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First Evil

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In the fictional world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The First Evil is the "Big Bad" for season seven.


The First Evil is an incorporeal embodiment of evil. It first appears in the third-season episode "Amends", where it tries to make Angel kill himself by appearing in the forms of his past victims. However, it is foiled due to the efforts of other higher powers who block the sun and make it snow.

It reappears in season 7 with its servants (called Bringers) in an attempt to wipe out the Slayer lineage by destroying the Watcher's Council and killing all the Potential Slayers, an opportunity opened up by Buffy's resurrection in season 6. It takes control of Spike through a subconscious trigger, inducing him to sire vampires. In its guise as Warren, the First manages to pursuade Andrew to kill Jonathan and use his blood in order to open the Seal of Danzalthar and release a Turok Han - which the First is only able to do after capturing and bleeding Spike due to the fact that there wasn't enough blood in Jonathan.

Using various forms of psychological warfare, it attempts to break many of Buffy's friends and relatives by appearing as Mayor Wilkins to Faith, Nikki Wood to her son Robin, Joyce to Dawn and Buffy Summers, and Cassie Newton (pretending to speak on behalf of Tara) to Willow.

Later the First summons its warrior Caleb - a misogynistic defrocked priest who can gain superhuman strength by "merging" with the First - in order to deal with Buffy's team and to prevent her from taking the Scythe, a mystical weapon once used by a Slayer to defeat the last pure demon on Earth. Arriving in Sunnydale, Caleb able to kill several Potential slayers and wound several others, along with Xander. However, he fails in his task of stopping Buffy from obtaining the Scythe and winds up being killed by it.

In the series finale, Buffy is able to defeat the First's newly summoned Turok Han army by (with the help of Willow turning all the Potential slayers in the world into full-fledged Slayers, and this gives them sufficient strength to defeat the First's forces.

The First is the only "Big Bad who is not killed off in the series because, as the essence of evil, it is an incorporeal being that cannot be physically harmed or destroyed. The First's chief ability is to take on the form of anyone who has passed away. Its servants consist mostly of the Bringers who are assumed to be former humans. The First's true appearance - when it is not in the form of a dead person - it as as a huge demon with two horns. This can be seen on a handful of occasions in the series.

In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer video game "Chaos Bleeds" (which is considered non-canonical to the television series) that is supposed to take place in a section of season five after Joyce (Buffy's mom)'s death, The First and Ethan Rayne, play a twisted game with Buffy's gang. It it revealed that it was an enemy of Sid the Dummy and possessed its own dimension. It it weak in the face of a weapon belonging to Angel's predecessor as the Champion, Cassandra Rayne, called Hope's Dagger. At the end, Buffy believes she diffused the First's molecules across multiple dimensions, believing it would be centuries before The First returned. It is stated, that The First could not be defeated as long as evil itself existed.

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