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==== [https://www.archdaily.com/889685/jai-jagat-theatre-sealab Jai Jagat Theatre] ====
==== [https://www.archdaily.com/889685/jai-jagat-theatre-sealab Jai Jagat Theatre] ====

Architect: SEAlab (https://www.sea-lab.org/)
Location- Ahmedabad
Architect – Mr. Anand Sonecha

Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Jai Jagat theatre was built as per the client's aspiration to gift the children of the Ashram and the

community, a platform to practice and showcase their talent. Since it was envisioned as the
Year: 2017
celebration of 100 years of Gandhi Ashram, the theatre became a symbolic expression of Gandhiji

and his ideologies. The architect's pluralistic approach helped transform a dump yard into a theatre
A barren land located between Sabarmati jail and the crematorium gave an opportunity to Mahatma
in a very simple and a playful manner. The circular form allowed the landscape to dominate and
Gandhi to build the “Sabarmati Ashram” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabarmati_Ashram) for
coexist with the surroundings and also brought a sense enclosure inside.
community living, which not only provided a shelter but was also envisioned as a learning space,
focusing on the development of body, mind and spirit. He said, "This is the right place for our
activities to carry on the search for truth and develop fearlessness, for on one side are the iron bolts
of the foreigners, and on the other the thunderbolts of Mother Nature."


For the 100 year anniversary of the Sabarmati Ashram, Jai Jagat theatre was built as per the “client’s
aspiration” (“Roland Barthes”) to gift the children of the Ashram and the community, a platform to
practice and showcase their talent. Since it was envisioned as the celebration of 100 years of Gandhi
Ashram, the theatre became a “symbolic expression” (“Gautam Bhatia”) of Gandhiji and his
ideologies, becoming a landmark for education. The architect’s “pluralistic” (“David Harvey”)
approach helped transform a dump yard (located beside the Montessori school) into a theatre in a
very simple and a “playful” manner. The circular form allowed the landscape to dominate and
“coexist” (“David Harvey”) with the surroundings and also brought a sense enclosure inside.
Jai Jagat theatre is post-modernist in nature mainly because of the entire journey the architect has
Jai Jagat theatre is post-modernist in nature mainly because of the entire journey the architect has
tried to imbibe into the user's experience. The transformation from looking at a 1.8m high volume to
tried to imbibe into the user’s experience. The transformation from looking at a 1.8m high volume to
a dramatic ramp leading towards the enclosed theatre creates that entire conjunction of difference
a dramatic ramp leading towards the enclosed theatre creates that entire conjunction of
in the journey, which is very illusive and open to interpretation. Moreover, keeping the scale in mind
“differance” (the concept of “Jacques derrida”) in the journey, which is very illusive and open to
interpretation. Moreover, keeping the scale in mind the architect added small “playful” openings
the architect added small playful openings and created a space for the children. Furthermore, he also
and created a space for the children, “to build for people rather than man” (The condition of
tried incorporating small vernacular details from Fatehpur Sikri, forming a perfect amalgamation of
Postmodernity by David Harvey, chapter 3, page 40) rightly said by “David Harvey”. Furthermore he
space, order and form. As David Harvey rightly said “Postmodernism is a way of perception of the
also tried incorporating small “vernacular” details from “Fatehpur Sikri”
world, based upon one’s own subjective attitudes which is turn are dependent on our culture, social,
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatehpur_Sikri), forming a perfect amalgamation of space, order and
political upbringing”
form. As “David Harvey” rightly said “Postmodernism is a way of perception of the world, based
upon one’s own subjective attitudes which is turn are dependent on our culture, social, political
upbringing” (The condition of Postmodernity by David Harvey, chapter 3, page 41)

==== Shridhar Alayam ====
==== Shridhar Alayam ====

Revision as of 10:37, 4 December 2020

Postmodernism in India

Postmodernism's initially tried to break free practical, muted and often impersonal approach in modern design. Rather postmodernism celebrated the unconventionality, flashy and weird approach in design style. The incorporation of various historical details in a hybrid form is characterized in postmodernism architecture rather than the pure style by the use of various decorative elements with exaggerated style with more personal touch and by referencing various modes of buildings “more modern than modern” can be understood as something in with simplest terms with encrypted meaning when looked with strict mindset in form of chronological point of view the translation of modern turns to be contemporary with essence of stylistically and disapproving the point of double dose of modernism for post-modernist architecture style. It is in its reaction and opposition to modernism that post-modernism best expresses itself, be it in literature, art, architecture, or social theory. Post-modernism signals the emergence of a period of multiple changes in society, involving information advances, consumerism, the omnipresence of simulations, and the rise of a post-industrial order. Post modernism is best expressed by various opposition's and reaction against the modernism which is best expressed in social theory, literatures, art or architecture. The multiple changes in society, involving information advances, consumerism, the omnipresence of simulations and rise of post-industrial order is a direct signal towards the emergence of postmodernist period.

In India during 1980s the architectural practitioners in India emerged more towards Indian architectural works this made the development in postmodern style with well distinct in India with rhetoric of mythical symbolism which was accompanied the style. In field of architecture, art and education there were number of major changes in India which was in quite larger scale which is still been seen in today's time too. Under the layers put over, periodically by unfailing and irresistible waves of west cover the Modernism, Marxism, Existentialism and other isms. The education provided to us is the biggest undeniable example with blueprinted knowledge of west is still in trend and is still provided till to date rather than formatting it according to our countries needs. These directly points towards the rise in expectation from people towards post modernism these leads to enchantment amongst the people of times when spaces where created during liberalization, privatization and globalization of 1990's in the country.

Key Characteristics



The Condition of Postmodernity

Key words


is a rapid multiplication of parts

two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.


Ark Gallery

Concord building

an impermanence that suggests the inevitability of ending or dying.
the relation of two distinct alternatives
a state of disorder

Examples Ark Gallery

the process or state of breaking or being broken into fragments.


Concord building

having intervals or gaps
complete disorder and confusion

Examples Ark Gallery

Recombining elements
cultural producer merely creates raw materials leaving it open to consumers to recombine those elements in any way they wish


Concord building

an approach that evaluates theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application.
Pluralistic and organic strategies
the idea that all groups have a right to speak for themselves, in their own voice , and have that voice accepted as authentic and legitimate


Concord building


Learnings from vernacular
Architects had more to learn from the study of popular and vernacular landscapes(such as those of suburbs and commercial strips) than from the pursuit of some abstract, theoretical, and doctrinaire ideas, it was time to build for people rather than man.


Sir R.J.J. School

House "Maharana"


Learning From Las Vegas

Key words

Light is not used to define spaces.

Spaces like the gambling rooms are sort of dark, unlike the patio. Here both the spaces are enclosed. The intricate maze under the low ceiling never connects with outside light or outside space. This disorients the occupant in space and time. One loses track of where one is and when it is.

Space is enclosed but limitless, because its edges are dark.

Spaces are made to expand limitlessly, with light being the factor. Spaces, like, the gambling room where walls and ceilings do not serve as reflective surfaces for light but are made absorbent and dark and the lightning element like the chandeliers, and the glowing, jukebox obscures rather than defines its boundaries.

Big, High Spaces do not define Monumentality

In the past, volume was governed by structural span; height was relatively easy to achieve. Today, span is easy to achieve, and volume is governed by mechanical and economic limitations on height. We have replaced the monumental space of PennsylvanIa Station by a subway above ground. Thus, the traditional monumentality that expressed cohesion of the community through big scale, unified, symbolic, architecture elements is lost.

Reinterpreting monumental elements(from modernism)

Critics and historians, who documented the "decline of popular symbols" in art, supported orthodox Modem architects, who shunned symbolism of form as an expression or reinforcement of content: meaning was to be communicated, not through allusion to previously known forms, but through the inherent, physiognomic characteristics of form.


House "Maharana"


‘An expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly.’ The Strip shows the value of symbolism and allusion in an architecture of vast space and speed and proves that people, even architects, have fun with architecture that reminds them of something else.

Examples Sir R.J.J. School


The present day modern architecture is lacking the inclusion of the everyday in the environment, sacred and profane in architecture.

Disorder an order that we cannot see.

Henri Bergson called disorder an order we cannot see. The emerging order of the Strip is a complex order. It is not the easy, rigid order of the urban renewal project or the fashionable "total design" of the megastructure. It is, on the contrary, a manifestation of an opposite direction in architectural theory.

Contradiction between outside and inside.

Before the modernist movement, there was a difference between inside and outside spaces.Particularly in urban and monumental architecture.Baroque domes were symbols as well as spatial constructions, and they are bigger in scale and higher outside than inside in order to dominate their urban setting and communicate their symbolic message.

Make the common uncommon

. Whenever, a form which was in use earlier, and that had its own meaning; is put back into a new context, and re defines itself or gets a new meaning - like a soup can in an art gallery.


Foucault argued for his idea of heterotopia, as a model of a working utopia where spaces are ordered according to “difference” rather than sameness.Las Vegas represents a primary model of this kind of phenomena where the typical strategies of organisation and classification are no longer meaningful due to the complexities and contradictions embodied in their spatial and political allocation.

Learning from the existing landscape

Learning from the existing landscape is a way of being revolutionary for an architect. Not the obvious way, but another, more Tolerant way; that is, to question how we look at things. The commercial strip, the Las Vegas Strip in particular-the example par excellence.


Less is bore

Less is bore, can say thumb rule for post modern architecture that embraces expressive forms and ornamentation.


House "Maharana"

Architecture of communication over space

Visibility from the highway before the motel itself.This Architecture of styles and signs is anti-spatial where Symbol is In Space Before Form In Space ; it is an architecture of communication over space. communication dominates space as an element in the architecture and the landscape.




Look downward to go upward

We look backward at history and tradition to go forward, we can also look downward to go upward. And With-holding judgment may be used as a tool to make later judgment more sensitive. This is a way of learning from everything.


House "Maharana"

Space is sacred.

Modernists (Wright and Corbusier) have focused on space as the essential ingredient that separates architecture from panting, sculpture, and literature. Their definitions glory in the uniqueness of the medium; although sculpture and painting may sometimes be allowed spatial characteristics, sculptural or pictorial architecture is unacceptable because Space is sacred.


Punjabi Baroque and Other Memories of Architecture

Key words

Critical regionalism

Learning from the grassroots (vernacular style) with a response to changing needs and circumstances which are born out of necessity and provides a climatically sound house.Such architecture is always unselfconscious.


Pratyush Shankar Studio

The Sheraton Grand


Architecture which forces the eyes to linger once again and creating jealousy in the passer-by .Its identity and loudness draws the attention and helps to focus, examine and appreciate the features of fascination of it. Thus it becomes aspirational.


amdavad ni gufa

Ark Gallery


The Sheraton Grand

Building with areas of no direct measurable functions

The house because of the excessive layers around the rooms, did little to effect the climatic advantages that could have been achieved by orientation. The houses were unimaginably complex and very vast

Envelope that contained space slowly began to gain importance

The bold chunky massing of modern box got subdued with elements that set one house apart from the other, they were the elements that decorated the box. Cornices, mouldings around windows, decorative sills and door crowns.

Well tested imitation

What distinguished one bungalow from another were the details. Doric pillars supported roof in one home, gothic window shades provided an unusual exterior to another. Each bungalow took on fanciful forms as the building grew and yet as a unified composition these strange permutations and blends worked to create a harmony of their own.

Traditional craftsmen fabricated buildings as an assembly of elements

Elements were accepted into vocabulary of community Architect and which were used to create a common language of architecture. It was possible to tamper with shapes and placements of spaces and this freedom allowed to deviate from general consecues that produce the spatial continuity of townscape, the changing scale of neighborhood and house.

Examples Ark Gallery


Symbolic expression

New aesthetic- a poetic consciousness that transcends the mundane, the detail and assembly always indicating a pride of craftsmanship and creating the feeling of permanence. Many traditional forms were also used to symbolize the type of house, owner, etc.

Examples Sir R.J.J. School


Alembic Industrial Heritage Museum

false impression of usefulness

Architecture with a false air of charm further reinforcement by repetition of elements in the overall design. The functionality of the elements is not as important as being seen.

Examples Sir R.J.J. School

mirrors it's owner's image

A house is parade of fancies. It is an exhibition of personal tastes and desires. It is a significant indicator of a powerful new tradition, creating its own vocabulary and its own characteristic styles.


The Parergon

Key words


it's the supplement of work(artwork)


meaning constantly being changed and no conclusion; describe something else; cannot assign a meaning to a building (says Derrida)


a) solid and void- presence and absence- Eisenmann and Derrida b) critical regionalism c) strongly established conventional expectation to play flexibility against- Frank Gehry d) deconstruction

Examples amdavad ni gufa


Ark Gallery


The System of Objects

Key words

End of order of nature
no more passing down from age to age
Opulent objects
Affords the self indulgent bourgeois individual, the opportunity to exercise his privilege to reproduce his own image
'to your own taste', 'to your own measurements', 'personalization', 'the atmosphere will be yours alone'.
Clocks and time
Time becomes an object in their interiors, portraying that they can rule time. Moreover it makes the space seem intimate. “A mechanical heart that reassures us about our own heart.”
they create perfectly matching set of furniture


House "Maharana"



Key words

Surveillance and control

- Focus center

-Spatial unities that make it possible

Examples The Sheraton Grand

Disciplinary mechanism

-organization in depth


-power is exercised without division

-Continuous hierarchical figure

-Build at the periphery

-Annular building

-multiple separations

-to see constantly and to recognize immediately three functions -To encloses -to deprive of light and hide


The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies

Key words

Building is a signifier Signifier is a form which can be touched and seen. -


Architecture which forces the eye to linger once again and creating jealousy in the passerby. Its identity and loudness draws attention and helps to focus, examine and appreciate the features of fascination.

Examples amdavad ni gufa

Ark Gallery


Architecture which gives a reason to associate emotions, concept or idea consciously or unconsciously through a form.

Examples Sir R.J.J. School

Ark Gallery

Alembic Industrial Heritage Museum

Building signifies

Signified is a mental or abstract concept


In building, it is the fine balance between semantic memory - based mechanism and semantic syntactic integration, indicating what a person sees and what they extract out of that. Relates to an abstract concept. -


In building, can relate to a sense of intensity, passion and involvement where an individual experiences sentiments through a form or space indicating a concept. -


In building, something which can be extracted out of a form through personal approach to a certain concept. -


In building, a form which gives a sense of power, pre dominance or authority engaging with a concept.

Examples Ark Gallery

- Identity

In building, specifies or recognizes elements of a form or arrangement which gives an idea or sense of a strong conception. -


In building, provides a feeling of admiration, awestruckness and thought offering eyes to linger once again in fascination.

Examples Ark Gallery

Architectural examples in India


Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Date: 1995 (construction ended)

Architect: B. V. Doshi

Function: Art Gallery

Key topics: signifier, sign, deconstruction, aspiration, exhibitionistic, pluralist.

It is an underground art gallery by function but it’s relevance extends far beyond. It resembles a unique intersection of art and architecture. The gallery is situated in a campus which promotes art and design due to which it gets a lot of exposure, making it a happening place.

To be very brief, M.F. Hussain aspired to build an exhibition gallery in Ahmedabad where he could display his art work for which he got together with B.V. Doshi (architect) to achieve this beautiful piece of architecture.

It is a “signifier” of an artist’s ambition and an architect’s interpretation. The gallery “signifies” an abstract form which is open to different interpretations and stories. (Roland Barthes, Ferdinand De Saussure, David Harvey)

The structure serves as a platform to host exhibition, events, playground, recreational space, classroom and much more.The “pluralist” nature of the space in terms of in terms of its usage and experience creates a strong “diffrance”. (Jacques Derrida)

The curved roof, undulating walls, tree trunk-like columns and mysterious circulation of the building makes it very fascinating. Its “exhibitionistic” nature ensures the strong presence of the building. (David Harvey) All these characteristics, lands the gallery into a very post-modernist vista as it’s relevance and presence extend far beyond its function.

Architect: SEAlab (https://www.sea-lab.org/)

Location: Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Year: 2017

A barren land located between Sabarmati jail and the crematorium gave an opportunity to Mahatma Gandhi to build the “Sabarmati Ashram” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabarmati_Ashram) for community living, which not only provided a shelter but was also envisioned as a learning space, focusing on the development of body, mind and spirit. He said, "This is the right place for our activities to carry on the search for truth and develop fearlessness, for on one side are the iron bolts of the foreigners, and on the other the thunderbolts of Mother Nature."


For the 100 year anniversary of the Sabarmati Ashram, Jai Jagat theatre was built as per the “client’s aspiration” (“Roland Barthes”) to gift the children of the Ashram and the community, a platform to practice and showcase their talent. Since it was envisioned as the celebration of 100 years of Gandhi Ashram, the theatre became a “symbolic expression” (“Gautam Bhatia”) of Gandhiji and his ideologies, becoming a landmark for education. The architect’s “pluralistic” (“David Harvey”) approach helped transform a dump yard (located beside the Montessori school) into a theatre in a very simple and a “playful” manner. The circular form allowed the landscape to dominate and “coexist” (“David Harvey”) with the surroundings and also brought a sense enclosure inside. Jai Jagat theatre is post-modernist in nature mainly because of the entire journey the architect has tried to imbibe into the user’s experience. The transformation from looking at a 1.8m high volume to a dramatic ramp leading towards the enclosed theatre creates that entire conjunction of “differance” (the concept of “Jacques derrida”) in the journey, which is very illusive and open to interpretation. Moreover, keeping the scale in mind the architect added small “playful” openings and created a space for the children, “to build for people rather than man” (The condition of Postmodernity by David Harvey, chapter 3, page 40) rightly said by “David Harvey”. Furthermore he also tried incorporating small “vernacular” details from “Fatehpur Sikri” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatehpur_Sikri), forming a perfect amalgamation of space, order and form. As “David Harvey” rightly said “Postmodernism is a way of perception of the world, based upon one’s own subjective attitudes which is turn are dependent on our culture, social, political upbringing” (The condition of Postmodernity by David Harvey, chapter 3, page 41)

Shridhar Alayam

Location - Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Architect- Dilip Soni

According to Venturi symbolization and significance are aspect to look for in a postmodern building. This a bungalow influenced by Renaissance architecture. It emphasis much on the classical culture of it. There are many elements showing the characteristic of historical structure. Use of domes and column. Even the passage is influenced by renaissance architecture. Ornamentation on the exterior façade and also interior is shown. As the outer structure crucially defines the past architecture style the interior is also focused in the same style. The ornamented, carved domes and columns greatly define the terms and it's important in all over structure. Organization of this huge residence depicts qualities of renaissance architecture. The architect managed to copy the same essence of the renaissance architecture over a small residential house which is fascinating. The minute detail over windows is also drawn to attention how the overhang is designed. It also follows some theory of roman architecture by having a huge entry gate that welcomes you by having a long span of path to the entrance of the house having array of columns on the side.


House "Maharana"

A Haveli of a traditional Marwari family, owning a big name store “Maharana” in the town, is located on the station road of Bardoli near the Railway crossing which is an eye-catching location and identical. It is very much important to understand clients aspiration and his status, upon which it was turned into a haveli structure which coexists with the Havelis and palaces which are very common to

see in the Marwar but uncommon to see in Bardoli.

“Less is bore” Venturi's concept can be justified by using of various elements like ‘jharokhas’,‘Chattris’,‘Jallis’,‘Chajjas’,‘brackets’, which interpretates use of monumental elements in

a different surrounding and sustains the idea of values and beliefs.

It can be clearly seen that the structure is the outcome of learning from the grassroots. ‘We look backward at history and tradition to go forward’ This is a way of learning from everything and

applying it accordingly.

Sign defines space, all the elements are symbolic and a sign of the family's culture and simply they mirror it, if we take away the signs there is no existence of such a supreme structure. Also it is a feature of fascination contradicting the surrounding contemporary buildings with no such imagination.


Dhyanidham Meditation center

Sri Yantra

The Sri Yantra is a mystical diagram used in the Shri Vidya school of Hinduism. It consists of nine interlocking triangles surrounding a central point known as a bindu. The 9 triangles vary in size and shape and intersect to form 43 smaller triangles, organized in 5 concentric levels. Together they represent the totality of the cosmos and express non-duality (Advaita). The bindu represents the cosmic center. The triangles are bound by two concentric circles composed of 8 and 16 petals, representing the lotus of creation and reproductive vital force.

Meditation Center

The meditation center is situated in Bharuch, Gujarat, on the banks of Narmada river amid thick, tropical landscape, where one could contemplate and meditate on the philosophies of old eclecticism in this docile space of traditional landscape, as the river Narmada is a significant part of Hindu mythology. The center directly symbolises with the “Sri Yantra” as its form is derived by extruding the yantra itself. The temple has a contemporary look weighed more towards creating a costume drama to eventually commercialize this symbolic cultural form.


independent house

Location : Bhavnagar, Gujarat

Year : 2020

The building is located in Bhavnagar, Gujarat. It is a residential building. The feature of the building is decorative domes, free standing columns, pediments, arches, etc. Postmodern building had decorative elements, curved forms and features often borrowed from earlier periods. According to Robert venturi the typical symmetrical façade is, a symbolic picture of a house, looking back to the roman history. In this building architect creates the symmetry and continuation in the arches. Venturi proposed giving primary emphasis to the façade, incorporating historical elements. And use of fragmentation and modulation to make the building interesting. according to Robert venturi this building is the signifier the form of roman architecture like pantheon, in this building pediments and the free standing columns are used in such a way that it's directly signified the roman architecture. According to David Harvey postmodernism is acceptance of the ephemerality, fragmentation, discontinuity and chaotic. The continuity of the condition of fragmentation, discontinuity, and chaotic change in postmodernist thought is important. In this building the one fragment is repeating and the padements are breaks the continuity of the arches. Large number of fragmentary possible words or, more simply incommensurable spaces that are juxtaposed or superimposed upon each other. Breaks the continuity or the linearity of the discourse and leads necessarily to a double reading.


Lotus temple

Constructed in December 1986

Designed by Architect Fariborz Sahba

Terms; Building is a signifier, Critical regionalism, Aspirational, Presence and Absence, Petite history, Symbolic expression, Beliefs, Self image, Form fascination

The lotus temple is based on the Baha’i beliefs and is constructed in Expressionist style of architecture. The building is designed as a religious place of worship regardless of any religion, gender, mode of worship. According to the Baha'i beliefs, the temple is free from any sort of religious discrimination. The architect has attempted to make this building familiar and acceptable to the Indian people without imitating any of the existing architectural schools of India.

The aspirational spirit of the architect provokes them to interpret the building as a symbolic expression. Sign precedes the form, making the beliefs and idiolect impose themselves on the building. The lotus temple reinterprets monumental elements into conveying a petite history, whereas the fascinating form, critical regionalism, learning from existing landscape and the difference between outside and inside provides a contrasting experience. From the presence and absence of noise and commotion, the user experiences spirituality and peace that comes with the belief in the supreme power(god). The focus center of the temple revolves around harmony between large groups which are ensured by disciplinary mechanisms. The temple is built at the periphery with 4 separations in the form which imitates the fragments of a lotus. It is a great example of a decorative self image.


Jaipur jewel

Location : M.G. Road, Indore

Year : 2005 - 2010

Jaipur jewels, falls under postmodernism due to its standing out form of the outer facade. It is trying to copy the architecture of Rajasthan which makes it aspirational. Quoting Bhatia, where he stated “contrasting plain interior with heavily aggressive exterior”, speaks a lot about the form. The interior of the building is unostentatious while the exterior (outer facade) is highly ornamented, loud and exhibitionistic due to the decorative extruding inclined windows with minor details.

The facade speaks for itself as it is highly wanting to be like the architecture of Rajasthan. This is where Signifier and Signified by Roland Barthes come in. The building being a form acts as a signifier of the magnificent architecture of Rajasthan whereas, it signifies supremacy and identity. When one looks at the inclined street facing windows with reflective glass, they see and can picture themselves being a part of the aristocratic culture of the state. One can have a walk down the memory lane about the monumental buildings present there. In Venturi's words, very symbolic in nature along with reinterpreting monumental elements like Jharokha and Jaali decoration. Also, all these elements come together making it a juxtaposition. The name, “Jaipur Jewels” immediately gives you a sense of Rajasthan and so does the outer facade. As Harvey calls it metonymy. It also gives the viewer a feeling of organized and controlled form, as Foucault would call it.

Architect has tried to bring in the authentic feeling of royalty in the facade of a jewelry shop. Royalty and jewelry relate extremely well and hence one's attention automatically gets driven towards the building just by looking at it. The building according to my study of these authors fits perfectly into postmodern architecture. The facade standing out from the neighbourhood, drawing classic attention just acts right.

The Sheraton Grand

A beautiful 5 star palatial hotel with a touch of royalty in Indore. It is an exquisite Graeco- Roman architectural property with a key design component which is the incorporation of green spaces and outdoor areas that draws celebrations for all occasions. It has a range of flexible layouts that can accommodate extravagant weddings, large-scale conferences and meetings. On entrance one is encountered with beautiful lush green gardens with a striking backdrop of a huge perfectly symmetrical building with domes, sculptures, and oversized columns. Borrowed elements such as dramatic columns and domes, with a very unique visual appeal where elements are not placed logic but for fancies. This place highly speaks of symbolism, as the usage of huge sculptures like knights and horses, in and around the entire site. The architectural style is actually a combination of the ancient Greek and roman style. The entire set-up is highly exhibisionistic, draging attention from all the by-passers. This beautiful hotel stands out from the neighbourhood of the bypass where it is located as there is no such type of construction in the city and also no huge construction around this site, only flat undeveloped lands bringing all eyes and focus to this exquisite hotel.


Emerald Heights international school, Indore has philosophy “ Our goal through this school is to prepare the students to get globally recognized.Grades and marks do not determine the success of a person’s life, it’s the pragmatic knowledge and depth that makes the person successful in being an extraordinary human being.”

Emerald heights school was founded in 1983 and first international, co-educational English medium school in Indore which totally tried to break the rigid doctrine of school and met with the aspiration of user. When one looks at the primary school building form it signifies a “ disney land castle” .This form meets with the fantasy of a parent to make there child to study in Disney world, in a castle therefore architecture made for people rather than a man which makes it postmodern.

David harvey

According to David harvey building is signifier. Emerald heights is signifier and it signifies concept of “disneyland castle “.From very childhood, child is fascinated by Disneyland, similarly there parents always believe there child as prince an d princess and want to give them comfort and feel of castle. So by signifieng this building as Disneyland castle, this school is meeting with the aspiration of user. Sameer sen gupta the architect of the building says that he wanted to build something which is “close to the heart of people”, conveying that building for people rather than for a man. When one looks at the whole school from a bird eye view,viewer can see juxtaposition of Romansque dome and arches with Disney theme castle, creating quirkiness in whole composition. The plan of whole school shows how whole buildimg is not one, but it is fragmented according to different purpose. So rather than making one riigid structure there is play in it.

Rolland barthes

In this school walls are made with stone, though stone is not easily available material in Indore, also there was no need of it according to climate but still Appeal of building is primary as this stone creates form and feel like old palaces which matches with the aspiration of user

Gautum bhatia

When one passes this school or see it from far away, they can see skyline of a Disney palace, and huge campus with more than 10 grounds and fanciful form of domes and arches it brings sense of jealousy in passer-by. Facade, material used, the form, long staircases, mount like plinth, huge golf grounds brings feature of fascination for user and fulfill there aspiration of a perfect school


Z square

Architect - Hafeez Contractor 2010

Building typology as malls is a very post modern concept. People from various economic sectors can visit and explore a mall instead of only the privileged ones. Z Square Mall stands in the most populated area, the heart of the city. Pertaining to Robert Venturi's definition of post modernism, it is an architecture of communication where before seeing the entire building one can look at the circular cutout from a distance. Also, the space inside is integrated with installations and decorations which indicates the entire space inclusive of other elements combining to form architecture. Following the readings of Roland Barthes, the outer form of the building consisting of a huge window cut out, roof with various curves and the tree shaped column symbolizes a ship or natural environment open for people to interpret according to themselves. The structure also provides a feeling of admiration and fascination due to its grandness attracting the viewers eye in a busy city street with an integration of various elements on the facade as described by Gautam Bhatia. Panopticism as described by Michael Foucoult can also be seen as we move inside where a person goes through a mandatory security check and even moving around, people are surrounded by the stores and it acts as gaze.

Sir R.J.J. School

Location : Navsari, Gujarat

Built in Year : 1994

SIR R.J.J. School is located in Navsari Gujarat.The school was established in 1800's. And the current structure is the third reconstruction of school. The form of building tries to showcase the vernacular style of construction of Parsi community people.Elements such as sloping roofs and semi-circular arches are examples of that style. According to Gautam Bhatia and Roland Barthes these elements which were used, symbolises the style of leaving of the Parsi community. The purpose of building was education, but it gives the sense of Prison at the same time while seeing the big arches of lobby and entrance at the main facade of the building. This way building made a false impression of the use of building according to Gautam Bhatia and allusion by making us think of the building as a Prison according to Robert Venturi.


BRTS Surat

Sangini House

Project by: Urbanscape architects and Utopia Designs

It is an office building of 8 storey high located in one of the niche areas of the city, standing out with its form while breaking the city grid. The play with form of the building is also emphasized by the curves being cantilevered out creating a column free space, which creates flexible work space as well as invites people. The building has a landscape in front which creates a pause point for the passerby to stop and appreciate the striking form which blends in with the landscape due the neutral tones. Harvey mentions how postmodernism is learning from the traditional architecture and applying what suits the purpose rather than ignoring it and here, small perforations make up the facade which is being used as one of the main features for shading, wind and privacy of the building, similar to jaali (vernacular element of opening). The inside of the building has different stories to convey, the customers are welcomed into a triple-heighted space whose interior has huge artworks, sculptures, rich colors and lightings as that space is more exhibitionistic so as to show their grandeur and how they are capable to fulfil the client's aspiration of a beautiful spaces and home. This is juxtaposed by the work place in the top 5 floors which has exposed services, natural ventilation and minimalist interiors suiting as per the purpose and need of the employees. Hence the project was successful in fulfilling the aspiration of an exhibitionistic office building which conveys how they are also true to their roots.


Forum Celebration mall



ARCHITECTS – Parul Zaveri and Nimish Patel.

Built in ethnic style, the mall is a good example of David Harvey's ideas of recombination and coexistence. The blend of ethnicity on the outside with modern conveniences within, can easily be witnessed. The mall is five floors of retail and entertainment and two floors of basement parking with multiple atriums.The building also seems to have hit the right cords with Gautam Bhatia's ideas of learning from the vernacular, exhibitionistic and symbolic expression. As elements of Udaipur's vernacular architecture are largely evident and the symbolic play of domes, arches, and jharokhas can be seen at exterior. The mall has beautifully decorated interiors that is in perfect harmony with the native culture. There are 26 water bodies and cascading fountains within the premises that enrich this unique retail experience thus establishing a sync with the ideas of Baudrillard Jean. Moreover, the grandeur, uniqueness and features of the building makes it greatly visually appealing for the passersby and pertains to the idea of Roland Barthes. Thus, this aspirational building over the years has become a symbol of a great blend of regional and the modern architecture.



The Aarana lawn is situated in outskirt of Vadodara city. Which is designed by Ar. Shaurya Patel (Uneven projects).It is a party plot and banquet space where events like marriage, birthday party, meetings and get- together are organized. Here, the grandness and articulation offered by building becomes a source of universal or pluralistic understanding of monumentality. The monumentality as a subject is so taken for this building because people want their function or event to be as grand as a renowned monument. It strongly reminds of Parthenon, Greece looking at the elements and form. It displays ROBERT VENTURI's, idea of reinterpretation of monumental elements, where we find fusion of Greek, Indian and modern style of architecture which further triggers the post- modern idea of pluralistic approach. The same collectiveness in idea is seen further in the space by making it huge and creating a calm and static behavior in an individual. The site is placed on a highway, so for people passing by can notice the larger scale of the gateway and the palm trees which are planted creates an impression of an unusual tree type in India. The building becomes a monumental backdrop for an event or a function to be highlighted. According to ROLAND BARTHES, the building happens to be non- utilitarian as the articulation and decoration dominates in the building. Here the building is a signifier as building elements becomes a symbol of monumentality for which people want their events to take place in a memorable destination. Identification of post-modern nature in the building is transparent. Architect makes his perception clear that the plurality and collectiveness offered by building is an evolved perspective of elements which offers additional value to its function.

Alembic Industrial Heritage Museum

Re- development by :- Karan Grover Area :-12915 sq ft.

This is an industrial site of an historical industrial museum that is established to show an heritage element to describe the heritage culture of the industrial usage and to show the working mechanism of the industrial materials used at certain time period turned down to a museum held to show the heritage . The museum have elements that describe a heritage look to the visitors who visit it, there are different elements that to show that the museum after redevelopment it still resembles the industrial sense to the structure itself. The industrial sense is generated in the structure by the trusses shown in the roofing structure that are used in industries as roofing material where as there are sitting made by the mud and the way the presentation is done for the projects or the exhibition that is held is shown in such a way that it shows a heritage look and the people that are visiting get a sense of a heritage place. The plumbing system also is exposed and the tap system also is presented such a way that it gives a sense of heritage look . according to Gautam Bhatia and David Harvey its oustand from the other buildings in the surroundings as well as the symbolism of industries is reflected in the structure of the system .

Gallery ARK is a contemporary art gallery based in Vadodara that started in May 2017 which was a project done by landscapeindia (Prabhakar and Bhagwat) firm. This project was led by Mr. Aniket Bhagwat who wanted to create corporate professionalism with the abstract subjectivity of art in work environment, he wanted to push the boundaries of how art is consumed and perceived. The Ark incorporates a parking basement, a conference room, an art gallery, a cafe, and four office floors.

According to readings gallery ark is considered in post modernism era due to several reasons like from point of David Hervey it falls for being chaotic and playful as the form has a several collaborations of shapes and material (modest and robust). Which creates a disorder and an anarchic which generates a gaze for passerby and makes that building standout which brings us to readings of Gautam Bhatia. Which with ark is described as being loud and exhibitionistic as ark has this decorative and exuberant facade which surrounding building in context to it has not which breaks the singularism and the prototype and make itself a feature of fascination as each elements of building like extruded windows, extruded cuboidal work spaces, staircase and some column system stands out individual as if architect want to showcase the building with the art forms Itself. He does not want only the art to be exhibited but with the art, the building itself should be celebrated and have equal supremacy. Now if we consider Roland Barthes and Baudrillard jean reading this building shows symbolism and its prolific ornamentation as building has these tree columns which represents the evolution of Vad-tree in city of Vadodara and also the facade has been grooved with the design of the vad-tree to present Vadodara. The building has also been assembled with fancy interior fixtures for their atrium space, staircase, cafe and offices of different material like Gond, Applique, Wood Work, Lacquer, Concrete and Metal which coexist in harmony and brings out cohesiveness of traditional and modern ways in three discipline - interior, art and architecture.

Concord building

Concord by Jayraj Builders Vadodara is a 10-storey corporate complex with offices between 2,000 and 5,000 sq ft. Located on main RC Dutt Road, Alkapuri. Concord by Jayraj Group boasts of a column-free structure and mirrored glass walls.

Juxtaposition in the facade. “Foucault, by heterotopia, means the coexistence in 'an impossible space of a large number of fragmentary possible worlds' or, more simply, incommensurable spaces that are juxtaposed or superimposed upon each other.” (The Condition To Post Modernism- David Harvey, Pg. 48) The building's facade is made up of very contrasting architectural materials- Glass and Concrete. Also the architect has tried to coexist them by simply juxtaposition those onto one another.The concrete wall has a very uniform grid punched window openings, which according to me was a minimalist (modernist) approach, and combining or say continuing the grid into the glass facade( and highlighting the boundaries) shows how the architect wanted to create a sense of meta language, that the built communicates.

Symbolism in Form “Symbol dominates space.Architecture is not enough. Because the spatial relationships are made by symbols more than by forms, architecture in thiS Landscape becomes symbol in space rather than form in space. Architecture defines very little.” ( Learning from Las Vegas -Robert Venturi, Pg. 13) The Concorde (supersonic passenger airline) was a technical marvel, but it never overcame its economic challenges, which resulted in flights that were astronomically expensive. Which led to failure in bringing it to the people. Re imagining the overall form and shape of the aircraft, and respecting its stand, in advancing the airline industry, the architect gave this commercial building a language. Initially, the element that catches peoples’ attention is the extended pointed roof, supported by a single column. This directly symbolises the nose of the aircraft, which was a unique design, that helps the airplane to glide through the air. Adjacent building, even seems extending its rooff plains, which signifies the form of the airplane wings.Secondly, the whole notion of an aircraft lifting off to different levels, was made to happen, wherein the basement was opened up and the structure was made out of less columns. This signified that a heavy object is floating in the sky, like airplanes. Different ideologies of different postmodernist thinkers define an overview of a particular meaning to a space or a form, that it is made to communicate. Here, the case is deconstruction and a unique form of a flying object which is beautifully portrayed on the busiest streets of vadodara.So accordingly, this building could be considered as a postmodernist approach.

EME Temple

Built : 1966 Location: EME Road, Fatehgunj, Vadodara, Gujarat The temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and managed by the Indian Army authorities, is made out of aluminium and other alloys for achieving the geodesic structure.The form of the temple is said to be derived by incorporating holy symbols from different religions in its structure where the Kalasha on the top of the dome represents Hinduism, the dome is build in accordance to Islamic architecture, golden tower top is in accordance with buddhist principles, the tower beneath which the idol is placed, represents Christianity. The collapse of traditional form of temple, absence of its conventional elements and the anarchy of spaces is evident which reflects the dominance of symbol in space rather than its form. Here the architecture of the temple is used as a symbol of coexistence of different religions. Lush green landscape surrounds the temple, making it a truly tranquil and holistic experience also making the building stand out from its surrounding.

Hotel Express tower




ITM UNIVERSITY is an institution offering courses in engineering, architecture, IT and pharmacy. There are four buildings for each field following a certain language which makes the university stand out and gives a unique character to it. To bring out that character the architect has used acute angle and has given a pointed edge to every building also uniformising the arrangement of built and open spaces. This in turn creates play and discontinuity in the form of the buildings. Thus, the buildings have uniformity while also being distinctive from each other. There is a combination of brickwork and concrete used which gives fanciful yet descent look to the building. Hence, I feel the façade is a feature of fascination and attention seeking that makes a person stop and appreciate its form. Another interesting feature of the building are the windows.It is a juxtaposition of different style and patterns of windows on each façade. They have different sizes and design. Some are louvered windows while some are box windows. Some have fins on the entire façade which create a sense of discontinuity as they end quite abruptly and are not seen on the other side. Thus, the form creates a sense of dispersal.

Mandvi Gate

location : vadodara

It is situated on the exact mid point of the old walled city, the structure is actually the part of larger building scheme, the fort, ”kila-e-daulatabad” which is inspired from the game called chopat (ludo), the fort walls has four gates one on each side where the street intersect with the wall, at the intersection of this cardinal street, at the centre of the square, The mandvi pavilion was made as an exhibitionistic, according to Gautam Bhatia mentioned, which symbolizes the centre and the cultural heritage of the city like ornate elements on the exterior as the square pavilion featured three bold arch opening on each of its four side, decorated with niches of different size and shape, initially It had a purpose of toll collection but now we see a play of function like different religion practices as Reinterpreting monumental elements(from modernism) mentioned by Robert Venturi as well as david harvey, Later during 1856 AD Ganpatrao Gaekwad added upper two story along with a clock so according to Roland Barthesand the structure symbolise as a place of pride for the royal families as well as for the residents of the city.so its clearly to its people that it is literally the centre of all festival and stand as a source of enchantment of the city.

New Sama Street

This street is located in an old town planned locality of 1990's this locality started developing around 25–30 years back in form of number of residences planned in varying plots sizes according to residents taste and choice of residential design style and differing in heights of residence as per family needs. These features of residences on the street relate to the qualities Gautam Bhatia's Punjabi Baroque, as residents are not compelled to relate their houses with the neighbourhood design styles nor with the local cultures. Each owner has the right to choice of material and colour combinations.

With reference to the Punjabi Baroque the residences on street have bold and chunky massing with number of elements making each house unique with the use of ornamental elements like cornices, moldings around windows, decorated sills and door crowns. These distinctive features throw a light on the postmodern character of the residences.

Location : 53, Blue Garden,Chhapad, Bill-Chhapad Road,Vadodara, Gujarat

Architect : Ar.Pratyush Shankar.

Function : Architectural Studio and Workshop.

The building is located in outskirts of vadodara which is away from the busy lifestyle of the urban concrete jungle that provides peaceful atmosphere to work. It sits on a patch green land and merges with the surroundings.Here also,the surrounding landscape emphasis the character of the building;as followed by Derrida, the frame is equally important to the artwork. The architect has adapted the vernacular form with a sloping roof and usage of local materials like stones from Padra,timber trusses where the building reflects the work of architect in the northern region of India, thus critical regionalism described by Gautam Bhatia is evident.The building has different levels, as one goes up, one can experience the sense of horizon.This is where “Signifier and Signified” by Roland Barthes come in. The building form is a signifier which signifies mountain which looks at the horizon.

Baba Marbles

Opened in 2020

Location : Vadodara

Showroom, Stone supplier

Words related to the building: Fragmentation, Juxtaposition,disjunction, collage, recombining of elements,loud, attention,Fanciful forms, jealousy in passer-by, proportioned architecture, line and symmetry

Baba Marbles is a showroom yet a stone supplier, which is located in the outskirts of Vadodara which is in Bill Village. The building is located on a bypass road, which is basically surrounded by residential projects, hence it stands out in its own way.

David Harvey The building is fragmented into two equal rectangles, and a skin of circles.The two rectangles were then juxtapositioned in a way that you see one single rectangle from its front facade in two dimensional space. The juxtaposition of the two rectangles then form a small disjunctional space between them which is open to sky. To create a screen which acts as a sun shading device in the front facade a collage of small squares was created which has holes in it for the flow of wind. The black circle formed with small squares is signifies recombining of elements in the building.

Gautam Bhatia The building follows the criteria of post modernism by Bhatias’ definition, as mentioned earlier the building stands out loud, which seeks attention of many pedestrians on the road which attracts more customers. Also with the fanciful form, it creates a sense of jealousy in other stone suppliers mind for having such showrooms.There is a fine line of symmetry between the two blocks which gives the essence of proportioned architecture.

Conclusion This is how i tried to relate the building with the definitions of post modernism proposed by the above authors, which correlates and matches the ideologies of authors to the current form of architecture. This way according to me Baba Marbles is one the many post modernist buildings in Vadodara.


A home for the Shah family in Vadodara is alchemy of paradoxical demands of places and people, climate and construction, utility and legislation, user and designer resolving to unique solutions. The residence got conceived as attached unit of two adjunct homes. The House has been built with brick masonry and reinforced concrete wall construction in the year 2010 and is designed by Architect Yatin Pandya. The house certainly is a wonderful example of ‘post-modern style’ as defined by Gautam Bhatia and David Harvey the authors of ‘Punjabi Baroque’ and ‘Conditions of Postmodernity’ respectively. With reference to Harvey, the architect has juxtaposed various functions encompassed in orthogonal, as well as non-orthogonal shaped spaces, with each other. The design of the building portrays the ‘play without purpose’ which makes the house distinctive in the vicinity. With reference to Bhatia's Punjabi Baroque, the villa can be considered an example or application of post-modern styles. The various elements of design of the house make it an ‘Exhibitionistic’ building, it attracts the viewer's attention and also develops a sense of curiosity in an individual's mind to explore the orientation of spaces within the house. As a part of the design many fancy forms and elements are utilized, hence making it a unique building, a building that stands out in comparison to typical housing designs. To quote Bhatia, “Envelope that contained space slowly began to gain importance”. This is evidently observed here that the curved walls and ceilings, unique windows and other elements not only serve their primary function to cover the spaces but also act as the elements that embellish the house, setting it apart from the others, unlike the normal modern box structures. The villa is an excellent example of the not so common post-modern styles used in a dwelling.


Vadodara Airport located in Harni area, was open to public in 1937(old) and 2016(new). Glider manufacturing company and Prof. Charanjit Shah are the designers of Old and New aerodrome respectively. Airports are not just the ports of travel, but they are a vision points to sight into different cultures unified in the port. The old terminal is exhibitionistic which symbolizes the cultural heritage of the city with traditional assembly of ornate elements on the exterior according to the readings of Gautam Bhatia. It symbolizes the cultural richness of the city reflected by the domes and arch ornate windows. Residents in the neighborhood lovingly admire the building from their terraces which embosses the flat skyline. According to David Harvey's definition of post modernism it has plurality, as presently functioning as events hosting place as people are aspirational to have reflection of the grandness of the building. The present airport has form inspired from the aero plane which symbolizes the place to be an airport according to the readings of Robert Venturi .The huge spanning, use new materials, passive solar response, smaller arts representing the city heritage symbolizes the city advancement more towards science with the intact traditional heritage. According to David Harvey's definition of post modernism there is plurality and play within the terminal as it has all its functions under one space. The insight of cultural play is felt in the form of the building. Thus both of these building fulfil function of airports in different ways which tends them to be post modern. The plurality of forms and ideas of keeping the cultural heritage of the city justified in different ways Vadodara Airport can be classified as a post modern building.


Opened in 2014 Vadodara Bus Station It is a five storied terminal located in Pratapgunj, Vadodara, known as Ved Transcube Plaza. It has a bus terminal and commercial complex. David Harvey, the building is a signifier; it has play, anarchy, fragmentation, recombination of elements and is symbolic. The organic form and design that is inspired by a Banyan Tree, which is the meaning of the city's name, “Vad”- odara. One can see the play with the use of trunk shaped columns, abstracted versions of leaves, branches and trunk throughout the building. The building contains surfaces that are constantly breaking out of uniformity with the use of these shapes and structures. Robert Venturi, It has symbolism attached to it, the symbol that is the banyan tree, is dominating the design of this building. And when you see the building you can immediately recognize it to be an important landmark of the city due to its inspiration from the city's name itself. The heritage and art is kept alive in the interior spaces in the form of murals and fall ceiling. Gautam Bhatia, This building is exhibitionistic, it has an identity; its loud, has fanciful forms. The organic forms give a false impression of usefulness. The context of the building has old residential type buildings and the vadodara railway station, the use of the organic elements has made the building stand out and an eye catcher, though these forms such as the trunk shaped columns and the branches running throughout the periphery of the building are not structural elements and give a false impression of use. The common ideologies from all the authors are observed to be symbolism, decorative, it being non utilitarian, play anarchy, fragmentation which makes this building a post modernist building according to me.


Valsad Railway Station

The Valsad railway station had been renovated in the start of 2020. But they took a very distinct approach which can be looked from a postmodern lense. Robert venturis and Roland Barthes interpretation of post modernity could be easily seen in this renovated structure. An attempt has been made to give the structure a European look, this example shows Misplace Of Imagery itself. The facade looks like a spire of a church but when you enter the structure you get inside a railway station, exactly the way venturi talks about the Bellagio hotel and the Ceasers palace The fountain and landscape plays an interesting role. If you look at the lay out the fountain is totally offset as in it has been placed besides a bus station which gives it no purpose but it has been put there because that's what a European feature is supposed to do. Even the patches of green lawns have been placed beside the façade, nowhere else. Lighting is antiarchitectural as it does not help in defining space but highlights the misplace of imagery The Anomalies In This Design like the things like the segmental arches which are not going there with logic but have been placed there for the whims and fancies And in that sense Fragmentary Symbolism plays a part as a train engine has been used as an element in the layout which defines the space.


I feel there is a very strong reason to renovate a railway station in this distinct European manner as it starts symbolising the place When u imagine an Indian railway station u think of chaos, crowd, unhygienic platforms and stores And whenever we Indians think of a European or a foreign railways we imagine those public spaces to be clean, organised and systematic. In a sense this look starts to symbolise a clean, organised environment which we would not want to ruin hence dealing with the major issue Indian railways are facing

Church of Breathen

Location: Valsad

Build in: early 20 th century

The church is located beside the link road (which connects town to the highway).The core idea of Brethren is reflective to their ancient influences from Bible. The belief and terms are symbolically expressed on the welcoming façade of the church .The façade embraces the expression of form and ornamentation (extract from Robert Venturi pg no. 16). The elements are chosen from different periods for example gothic windows, segmental arches, semicircular arches, buttresses, etc. There is combination of different styles and ideology. By using segmental arch it is trying to draw attention towards simplicity and humility which symbolizes one of the three aspects of brethren. The presence of gothic windows relates to highness of the volume. The whole façade is designed symbolically and the essence of believes are captured through the collage of different elements on the facade. There is a state of disorder in very orderly setup (extract from David Harvey pg no. 43). There is a unified composition which blends the façade creating a harmony (extract from Gautam Bhatia's readings – pg no. 40). There is a unique arrangement of elements which diverts one mind to a strong concept of believes extracted from history (extract from Roland Barthes). There is play and combination of elements on the façade which makes the built form idiosyncratic.


Chanvai, Valsad Project by : Dalal gruh & Infra projects This is a Housing Project and is considered one of the luxurious housing projects in the town. The property is surrounded by pristine greenery and resplendent beauty of nature. Home mongers will find this place perfect to lead their lives in comfort and peace. Keywords : “SYMBOLISM” – Robert Venturi – “Learning from the LAS VEGAS” The reason why I took this building as a post modern building is that it stands out from the city fabric in a remarkable way. The form of the centrally located clubhouse which is oriented in such a way that it organically breaks the grid of the masterplan catches the eye's attention of any visitor. The space inside is constantly engaging for the visitor As if a “mouse trap”. The form of the Clubhouse and the restaurant is triangular in form, with two small aisles which make their way to the inside space. I was able to clearly relate the space to the experience of a space in a Church where the aisles and the central Nave (here the Restaurant) which in itself is very symbolic. It also creates a Pause point in the premises which helps people orient them and becomes a focal point. Once you are inside the restaurant You can strongly feel the connection of the Inside and the outside. Though you are inside the restaurant but you are a part of Outside. The huge glass partitions blurs the boundaries between the inside and the outside.
