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Kong Li

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When Confucius was twenty years old, his son Kong Li was born. The Duke Zhao of Lu sent a gift of carp to Confucius to celebrate the birth. Confucius, feeling honored by the ruler's gesture, named his son Kong Li, with "Li" meaning carp.

Teachings from Confucius

16.13 Analects, Leys, Simon translation

Confucius' disciple Chen Gang (or Chen Ziqin) once asked Kong Li (Boyu), “Have you received any special teaching from your father?” The other replied: “No. Once, as he was standing alone, and I was discreetly crossing the courtyard, he asked me: ‘Have you studied the Poems? I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you do not study the Poems, you will not be able to hold your own in any discussion.’ I withdrew and studied the Poems. Another day, as he was again standing alone and I was discreetly crossing the courtyard, he asked me: ‘Have you studied the ritual?’ I replied: ‘No.’ He said: ‘If you do not study the ritual, you will not be able to take your stand in society.’ I withdrew and studied the ritual. These are the two teachings I received.” [1]

Chen Ziqin went away delighted and said: “I asked one thing, and learned three. I learned about the Poems, I learned about the ritual, and I learned how a gentleman maintains distance from his son.”

The story of Kong Li receiving teachings and studying poetry and propriety became a well-known tale passed down through generations. Confucius' teachings to his son were revered as "ancestral instructions," and this gradually led to the saying within the Kong family that "poetry and propriety are the family's heritage." [citation needed]









  • 宋徽宗崇宁元年(1102年),追封孔鲤为泗水侯
  • 宋度宗咸淳三年(1267年),孔鲤从祀于孔庙。
  • 明世宗嘉靖九年(1530年),改称“先贤孔氏”,从祀于启圣祠。


  1. ^ 《论语·季氏》:陈亢问于伯鱼曰:“子亦有异闻乎?”对曰:“未也。尝独立,鲤趋而过庭,曰:’学诗乎?’对曰:’未也。’’不学诗,无以言。’鲤退而学诗。他日又独立,鲤趋而过庭,曰:’学礼乎?’对曰:’未也。’’不学礼,无以立。’鲤退而学礼。闻斯二者。”陈亢退而喜曰:“问一得三:闻诗,闻礼,又闻君子之远其子也。”
  2. ^ 《孔子家语·卷二·致思》:孔子谓伯鱼曰:“鲤乎,吾闻可以与人终日不倦者,其唯学焉。其容体不足观也,其勇力不足惮也,其先祖不足称也,其族姓不足道也。终而有大名,以显闻四方,流声后裔者,岂非学之效也。故君子不可以不学。其容不可以不饬,不饬无类,无类失亲,失亲不忠,不忠失礼,失礼不立。夫远而有光者,饬也;近而愈明者,学也。譬之污池,水潦注焉,雚苇生焉,虽或以观之,孰知其源乎。”
  3. ^ "《孔子"出妻"说及相关问题》 杨朝明《齐鲁学刊》2009年第2期". Archived from the original on 2011-09-19. Retrieved 2011-02-04.

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