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[[Image:LordNebilim.jpg|thumb|right|Previous MSN Avatar and EvaXephon's current mental image of Lord Nebilim]]'''B.A.B.E.''', an acronym for "Busty Anime Babes Etcetera", is a fictional planetary community that centers around humorous scenarios and storylines. Most of these scenarios feature both original and unoriginal characters, absurdity, and a great deal of in-jokes.


Although the birthday of B.A.B.E. in its current incarnation occurred at 10:41:29 PM, on 6/29/2005, B.A.B.E. went through many transitional stages before it became what it is today.


B.A.B.E. would never have existed at all were it not for the chance meeting of two young Internet users – EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim. The two future friends first met on a text-based message board [[role playing game]]. The [[RPG]] grew from a simple story to something of a sweeping epic, and the characters evolved into literally godlike forms. The decision to render such power unto their characters eventually led to the fall of the [[RPG]] – the point of the [[RPG]] had turned from to having fun to utterly annihilating the other players.

After a decision to end the [[RPG]], birth was given to a new [[RPG]], this one with special rules to ensure that the mistakes of the past were not repeated. This [[RPG]] started out as simple as the first, but, as its predecessor had, it quickly grew to be an epic. Other users with malicious intentions deleted the topic that held this [[RPG]], but, fortunately, EvaXephon had already archived the topic. The very first time that EvaXephon contacted Lord Nebilim via the [[MSN]] [[instant messenger]] program was to warn him of these malicious users (EvaXephon did not have message archiving enabled at this point, so this is not the first instance of discussion between EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim recorded in their MSN message archives). The plot of the [[RPG]] had become quite intricate, and the two of them kept in touch to discuss their future plans for the [[RPG]].

In the beginning, when the two spoke to one another, they conducted their conversations in a businesslike manner, discussing only the [[RPG]]. After the two had gotten to know one another better, their conversations began to take on a more informal, lighthearted tone, eventually resulting in the humorous atmosphere that would characterize their conversations thereafter.

When their discussions became too serious, they would use brevity to lighten the mood. The first tool for doing so was the act of "exploding". At first, it was used in a humorous manner to denote confusion, but eventually, the question was asked – "How do we keep exploding?" This "breaking of the [[fourth wall]] " led EvaXephon to supply an answer to the question – that they had clones waiting to replace them if they died – which was the very first step into deepening their world and making it more than just an [[MSN]] conversation.

Exploding and cloning became running jokes between the two. Planning world domination became another running joke. When Lord Nebilim asked EvaXephon which country he would like after he has taken over the world, EvaXephon jokingly replied, "Bustyanimebabeistan." The idea of Bustyanimebabeistan as a planet was proposed mere seconds afterwards, but this idea was not seriously considered for a relatively long amount of time.

When EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim's discussions would take humorous turns, their conversations would often become miniature [[role-playing games]] in themselves, in which they would invent a scenario, and play it out. These scenarios are similar to television [[situation comedies]]. Sometimes, these scenarios would even involve their RP characters – Het and Cef. To denote whom was speaking, a [[colon]] ( : ) was utilized. The [[colon]] would later go on to become an extremely prevalent and essential facet of their discussions.

At first, the only characters whom were used at all in these scenarios were only Het and Cef. However, when a scenario called for it, an original character was invented – [[Carl Johnson]], a misunderstood bear named after the main character of [[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]] fame. In this "crazed bear" scenario, they escaped from Carl by driving a car to Bustyanimebabeistan, which was thenceforth the stage for their scenarios, where the frequent usage of colon denotation began, and the subject they would place much emphasis on in future conversations.


Bustyanimebabeistan, or BABistan for short, is a fictional country located somewhere in the Middle East of Earth. It is a land that is the very picture of "paradise" – green grass, beautiful waterfalls, fluffy clouds, and rolling plains. BABistan is inhabited by an extremely high amount of "Busty Anime Babes" – females having large, full bosoms, and pleasing curves, whom are depicted in the popular style of animation that originated from Japan. Most of the babes are inherently girlish, cutesy, and, for lack of an appropriate descriptive term, the type of woman who would prefer for a man to stare at her breasts rather than to make eye contact with her. "Scientist" was the first to discover why everyone in the country was so busty and ditzy – the reason was because of a special element that is being released into the air. She was never able to explain exactly what was releasing it into the air or why, because no other inhabitant of BABistan cared to know.

There are at least nine hundred and eighteen million, two hundred and seventy three thousand, six hundred and forty five anime babes in BABistan. Anime babes are not the country's sole inhabitants; other characters, both original and unoriginal, also take up residence in BABistan. Events that occur frequently in BABistan are such things as women involuntarily becoming topless through an event or series of events, underwear contests, hostile invasions by other countries, nude wrestling contests, and attacks by tentacle monsters. Every event occurring in BABistan ultimately has a positive outcome, and every problem is solved with a pleasant solution. For example, EvaXephon's thighs were hurt when two busty twins sat on him, and he had to be carted off to a hospital. However, he was instantly healed by the sexy busty nurse who tended to him. It was not much later until he bought the entire country and temporarily passed a new law – outlawing clothing for females (not that this new law changed things very much).

Flatchestedanimebabeistan is another fictitious country, existing adjacent to Bustyanimebabeistan. It is populated by flat-chested anime babes who are jealous of the inhabitants of BABistan to the point that they wish to kill all of them. Nuditycolonyistan is yet another fictitious country existing adjacent to Bustyanimebabeistan, but was never visited. Fathairyoldmenistan, much to EvaXephon's own dismay, was not inhabited by anime babes, but by fat, hairy old men. It was destroyed by a nuclear blast.

BABistan was only a taste of what was to come. It would go from being a perverted paradise for two horny young men to being a deep and intricate world. The first issue to deal with was BABistan's disappointing name. The country was soon renamed to "Busty Anime Babe Land". As an acronym, it spelled "B.A.B.L." – one letter short from being "B.A.B.E." EvaXephon chose to rename the land "Busty Anime Babe Equarium" (The word "Equarium" being a made-up word meaning "Land" based on the word "Aquarium"). However, the land's greatest transformation came when, in a scenario of rather epic proportions, EvaXephon inadvertently destroyed the entire universe. Lord Nebilim proposed an idea that would launch the two of them into a new era – remaking the universe in a way that was self-serving for them.

===Planet B.A.B.E.===

The first action of EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim as gods was to create a planet – Planet B.A.B.E., a planet-sized version of the country they had come to love.

The first character to be introduced into B.A.B.E. was, in fact, not a busty anime babe, but [[Leon Scott Kennedy]], the main character of the successful video game [[Resident Evil 4]]. Leon would go on to be the most recurring of all of the B.A.B.E. characters. As was the case with most B.A.B.E. characters, Leon's personality was changed from his original one to make him more humorous. Unfortunately for Leon, his personality was altered more than any other characters'. The most remarkable change that occurred within him was his sudden love for the game of [[bingo]], inspired by a line of his from [[RE4]]. Leon was introduced as a member of the "Spoiler Police" – an offshoot of a running joke that involved EvaXephon trying to avoid having an anime or video game spoiled for him.

The introduction of Leon represented a milestone for EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim, as well as the evolution of B.A.B.E. The introduction of Leon was the first scenario in which a character was clearly and obliviously stupid – the first time that a character was presented with something obvious to one reading the conversation, but the character himself was just too stupid to recognize it. As time would pass, EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim would realize that the "Leon is stupid and likes [[bingo]]" formula worked extremely well, decidedly because comedies need at least one character with those qualities (Examples: [[Laurel and Hardy]], [[Abbot and Costello]], or the [[Three Stooges]]). One will find that that if you have a straight man for the audience to relate to, and an idiot for the audience to laugh at, the audience will love it. It is a somewhat overused formula, but it seems to never get old.

EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim were, and are, large fans of the game [[Resident Evil 4]], and now that they had control of Leon, they had the perfect opportunity to poke as much fun at [[RE4]]'s peculiarities as they wanted. They introduced more characters to do so, their personalities changing, sometimes radically, to make the scenario more amusing, eventually resulting in a mass influx of new characters with altered, humorous personalities.

Lord Nebilim's online alter ego is endowed with the powers of a demon god. At times, much to EvaXephon's dismay, Lord Nebilim chooses to use his god powers to instantly solve a scenario's problem (sometimes referred to as "finger snapping"). One time, in protest, EvaXephon revoked Lord Nebilim's powers for one day. Lord Nebilim decided that if he couldn't be a demon god, he would at least be an [[RPG]] character, and assumed the role of one. EvaXephon, in turn, made a tiny world for Lord Nebilim to adventure in. This scenario would be the first long-running scenario. Eventually, scenarios that lasted an exceptionally long time were referred to as "storylines". "Storylines" would be characterized by their lengthiness and recurrence in future conversations, facets that previous scenarios lacked.

The first storyline, which remains uncompleted to this day, was "Tales of Chronia", or "ToC" for short. The name implies a parody of [[Tales of Symphonia]], Lord Nebilim's favorite game, and an allusion to [[Chrono Trigger]]. However, ToC does not take its storyline from either of its namesakes, but from the anime [[Now and Then, Here and There]].

Eventually, a scenario arose that called for more than just one or two characters. In this scenario, an unprecedented ten characters were used. This proved to be an extremely entertaining scenario, and so the formula – mass numbers of characters – was reused. To keep the scenarios fresh, the cast received constant additions. After the cast of [[Resident Evil 4]] was exhausted, "[[WarioWare: Touched]]" became the next source of characters, and soon after, the "[[Metal Gear Solid]]" series. Eventually, almost everything introduced into a scenario became a character with a distinct personality and background – even inanimate objects such as rocks. Instead of conversing using conventional speech, EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim began to get their thoughts across to each other by using their characters. Never before were so many characters and scenarios invented. At the same time, their interest in the RPG decreased, leading them to spend more time deepening their world. This was the beginning of what would turn B.A.B.E. into its current form. Since then, B.A.B.E. has only continued to grow in characters and back-story.

The content of B.A.B.E. remains one of the most definitive examples of evolution on the Internet. The atmosphere of B.A.B.E. has obviously become completely different in nature than it was to begin with, and crazes, trends, and fads in the subject matter of B.A.B.E. are fairly rampant. As memetic changes occur to the content of B.A.B.E., new influences are introduced, and some formulas become phenomenally popular, after which EvaXephon and Lord Nebilim come up with ways to create alternate "spins" on this formula, after which more "spins" are formed. By this point, B.A.B.E. as a whole could be considered an amazing achievement in and of itself.

Revision as of 21:09, 25 September 2006