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User:Rovine/user contributions.js: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Content deleted Content added
reverting to older version to fix minor ui bug
trial and improvement of ui
Line 104: Line 104:
a.href = '#';
a.href = '#';
h3.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[0,40]))};
h3.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[0,5]))};
h3.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};
h3.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};

Revision as of 09:18, 27 January 2015

**                ***WARNING: GLOBAL GADGET FILE***                 **
**         any changes to this file will affect many users          **
**          please discuss changes on the talk page or at           **
**             [[Wikipedia talk:Gadget]] before editing             **
**     (consider dropping the script author a note as well...)      **
**                                                                  **
**             Script:        Drop-down menus                       **
**            Version:        4.51g                                 **
**             Author:        Haza-w                                **
**      Documentation:        [[User:Haza-w/Drop-down menus]]       **
**                                                                  **
// "Fail gracefully" if skin not supported
switch (mw.config.get('skin')) {
    case 'modern': case 'monobook': case 'vector':
    // Global variables
    var _cactions = {
        admin: mw.config.get( 'wgUserGroups' ).join().indexOf('sysop') > -1 ? true : false,
        areqs: [],
        hovms: mw.config.get('skin') == 'vector' ? 50 : 400,
        menus: [],
        mouse: null,
        pname: 'User:Rovine',
        timer: [],
        vectr: mw.config.get('skin') == 'vector' ? true : false
    // Process XMLHttpRequests
    function xhr(request,url,orsc) {
        with (request) {
            onreadystatechange = orsc;
    // Find absolute position of element
    function findPos(eid,offset) {
        var obj = document.getElementById(eid), pos = [0,0];
        do with (obj) {
            pos[0] += offsetLeft;
            pos[1] += offsetTop;
        } while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
        pos[0] += offset[0]; pos[1] += offset[1];
        return pos;
    // Create menu div element
    function createMenu(mid,vectorise,html) {
        var menu = document.createElement('div');
        with (menu) {
            id = 'opt-' + mid;
            className = 'ca-menu';
            style.display = 'none';
        menu.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid)};
        menu.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};
        var elements = {
            ul: document.createElement('ul'),
            li: null,
            a: null,
            txt: null
        with (elements) {
            for (var i = 0; i < html.length; i++) if (html[i].length) {
                li = document.createElement('li'); li.id = html[i][0];
                a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = html[i][2];
                txt = document.createTextNode(html[i][1]);
                a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li);
        if (vectorise) createTab(mid);
        return 'opt-' + mid;
    // Create cactions LI tab
    function createTab(mid) {
        var mtitle = mid.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + mid.substr(1);
        if (_cactions.vectr) {
            var cid = 'p-' + mid;
            var elements = {
                div: document.createElement('div'),
                h3: document.createElement('h3'),
                span: document.createElement('span'),
                a: document.createElement('a'),
                txt: null
            with (elements) {
                div.id = cid;
                div.className = 'vectorMenu';
                txt = document.createTextNode(mtitle);
                span.appendChild(txt); h3.appendChild(span);
                a.href = '#';
                h3.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[0,5]))};
                h3.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};
                span = document.createElement('span');
                a.appendChild(span); h3.appendChild(a);
        else {
            var cid = 'ca-' + mid;
            var elements = {
                li: document.createElement('li'),
                a: document.createElement('a'),
                txt: document.createTextNode(mtitle)
            with (elements) {
                li.id = cid;
                a.href = '#';
                a.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[-10,20]))};
                a.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};
                a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a);
    // CSS hide elements
    function hideElements(elements,conditionals) {
    	var i;
        if (typeof(conditionals) == 'undefined') {
            for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) if (document.getElementById(elements[i])) document.getElementById(elements[i]).style.display = 'none';
        else for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) if (document.getElementById(elements[i])) {
            document.getElementById(elements[i]).style.display = 'none';
            if (conditionals[i]) document.getElementById(conditionals[i]).style.display = 'none';
    // Show/hide menu functions
    function showMenu(mid,pos) {
        with (_cactions) {
            mouse = mid;
            if (pos) for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
                if (timer[menus[i]]) {
                    timer[menus[i]] = null;
                if (mid.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'') == menus[i]) continue;
                document.getElementById(menus[i]).style.display = 'none';
            if (!timer[mid]) with (document.getElementById(mid).style) {
                display = '';
                if (pos) {
                    left = pos[0]+'px';
                    top = pos[1]+'px';
            else {
                timer[mid] = null;
    function hideMenu(mid) {
        with (_cactions) {
            if (mid == mouse.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'')) timer[mid] = null;
            if (timer[mid]) {
                timer[mid] = null;
                document.getElementById(mid).style.display = 'none';
                if (mid == mouse && mid.search(/opt-.*-/) != -1) document.getElementById(mid.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'')).style.display = 'none';
            else timer[mid] = setTimeout('hideMenu(\''+mid+'\');',hovms);
    // Delink element
    function removeLink(eid) {
        var element = document.getElementById(eid);
        if (!element.getElementsByTagName('a').length) return false;
        var a = element.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
        element.className = 'ca-disabled';
    // Page options hook
    jQuery(function () {
        if ( !mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) ) {
            with (_cactions) {
            	var script = mw.config.get( 'wgScript' ),
            		articleId = mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId')
                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('Status',true,Array(
                                    ['c-p-somewhere',        'Somewhere',      '#'],
                    articleId?    ['c-p-online',     'Online',          script+'?title='+pname+'/Status&action=edit&newstatus=Online']                     :[] ,
                    articleId?    ['c-p-offline',        'Offline',        script+'?title=Special:Movepage/'+pname+'&action=view']       :[] ,
                    articleId?         ['c-p-busy',       'Busy',       script+'?title='+pname+'&action=watch']                       :[] ,
                    articleId?         ['c-p-school',     'In School',     script+'?title='+pname+'&action=unwatch']                     :[] ,
                    articleId?          ['c-p-sleep',     'Sleeping',     script+'?title='+pname+'&action=protect']                     :[] ,
                    articleId?          ['c-p-away',   'Away',   script+'?title='+pname+'&action=unprotect']                   :[] ,
                    articleId?          ['c-p-wikibreak',      'On Wikibreak',      script+'?title='+pname+'&action=delete']                      :[] ,
                    articleId?          ['c-p-holiday',    'On Holiday',    script+'?title=Special:Undelete/'+pname+'&action=view']       :[] ,
                    articleId?    ['c-p-working',        'Working',      script+'?title='+pname+'&action=view&diff='+mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' )]  :[] ,
                    articleId?    ['c-p-huggle',    'Huggling',       script+'?title='+pname+'&action=edit&section=0']              :[] ,
                    articleId?    ['c-p-office',      'At Office',    'http://en.wikichecker.com/article/?a='+pname]                  :[] ,
                                    ['c-p-purge',       'Purge cache',      script+'?title='+pname+'&action=purge']
    } );