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Turkish Scientist, best known for her contributions to medical and experimental psychology, some of which were led the way on other studies. Her early work on the subject is widely cited today. In her later life her interest turned to social and international peace issues and she started working on social psychological subjects. Her later work, her last three books and most of her later articles were on this subject area.
Turkish Scientist, best known for her contributions to medical and experimental psychology, some of which were led the way on other studies. Her early work on the subject is widely cited today. In her later life her interest turned to social and international peace issues and she started working on social psychological subjects. Her later work, her last three books and most of her later articles were on this subject area.

== Early Lİfe ==
== Early Life ==

'''Professor Beğlan Birand Toğrol''' was born in Istanbul, Turkey in March, 1927. She was the first of three daughters of Rifat Ahmet Birand, a barrister and Nüzhet Kaygusuz Birand. She had her secondary education at Scutary American Girls’ Lycée (1938-1945). She has then enrolled to the English Philology Department of Istanbul University where she got certificates both in English Literature and in Psychology (1945-1949). In 1948 she had also enrolled to the Academy of Fine Arts taking a degree in Painting from the famous Turkish painter Nurullah Berk’s Studio in 1952. Then, as Fulbright Exchange Scholar in psychology she went to Stanford University in California, U.S.A. (1952-1953). On her return to Istanbul University she took her Ph.D. at the Psychology Department, [[Istanbul University]] (Her Ph.D. supervisors were Professor Wilhelm Peters and Professor Mümtaz Turhan 1954).
'''Professor Beğlan Birand Toğrol''' was born in Istanbul, Turkey in March, 1927. She was the first of three daughters of Rifat Ahmet Birand, a barrister and Nüzhet Kaygusuz Birand. She had her secondary education at Scutary American Girls’ Lycée (1938-1945). She has then enrolled to the English Philology Department of Istanbul University where she got certificates both in English Literature and in Psychology (1945-1949). In 1948 she had also enrolled to the Academy of Fine Arts taking a degree in Painting from the famous Turkish painter Nurullah Berk’s Studio in 1952. Then, as Fulbright Exchange Scholar in psychology she went to Stanford University in California, U.S.A. (1952-1953). On her return to Istanbul University she took her Ph.D. at the Psychology Department, [[Istanbul University]] (Her Ph.D. supervisors were Professor Wilhelm Peters and Professor Mümtaz Turhan 1954).
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Revision as of 07:23, 15 November 2009

Turkish Scientist, best known for her contributions to medical and experimental psychology, some of which were led the way on other studies. Her early work on the subject is widely cited today. In her later life her interest turned to social and international peace issues and she started working on social psychological subjects. Her later work, her last three books and most of her later articles were on this subject area.

Early Life

Professor Beğlan Birand Toğrol was born in Istanbul, Turkey in March, 1927. She was the first of three daughters of Rifat Ahmet Birand, a barrister and Nüzhet Kaygusuz Birand. She had her secondary education at Scutary American Girls’ Lycée (1938-1945). She has then enrolled to the English Philology Department of Istanbul University where she got certificates both in English Literature and in Psychology (1945-1949). In 1948 she had also enrolled to the Academy of Fine Arts taking a degree in Painting from the famous Turkish painter Nurullah Berk’s Studio in 1952. Then, as Fulbright Exchange Scholar in psychology she went to Stanford University in California, U.S.A. (1952-1953). On her return to Istanbul University she took her Ph.D. at the Psychology Department, Istanbul University (Her Ph.D. supervisors were Professor Wilhelm Peters and Professor Mümtaz Turhan 1954).

Academic Life

She became a Dozent in the same department in 1957. She was then elected to Sarah Smithson Research Fellowship at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she conducted experiments on “colour perception” at the Psychology Department of the University (1957-1960). University of Cambridge conferred her M.A. (Cantab) degree upon this election. She became a professor at the Psychology Department, Istanbul University in 1965. She held the Chair of Experimental Psychology (1969-1977), and was the Head of the Department of Psychology (1982-1994). She was also the Principal of the Institute of Experimental Psychology (1969-1981). She has published 10 books, and over a hundred original articles mostly in visual perception, medical psychology and on psychological problems of different social and cultural groups.

Other research projects

She has also taken part in some research projects with different departments both in Turkey and abroad. Such projects as the longitudinal “psychological studies in endocrinal diseases” conducted at the Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Endocrinology Section with Professors Suphi Artunkal and İrfan Urgancıoğlu and contributions to the Turkish section of an “International semantic research” conducted at the University of Illinois by Professor Charles Osgood may be mentioned as examples. She has taken part in several other research projects as well. She has attended many congresses both in Turkey and abroad with original papers.

She has been able to build a Center for Psychological Counselling and Experimental Psychology in her Department of Psychology at Istanbul University, realized with donations raised by her own personal efforts. This Center, called “The Pink House”, provided a wide range of counselling and guidance services to the community by a volunteer staff of eleven professors and assistants from the Department of Psychology. She was also founder of “The Psychological Research Foundation”.

Awards and Recognition

In 1992 she was elected to “Honorary Fellowship” of Newnham College, Cambridge. International Council of Psychologists elected her in 1982 to Life Membership and she was also the recipient of ICP Certificate of Recognition in 1992. The Children’s Foundation of Turkey rewarded her for socio-cultural researches on “the Turkish family”. She has retired from the University in 1994. She is married to Professor Ergün Toğrol and their son Erdem Toğrol is a Neurologist in the Turkish Navy.

National and International Organisation Memberships

Türk Psikoloji Derneği (1956- Founder Member)

Türk Nöro-Psikoloji Derneği (1976)

International Council of Psychologists (ICP) (1959), “Life Member” (1982), “ICP Certificate of

Recognition for Leadership and Outstanding Contribution to ICP Award (17 Temmuz 1992)

Physical Society Colour Group (Great Britain) (1959)

Inter-Society Colour Council, U.S.A., ISCC (1959)

International Colour Association (AIC) (1967) (Observer for Turkey)

Important meetings she has attended

International Psychology Congress, Bonn (1960), London (1969), Paris (1977)

International Council of Psychologists, Paris (1976), Amsterdam (1992)

International Colour Meeting, Luzern (1965) (Bildirisi, Proceedings dışında Almanya’da Die Farbe’de yayınlanmış, İngiltere’de Bayındırlık Bakanlığının (Ministry of Public and Building Works) “Colour in Building” adlı Bibliyografyasına ithal edilmiştir. Library Bibliography No. 232)

Semantic Conference, Dubrovnik (1963), Pugnochioso (1971)

Psychosomatic Research Conference, Ciba Foundation London (1964), Istanbul (1980)

Peaceful Settlement of Conflict Conferences, Antalya (Nisan 1992), E. Akademie Loccum, Rehburg- Loccum Germany (March 1993), (Mach 1994), (November 1994)

Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi, İstanbul (1973), Ankara (1974), İstanbul (1976), İstanbul (1979), İstanbul (1983), İtanbul (1987)

Tıp/Endokrinoloji Kongreleri, İstanbul (1963), İzmir (1974), Ankara (1978), İstanbul (1979), İstanbul (1984)

Ulusal Rehabilitasyon Kongresi/Beyaz Baston Haftası, İstanbul (Eylül 1977, Ocak 1977, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1996), Ayvalık (1995)

Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, İzmir (1981), İstanbul (1984), Ankara (1986), İzmir (1988), İstanbul (1990) (Düzenleme Kurulu Başkanı), Ankara (1992), İzmir (1994)


Büyük Britanya’da Yeni Psikoloji Cereyanları (F.C. Bartlett’ten çeviri), İstanbul, Baha Matbaası, 1957,92s.

İdeal Bir Üniversitede Psikolojinin Yeri (Harvard Üniversitesi Komisyon Raporu çevirisi), İstanbul, Baha Matbaası, 1958,46s.

İstatistik Metotları (E. Toğrol ile birlikte), İstanbul, Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, 1961, 100s., İstanbul, Matbaa Teknisyenleri Basımevi, 1967, (İkinci Baskı).

Psikolojide Deneylerin Düzenlenmesi ve Analiz Metotları, İstanbul, Baha Matbaası, 1963, 84s.

Korelâsyon Metotları, İstanbul, Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, 1966, 68s.

Duygusal Mana Sistemlerinin Genelliği, İstanbul, Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, 1967, 47s. Psikoloji Bölümü ve Tecrübî Psikoloji Enstitüsü Bibliyografyası, İstanbul, Edebiyat Fakültesi Basımevi, 1972, 112s.

112 Yıllık Göç (1989 Yazındaki Üç Aylık Göç’ün Tarihi Perspektif İçinde Psikolojik İncelemesi), İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Matbaası, 1989, 97s.

1989 Yazında Bulgaristan’dan Türkiye’ye Göç Eden Türklerin Psikolojik İncelemesi, İstanbul, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Matbaası, 1990, 100s.

Direniş (Bulgaristan Türklerinin 114 Yıllık Onur Mücadelesinin Karşılaştırmalı Psikolojik İncelemesi), İstanbul, Boğaziçi Matbaası, 1991, 135s.

Plus numerous articles