to connect to the internet without my supervision, because I do not want them to view such trash on the web, that promotes hate, suicide, violence, and bad-attitude.<br>
We must put an end to Maddox!</a></font><br>
<font face="Arial" size="2" align="left"><b>
<a href="petition.htm"><img src="right.jpg" align="right" border="0"></a>

Also of note: While Maddox uses < P > tags to start a new paragraph, MAM uses two < br > tags.

As you can see, the two are NOT similar. --Alexwcovington 16:27, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)

At the bottom of the mother's against maddox page, there is a banner for www.mothersagainstmaddox.cjb.net. I decided to follow it, and oddly enough, even with the geocities site down, the .cjb.net worked. It was loading pages from mam.2mn.net, which in turn was redirecting from maddox's mirror. Now unless "Beth" changed her free redirects to link to maddox's mirror, and within a few hours, I think maddox lies. The mam.2mn.net redirector has switched over to a bunch of search engines. IMO, the article should say that maddox claims there is a page, mothers against maddox, blah blah blah. Everyone seems to be just eating it up, which is probably what maddox wants. I can't wait for his next update...

-- 19:05, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)

--Llamatron 19:11, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I am certain that Maddox made it. Alexwcovington doesn't think the coding is similar for the reasons outlined above, but even if there are some syntactical differences I feel that the style is the same -- just gut feeling as a web developer, based on having looked at the source of 10s, if not 100s, of thousands of pages. I had a look at some of the JPEG headers and EXIF information of images both on Maddox's site (the newest update) and on MAM, and there are lots of parallels... compression levels, software used to make them (Photoshop 7), resolution etc. Of course, this doesn't prove anything, because they could be the default settings in Photoshop 7, I don't have a copy so can't check. It just looks and feels like Maddox's work to me, and while none of the things I've tried out prove this theory (they all allude to it though), nor do any of them disprove it. Also, it feels like something Maddox would do!

--Nrkn 03:47, 15 Sep 2004 (UTC)

The CJB redirect doesn't point to the maddox mirror. It points to some petition form place... WhisperToMe 04:14, 15 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I swear I heard about MAM well before Maddox pointed out its existence. Had a bit of a laugh, but you can't take net-nuts too seriously can you. I don't think Maddox would've made it.

Also is it just me or does this article have the best NPOV ever.--ZZ 12:33, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Then make it NPOV :| WhisperToMe 15:09, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hopefully I tried. WhisperToMe 15:14, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I wasn't entirely complaining. I'm too POV on this to really be capable of correcting it. Despite my penchant for communism, the environmnet and Che Guevera T-shirts, I still think Maddox rocks. I was suprised no MAM-hippie freak hadn't got their claws into it already --ZZ 00:49, 20 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Maddox said to me in an email he didn't make it.--Trevor Caira 22:41, 28 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Isn't it possible that he used a WYSIWYG type thing, since it was a Geocities page? I mean, I don't know all that much about web programming (aka, none), and I like Maddox, but this type thing, I just wonder who out there would care enough to make a site protesting this website (if there's one thing I can't stand about people with good blogs/random websites, it's when they become delusional about their popularity).

I think MAM is very liekly to have been coded by Madox. All the HTML has clearly been written manually, it has not been created in a WYSIWYG editor, all the tags are aligned all the way to the left whereas every WYSIWYG editor i have ever seen indents code extensively. Also there are no generator meta tags, which are usually inserted by WYSIWYG HTML editors and the meta tags that are there are not the kind of thing that would be generated by a WYSIWYG editor. All this points to the fact that it is very unlikely to have been created by a "concerned mother" unless that mother was quite well versed in HTML. (anon)

But the styles (between Maddox and MAM) are very different. And there are concerned mothers versed in HTML, or they have friends that are. WhisperToMe 02:53, 2 October 2005 (UTC)

Who doesn't like ninjas?

I coudln't find Ninjas mentioned anywhere in the FAQ. Soemone want to help me out. If Maddox doesn't like ninjas, my world is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also anybody think we should ask to get the Che-logo available for wiki? I'll send the e-mail to Maddox if anybody seconds the motion--ZZ 00:38, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I second it. Flag the e-mail as important or whatever. WhisperToMe 02:49, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)

No reply, I sent it over a week ago. Someone else want to try. Maybe if we spam his e-mail box with requests we can get a nasty article about Wikipedia?--ZayZayEM 01:34, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)

This article isn't very favorable

THe article seems extremely anti-Maddox. It does little to explain why exactly he so popular - can someone not as POV as I am work on it? --Etaonish 17:40, Oct 15, 2004 (UTC)

Explain what you think is anti-Maddox. I don't see how this is anti-Maddox at all... WhisperToMe 23:39, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Correction: it's not really anti-Maddox, but just not describing why exactly he is so popular. Keeps saying things like "he claims" this, he claims that.--Etaonish 00:22, Oct 16, 2004 (UTC)

Oh, because he is saying it. It's not like we can check Maddox's mail records to see if he recieved exactly 70whatever love notes. WhisperToMe 03:27, 16 Oct 2004 (UTC)

If it just said "Maddox is awexome because he roxxor to maxxor", or maybe an intelligent version of such a statement it would be POV. The way it is now is encyclopedic. I feel it is very pro-Maddox at the moment, though its better than it was when I first saw it. I think Maddox is good, but you can't let personal bias enter the article. Perhaps you can find some positive Maddox criticism from other websites (or other media sources?) and reference them.--ZayZayEM 04:16, 17 Oct 2004 (UTC)

I have visited Maddox's webpage ever since the "Garfield" article, and I quite frankly think he rocks. Saying Maddox "claims" is alright, and, since this is a Wikipedia, we can always edit it. Andre Wong 21:59, 13 Nov 2004 (UTC)

As someone who likes Maddox's site, I think this article is pretty fair. It doesn't say "he sucks" or anything like that. The organization of the article isn't bad either... could be plenty worse. --Headcase 04:54, 4 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Removal of Posers

Why did this happen.

I would understand if all had been removed. But one was left in the article. Why did this occur?--ZayZayEM 13:13, 21 Nov 2004 (UTC)

The Maddox Poseurs section is an open spam relay for non-notable dyspeptic wannabes.

Is there any reason why it should be kept?

chocolateboy 12:21, 31 Dec 2004 (UTC)

If you wanna remove it, go right ahead. WhisperToMe 18:19, 31 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Done! :-)

chocolateboy 09:03, 1 Jan 2005 (UTC)


From TBPITU, yesterday: "Update (02-14-05): I will be making an update and an announcement some time this week."

Speculation? Do you think he's going to stop updating the site completely?? - sars 17:30, Feb 15, 2005 (UTC)

  • d'uh--ZayZayEM 03:11, 16 Feb 2005 (UTC)
    • Okay. I was wrong. --ZayZayEM 08:44, 7 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Ok, what's that for? I'm just asking for speculation. I know a lot of people are saying it's the book, some are saying this "update and accouncement" is the very thing he just made... I'm just asking for opinions. sars 10:45, Feb 16, 2005 (UTC)

Comic Book

Isn't the Comic Book thing just another stupid joke. I don't think he is actually writing one.--ZayZayEM 03:11, 16 Feb 2005 (UTC)

he said he was n00b, read the site.

These don't seem to work, nor seem necessary for the article.

This article has way too many external links already, approaching on preposterous. The links to The Best Page... Homepage allow access to all contained articles, so individual articles shouldn't really get their own entry.--ZayZayEM 08:46, 7 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Well, some of those articles appear at the top and disappear from the site. Many articles and things are not directly linked from the site. WhisperToMe 01:58, 8 Mar 2005 (UTC)

2005 hack?

Has he gotten hacked today? Check his site, it's really weird...

  • EliasAlucard|Talk 14:07, Apr 2, 2005 (UTC)
    • And Maddox has another opportunity to write about how stupid he thinks his readers are. Heh. Check the date.--Etaonish 16:38, Apr 2, 2005 (UTC)

Dude, what are you talking about? The site was completely different, with that Terri Schiavo chick all over the site.

  • Oh. My. God. Are you stupid or something?!? It's April Fools! I suppose you got a bit confused last year too, eh? sars 17:17, Apr 2, 2005 (UTC)

Our timezones are different. I live in Sweden. It's April 2 here, and that Terri Schiavo thing was on April 2 for me. Either way, I'm aware of April fools thing. On April 1 I couldn't even access the site. Anyway, screw it. I was just checking.

His age

The artile where Maddox says he is 26 was from a year or two ago, so maybe it should be changed to "twenty-something" or something similar. [/nitpick]


"Maddox is of Armenian descent, as confirmed in a post questioning his status with the people of Armenia."

Where is said post? Just curious. FatherGuidoSarducci 04:56, Jun 7, 2005 (UTC)


People there are articles on Wikipedia titled George Ouzounian and George Ouzonian redirects to this article Ouzonian, George redirects to this article. Someone who has more time please clean this mess :).

Fixed the double redirect from Ouzonian, George. I don't think he needs his own page. -- Norvy (talk) 5 July 2005 15:34 (UTC)

RE: His age

In his Regressive Party Essay, he states at the end that people can't vote for him as president until the year 2016. The age requirement for presidency is 35, so that would put his his birthday is sometime between November 7th, 1978-November 8th 1981. Odds are that it's closer to 1978 because that would mean that he is 27 as of now (July 12, 2005)

Old Cleanup Archive

Taken from the old Cleanup entry…Archived by HopeSeekr of xMule (Talk) 15:39, 9 August 2005 (UTC)
  • The Best Page in the Universe - dial back from fancruft to encyclopedic coverage. --Jerzy~Jerzy - one user has removed the cleanup notice, made a bunch of changes, asked me what i thot, made more changes, all w/o discussing here. I've given this ten times the effort i intended, and my interest is too slight to read it again to see the effect of F'rG's latest. Anyone else? --Jerzy·t

Lou Images

Sorry if I'm merely repeating what other people have already said, but I believe that the Lou Images section should be deleted. It adds nothing substantial to the article and a newcomer wouldn't have the faintest idea of what it's talking about. Unless anyone disagrees I will have to take the liberty of removing them myself. --cheese-cube 01:58, 10 August 2005 (UTC)

As it currently seems there are no objections to my proposal I have removed the section. --cheese-cube 08:45, 15 August 2005 (UTC)

Separate article for spinoffs?

Knock-offs occupies half the article. I think these should either be deleted or spun off into their own separate article, with a seemain tag put on it. Hbdragon88 03:59, 16 August 2005 (UTC)

If you mean people who copy Maddox's style, they should get a little mention in this article, and no articles of their own. WhisperToMe 05:11, 16 August 2005 (UTC)

Deleted, I see. Well, that works. I just wanted to see if a separate article was better or if deletions were better. Thanks. Hbdragon88 05:49, 16 August 2005 (UTC)

Maybe someone should make a stub about each of the knock-offs because people have said a couple of times that more information about the knock offs would be prefered. In fact. I'll make the stubs now. It won't clutter up this page, however it will still have the information there for people who want it. I'll get the information from previous histories of the page.

zenofeller.com the inspiration for Maddox?

User C303ad has been editing this page all morning to point to zenofeller.com as "the page Maddox was inspired by." User Jeffthejiff then instructed against further edits removing this. Is this assertion correct, and if so, shouldn't the article text be changed to reflect this? Or is it, as I suspect, just a bit of self-promotion / vandalism? It should also be noted that C303ad also, in a past revision, changed the link of "The Best Page in the Universe" to point to zenofeller.com. Thanks. Hrnghl

sorry, i didnt see that link. the editing all morning was about the "criticism" section which C303ad originally added as a non-npov piece. After some revert wars, i edited the piece to become NPOV. C303ad then expanded on the section, and its ok now. sorry about that link though, i didnt notice it. --Jeffthejiff | Talk 20:49, 19 August 2005 (UTC)

I'd say it's definitely just promotion, the articles on zenofeller.com only date back to July 2005. The articles on Maddox's site dates back to 1998. Haddock420 04:02, 21 August 2005 (UTC)

The Blockings?

Should the wiki article mention that his website is banned in the United Arab Emirates, qutar and Saudi arabia? (not to mention websense and most other blocking software). --ThrashedParanoid 19:07, 11 September 2005 (UTC)

Added Hidden articles

I added a link to a list of hidden articles, I forgot to put this in the edit comments so I thought I'd let you guys know here 18:09, 9 October 2005 (UTC) The URL was messed up as The Best Fanpage have changed the way their site works. I fixed it to goto the right location -NegativeInoxx

Book title

Did anyone get the email with the title of the book? That info should be put into the article.

Indeed, although subbed to the mailing list it doesn't seem to be working for me and haven't recieved any messages thus far. [UPDATE] Book title is "The Alphabet of Manliness". Release is June 2006, and cost is $15 (a bargin compared to the price Maddox wanted, $5,000).

~~I dont think anyone recieved the email, none of the fansites have the title posted. I think it was a gimmick by Maddox to piss us off :P