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{{Not to be confused|Kundu–Eckhaus equation}(See below)}
{{{Not to be confused|Kundu–Eckhaus equation}}(See below)}

The '''Kundu equation''' is a general form of [[integrable system]] that is gauge-equivalent to the mixed nonlinear [[Schrödinger equation]]. It was proposed by Anjan Kundu.<ref name={{kundu|1984}} >
The '''Kundu equation''' is a general form of [[integrable system]] that is gauge-equivalent to the mixed nonlinear [[Schrödinger equation]]. It was proposed by Anjan Kundu.<ref name={{kundu|1984}} >

Revision as of 10:00, 25 April 2016


(See below)}

The Kundu equation is a general form of integrable system that is gauge-equivalent to the mixed nonlinear Schrödinger equation. It was proposed by Anjan Kundu.[1] as

with arbitrary function and the subscripts denoting partial derivatives. Equation (1) is shown to be reducible for the choice of to an integrable class of mixed nonlinear Schrödinger equation with cubic–quintic nonlinearity,given in a representative form

Here are independent parameters, while Equation (1), more specifically equation (2) is known as the Kundu equation.[2]

Properties and applications

The Kundu equation is a completely integrable system, allowing Lax pair representation, exact solutions and higher conserved quantity. Along with its different particular cases this equation has been investigated for finding its exact travelling wave solutions,[3] exact solitary wave solutions[2] via bilinearization,[4] and Darboux transformation[5][6] together with the orbital stability for such solitary wave[7] and the related rogue wave solution.[8] Painlevé analysis establishes the integrability for this family of nonlinear Schrödinger equations.[9]

The Kundu equation was applied also to various physical processes like fluid dynamics, plasma physics, nonlinear optics etc. (See [7] for relevant references) and is linked to mixed nonlinear Schrödinger equation through gauge transformation and reducible to a variety of known integrable equations like nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE), derivative NLSE, higher nonlinear derivative NLSE, Chen–Lee–Liu, Gerjikov-Vanov, Kundu–Eckhaus equations etc.,for different choices of the parameters.[1]

Kundu-Eckhaus Equation

A generalization of nonlinear Schroedinger equation with additional quintic nonlinerity and a nonlinear dispersive term was proposed in [1] in the form

which may be obtained from the Kundu Equation (2), when restricted to . The same equation, limited further to the particular case was introduced later as Eckhaus equation, following which equation (3) is presently known as the Kundu-Ekchaus eqution. The Kundu-Ekchaus equation can be reduced to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation through a nonlinear transformation of the field and known therefore to be gauge equivalent integrable systems, since they are equivalent under the gauge transformation.

Properties and Applications

the Kundu-Ekchaus equation is asociated with a Lax pair, higher conserved quantity, exact soliton solution, rogue wave solution etc. Over the years various aspects of this equation, its generalizations and link with other equations have been studied. In particular, relationship of Kundu-Ekchaus equation with the Johnson's hydrodynamic equation near criticality is established[10] , its discretizations [11] , reduction via [[Lie symmetry]] [12] , complex structure via Bernoulli subequation [13] , bright and dark [[soliton solutions] via Baecklund transfomation [14] and Darbaux transformation [15] with the associated rogue wave solutions [16] ,[17] are studied.

RKL equation

A multi-component generalisation of the Kundu-Ekchaus equation (3), known as Radhakrishnan, Kundu and Laskshmanan (RKL) equation was proposed in nolinear optics for fiber optics communication

through soliton

pulses in a birefringent non-Kerr medium [18] and analysed subsequently for its exact soliton solution and other aspects in a series of papers[19] [20] [21] [22]

Quantum Aspect

Though the Kundu-Ekchaus equation (3) is gauge equivalent to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation, they differ in an interesting way with respect to their Hamiltinian structures and field commutation relations. The Hamiltonian operator of the Kundu-Ekchaus equation quantum field model given by

and defined through the bosonic field operatorcommutation relation , is more complicated than the well known bosonic Hamiltonian of the quantum [[nonlinear Schroedinger equation]]. Here indicates normal ordering in [[bosonic operators]]. This model corresponds to a double $\delta $ function interacting bose gas and difficult to solve directly.

one-dimensional Anyon gas

However under a nonlinear transformation of the field

the model can be transformed to

i.e. in the same form as the quantum model of [[nonlinear Schroedinger equation]] (NLSE), though it differs from the NLSE in its contents , since now the fields involved are no longer bosonic operators but exhibit anyon like properties

etc. where


though at the coinciding poiints the bosonic commutation relation still holds. In analogy with the Lieb Limiger model of function bose gas, the quantum Kundu-Ekchaus model in the N-particle sector therefore corresponds to an one-dimensional (1D) anyon gas interacting via a function interaction. This model of interacting anyon gas was proposed and eaxctly solved by the Bethe ansatz in [23] and this basic anyon model is studied further for investigating various aspects of the 1D anyon gas as well as extended in different directions [24] [25] [26] [27] [28]


  1. ^ a b c Kundu, A. (1984), "Landau–Lifshitz and higher-order nonlinear systems gauge generated from nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations", Journal of Mathematical Physics, 25: 3433–3438, Bibcode:1984JMP....25.3433K, doi:10.1063/1.526113
  2. ^ a b Feng, Z.; Wang, X. (2006), "Explicit exact solitary wave solutions for the Kundu equation", Phys. Scripta, 64: 7
  3. ^ Zhang, H. (2010), "Various exact travelling wave solutions for Kundu equation with fifth order nonlinear terms", Rep. Math. Phys.: 231
  4. ^ Kakei, S.; al, et (1995), "Bilinearization of a generalised derivative NLS equation", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 64: 1519
  5. ^ Geng, X.; Tam, H. (1999), "Darboux transformation and soliton solutions for generalised NLS equation", J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 68: 1508
  6. ^ Lü, X. (2013), "Soliton behavior for a generalized mixed nonlinear Schrödinger equation with N-fold Darboux transformation", Chaos, 23: 033137
  7. ^ a b Zhang, W.; al, et (2009), "Orbital stability of solitary waves for Kundu equations", J. Diff. Equations, 274: 1591
  8. ^ Shan, Shibao; al, et (2013), "Rogue Waves of the Kundu–DNLS Equation", Open J. Appl. Sciences, 3: 99
  9. ^ Clarkson, P.; Gosgove, C. (1987), "Rogue Waves of the Kundu–DNLS Equation", J. Phys. A, 320: 2003
  10. ^ Kundu, A. (1987), "Exact solutions in higher order nonlinear equations gauge transformation", Physica D, 25: 399–406 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 54 (help)
  11. ^ Levi, D.; Scimiterna, C. (2009), "The Kundu–Eckhaus equation and its discretizations", J. Phys. A, 42: 465203
  12. ^ Toomanian, M.; Asadi, N. (2013), "Reductions for Kundu-Eckhaus equation via Lie symmetry analysis", Math. Sciences, 7: 50
  13. ^ Beokonus, H. M.; Bulut, Q. H. (2015), "On the complex structure of Kundu-Eckhaus equation via Bernoulli subequation fungtion method", Waves in Random and Complex Media, 28 Aug. {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 57 (help)
  14. ^ Wang,, H. P.; al., et. (2015), "Bright and Dark solitons and Baecklund transfomation for the Kundu–Eckhaus equation", Appl. Math. Comp., 251: 233 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 62 (help)CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  15. ^ Qui, D.; al., et. (2015), "The Darbaux transformation and the Kundu–Eckhaus equation", Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A, 451: 20150236 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 4 (help)
  16. ^ Wang, Xin; al., et. (2014), "Higher-order rogue wave solutions of the Kundu–Eckhaus equation", Phys. Scr., 89: 095210
  17. ^ Ohta, Y.; Yang, J. (2012), "General higher order rogue waves and their dynamics in the NLS equation", Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. A, 468: 1716
  18. ^ Radhakrishnan, R.; Kundu, A.; Lakshmanan, M. (1999), "Coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with cubic-quintic nonlinearity: integrability and soliton interaction in non-Kerr media", Phys. Rev. E, 60: 3314 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 61 (help)
  19. ^ Biswas, A. (2009), "1-soliton solution of the generalized Radhakrishnan, Kundu, Lakshmanan equation", Physics Letters A, 373: 2546
  20. ^ Zhang, J. L.; Wang, M. L. (2008), "Various exact solutions for two special type RKL models", Chaos Solitons Fractals, 37: 215
  21. ^ Ganji, D. D.; al., et. (2008), "Exp-function based solution of nonlinear Radhakrishnan, Kundu and Laskshmanan (RKL) equation", Acta Appl. Math., 104: 201 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 63 (help)
  22. ^ Chun-gang, X. I. N.; al., et. (2011), "New soliton solution of the generalized RKL equation through optical fiber transmission", J. Anhui Univ. (Natural Sc Edition), 35: 39 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 75 (help)
  23. ^ Kundu, A. (1999), "Exact solution of double-delta function Bose gas through interacting anyon gas", Phys. Rev. Lett., 83: 1275 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 69 (help)
  24. ^ Batchelor, M.T.; Oelkers, X. W.. (2006), "One-dimensional interacting anyon gas: low energy properties and Haldane exclusion statistics", Phys. Rev. Lett., 96: 210402 {{citation}}: |first3= missing |last3= (help); line feed character in |title= at position 73 (help)
  25. ^ Girardeau, M. D. (2006), "Anyon-fermion mapping and applications to ultracold gasses in tight waveguides", Phys. Rev. Lett., 97: 100402
  26. ^ Averin, D. V.; Nesteroff, J. A. (2007), "Coulomb blockade of anyons in quantum antidots", Phys. Rev. Lett., 99: 096801 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 20 (help)
  27. ^ Pˆatu, O.I.; Korepin, V. E.; Averin, D. V. (2008), "One-dimensional impenetrable anyons in thermal equillibrium. I. Anyonic generalizations of Lenard's formula", J. Phys. A, 41: 145006 {{citation}}: line feed character in |title= at position 39 (help)
  28. ^ Calabrese, P.; Mintchev, M. (2007), "Correlation functions of one-dimensional anyonic fluids", Phys. Rev. B, 75: 233104