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Shipbroking is involved in the sale & purchase ('S&P'), literally the buying and selling of existing or new ships (called 'newbuildings' in industry parlance) as well as used ships. S&P brokers discuss opportunities and market trends with shipowners, report on sales, value vessels, calculate freight earnings, advise on finance and try to find ships for specific employment opportunities. When a ship is sold brokers usually negotiate on behalf of the buyer and seller on price and terms and also provide a route to resolving any disputes which might arise.

Cargo Brokering is a part of the shipping industry. A Cargo broker is the intermediary between a charterer, who owns the cargo, and a shipowner. Shipbrokers assist charterers and shipowners in negotiating the terms and conditions of the movement of cargo. Upon completion of the freight deal, the Cargo Broker will send out a recap (recapitulation) of what both parties have agreed. This is sometimes accompanied by a charter party.

Larger Broking firms have separate departments specialising in Dry Cargo Chartering, Tanker Chartering, Sale & Purchase and sometimes also Demolition sales and Research. Major shipbroking centres include London, Piraeus, New York, Houston, Hamburg, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai.

The Shipbroker on-line resource facility Olympic Vessels (www.olympicvessels.com) (covers all the main shipping markets with latest news updates and provides an on-line portal which allows listings for shipbrokers and ship owners who are in the market selling ships.

[http://www.olympicvessels.com OLYMPIC VESSELS

The Shipbroker on-line resource facility Oyster Assets Ltd (www.oysterassets.com) (covers all the main shipping markets with latest news updates and provides an on-line portal which allows listings for shipbrokers and ship owners who are in the market selling ships.


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About OLYMPIC VESSELS (www.olympicvessels.com)

the Site acts as a venue which allows registered Members to access the following maritime items and services (the “Item” or the “Items”): -Sale, Purchase and Swaps of merchant vessels; -Shipyard services; -Vessels for Scraps; -Freight services; -Maritime Directory open for any entity involved in the Maritime industry; -Maritime news; -Other marine services.

OV only provides a website platform which enables its Members to get into contact. OV is not involved in in the discussions, negotiations and contractual relationship between its Members.

OlympicVessels.com is a free website offering access to the maritime markets and to the great maritime community.

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Looking, registering and using any services offered by OlympicVessels.com is 100% free. There is no hidden fees or commission and no online payment. All our members are gold members and can use OlympicVessels.com freely.

As our website is free, the only way for us to run OlympicVessels.com is via selling banner space on the website or via voluntary contribution from our members.

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You don't achieve any leadership position without having an extraordinary passion for what you do and a desire to do it better than anyone else. We are passionate about the maritime industry and we relish the challenge of working better, faster, more imaginatively for our Mamebers to support them in their own business.

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Our constant pursuit of innovation in how we work is driven by our absolute commitment to delivering exceptional value to our Members. We innovate to stay ahead. It's that simple. Innovation takes many forms at OlympicVessels.com, from developments in how we improve the services offered on the website, to exploiting IT, to new maritime categories and creating new uses for established categories. We are also open to an suggestions and ideas from our members which can help us to improve OlympicVessels.com (e-mail us!).

Rule #4 Keep it simple

If you want to look at something on OlympicVessels.com, just point and click. No log in, no password, no forms to fill out and NO POP UP ADS. We want to keep it simple because nobody likes being driven crazy trying to view an ad. Our goal is to get an ad for every maritime items or services that is listed onto the website so that buyers will only have to go one place to see if a vessel like they want is for sale. Our way of doing this is to make it free for the seller to place his ad and simple for the buyer to search for any maritime items and services wanted. And you won't find any stale ads. If an ad is on OlympicVessels.com for more than 120 days it is because the seller has renewed the ad.

You can put as much of a description in your ad as you like, but the concept of the site is like a classified ad in a newspaper. To give the buyer enough information so that if they are interested, they will click on your e-mail address, or call you, and request more information. You can put as much information as you want in there, but the original idea was like a classified ad.

If you are having a crisis and just can't seem to get your ad or photos in, you can fax your ads to OV and we will add it for you.

Post your items and services on OlympicVessels.com and hope it works out because it will save you money.

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We are trying to be the best site out there. Most of the features that people need with none of the cost and simple to use. Wish us luck.

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