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The Author of the books:
*The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything) (2010)
*In a Painted Desert (Grains of Knowledge from the Dunes of the Representational Realm) (2010)
*Genius Quotes (How to Become More Intelligent, Smarter and Think Like a Genius) (2010)
*The Power of Universal Spirituality (2010)
*The History of Our Future (A Shift in the Cultural Continuum Towards Global Peace and Universal Humanity) (2011)
*Love Speaks (2011)
*and others.


*Outside Good and Evil - A Realm of Actions That Are Not Ethical or Moral by Henry M. Piironen
We have been taught that our actions are either good or evil. But this is extremely narrow vision, as there are actions that are not good, right, evil or wrong. With enough actions and by choice, we could live a vast quantity of our lives by performing acts that are not good or evil, but outside the realm of good and evil.

*Transient Morality, Cultural Continuum and the Innate Nature by Henry M. Piironen
The innate nature can be fashioned to correspond with different sets of right and wrong. What is right in another culture may not be right for the other. Different ages of humanity have presented differences in what is moral and what is not.

*Three-Dimensional Perception and the Eyes of an All Knowing God by Henry M. Piironen
We receive different kinds of information from different senses. Taste creates a representation of what x tastes like, touch how its surface feels like and the perception what it looks like. Despite the common belief, perception is two-dimensional, where the sense of touch can be three-dimensional.

*Culture Dogma - The Parallel Existence of Causal Continuation and the Cultural Continuum by Henry M. Piironen
The cultural continuum exists in parallel with the causal continuation of the world's events. They are inseparable from each other. The culture of a nation is passed on to the following generations that are born to be a part of the causal continuation of a nation.

*Lost Paradise of Eden and the Future of Humanity by Henry M. Piironen
There is no reason to mourn over the legend of the lost paradise of Eden. Though the human body will never free us from pain, the suffering caused by values and beliefs that are combined with actions can be altered. We long for world peace and the end of cruelty, but what must change is us.

*On Being the Reality of Another by Henry M. Piironen
Consciousness is the domain of my existence. The domain of my being is surrounded with other people who are my world and their behavior is the nature of the reality I am living in. Similarly, I am a part of the reality of another human being as you are a part of mine.

*When Idealism Becomes a Reality by Henry M. Piironen
It is easy to say, that by changing the world view, you can change the world. It is true in the subjective level. After all, the sense of reality is representational and everything is for you as you think in your transient experiences. The hard part of it is to get the world to fit into this changed view and to do it without gradual emergence.

*Body As the Soul - An Alternative for the Emergence of "I" As a Causal Event by Henry M. Piironen
All the cosmos is in the state of causal continuation. Everything rises in effect of a cause. Therefore we should also count the emergence of an individual "I" as a causal event. And as such, there should be laws that govern that emergence, as all causal events have laws. It thus remains also to be seen if we can in some future cause the re-emergence of the individual "I".

*Have Faith In Yourself and Others Will Have It Too by Henry M. Piironen
When you are creating something, even if none else has faith in you, the least you can do is to have faith in yourself. In wise internal emotional capitalism you must feel faith and belief towards your actions. Once you do so, you have more resources to calculate that what is outside disbelief and without a divided faith.

*Towards Universal Humanity by Henry M. Piironen
Internet has revolutionized the cyclic cultural transference. It is transforming the mass mind towards a global world. English as the world's language has increasingly erased cross cultural boundaries especially in European nations. And when the two of them are combined, they are increasingly revolutionizing humanity towards universal humanity.

*Power and the Life of Consequence by Henry M. Piironen
In humanity, where the consequences of our actions and inactions are far more complex, the life of consequence is multiplied. A cause originating from another is transformed into an effect in another, and carries sub-sequent effects. In the continuum of humanity, the sub-sequent effects of the first are interconnected with the last humans to exist.

*Universal Humanity and the Universality of Values by Henry M. Piironen
Values are universal. Values are knowledge and ideas, and thus, universally comprehensible for humans. It does not matter what language is used to express the same value. The ethnic identity of him or her who performs value-relative actions does not matter, when it is the same act of the same value, but in another value system that is performed.

*Cyclic Cultural Transference and How Christianity Is Able to Move Forwards Through Time by Henry M. Piironen
The average generation length is thirty years, but we can find an equal time interval between the already existing generations and those who are born to this world daily. As new generations are born every day, the cycle of cultural transference is an ongoing event in the everyday world. By cyclic cultural transference I mean the transference of ethnicity and cultural traits through adaptation, learning and formation of sub-modular brain areas in relativity with knowledge that all shape the post-innate neurophysiology.

*Promethean Hell - The Unending Cycle of Suffering by Henry M. Piironen
The mythological hell of the antique Greek was based on repetition. One part of the hell sentence of the Prometheus wad the eagle, which ate him to death from day after a day to the next. In life this can be seen in things, which drain life from us from day after a day to the next. A repetitive burden we meet daily.

*Sub-Modular Brain Areas and the Emergence and Asymmetric Re-Emergence of Representations by Henry M. Piironen
The neurology in our brains gives the content and qualities to the objects in the physical world. One of the ways how cultural continuum can sustain its existence is produced by the pair of emergence and re-emergence of a representation in verbal communications.

*Development of Awareness In the Causal Continuance by Henry M. Piironen
In life, all of the knowledge, experiences and skills that are a part of the expanding awareness constitute the course of your future existence. As time passes, the accumulation of these areas of existence defines the locations and sources of your increasing awareness and experience.

*Independent Existence of the Cosmos and the Ongoing Genesis of Human Existence by Henry M. Piironen
The causal continuance of humanity is dependent on our actions. The future forms of the reality emerge through our consciousness. Consciousness is the domain of our existence. It is the domain of where cultures receive their existence from. The realms we create on Earth are dependent on our thoughts. The development of the domain of our consciousness is an ongoing genesis of human existence. It is advanced and shaped with knowledge, creating realms for the future human existence.

*Cultures, Memes and the Formation of the Post-Innate Neurophysiology by Henry M. Piironen
Cultures can be seen as knowledge and representations, but without neurophysiology to support their existence, they could not exist. The cultures can be defined by their content and values, which are all based on thought. Their transference is based on asymmetric replication of memes, producing asymmetric sub-modular connections and brain areas.

*Survival of Subcultures and the Cyclic Cultural Transference by Henry M. Piironen
Like the major cultures, subcultures owe their existence to the cyclic cultural transference. It is the engine of every cultural continuum. Without new individuals entering to the subculture either through birth or later in life, the cultural continuum would seize to exist. Without transferring the components of the culture to new generations, the continuation of the culture would be impossible.

*Why the Re-Emergence of Abstractions Is Asymmetric in Communications by Henry M. Piironen
When we communicate with someone verbally, the abstractions we hope to re-emerge in the consciousness of the other must be asymmetric with that of our own. Why?

*Embrace Your Continual Becoming by Henry M. Piironen
The present emerges as the sum of the past. The emergence of the next moment is dependent of the present one. They do not emerge in random, but are defined by the cause and effect, producing a causal continuation. This can be seen as much in counting the subsequent events in the butterfly effect as it can be seen in the development of our own being. What you and I are now is the cause from which what we are to be in the next moment rises in effect.

*The Representational Self of Others - A Priori or A Posteriori? by Henry M. Piironen
The a posteriori knowledge created from others is a posteriori only in our own experience. It cannot be the a posteriori form to know what the other is essentially experiencing. The knowledge we have of others is based on how we interpret them. And so, the interpretation cannot be what the target of the interpretation essentially is as a physiological entity. Why?

*Diminished A Priori Representations of Others by Henry M. Piironen
By a diminished representation of someone, I mean a representation that lacks the qualities and details gained through experience. A diminished representation agent A has of the agent B cannot have the content generated by the cause originating from the agent B, which is transformed into a neurological effect in the agent A. There are immediate neurological effects originating from the agent B, but there is no long-term causal history between the two agents.

*Transient Actualizations of Self by Henry M. Piironen
The experience of our own existence varies and is in a transient state. The actualizations of our own self rises from the neurological level. We do not use the whole combinatory potentials of our neurology at the same time. If we did, we would be for example sitting down, standing up, running and walking at the same time, thinking all the possible thoughts our brains can generate instantaneously. But as this kind of ultimate neurological disorder is not the case in our everyday life, fortunately, our present self diminishes the total of the whole of our being into transient selves.

*Diminished A Priori Representations of Others and the World in War by Henry M. Piironen
Compared to my increased self-awareness over the time of my existence, a person who sees me walking on the street for a moment before I disappear from his or her awareness cannot have as extensive representation of who I am as I have. In his or her awareness, I am a diminished representation of the whole extent I have of myself. And as he or she has no experiences of me, the representation he or she has is a diminished a priori representation me.

*Why Unknown People Are Unreal to Us in the Representational Sense of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
If a sun goes to supernova without our knowledge, the event does occur in the causal continuation of the cosmos, but the event is unreal to us. Why?

*The Representational Self of Others and Giving Space for Change by Henry M. Piironen
The circumstances we are in alter constantly. It is an exceeding continuation of transient moments. Our sense of the reality is representational. What we know of the reality is not the essence of the physiological entities that surround us. What you see in the environment is not the physiological entity that is composed of atoms. What you see is only the representation of it, composed from sensory data and the given qualities by the subconscious mind.

*Causal Continuance and the Development of the Neurophysiology by Henry M. Piironen
The contents of awareness are dependent on active neurological combination that associates their emergence. The constant content generative cycle, combined with causal continuance, produces different experiences and thoughts to the present. For this reason, the representational reality is transient in content.

*Parallel Perceptions and Asymmetric Senses of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
Knowledge we have of the physical reality is not the essence of what the physical reality is. A stone is a complex molecular structure. It functions according to its nature as it is, independently on how it is thought or what it is experienced as being. Thus, the knowledge and qualities we are aware in our experience of the stone cannot be the essence of its being. And so, the representational reality is the individual's own portrait of the universe.

*The Folly Discrimination of the Content of Awareness by Henry M. Piironen
Discriminations conducted towards gender, race or sexual orientations are not the only areas where the stupidity of unwarranted discrimination exceeds among mortals. No. We, the sentient, have taken it to be our business to discriminate others by the content of their awareness. It flourishes in the levels of arrogance. It causes rejection and discontent. Even wars. So, let us now take a closer look to the provoking matter knowing, believing and being aware of something else than I, the mortal. Let us take the risk opening the darkest doorways of hell by saying, "It is not a sin to know!"

*Culture As a Neuropsychological Phenomenon - Knowledge and the Formation of Sub-Modular Brain Areas by Henry M. Piironen
The primary benefits of knowledge are not only in the ability to know how the physical reality functions. It is a part of the benefits, but for the brains, the effect of the exposure to knowledge is in the creation of sub-modular brain areas. With the creation of sub-modular brain areas, the brains become able to interpret the reality in accordance with the knowledge the connections are made with.

*Requiem for the Timeless Antique Kingdoms and Kings by Henry M. Piironen
The wise kings in the past such as Moses, Christ, Krishna, Gautama Buddha and Lao Tzu extended their kinghood beyond their mortal existence by introducing value systems that are still present. They ruled in their time humans who were natured by knowledge differently.

*The Dilemma of Mortality for an Antique King by Henry M. Piironen
A kingdom is a sovereign state instituting a monarchy, or having a monarch as its head. The dilemma the antique kings faced was produced by the short lifespan of human existence, and how they could extend their ruling beyond their deaths. So, what is the solution?

*Relevance of Philosophy to Our Everyday Lives - Why Do We Study Philosophy? by Henry M. Piironen
A philosopher who takes note on the psychological and neurological influences knowledge has over the innate nature, he or she can draw conclusions on how the evolution of humaneness rises from the study of philosophy. The philosopher can draw the conclusion that it is mostly philosophical studies that stand between the savage and the civilized. Why?

*Gateways to Freedom - How Thought Can Open the Realities of Experience by Henry M. Piironen
The fundamental reality of your existence are your experiences. And you travel in experiences as if you were traveling from place to place. The contents of your imagination are as real to you as the objects in your environment. You see the objects as representations in your consciousness as you see the objects of your imagination. And you respond to both of them similarly. In this article, we will open the gateways to the reality of your experience.

*Discipline - Always Keeping Goals in Mind by Henry M. Piironen
Discipline is THE most important mentality in reaching any goal. After reading this article, you will know in detail why.

*Meeting a Goal - How to Stay Focused by Henry M. Piironen
Because you are searching for this article, you have found out that it is a different thing to set a goal and than meeting one. Don't worry, its a part of our learning curve, so let's align your focus back with your aim.

*Cause and Effect in Everyday Life - Conducting Desired Outcomes Into Existence by Henry M. Piironen
The laws of physics tell us how the forces of nature function with mathematical preciseness. Similar laws exist in our everyday life. From this article you will gain perspective for recognizing your life in the level of cause and effect.

*The Development of the Modern Era by Henry M. Piironen
The rise and birth of a new society is a remarkable event in the history of humanity. But what is more remarkable, are the results of development of the working individuals of the society. In the following we will find inspiration, motivation and ambition to advance the continuation of the society.

*Development - Why Do It If You Are a Genius and Have Sacrificed Enough of Your Time? by Henry M. Piironen
There are countless of individuals who are working for the development of humanity. Breakthroughs have become so common that the amount of glorification has lessened. And when there are so many others that can do the development of humanity instead of you, then why do it?

*Finding Satisfaction by Finding a Sense of Purpose by Henry M. Piironen
Without a sense of purpose, we feel as if our life is in a drift without a definite direction. As we loose something we have found our sense of purpose from, we feel a sense of loss instead. But these are both events when we must find another sense of purpose from and as such, opportunities for finding new domains to receive satisfaction. In this article, we will explore finding your purpose and getting satisfaction from it.

*Mind Occupied With Ideas - How Changes In Your Thoughts Change Your Future Destinations by Henry M. Piironen
Life is characterized by continuation. This continuation does not offer ways to turn back and alter what has happened in the past. Instead, the outcomes of your actions pile up throughout your entire life. And the sum of those outcomes is where you will yourself from in the future. This is an easy idea to grasp. But in the viewpoint of mortality, the knowledge of this idea can bring drastic changes to your life.

*How to Use Ideas To Bring Satisfaction to Your Life - Ideas As Doorways to Future Destinations by Henry M. Piironen
We live our lives at the edges of the threshold of the emerging future and the vanishing point to the past. The future is continuously unraveling. In the transience of the moments, it is as we were traveling from place to place in our experiences. And this continuation of the transient moments forms a trajectory of our existence. How can you use them to bring satisfaction to your life?

*How to Recognize Your Destiny by Henry M. Piironen
Recognizing your destiny can be a thrilling experience. And the best part of destiny is that you can create it for yourself. In this article we will find how you can not only recognize your own destiny, but be the creator of it. Want to know more?

*The Difference Between Fate and Destiny by Henry M. Piironen
Sometimes we confuse the idea of fate with the idea of destiny. In this article we explore the differences between fate and destiny.

*How to Reach Your Destiny on Your Own by Henry M. Piironen
Self-reliance, well established aims in life, and means to get to your future destinations are the three primary features to reach your destiny on your own. Why?

*Why Your Desire Will Lead You to Success If You Let It by Henry M. Piironen
Desires are the index of your future satisfactions and successes. Sometimes the only thing between you and success is, you. In this article we will remove some unnecessary obstacles you can create for you, and introduce how to use the index of your desires.

*Imagination - Your Seventh Sense by Henry M. Piironen
Imagination is like your seventh sense. With your imagination you can see matters beyond the present and places you want to visit. With imagination you can find destinations of your future. You can create fantasies with your imagination. Imagination is the most vivid in the reality of your dreams. Imagination is the index of your future destinations. It can show you what exists there for you to conquer for yourself.

*How To Travel Between Realms and Master Your Future Destinations by Henry M. Piironen
A civilization that constantly renews itself cannot be fully explored by any individual alone, and thus the modern era is fruitful to all of those who have in their hearts the drive to explore. The 21st century can be therefore the most enriching time to exist so far for the spirit of an adventurer.

*Cultures We Create - Thought and the History of Our Future by Henry M. Piironen
What we now know as our reality has gained its form through gradual emergence. This gradual emergence is a lasting transient phase of our known reality. It changes its shape.

*Evolution and the Prehuman Consciousness by Henry M. Piironen
In the beginning of the emergence of life, there were complex molecules. A void of reasoning and knowledge. Then, the startling emergence of consciousness from complex molecules on Earth that would begin the gradual rise of sentient beings of all kinds possible.

*What Makes Us Human? Comparative Philosophy of Human And Animal Consciousness by Henry M. Piironen
Consciousness as detailed and complex as ours is able to form realities beyond the instinctive nature of animals. Consider the reality experienced by the tribes of wolves in the wintry dunes of snow and freezing northern winters. In a realm that is more dictated by the conditions of the environment rather than how it is shaped with the abilities to think.

*What Are Independent Objects and What Is Causal Continuance? by Henry M. Piironen
You can think the reality of independent objects to be the entities, which have their existence independently on how you think about them. You can, for example, describe or define the sun in multiple different ways, but the existence of the sun is independent on how you describe or define it. In the reality of independent objects, everything acts and reacts according to their nature, following the natural course of the cause and effect.

*Independent Objects and the Reality of Human Existence by Henry M. Piironen
Is the birth of the "I" (that what we experience as the core of our individuality) a causal event? And if it is, we causally recreate it? And if it can be, what are the laws that govern it?

*Knowledge and the Expanding Reality of Consciousness by Henry M. Piironen
Consciousness as we experience it is a realm of its own, existing in parallel with the mysteriously beautiful and exhaustively infinite cosmos whose wonders the human consciousness is yet to witness. By default, the objects of the realm that comprises our physical bodies are independent in nature. And yet, they cause the emergence of this domain that expands the lawful nature of atoms into sentience.

*Expanding Awareness and Freud's Analogue of the Fountain and Subterranean Pool by Henry M. Piironen
Everything we sense as the content of our consciousness is representational, based on the interpretations of our brains. The knowledgeable layer of our existence can potentially increase almost infinitely in variation from the mere instinctive responses. It has freed us into a vaster scope of existence.

*To Win the Persistent Idea of War by Henry M. Piironen
Because of the unpredictable chain of events in the aftermaths of the occurring butterfly effect, killing an individual may be the cause of death of a great-grandchild as he or she is in effect unborn. It is not as important to win a war, as it is to win the idea of war. None of the existing generations has invented the idea of weapon, and yet we make and develop them. None of the existing generations has invented the idea of war, and yet we wage them like the ancient tyrants and warlords.

*Development of Knowledge As the Development of Our Realm by Henry M. Piironen
That how we experience our reality is based on the representations we have of it. And the representations are based on the qualities that are given to them by our subconscious mind. And the qualities that are given to them are based on knowledge.

*Enrich Your Life With the Benefits of the Modern Culture and Indulge by Henry M. Piironen
The human ability to develop into more complex forms of being through consciousness is dependent on the knowledge it uses to shape itself. And now at the gates of wondrous discoveries in the exploration of the possibilities of our existence, we see how the gradual accumulation of history is not anymore dependent on oral heritage. It can be written down and read by other humans from distant generations.

*Why Tabula Rasa Does Not Exist and How Knowledge Shapes the Innate Nature by Henry M. Piironen
With or without this sophistication in the layer of the known reality, reality expanded with the knowledge the history of thought has created, consciousness would remain to be the domain of your existence. So, let us therefore first study this domain by debunking some of the myths surrounding tabula rasa.

*Advancing Genesis of the Reality of Our Existence by Henry M. Piironen
We are the advancing genesis of the human existence and the reality of our being. We are as if the living artists of the reality, creating unique brands and branches from the potentials of human existence. Our actions carry lasting consequences over the unfolding forms of the emerging future.

*How Thoughts Can Alter Perceptions by Henry M. Piironen
The history of knowledge in you have gained is projected to your environment as a knowledgeable layer, similarly with how the innate content is. You cannot make your innate sexual drives to be attracted to something they are not, at least not immediately. Humankind is not able to get rid of the innate response of anger, although we can learn to tame it with civilized knowledge.

*Causal Continuance and the Subsequent Events You Create by Henry M. Piironen
Science is the study of the properties of nature, their interaction and the laws of cause and effect. Science is to study and define the nature of the phenomenal world. The scientific mastery of causal events is in the ability to create and recreate them, determined by the laws of the phenomenal world.

*Zen and the Maintenance of Gradual Emergence by Henry M. Piironen
The combined and emerging shapes of matter and energy exist in an eternal transformation, which are determined by the laws of nature. Hence the eternal consequence. The matter and energy that were present when our planet was born are still existent, combining us, structuring our bodies, beginning from the causal event when our own emergence begins.

*Reflections From the Terrors of the Mass Mind by Henry M. Piironen
A mass mind of ten individuals are able to produce more complex causal events than an individual is capable of. A symphonic orchestra is able to cause the rise of a symphony, where a violinist is able to produce only a part of it. We expand this to include such massive cultural events as the 20th century surrealist movement, the second world war, and so on. And from those examples, we can begin to see how they produce system wide patterns, especially in that how the future will unfold.

*Self-Awareness and the Words We Use by Henry M. Piironen
We are aware of our own existence although there are no final definitive definitions for what "I" is, for that how "I" is defined are in themselves ideas that are only associated with it. "I" exists independently from whatever is thought "I" is, since "I" cannot be an idea that is an idea.

*Why History Is Important to Every Culture by Henry M. Piironen
A culture that pays too much attention to its past may lose its sight on the future. They may lose the track of the trajectories they are in, giving dominance to the historical ideas instead of development and variation. A culture without history is either a newly born or in an oblivion of its roots, etymology and what forms it has gone through before the rise of its present form. These and the creation of ethnic identity are a part the reason of why history is important to every culture, explored in this article.

*How to Raise Your Introspective Awareness by Henry M. Piironen
Although we are able to consciously direct our thought to different subject areas in such cases as beginning a creative process, walking to a specific location, reasoning how things could work out better, during conversations, a lot of our cognitive tasks are dealt by the sub-conscious mind. By introspection, we may study, self-observe and interpret for example our emotions that emerge to our conscious mind, thoughts and opinions we may have on something, and thus increase our awareness on these areas, similarly to how we can become increasingly aware on topics we choose to contemplate on.

*On Continuing the Causal Continuum of Humanity by Henry M. Piironen
In the school of thought of causal determinism it is believed that the manifesting form of the present is dependent on the causes that produce the present as an effect. In extremely reduced way from the whole complexity of the cosmos we may observe this as such where causality A leads the emergence of phenomenon B, in which effect C, and so on. This is also very true in the causal continuum of humanity for as long as the causalities that exist as a part of it have the element of continuity.

*Representational Reality As a Branch of Modern Metaphysics by Henry M. Piironen
Metaphysics is branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality. For this reason, the mounting studies on the human awareness should also be taken into notice in the branch of metaphysics, since one of the most fundamental aspects of the human existence is the representational awareness.

*Building Self-Awareness From Philosophical Literature by Henry M. Piironen
One of the primary sources for the formation of individual's self-awareness is in the reflections, whether it concerns situation oriented realizations of one's being, contemporary characteristics displayed in the past, finding similarities in one's own characteristics from others or for example by reading literature. In this article we consider how you can build self-awareness from philosophical literature and the advantages it proposes for you. Although there is yet to be born the 21st century philosopher with as deep sense of existence and mortality as Friedrich Nietzsche, whose writings echo the passions humans are capable of, placing the reader in...

*Why Causal Continuum Debunks Consequentialism by Henry M. Piironen
The reason why consequentialism does not function is in the continuity of cause and effect. Some might say that the end justifies the means if it is a good end, but such a person does not understand what the causal continuum means, for in terms of causal continuum we might ask by what do you mean by an end?

*Creation of New Realms for Existence With the 21st Century Words by Henry M. Piironen
Words are an essential part for both exploring the possible and describing the possible. When we for example begin to consider more closely the descriptive possibilities offered by something as ordinary as Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary, we will not only find that all the books that have been written so far, can be written today, and can be written in the near future are all inside of that bible of literature, as it is only a matter of sequence in which the words in it are used. We will also find that the entire history of mankind exists in the combinatory...

*Taking Note on the History We Create - How the Present Becomes the Landscape of Our Past by Henry M. Piironen
It may at first sound somewhat paradoxical when it is stated that the history we create is also our future, but in closer observation we may understand how and why that it is exactly so. This article will introduce three ways to perceive why the past is our future too.

*Why Colors Do Not Exist in the External World of Independent Objects by Henry M. Piironen
It is an old philosophical thought game to consider that how two separate individuals could observe two different colors to be the same and would not be able to communicate them to be different, as that what the individual A has learned to call as blue in the sky is in fact green, while the individual B perceives blue as blue. How would they describe what blue is without using it in contrast with other colors, when for the individual A blue is green and green is blue? And as they are physically incapable of observing through the eyes of...

*Why Objective Words Do Not Exist in Human Life by Henry M. Piironen
Similarly as the world of independent objects is colorless, but is only interpret as colorful by the human brain, words cannot be considered as objective. By objectivity we often consider data that has been gathered by observing phenomena objectively, that is, methodologically and analytically without personal opinions such as drawing conclusions in relativity with a mood (I am disgusted by this and therefore it cannot be true) or studying evidence only to support one's personal beliefs (this is in conflict with my beliefs and therefore it cannot be true).

*Why the Complexity of a Culture Is Dependent on the Size of a Mass Mind by Henry M. Piironen
While the amount of recorded history, memetic remnants of the phases the culture has gone through and the amount of information available for the individual are all important parts to count to be a part of the complexity of a culture, the amount of members of a culture that form the culture's mass mind defines the complexity the culture can sustain. Cultures are able to move forward through time in the form of representational awareness in the individuals that assimilate the content of it (cultural assimilation) after their birth, hence becoming a part of the mass mind the...

*Fundamental Statements of Self-Existence by Henry M. Piironen
In nature of independent objects, there is never a problem, but only what is thought as problematic in the things that are as they are. To solve a problem, we must therefore essentially solve an idea, and thus all the problems that are not caused by the forces of nature exist in the realm of ideas that consequently causes the problems to exist in human life.

*Why Everything Does Not Count in the Causal Continuum of Humanity by Henry M. Piironen
The cosmological chain of cause and effect is an endless chain of events. In this article we explore the effects of the butterfly effect in everyday life, and how one event that replaces another alters the form of the emerging future reality. We will also find why some subsequent events are meaningless.

*Poetry, Self-Awareness and the Representational Sense of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
When we consider that an idea cannot be the actual presentation of a phenomenon, but merely the representation of it, some might say that the reality is a persistent illusion, but the understanding of the representational sense of reality states on the contrary that that is how matters are real for us. When we then consider how this representational sense has developed humanity from a species that resembled merely intelligent apes into space exploring geniuses, we also know that the very representational sense of reality works more for our advantage than any other part of human nature. Now, the...

*Developing Self-Awareness by Enriching It From Literature by Henry M. Piironen
Self awareness is based on reflection and in knowing one's capabilities. Self is in constant change and never appears equally as the same as it has been. We can also reflect upon our self from a variety of sources such as other persons, movies, series, horoscopes and literature, wherein the latter has been created by men and women with deep insight with the possibilities of language and human characteristics. In this article we explore how literature can be used to enrich self awareness.

*Garden of Eden 2.0 - The Representational Reality As the Ultimate Frontier by Henry M. Piironen
In retrospect, we are living in an era that is unlike any of the realms of being that have existed before the 21st century. Humanity has gathered an extensive amount of knowledge, art, literature, technology and science. We have created through our creative explorations newfound realms. Life has dramatically altered in that we are becoming able to choose from incredibly vast range the content of our lives.

*What Is Self-Awareness and the Development of It by Henry M. Piironen
Before beginning to explore the self-awareness, we must first create a distinctive difference between what "I" and "self" are. Starting from the "I", we find that it cannot be what it is expressed as to be, since the expressions we use from the "I" are representations of it, not the actual "I". Why?

*Birth of New Generations and the Continuum of the Representational Reality by Henry M. Piironen
Culture is a product of mass mind, and is dependent on the existence of it. The roots and origins of the now parallel cultures are believed to be the same, and they have obtained their uniqueness and individuality over vast periods of time. By inheriting a culture as it is in that phase of development, a new generation begins to learn, her brains begin to adapt to the use of the customary language, and also, inherit knowledge that fabricates the ever advancing representational reality.

*Plato's Cave 2.0 - The Representational Reality by Henry M. Piironen
In this article we will go and visit Plato's allegory of the cave and give it the 21st century 2.0 update with the modern understanding of the representational awareness and the cultural continuum. Read more...

*Positive Constructivism and the Search for Happiness by Henry M. Piironen
The statement of the positive constructivism is "That how much I work to better my condition(s) today, will sum up the emergence of a better tomorrow." Thus, if you want something good to come into your life, you must consequently conduct it in to existence by influencing the causalities that can cause its emergence.

*Are You Too Self Aware? by Henry M. Piironen
Being too self aware is to focus one's attention to monitor the self and in trying to control the present self in too great a detail, or by reducing oneself as if saying that one hair is all the hairs an individual has. While self-awareness teaches us to anticipate our own reactions, teach us to know what our self is, and is a part of our becoming our own kind, we can at times be overwhelmed by monitoring too closely our self, similarly if we were driving a car without paying attention to the road we are driving in.

*Accumulation of Consequences to Values and the Demons of Knowledge by Henry M. Piironen
Once amongst the samurai an insult often carried deadly consequences. This was due to the values that in themselves could be counted as demons of knowledge, since the amount of deaths that were accumulated by such values of cause of consequence that demanded as a retribution the death of an individual became over time greater than a samurai by himself could have ever slain. By continuing this example, we can observe a counter value that was generated by an unknown master, who once met a samurai warrior who wanted to learn the way of heaven.

*Philosophy of Consequences For the Existence of an Individual by Henry M. Piironen
It is common for a contemporary philosopher to understand the philosophical implications that exist behind the cosmological nature of cause and effect. The philosopher will able to observe how everything that has come into existence must have come into existence as a consequence or exist in a specific location as a part of temporary phases of the long causal history of cause and effect of the cosmos.

*Causal History of a Culture and the Mass Mind by Henry M. Piironen
Culture is a phenomenon of a mass mind into which new generations that are born adapt to as their own. The existence of the causal history of a culture or a civilization is dependent on the existence of a mass mind the more sophisticated and/or complex cultures become.

*Determinism and the Meaning of Life by Henry M. Piironen
The principle of determinism is that as a consequence of the interaction of previously existent causalities, the present unfolds as their effect. In other words, the present is always the sum of the past and the future the unfolding sum of the present.

*Ethical Emergence of an Individual and Its Development by Henry M. Piironen
By ethical emergence of an individual we understand how the potential of the innate nature can be fashioned with the understanding of ethics to respond and act in an ethical manner. By understanding that an individual can be raised to be corrupt, we can also understand the opposite, that an individual can be raised to reason and intuitively respond in ethical manner, having the unethical side of actions he acknowledges as unethical to be exceptions rather than rules.

*How to Understand the Authors of Ancient Scriptures by Henry M. Piironen
While I was working with finding universal principles of ethics from five of the major religions, I discovered two psychological factors that must be noted with the interpretation of the scriptures besides the notions of the nature of humanity during the time they were written and the semantic structure that give rise to the ideas in the spiritual scriptures. First and the most important psychological factor that must be taken into notice is that in which relativity we all write of, and that is how we experience things.

*On Shaping Destiny From the Time and Possibilities Available to It by Henry M. Piironen
When you feel the effect of another's action(s) in yourself, are you not able to then decide what your reaction to it can be? When you are making decisions, do you not observe the options you have? If you sat down for a decade without doing something, do you not perceive the apathy in that?

*On the Merging Causal Continuums of Self-Existence in Everyday Life by Henry M. Piironen
When we strip down the complex human existence to nameless representations of cause and effect in order to observe that how causal histories merge with each other in a way that human mind can comprehend it, we may then begin to actualize the complex causal continuums of self-existence in relatively the same fashion as described by the causal determinists. The causal continuum in its simplest form can be described as such where in consequence of one sequence of events, another sequence of events emerges.

*Post-Rationalization - When a Representation Fills a Gap in Understanding by Henry M. Piironen
What is post-rationalization? What is to post-rationalize and why is it useful? Is post-rationalization something we use to create an illusion, or can there actually be a useful reason for its existence?

*Learning to Recognize Positive and Negative Desires by Henry M. Piironen
I often found myself from a conversation with the poet Jukka Kaikkonen on how the acts living in accordance with desires will lead to a fulfilling life. I usually agreed with him, but there was only one problem with his philosophy however poetic this type life is.

*On Altering the Ways of the Emerging Future by Henry M. Piironen
While life exists in the midst of unpredictable events, we are still able to perceive how actions combined to be the sum of the past functions as the foundations of the present. Thus, by keeping in mind that the unpredictable events are bound to be a part on how the future will unfold, when considering that the future emerges as the sum of sequences of events that must take place in order for the desired future to come into existence, we should become more able to shape our destinies.

*On the Wisdom of Agnosticism by Henry M. Piironen
When we consider the possibility that life exists on other planets in the entire universe, we count the exoplanetary environmental conditions, and other factors known to have caused the emergence of life in this world. As we cannot yet prove that life does in fact exist on other planets, the search for those life forms is driven with similar faith as those who seek God and spirituality within themselves.

*Article on Having Forgiveness Towards Others by Henry M. Piironen
Since one of the defining truths of our being is the mortality of our lives, we must find the compassion to forgive others instead of transforming ourselves to be the lifelong reminders of an act of misjudgment. During our short lifespan we should also find ourselves from not harming other existential beings, but instead should avoid such acts in the mortal's infinity of infinite combination of the finite scope of actions possible to humans. In the first perception inside this kind of mentality we can perceive how we can release ourselves from the painful memory of the event.

*The Law of Attraction and the Immoral Cosmos by Henry M. Piironen
If there is one mistake of reasoning and emotion that cannot be apprehended by the modern educated man is that once all events had a moral driving force. This fantastic way of observing a lightning that burned a man's house as a punishment of his immoral acts covered the gap between knowledge and the lack of it, and served yet as a force that caused him later to redeem himself. By mistake, cosmos was not an independent object, and even when the rules that would have demanded a reward were not satisfied by it, an immoral one.

*Self-Determinism, Chaos, and the Life in the Cultural Continuum by Henry M. Piironen
Before our coming to existence, the causal history of mankind has already been increased by the actions and creations for hundreds of thousands of years by now physically non-existent human generations. The causal existence of a human that interacts with others does not end in the individual's death, but exists in the form of consequences that increase in effect the further in time humanity exceeds.

*Transference of Units of Information Inside the Mass Mind by Henry M. Piironen
Memes are units of information, which are replicated from one agent to another(s). It can be an idea that is replicated to another agent, a behavior that is imitated or as simple as a noun. The main thing is that existing representation from consciousness or a presentation of behavior is replicated, propagated to the environment of subjective agents having similar or compatible cognitive capabilities, where the representation composed of units of information can gain re-emergence.

*An Introduction to the Dynamic Representational Sense of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
Every time we consciously define something, we discriminate from the potential descriptions a phenomenon can have it to be described as such and such. If we then continue the gradual defining of the observed phenomenon, the semantic content given to it alters, thus altering how it is perceived, bringing forth the dynamic properties our conscious valuations give to the representational world. The discrimination of matters is always defined by the given properties, whether we do it consciously or not.

*Article on Anger Management by Henry M. Piironen
Being aware of actions that cause harm, do not in themselves make the person to choose to do harm, but only make her aware of those choices. A mind that is burdened with bitterness finds no rest, and the unforgivable is carried in the present. Revengeful thoughts can chain your present to the past, and the opportunities of the present thus pass you.

*Article on Dynamic Personality by Henry M. Piironen
Learning to adapt to ever changing circumstances is a key for success in life. It is in essence a manifestation of a dynamic personality that perceives not any emerging traits as unnatural or something not belonging to one's personality. Change is inevitable and growth in procedural cognitive capacity a constancy when substances that neurologically degrade that capacity are absent.

*On Mastering Cognition For Reaching Goals by Henry M. Piironen
Cognitions are what make the possible actions appear in front of you, and the consistency of your way of life is determined by your ability to create cognitions that are consistent with your thoughts. When you make a choice, be one with the choice and follow that choice all the way through without second guessing your choice; if your choice was faulty, change the course of your actions immediately in accordance with what you have seen as better, but keep in mind that an unsteady thought lacks the coherency with your goals.

*How a Choice Opens Other Choices by Henry M. Piironen
The moment you have lived through will never return to you, and thus you move constantly forwards through time, and are faced with a totality of different combination causalities constantly. A computer game of chess may well provide you same opening moves, but the causalities that have brought you to the point you are are internally different, the time-continuum is not in the same relativistic co-ordinates, nor is space-time or anyone you know in the same state of causalities they were in the past.

*How Imitation of Behavior Causes Passing on Values Throughout Generations by Henry M. Piironen
Correlating with observed behavior of another is usually done in relativity with same species and can cause a phenomenon named as imitation. In its most basic it follows the three basic phases of adaptation, (1) gather information, (2) adjust (behavior), and (3) adapt. Imitation is also the most vital source for learning when we are still growing up, enriching the procedures possible.

*How Real is the Representational Reality For an Individual? by Henry M. Piironen
Internal experiences are unable to be false, although the causalities that have later caused the experience may be placebo in nature. Through the use of language we are able to produce counterfeits of our authentic experiences to others, or we may be unable to interpret with words the experiences we are aware of being, and still the experience as it is has not altered or seized to exist.

*How to Measure Truth - Values From Representations by Henry M. Piironen
The easiest way to understand how the truth-values can be measured from representations is to perceive the technique that is used to match fingerprints. When not talking about a criminal case, it can be considered that as one gives his or her fingerprint by for example inking the fingertip and rolling it to a paper, leaving the copy of the geometrical shapes of his or her fingerprints to it.

*Importance of Values That Inhibit Unethical Emergence of Existence by Henry M. Piironen
Ethical words are not invective, but the realizations they bring to the awareness of others will make them aware of the ethics too, that is, if other's have the understanding to hear them. As you take the responsibility over your life, and study the realizations of ethics for them to emerge to the representational space, you learn more to make such connections with you cognitive abilities and thus through both you will reflect and give ethical realizations to others.

*Introducing the Continuum of Your Being by Henry M. Piironen
Your life is characterized by continuation. In this article you will learn what is the continuum of your being and how you can alter your future destinations.

*Introduction to Representational Perception by Henry M. Piironen
The representational perception exists either in the level of internal representations of objects that do not have a physical manifestation in the environment, or in the level of representations in relation to the objects that do have physical manifestation in the environment. If one for example sits on some lane and perceives the scenery opening in front of him or her, what he or she actually perceives is are the contents of the representational perception rather than a scene that is context free from information.

*Myth of the 10% Brain Capacity Use and the Development of Future Humanity by Henry M. Piironen
The first and last thing to understand to free oneself from a mental flatland is that everything humanity has been is universal, as are all the knowledge, truths and values, even those we have not yet found with our cognition. All the minds, all the great figures in history, all the civilizations build, are dependent on neurological configurations, produced by brains not too different from ours. The only thing separating ourselves from others are the experiences we gain separately in different points of time, the combination of neurons that actively produce what we call as the natural reality, what we...

*On Progressive Development of the Sense of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
In whatever aspect the phenomena in the environment are observed, the categorical correlation in relations to them causes us to be in direct connectivity on a representational level in our consciousness. This means that the semantic content connected to the representations defines the content of the reality we experience existing in, under a constant progression.

*On the New Reality of Challenges by Henry M. Piironen
There is a time differential frame of what humanity was when ancient wise men taught and what humanity is now. The Scandinavian and the western civilization in general has advanced as information driven continuums to have values in the mass mind that adjust the individual lives in correlation with the ethics of doing no harm.

*Realizations and the Expanding Increasingly Conditioning Awareness by Henry M. Piironen
Realizations increasingly condition the person's awareness of the environment, what a person believes about herself, or as an example what she finds her sense of purpose from and what is the nature of the reality she exists in. Without knowledge and our natural conditioning to know, there would be little or no possibilities at all for our kind to form such great endeavors as leading an entire country away from depression with harnessing the effort and power only a mass mind can have. Thus because of its obvious advantages, and when true greatness is always invested to the efforts of...

*Representational Sense of Self-Existence by Henry M. Piironen
If there would be one thing I could say to the ancient philosophers, I would say that the sense of reality is made of representations. Everything we sense as the reality is representational, and is based on the active combination of neurons in our brains. No information our senses give us come directly to our consciousness, but only after content generative cycle.

*Sustainable Development and Cultural Continuums by Henry M. Piironen
In the sight of cultural continuums, we perceive such issues as the production nuclear power to exist beyond as a decision the range of democratic decision, as its byproduct, highly toxic nuclear waste has so long an existence that is counted as hundreds of thousands of years, thus making the decision to begin the manufacturing of nuclear power to remain inside of a population that is hardly even a fraction of the total population that can come to existence during the time the toxicity of the waste disappears. The perception of cultural continuums extends the normal scope of...

*Two Levels of Perception and the Cognitive Time by Henry M. Piironen
As the representational perception cannot be counted as something that comes directly to the consciousness, the process of perception must be divided to two levels, the conscious and the sub-conscious perception. First there is the state when photons are received in retina and then send to the regions associated to perception, that only then after the content generative cycle emerges to the representational perception. The second level is then the conscious perception of the environment, and the value-relative content generation, valuation, recombination of information structures related to the perceived information, and so on.

*Why Ethical Development Can Exist Only in Individual Level by Henry M. Piironen
The justification of the strongest was replaced generations ago by the justice of righteousness and that of the truth. Justice exists to create order and organization, since without justice we would have been born to anarchy, based on the justification of the strongest, fighting from the limited resources in the bestiary of natural selection. All are born unknowing to this world, equal in that we are sentient, but as the causalities of the past generations merge with us, we become partakers in them, and believe that everything is as they should be, since we in ourselves carry the consequences of...

*Why Modernity of Thought? by Henry M. Piironen
There is not one person who can fully comprehend all the implications of any system of belief or system of nature, nor that any one person could have the capacity to be aware of them all. Einstein certainly didn't, counting from amount of theoretical work published since his departure, concerning the theory relativity, nor did Newton or Dali, although they are all in their very nature persons with unquestionable genius, and for the sake of the reasoning that a mass mind will always be outnumbering in capacity even the greatest of giants, it cannot be perceived as wise to not...

*Authentic Compass and Writing by Henry M. Piironen
An author compasses his or her writings through an authentic experience they receive from the sentence they form. An author may go through a variety of sentence structures before they sense from the sentence that it expresses exactly what they wanted to express, and receive great joy from such an event.

*Cultural Assimilation, Timely Values, and Your Own Existential Standards by Henry M. Piironen
Cultural assimilation is most commonly used to express the adaptation of immigrants to their new homeland. This includes values, certain standards on how to behave and ways of becoming a beneficial member for the other members in the mass group effort of the society. Besides the innate information inside the neurology of a newly born infant, the infant is unaware of most of the reality he or she is not physically present in, and the infant as an early state of the development to an adult is not so different as what being an infant was centuries ago.

*I the Observer, Or I the Whole? by Henry M. Piironen
20th century philosophy and psychology had the tendency to place the rational- and conscious areas of our existence as the sole scope where the individual existence extends, making dualism seem like a simple game of tick-tack-toe. But when it comes to the neurological basis of our lives, we will find that nothing can be separated from the whole of the individual that ultimately constructs her.

*Introducing Parallel Relativism - Aligning Opposing Perceptions Into Parallel by Henry M. Piironen
When it comes to the semantic content of the sensed reality, the realities are different from each other, depending on the brains interpreting the environment. For example, in order for something be realistic in the sight of realism, one must first note that the objects in the phenomenal world have their independent existence as they are, despite on how they are interpreted, and then produce descriptive representations in correlation with the presentations, but however organized or developed knowledge we have in our use, knowledge we become aware of is subjective to humans, interpreted by the brain.

*Ages of Separation and the Now Divided Nationalities - How Humanity Differentiated by Henry M. Piironen
It is a matter of cultural anthropology and historical studies conducted by archeologists to investigate from the fragmented details how mankind divided in time to different nationalities with distinctively different cultural histories, but whatever is found from the origins of divided nationalities the end result is in its contemporary form the same. In this article this matter is considered in relativity with cultural continuums and representational sense of reality.

*Difference Between the Evolutionary Changes and the Development of Knowledge For Consciousness by Henry M. Piironen
Modern human consciousness has its roots and origins dating back two hundred thousand years to Africa. As species, Homo sapiens are a relatively new in their contemporary, evolved form, as for example the Dolphins we co-exist with are a species ten million years of age, but the development of humans is not only relative to the physical development of the consciousness, but also to the development of knowledge, reasoning skills and extending awareness of the phenomena in the environment.

*Representational Path of Existence - Why in Consequence Happiness Follows the Good Natured by Henry M. Piironen
Every action has a consequence, and the way we all go through with our lives is the result of a variety of choices and consequences, presented in representational form to us. It is also in our nature to feel bad when we have done something wrong against others, and thus without the myth of karma that manifests during this lifetime, it is natural that good actions harbor good consequences.

*Why the Harshness of Mortality Gives Meaning For the Ethical Emergence of Life Too by Henry M. Piironen
The briefness of existence is one of the founding truths in Buddhism, and the expected time for existence influences highly to the choices we make every day. In ethics, the influence of mortality can be perceived in that we do not want to cause unnecessary harm to another life form or we can simply state that you do not have time for the miseries that follow unethical conduct of actions.

*Definition of Information Driven Continuum For Cultural And Personal Use by Henry M. Piironen
Human life is information driven, whether we speak of it in the level of the mass mind or in individual level. Members of the same culture produce through their actions the a cumulating lineage of history, and intercausalities, whether an individual is working to feed his or her family, or being a part of mass movement such as voting or engaging war with another culture. Thus it is only a matter of the level of the scope where the same phenomenon of information driven continuums are investigated.

*What Memes Are - General Concepts of Contemporary Memetics by Henry M. Piironen
The word meme is a general concept for any replicated unit of cultural data, such as behavior, words, language, and values. In a wider scope, memes can also be perceived in sense of fashion, accents, know-how, technology, genres of music, and inherent behavioral values from family or group of friends, just to mention few. In this article, the general concepts of contemporary memetics are introduced.

*How Knowledge Conditions the Innate Human Awareness by Henry M. Piironen
When we are born, our awareness of the environment is called of being in a state of a blank slate. This does not however mean that such innate abilities as holding breath under water, snake detection, coalition detection, etc. would not exist in the innate human awareness, but that although we have relatively the same brains as persons two centuries ago, the knowledge we become conditioned to after our births makes something far different than what the persons were two centuries ago.

*Memes We Adopt As Reality - How Realisms Are Brought to Life by Henry M. Piironen
Human consciousness adopts its modernity from the contemporary form the developed reality has emerged as in the lineage of cultural continuums. Realisms in themselves without any consciousness to give them their emergence remain in their metaphysical state of being, brought to life only if they reach the state of becoming a part of the reality of consciousness.

*Why Memes Must Be Considered As Asymmetric by Henry M. Piironen
It would at first seem self-evident that when two or more persons are looking at the same cup of tea, they are perceiving the same cup of tea. The image they are perceiving does have some differences in the angle they perceive it in, but that is besides the point, which is that although the image of the cup of tea is build by relatively similar pair of eyes, causing the emergence of parallel perceptions of the same object, the units of information inside the human brain that are associated to the image are relatively different in that the semantic information will have differences in individual level.

*Consistent Personal Development - What it is and How to Create It by Henry M. Piironen
It is impossible to create a life strategy that would be an universal solution because of differences in personality, personal history and because the circumstances change as the world develops further in time. There are still commonalities behind every success story, and one of them is consistency.

*Inconsiderate Evil - How to Think Without the Evil Texture in Mind by Henry M. Piironen
The human experience of reality is founded upon how it is thought, and appears in the form given to it. And as our every action has a consequence, the result of acting in relativity with thoughts of evil always results with painful consequences.

*Let Yourself and Ideals Live - Moving From a Constrained Mind to a More Dynamic Personality by Henry M. Piironen
Personality has multiple areas for its existence, which emerge when we are exposed to different circumstances, and stimulus. By constraining our minds, we may inhibit ourselves from exploring the unknown potential in us, unknown sides of life and may very well not thus live as complete and fulfilled life as we would have desired ourselves to live. This article encourages the readers to let themselves and their ideals happen.

*Nietzschean Art of Egotism - How in Fact Everything Can Make You Stronger by Henry M. Piironen
The citation from Nietzsche "Whatever doesn't kill him, makes him stronger" has received high rates of fame for decades and has been popularly used to near banality, but it's still one of the most powerful teachings for those who practice the arts of healthy egotism. In this article you will discover how to learn to produce productive actions after hardships.

*Parallel Perceptions and the Representation of the Environment - How the Reality Gains it Shape by Henry M. Piironen
Due to the indirect perception of the environment after the content generative cycle, such factors as cultural heritage, personal history and responses that define the characteristics of personality, the reality as is perceived has a vast variety of differences, although the origins of the perception of the environment is relatively the same. Consider that we were both watching a black feather pointing up from a piece of gum.

*Representational Sense of Reality - What it is and How it Affects You by Henry M. Piironen
What is meant by a representational sense of reality? How is it formed, and how does it affect you? These are questions that are answered in this article, including how to consciously use this for own benefit.

*Social Dynamics in the Representational World - The Effects Content Generative Cycle by Henry M. Piironen
To expect that the environment we perceive and experience internally would not have the content given by the sub-consciousness would be to expect existence of a zero reality in the representational world, similar with how the physical world exists without values as it is. As all content is given to the environment through content generative cycle from the neurological units the brains have, it affects to personal interrelations in ways that are introduced in this article.

*How to Build a Healthy Conscience - Learning From Self-Realizations - A Self-Actualized Conscience by Henry M. Piironen
Outside of the boundaries of healthy conscience there usually exists either that one has not actualized the gravity of one's actions, or in the most usual case, that the gravity of one's actions are overly weighted. I am not trying to offer you any magic bullets in this article, nor will this be the only thing to be realized in order to create healthy conscience. But there is no person who would do wrong and be aware of the whole gravity in that what he does is wrong against another.

*Judgmental Realism - The Benefits and Misconductions by Henry M. Piironen
Clearly, morality belongs to a group behavior, as moral constrictions serve no purpose when for example an individual lives alone on a deserted island. Whether he or she then explores the realms of his other spirituality or conducts ethical behavior towards animals is a completely different thing.

*Sub-Conscious and the Representation of Self - Enforcing the Validity of Your Personal Experience by Henry M. Piironen
Human Rights are not merely words in a rule book, but its heart and spirit is composed of deeply rooted understanding of the human condition. Without causing any arguments over the written words of the Human Rights, in this article the validity of your own experiences and the freedom of cognition are enforced.

*The Cosmological Eon and the Realms of Earth - How Contemporary Realisms Are Not the Ultimate Ones by Henry M. Piironen
History teaches to us that throughout the history of mankind civilizations have been built over civilizations, and that the realisms in parallel with different cultures have been drastically different, most of when compared between the now existing technologically and scientifically developed nations. Knowledge has the tendency to develop, and the peaks of our understanding are merely the starting points of new generations. In this article, I will burst the bubble surrounding the sense that our developed realism is the ultimate one.

*Cosmological Causalities and Existence - Cosmological Realism of Existence by Henry M. Piironen
While the cosmos undergoes a series of insignificant changes during the lifespan of an individual, the exceeding awareness of an individual undergoes changes that are far from being insignificant. Furthermore, the information driven continuum of one's being is surrounded by an environment that is dominated by this constancy of increasing complexity in representational level. When summing these up, how do these affect your life?

*Metaphysical Existence of the Truths - How and Why Truths Are Universal by Henry M. Piironen
The emergence of truths is in most cases either caused by the properties of semantics or patterns of different causalities that are all together combined by the sub-conscious as representations to consciousness. Both of these phenomena belong to phenomenal world of consciousness, and thus, every type of consciousness that contain similar cognitive properties of finding truths from combined patterns and entities are, when the proper neural causalities exist, able to produce same truths from the universal representational space.

*On Letting the Past Go - How You Can Release Yourself From the Bitter Past by Henry M. Piironen
You have the ability to perceive beyond what is merely manifested in the environment in your mental space. This ability includes the capacity to design one's future, and anticipate reactions in the present time, but not without a price. Although the past of the cosmos does not physically exist, and although the actions that took place in the past are non-existent, they exist in our memories, leading to the option of one surrounding oneself with a bitter past.

*Reaching Potentials by Creative Visualizations - As Every Thought is Creative, Think Imaginatively by Henry M. Piironen
The brains are utterly incapable of producing exactly the same thought, however similar the experience of the thought might be. Thus, all thoughts are creative, and they present something new of a kind every time they emerge from the sub-conscious. In this article it is presented how creative visualizations can be used to reach new unexplored potentials of oneself.

*Universal Values and the Representational Perception of Ethics by Henry M. Piironen
As the ethical values must be considered to be universal in content to every human with relative asymmetric differences, it should be noted that as we experience the reality in the form of different representations in our consciousness, we use representational perception in our consciousness to perceive ethical values, beyond the mere physical environment. The ethical values are produced of information that exists in the category of behavioral representations.

*How Ethical Values Extend the Range of Innate Human Behavior by Henry M. Piironen
That how the range of innate human behavior can be extended with ethical values can be perceived from the cross-cultural cognitive adaptation that has its existence in the primal social contract, and when it is compared with, in this example, a Christian ethical value because of their popularity in existence. In its most sophisticated simplicity, the social contract has been popularly stated as: "If you take the benefit, then you (must) satisfy the requirement" (standard form) or "if you satisfy the requirement, then you (may) take the benefit" (switched form)." (Sygiyama).

*What is to Create Correlations to Behavior With Values and Representations? by Henry M. Piironen
When we considered that a representation, produced in relativity with an external phenomenon, contains the properties that it in timely standards as a representation has a value of being true, it is then in correlation with the properties that are in the observed phenomenon. When this is considered in behavioral level in that it is imitated, it can be perceived how a representation of a behavior in consciousness can be used to adjust one's own behavior to have relative correlations with it.

*Universal Human Characteristics and the Universal Nature of Values by Henry M. Piironen
The minor differences and major similarities between people in genetic level are able to produce the range and variety in what makes individuals distinctive from each other in its purely physical level, but we are also able conduct general understanding on what are the universal human characteristics, leading to a more better understanding on why also values must be considered as universal in nature. In 2007 researcher of genetics Craig Venter, who is to say the least a pioneer in his field and who developed a revolutionary new method on mapping genomes, called the shotgun method, said in...

*Representations and Behavior - How Representations Direct the Actions We Take by Henry M. Piironen
As information is always something that has a value in the sense that there cannot be any content free information in order for it to be information, we also adjust our behavior and behave in relations with the values that are emerging information from the sub-conscious has. In other words, when the content of information, given through conscious valuations and by the sub-consciousness causes behavior, it is in relativity with the given content, including when we willingly choose freely not to do something.

*Consequences of the Lack of Reference Points in Relativity With the Emerging Futures by Henry M. Piironen
Over the centuries, humanity has argued whether or not human life can be self-determined, or is the freedom of will merely an illusion in a reality where all actions are pre-determined either by an omnipotent entity or by the sub-conscious mind. The human experience also clearly indicates that once the choice has been made, and the action manifested, there is no turning time into a reverse, return and cause the emergence of a different kind of future reality. Thus, as time moves forwards in relatively rapid terms for a conscious being, the simplicity over which the life of choices and...

*Difference Between Consistent - And Inconsistent Constructive Efforts by Henry M. Piironen
We can combine from the sum of our consistent actions with the determined goal everything realistically possible thus producing consistent constructive efforts. In mass level, such efforts enable the possibility to construct complex vehicles, skyscrapers and a metropolis, and is therefore one of the most valuable forms of actions an individual can use for his or her benefit.

*How the Great Teachers Altered Who Were to Be Born by Henry M. Piironen
Now, we are the future of the humanity of the past, and there is no way that the reality as it is now could have emerged in any other way, and thus it is pointless to go into arguments that whether or not the reality as it is could be any other kind as it is. This non-the-less does not mean that if Confucius had choked over a piece of dry bread during his youth that, as a consequence the same set of persons would now exist here.

*Generations of Difference - Asymmetric Senses of Reality and the Cultural Continuums by Henry M. Piironen
Why do persons from different generations behave so differently? What causes the emergence of the generation gap and what is it?

*Present Time - The Threshold of the Emerging Futures and the Vanishing Point of the Present by Henry M. Piironen
How fast time exceeds is dependent on Earth to the mass and the gravitational effects of that mass in that if their relativistic constancies were higher, time would exceed slower although we would not be able to tell a difference with any ordinary clocks or with our own experience, as everything would exceed in slower pace. Thus, how fast what we experience as the present time exceeds in different areas of the cosmos cannot be said to have any constancy, but the nature of the experience of the present time as the threshold of the emerging future and the vanishing point of the present remains as the same.

*Representational Sense of Reality and the Emerging Future Realities by Henry M. Piironen
Reality as it is experienced is representational, existing in parallel with the cosmological existence of atoms, the reality we live from and gain our emergence from. That whether an individual's existence as a person is based on random emergence, throughout the known and unknown cosmos, when a consciousness having gene machine replicates itself, or because of choices made by an uncreated hyper intelligence are as parallel perceptions besides the point that sentient life itself exists in the magnificence of the cosmos, of whose future realities emerge constantly for it to live in through itself.

*Positive Constructivism and Life in the Threshold of Existence by Henry M. Piironen
Time for a mortal existence narrows the infinite amount of actions to be made in relativity with an immortal existence. Thus, as actions produce the history of an individual through the process of accumulation in nature, after the birth and emergence of individual's existence, through specialization the time relativistic limited potential can be focused to increase the procedural capacity within the areas of specialization.

*How to Become Ambitious and What it Means to Live With Ambitions by Henry M. Piironen
Everything is founded on how we think and are able to think. Thus it is also in everyone's reach to become ambitious if one willing to leave behind the thoughts that suppressed the ambitions and turn into future oriented thoughts to accomplish matters that can be built only through consistency over vast periods of time.

*Cognition and Building Long Term Coherent Ways to Reach Goals by Henry M. Piironen
When you are making a simple decision as to go outdoors, you feel your body preparing for the task as an energizing and empowering momentum, while your cognition associates different routes and places for you to go into. The energizing momentum can be fulfilled and used by going ahead with the plan, or put to an end by debunking it by your own thought, thus leaving the built momentum unused. In this article we explore how to build long term coherent decisions without self-undoing the desired goals.

*Tips For Becoming More Intelligent and Smarter With Consistent Development by Henry M. Piironen
There are no instant methods for increasing the intelligence or no one thought that would make a person suddenly smarter. In this article I introduce ways for increasing intelligence and on how to become smarter through consistent development.

*How Cultural Continuums Unlock the Mystery of War by Henry M. Piironen
As civilizations are built over civilizations, development grow further from already developed platforms, the constancy of birth of new generations are born daily into a more developed world within the developed nations, for now comprehensible reasons the persistent existence of war still plagues humanity. When looking back to the history of mankind, the appearance of the ancient humans encapsulate something of a magical kind around them. In relativity with the scientific realism, the amount of fantasy included to the natural phenomena make the mystical hunting experts and survivalists in the past even more mysterious, with brains relatively the...

*Consistency and Living Up to Your Own Standards by Henry M. Piironen
Everyday life contains multiple different choices that we make sometimes out of routines, and on other occasions based on rational- or emotional reflections. Despite common beliefs, a smart person makes both, emotional- and reasoned decisions as the conscious mind is only able to process information 60bits/s, wherein the sub-conscious has been estimated to have a capacity of 11 200 000bits/s, and thus it is a marriage made in heaven that a person listens to her intuition, emotion and reasons by taking also note on both of them.

*The Law of Consistent Knowledge Development - Why Development Oriented Cultures Keep Developing by Henry M. Piironen
New generations are born daily, and the world they receive as it is has moved in its development further. The generations that were born during the eighties did not have the computer revolution's advantages and ways for spending their free time, the amount of existing music were living in their high-tech vinyl age, and the understanding of the cosmos was not as far as it is today.

*Asymmetric Memes - Debunking Luis Benitez-Bribiesca's Criticism on Memetics by Henry M. Piironen
While it is highly imaginative to consider that memes could in any event be replicated with the accuracy of a replicated DNA, as every individual's sub-conscious brain functions interpret the phenomena in the environment physically separate from the others brains, producing an independent content generative cycle, relative correlations in the descriptive levels of the phenomena do non-the-less exist, and as even counter arguments are produced in relativity with the same observed phenomenon, the same observed phenomenon is under a parallel perception. Thus, although the descriptive level of the phenomenon is different, it does not mean that the representation...

*Merging of Cultures As Merging of Representational Senses of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
It is impossible that a person would not have any kind of reaction over another one, and when two persons are put together, they form together similarly unique connectivity as an individual alone is an unique composition of neurons and synaptic connections grown over time. And as the sense of reality is representational, interactions cause asymmetric merging of the sense of reality, introduced in this article.

*What is a Representational Mass Reality? A Very Short Introduction by Henry M. Piironen
The individual's sense of reality is representational, and it can even be said that all human experiences are representations, thus forming a representational reality in parallel with the physical reality. The contents of the representational reality are founded on the interpretations of the environment and on such responses as emotions. But what can we then call as the representational mass reality?

*On Being Satisfied From One's Own Being by Henry M. Piironen
Satisfaction from one's own being is not to be addicted to gaining satisfaction from anything of the external. The ultimate freedom is nonetheless impossible and remains as unachievable a goal as cell cycles and the constant renewal of this body in biochemical and biocellural level cause the necessity of feeding and drinking, and thus we cannot be free from hunger and thirst.

*On Mental Perception of Values by Henry M. Piironen
We may find ourselves from time to time in circumstances when we mentally perceive the appropriate values for conducting our behavior, and believe that those values are what we are judged upon, although in reality, no such valuations are made in relativity with us, but on the contrary, our actions are judged in relativity with totally different frame of values. Of course we are not aware of it, but why?

*Representational Sense of Identity by Henry M. Piironen
The representational perception of individual's identity is artificial. Reflecting one's actions for example in the contrast of heroes can cause an individual to identify oneself with a heroic figure, and as long as the process of identifying oneself with representations are positive in nature, they can be used as means to motivate oneself, enjoy pride or for setting goals of attaining the desired characteristics from multiple different heroes, thus enriching the individuals scope. Representational identities are dependent on the given definition for them, and change over time.

*Universal Path of Choices and Consequences by Henry M. Piironen
The path of our individual existence is formed of choices and consequences of those choices. When you look at your own past, you see the choices you have taken, and then actions you have made to manifest in accordance with those choices. The path of your life is the sum of your choices and their consequences. The path you haven't walked yet through will form through the cumulating choices and their consequences.

*Vanity and the Ethical Mergence With Others by Henry M. Piironen
There are far more interesting and fulfilling things in life than the life addicted with vanities. You are bound to explore the unknown everyday as the causalities exceeds in the continuum of time, and make new connections as your internal neurological complexity changes constantly.

*Article on Complex Semantics by Henry M. Piironen
When one word is considered as a partial structure of a representation, and in this case a grammatical semantic structure, the first level of this type of information is a word. The sub-structure of the word is the definition given to it, but because of categorization, it is divided to the categorical type characterizing the grammatical system such as an adjective. But when the definition is selected and the word is united logically with a combination of words, they produce the second level of information, a grammatical representation.

*How an Ethical Choice Affects the Lives of Others by Henry M. Piironen
An individual cannot separate himself or herself from the causalities of the cosmos, and if this realm of existence and the consequences of the lives of persons who had their existence centuries ago cannot be separated from the causalities to a vacuum existence, how much less can an individual separate himself or herself from the universal causalities, set in motion at the birth of this universe. This is also to say that as much as others as causalities merge with your life, your representational path and your neurological history, you too are a part of the causalities that surround the other persons.

*How Different Belief Systems Form Behavioral Values by Henry M. Piironen
Realism is a belief system concerning the independent existence of objects such as a feather or the planets in the cosmos as they are, despite on how we think of them, and although it is the most realistic belief system, it is non-the-less a belief system, since it is founded on human cognition. Belief systems are also something that produces behavioral values, since they define the nature of the reality one exists in, and by doing so, the variety of different culture related behavior exists in their present, past and future forms.

*How Free Will Manifests Itself Over Long Periods of Time of Existence by Henry M. Piironen
It is widely disputed that whether or not an individual has a free will, either because of beliefs that include a hyper intelligent creator who has determined the life of an individual even before her birth, or because of the psychological belief that the sub-conscious side of our existence would determine our actions so deeply that we have little or no room to consciously determine what we choose to do, causing the emergence of a sense of duality. The neurology of our brains never seize their processes as long as individual is alive and we become constantly increasingly aware...

*How Intuition Can Be Consciously Developed by Henry M. Piironen
Our ability to learn manifests itself in the form of intuition most clearly, and it can be defined in its mere simplicity as the ability to know something without conscious consideration. Intuition can also be considered to be one of the most important mental capacities the individual can have, as it develops through time so that we do not have to conduct the same lines of reasoning again and again when meet the same set circumstances. In this article we will find how this ability can be harnessed under the conscious development.

*Introducing Real-Time Changes in the Representational Reality by Henry M. Piironen
What is history but different phases that as a process of cumulative causalities combine and lead to the emergence of the future? The alterations in the cultural continuums can be analogously perceived with the cosmos, since the different causal phases in the space-time continuum of the universe of atoms is in its perhaps unending flux all around us, having such modern entities as solar systems, planets, asteroids, and so on, independent on how we think of them whose combined atomic structures are never in a state of constancy. The real-time shifts that combine the future of the atomic universe are...

*Mental and Physical - What it Takes to Alter the Sense of Reality by Henry M. Piironen
Mental and physical levels of our being are both areas that have interconnected consequences over the other, both influencing to the emerging forms of our sense of reality. And although we may sometimes find ourselves from the circumstances that we feel trapped or unable to move forwards in life, it is often only our own sense of reality that fetters a person to the obstacle, closing the mind away from the almost infinite amount of possibilities that surrounds the person constantly.

*On Being Aware of the Causalities That Merge With Your Life by Henry M. Piironen
When you are born, you are surrounded by the universal causations that even constituted the possibility of your existence. Such causalities as where every individual is located on the platform of this planetary reality, in what condition the nature around you is, the nature of you receiving energy from the basic element of oxygen and variety of different energetic molecules, the representational reality the culture you are born to and the values you adopt from it, and other this kind of causalities constitute your very own existence, and they all merge to your awareness and to the properties of your body.

*Criticism Over the Debate on Dominating Belief Systems by Henry M. Piironen
Representational mass reality is under the constancy of change. It advances in every alteration made in the level of information concerning the reality.

*Cumulating Past of Existence by Henry M. Piironen
The cumulating past can be for practical reasons perceived through an analogue of increasing complexity, which is at the heart of heightening cognitive abilities through consciousness, as increasing complexity in understanding and awareness are constancies. You become more aware all the time whether you want it or not, and it is impossible for you to achieve to keep any static forms of representations in your consciousness; everything you are aware of is in constant change. It is vital for you to at this point to identify the effect of the increasing complexity from yourself.

*On Taking Responsibility Over Actions by Henry M. Piironen
As our actions have consequences, the causalities we create through our actions tend to be how we create ourselves the traps we will fall into, if we just don't happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. As much as mankind is responsible of producing all the conflicts, war and suffering as a consequence of interrelations, so do you produce the causalities through your actions that either make you repent if your unconsidered actions cause pain or loss in others, and the opposite. From both we must take responsibility, and if you are aware of your...

*To Thine Own Self Be True - Eleven Founding Principles of Existence and Time by Henry M. Piironen
Everything is as they are, and all opinions and beliefs co-exist in parallel as they are, depending on the consciousness they exist in. For the sake of giving healthy balance for selflessness, I want you to consider the following statements to create healthy boundaries for self-determining your own time and existence: 1. Life is the result of inseparable causalities of the emerging cosmos.

*Where Now Exists in the Representational Consciousness by Henry M. Piironen
The world appears to us as fragmented, but your life appears to you as a continuum. Now is the point in space where the cumulated past forms the present in interrelations with the forces it is surrounded with. It is also the point where the future comes to existence and the point where the present content of the consciousness is transformed into a representational past.

*Why Ethical Development Should Exceed Beyond the Ancient Belief Systems by Henry M. Piironen
Mortality! In these extraordinary circumstances that surround us with constantly exceeding causalities, during the brief history of time of one individual, we all hope that the circumstances were better for all to follow their dreams, ambitions and passions in this state of constant becoming of something different of a kind. In this world, all will face their ending, and during this period of living for living before death, when ambitions, hopes, goals, dreams, sexual desires, love towards a companion, visions, intellectual realms, are all very real for us, we should use this life as it was ours entirely to decide...

*Cognition and the Cultural Generation Gap - Significance of Logic and the Development of Knowledge by Henry M. Piironen
When reading the thoughts of the historical figures to the extent of what we call ancient, we find similar arrogance over the past human generations, and how for example Lao Tze, the author of Tao Te Chin or Siddhartha Gautama who lived even before him had an arrogance over whom they called as ancient, just as we now call them. Within a decade, we may find ourselves feeling the most fashionable as distasteful, and the further we go in time, the more arrogantly we perceive the past of humanity.

*What Produces Awareness and Understanding? The Content Generative Cycle of the Sub-Conscious Mind by Henry M. Piironen
Perception begins from the moment when the luckily massless photons come in contact with the retina, activating in relativity with their frequency a content generative cycle in the brains, first received in the visual cortex by individual neurons, from where they exceed to other regions of the visual cortex, recognizing patterns, producing content to the representation of the environment. Similar content generative cycles from different forms of sensory data are active in the different regions of the brain, and it is only the sum of these content generative cycles that produce the content of the awareness, including memories and semantic content such as the meaning of a cup and how it is used.

*An Article on Self Awareness by Henry M. Piironen
When one neuron in our brains has the capacity to produce thousand connections with other neurons, the amount of possible connections is more than the universe has atoms. As you can imagine, in this complexity the self-awareness cannot be too simplistic to be expressed as being composed of only one factor, but from many, and this article introduces the five key areas of your self-awareness.

*Value of Truth - Cultural Continuums and the Spread of Information Inside the Mass Mind by Henry M. Piironen
Individuals are not born to a reality that had not exceeded in content through different phases of development, but to a reality that has history of cause and effect, founded on the interaction between different humans and their consciousness. The ordinary perception of reality is placed in the physical world that surrounds the consciousness, when in fact if we consider this more closely, we find the emptiness of all the buildings and constructions without the presence humans, therefore bringing out the fact that it is the living and the heritage from our ancestors that produce that which we call as the reality.

*Metaphysical Existence of the Truths - How and Why Truths Are Universal by Henry M. Piironen
The emergence of truths is in most cases either caused by the properties of semantics or patterns of different causalities that are all together combined by the sub-conscious as representations to consciousness. Both of these phenomena belong to phenomenal world of consciousness, and thus, every type of consciousness that contain similar cognitive properties of finding truths from combined patterns and entities are, when the proper neural causalities exist, able to produce same truths from the universal representational space.

*On Letting the Past Go - How You Can Release Yourself From the Bitter Past by Henry M. Piironen
You have the ability to perceive beyond what is merely manifested in the environment in your mental space. This ability includes the capacity to design one's future, and anticipate reactions in the present time, but not without a price. Although the past of the cosmos does not physically exist, and although the actions that took place in the past are non-existent, they exist in our memories, leading to the option of one surrounding oneself with a bitter past.

*Reaching Potentials by Creative Visualizations - As Every Thought is Creative, Think Imaginatively by Henry M. Piironen
The brains are utterly incapable of producing exactly the same thought, however similar the experience of the thought might be. Thus, all thoughts are creative, and they present something new of a kind every time they emerge from the sub-conscious. In this article it is presented how creative visualizations can be used to reach new unexplored potentials of oneself.

*The Cultural Heritage of the Sense of Reality - What it is and How it Differentiates Perceptions by Henry M. Piironen
Individuals are born in the condition that has both, innate information, and awareness of the environment that is a blank slate. In this article it is explained how the cultural heritage conditions our sense of reality, and how it differentiates perceptions between members of different cultures.

*The Evolutionary Heritage of the Innate Nature - How to Understand Your Own Nature by Henry M. Piironen
Without semantic knowledge or the memic heritage of developed knowledge, humanity would never had left the jungles, but had remained as intelligent animals, chasing for breakfast. Although the complexity of our thought would make a seagull jump all over the ground, wherein an ordinary day of perceiving the flashing representations and episodes we go through in our minds would be a baffling religious experience to an ape and the contemporary level of knowledge would make Aristotle suffer a severe form of inferiority complex, that is if he could survive the shock of what humanity become, we are still bound to our innate nature.

*Exploring the Possible - How One Turn in Thought Can Revolutionize Your Creative Capacity by Henry M. Piironen
In the perspective of the universal human, exploring what is possible and how something could be possible is more fruitful, when compared with studying why something cannot be possible and how something cannot, although they go hand-in-hand during the creative process. But when only studying the latter side, one manages only to create boundaries for the creative capacity.

*Cognition and the Ancient Wisdom Traditions - Unfolding Universal Principles of Life to Be by Henry M. Piironen
It is safe to say that young children cannot be expected to master the cognitive tasks those of the adults. The diverse complexity of social dynamics, the battle of sexes in male and female relationships, Plato's cave, chaos theory, advanced quantum mechanics, and such, all require growth in the procedural capacity of cognitive tasks.

*Enforcing Ambition - Setting Goals Beyond the Average and Challenging One's Sense of Boundaries by Henry M. Piironen
The daily phenomena last merely a day, and those who bound themselves with the daily phenomena can achieve daily achievements that as fragmented produce the sum of daily achievements of a lifetime. Philosophies that only evoke the person to enjoy the moment, enjoy experiences that last for a moment, but philosophies that enforce the gradual cumulation of achievements that have taken years to create, combine a totally different story of a lifetime.

*Freedom of Cognition - Reframing the Freedom of Choosing Fate to Cognitive Tasks by Henry M. Piironen
One of the defining freedoms of humanity is the freedom to choose one's own fate. In self-deterministic viewpoint, fate is composed of all the choices, actions and cognitions made during the individuals life, and thus by studying how specialization and learning in general extends the procedural capacity of cognition, the a priori choices determining the paths of fate become remotely possible.

*How Realizations Alter Your Future - Cognitive Tasks and the Continuum of Our Being by Henry M. Piironen
Realizations are to learn to perform cognitive tasks that were not possible before the moment of realization. Such actions or sensations were not possible to causate to consciousness and even less were one able to adjust his/her life in relativity with them. Realizations grant the tasty metabolic rewards for the explorers from quantum physics to welders to authors to philosophers to home makers, and as realizations expand the cognitive procedural capacity, the future changes relativity with how the individual organizes his/her future actions.

*Information Driven Continuums - An Introduction by Henry M. Piironen
What are information driven continuums? How do they function and how are they formed? Present advancements in memetics, neuropsychology and algorithms concerned to produce artificial intelligence manifest great examples for answering to these questions and some founding principles are explored in this article.

*Chaos Theory and the Memic Butterfly Effect by Henry M. Piironen
Chaos theory involves the studies of the behavior of the internal complexity of certain dynamical systems, such as how the agents involved in the weather phenomena self-organize themselves in interrelations in seemingly chaotic manner. The sensitivity in changes in agential level is popularly referred as the butterfly effect in systems that involve the continual properties of a continuum phenomenon. In the famous film, "The Butterfly Effect" the leading character was able to move backwards in the time-continuum and influence the present agents, thus altering the causations that lead to the emergence of the future state of mankind.

*Basic Foundations For Any Ethical System by Henry M. Piironen
In order for any ethics be true, they must be conducted from the truth that everyone who live in this world equally exist, born unknowing. The fundamental truth is that every known being has consciousness, and that there is none is born with the knowledge of where his/her ego/soul has emerged from.

*Significance of Words and Semantics in the 21st Century by Henry M. Piironen
Using semantics is to produce logical connections between words, and when words are considered as representations, semantics is to produce logical connections between representations in order to produce higher level representations such as how the descriptive levels of the word memetics produce what is perceived in representational level as memetics or such as a list of signs defining the level of attraction in relationships. In this manner, semantics also offer/enable the possibility to move in the mental space, and the representations we are aware of define our mental state of being.

*How Mass Statistical Surveys Generate Mass Opinions by Henry M. Piironen
While democratic systems need mass statistical surveys, they cannot depend on them. In fact, representational models of the sense of reality tell that mass statistical surveys can be the very originating source for an individual to become aware of a political phenomenon, generating hasty opinions concerning as serious issues as war.

*Just Say NO to a Psychedelic Mind by Henry M. Piironen
What produces the psychedelic experience? What is it based on that the experience of the existence changes when one is under the influence of a psychoactive agent? Why is it that the psychedelic experience causes the sense that they enhance creativity? Why do the psychoactive substances make an individual feel that it is a learning experience? These are the main questions that are related to value-relative support on the use of psycho-active substances, these are the issues that support the existence of a psychedelic mind, debunked comprehensively.

Revision as of 20:16, 22 March 2011