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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Cherso (talk | contribs) at 03:56, 17 December 2007. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


Please stop adding nationalistic/provocative rhetoric relating to Tito on pages of Istrian_exodus, Foibe massacres. You have yet to provide any credible evidence. Furthermore, your additions are extremely POV (see Wikipedia:POV_pushing), which go against the Wikipedia:Neutral_point_of_view. Thanks --Zivan56 20:25, 19 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are ignorant and vandal! Stop it!--PIO 14:46, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]


You have been blocked for 24 hours because of this personal attack: [1]. Do not do that again. Thanks. --Dijxtra 15:20, 23 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You are calamitous administrator!--PIO 14:48, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

While you are blocked from editing you might like to review the policies we have on personal attacks and civility. - FrancisTyers 15:01, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

When somebody insult me, i give somebody an answer! Take it easy! Ciao,--PIO 15:19, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please do not make personal attacks on other people. Wikipedia has a policy against personal attacks. In some cases, users who engage in personal attacks may be blocked from editing by admins or banned by the arbitration committee. Comment on content, not on other contributors or people. Please resolve disputes appropriately. Thank you. --JFred 04:51, 26 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Canadian user you are totally political POV! Stay quite!--PIO 16:01, 9 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Pio, in inglese tutti gli aggettivi di nazione (Italian, Yugoslav, etc.) vanno in maiuscolo. Non è come in italiano. --Ilario 19:29, 26 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]


Dopo aver letto un po' dei tuoi interventi non ho molto da dire. Spero che ti venga definitvamente bloccato l'account il prima possibile, sei il classico esempio di utente che rovina la reputazione di tutti gli italiani che contribuiscono a en.wikipedia.org. GhePeU 21:59, 2 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

La mia risposta è qui. user:PIO


Ciao, PIO; potrei darti un suggerimento? sii un pò più guardingo, anzi discreto, nel editare gli articoli, almeno per scongiurare problemi non necessari con altri utenti e quindi potere concentrarti su ciò che è importante: collaborazioni positive ed informazioni precise e basati su fonti attendibili. Certo, io comprendo che talvolta nel calore della polemica ciò è difficile (e certo anch'io ho avuto qualche problema, tu sai bene perchè l'hai letto: ma vedi, l'ho superato a poco a poco, diplomaticamente), però il conflitto generalizzato è raramente utile, e spesso controproducente... Se vuoi includere qualche altro punto di vista che manca in un articolo, per esempio, la migliore soluzione è prima di tutto cercare una fonte scientifica attendibile, preferibilmente non un sito internet. Se la fonte è solida e rispettabile, non ha più argomento alcuno per rimuoverla. Per rettificare informazioni sbagliate o qualche altro aspetto del testo, cerca sempre di incorporare il più possibile le modifiche d'altri editori invece di sopprimerle.

(Ti ringrazio la disposizione di sostenere le mie modifiche più controverse e quelle di Ilario, ma per evitare problemi per te e per proteggere l'integritá del articolo, credo che è meglio seguire il procedimento che ti ho descritto.) Un'altro consiglio: litigi ed attacchi personali, anche come giusta reazione ad una provocazione, non sono mai una buona idea. Ti prego di dare un'occhiata qui[2], qui[3], qui[4] e, magari, qui[5] ;) Distinti saluti, E.Cogoy 01:54, 8 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Italian irredentism & chauvinism

Hello; I've read from your notice on Dinko Ranjina article wherein you "accuse" me of "nationalism" etc. Well- I am a Croatian nationalist, that's sure. But, your siding with Italian irredentist interventions in numerous Croatia-related articles (user Giovanni Giove, as I recall) is simply unbelievable: this is not "nationalism", but jingoistic chauvinism of the worst kind that any Croat unmistakeably connnects with Italian territorial aspirations, an, not in the least, with unpunished fascist rampage in coastal Croatian during WW2. And you have the temerity to threaten anyone with blockades of any sort ? I would like to put such kind of behavior on wider discussion. Wiki is notr, I believe, a forum for disgruntled irredentist history-twisters. Mir Harven 11:40, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lay off Yugoslavia!

I cannot see why you (and other Italians) insist on attacking Tito! Are you aware that the period of Tito's rule was the period of highest economical strength and prosperity in the entire history of this region, that he had the world's most liberal socialist state, a leading nation in the non-aligned movement, that he united the southern slavs for the first and only time in history, that the old Yugoslavia was 10 times more totalitarian than the second etc... Are you proficient in the history of Yugoslavia? Do you know that he was the leader who finally got Italy out of Dalmatia and rebuffed all illegal claims to Istria and the old venetian eastern Adriatic as well as other claims by other nations. I wonder if you hide nationalist wiews under a cover of anti-totalitarianism.

FACTS: - The "big exodus" of Italians out of Istria was a very small affair and was motivated by racial hatred (towards "barbaric" slavs) suddenly turning into unfounded fear. Did you genuinley think that Tito was going to commit genocide against Italians? In 1945? FFS, he had an entire Italian division in his army! - The Italians (if the majority were Italians) killed in the Foibe massacres were fascists and nationalists, and separatists. Are you even aware of your country's CONCENTRATION CAMPS on Dalmatian territory? Those weren't for Jews (mostly), they were for people who said things like: "There are more Croats than Italians in Split." that is a fact from history books. What would you do if say, Germany, smashed your country and then gave chunks of it's territory to Croatia? Than we Croats build concentration camps on your territory and keep there people who were against us. What would you do I wonder to the people who cheer as innocents are being drawn away to die of thirst in these camps? The foibe massacres were spontaneous revenge by the people against their terrorisers (and their supporters). They had nothing to do with the Yugoslav command. I remind you that for Partisans to perform organised killings on a national basis would be riddiculous, since their very foundation is built on the principle of the brotherhood of nations.

Please use non italian reference sources (if you are able to, bah). Since when is Italy the source of historical knowledge? It's documents are mostly incomplete and often biased in comparison to American and UK ones. Believe me, I have read more Italian history books than you possibly could have.

I hope you see your error. DIREKTOR


Accusations and attacks

Relax PIO, and Read this carefully: A TERRIBLE CRIME WAS COMMITED. MANY ITALIANS WERE KILLED BY THE PARTISANS. I am not a "negationist", I will merely not let you blow this out of proportion. The numbers of victims were certainly below 10,000 (most level headed ITALIAN historians set the figure at 5000) and many of them were Yugoslavs and Germans, in any case this cannot be called ethnic cleansing. Many of the Italians certainly were RSI fascist supporters, responsible for many Yugoslav CVILIAN deaths (much, much more than Italian deaths, this is well known). And finally, if you would like to talk about negationism! why did the Italian government not extradite the Italian war criminals? They were (together) responsible for HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS. No, I am not exaggerating, check the numbers, (as I frequently point out) Yugoslavia had 1,700,000 casualties, easily for times that of Italy. WHY WERE THEY NOT EXTRADITED?, if you would like to discuss negationism... That is why I find it disgusting that Italians want to blow out of proportion this crime, that is PUNY compared to the Italian ones commited over a period of four long years (concentration camps, punitive expeditions against whole villages and, indeed, towns, etc...).
Oh, I absolutely adore war. Are you going to declare war on Croatia now? Where would you go during feragosto then?
I reached no compromise with anyone, SINCE NOONE DISCUSSED ANYTHING. DIREKTOR 23:33, 27 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Direktor and his many forums

Hi. This message is to inform you that the forumer Direktor is a well know propagandist of tito-style propaganda on the internet. He has been banned from other forums because of his harrassment against italians in Istria and Dalmatia. He has used other nicknames and WRITES ALWAYS IN A SYNCHRONIZED GROUP WITH OTHERS, who support him. He always writes to be of distant italian roots in order to obtain support for his harrassments (he often identifies Italians in Dalmatia with fascists), and writes even to be a "not nationalist" while he promotes fanatically the tito yugoslavia with many lies and deceits. An Italian forumer born in Istria.

Yeah, this is probably "LEO"... Well, I do not work in a synchronised group with others, I was never banned from any forum whatsoever (in fact I do not frequent forums), I do have Italian roots (I stated that on my talkpage far before any conflict with Italian users arose), I have never used other nicks (why should I?), I do not identify Italians in Dalmatia with fascists (my family were Italians in Dalmatia), and I believe Tito was correct in his denouncement of nationalism as a disgusting ideology wich only brings forth suffering (like in the recent Yugoslav wars). That's all, thanks DIREKTOR 20:02, 30 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

DIRETTORE ma sparati prima che ti sparino: non credo a una sola delle tue paranoiche fesserie!!!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:55, 1 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Note: and other IPs in 151.33.*.* are used by PIO. Suspect WP:SOCK. Michaelbusch 16:21, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Its something like, "DIRECTOR, shoot before they (someone) shoot you: I don't believe a single one of your paranoid nonsenses." DIREKTOR (TALK) 17:29, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Note: IPs in 151.33 are used by least 200.000 Italian users; always I sign my comments and I am not suspect sockpuppet!!!! PIO, 15:47 18 September 2007 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:47, 18 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Request for comments

Please read ARBCOM Dalmatia and post your comments. Thank you. --Giovanni Giove 15:10, 28 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]


learnportuguese 03:37, 7 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Your 3RR report

Neglected to mention that you are also guilty of violating WP:3RR on the same article. This has been clarified. Note: I strongly recommend that you not edit by anon IP. Since you are using Italia Online, your IP constantly changes, making getting messages to you difficult at best. It is also a violation of WP:SOCK. Michaelbusch 16:29, 11 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please do not spread the conflict

PIO, I ask you not to edit the Foibe massacres just yet. I suggest you list your desired changes and we can discuss the issues like two intelligent human beings. If you insist on your version without a second thought to others and if that version is full of radical Italian POV, the edit-war will continue, and I really hope you do not actually want that to happen. What do you think? DIREKTOR 19:42, 14 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Editing without loggin in

PIO, could you please attempt to fix the problems that do not allow you to log into your account? It really makes life very difficult for all the rest of us when you continue to edit under different addresses. The best I can assume is that you are doing this to avoid 3RR, or a block on your main account. Also, if you continue to use IP addresses, I will merely semiprotect the articles you are disrupting, which will allow users above the autoconfirm level to edit it in their own manner. Please rectify this as soon as you can. ~ Riana 05:47, 15 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Another who wanted a "balanced" article about Dalmatia is gone

<Even MarioKempes -who wanted a balanced article- is gone, as he writes above:<Your perspective on this is very limited and the "Dalmatian Englishman" analogy is testimony of this. I'm not about to start another pointless thread of discussion here, and I really have no interest in this article other than trying to keep it balanced. To be honest, I don't think it gets much traffic other than you three or four zealots. I'm gone... good bye. Mariokempes (talk) 18:16, 14 December 2007 (UTC)> The group of Croatian nationalists (Kubura, ZenanarTh, Direktor, etc...) got what they want: to have free hands to do whatever they want with the articles about Dalmatia, like this one on Dalmatian Italians. I will monitor every nationalistic Croatian post of these zealots for future referral & complaint to the wiki authorities. Be sure of that, "dear" fanatic Croats.>. Pio, ho scritto il precedente post dopo l'ingiusto "ban" di Giovanni Giove perche' gli articoli sulla Dalmazia sono praticamente alla merce' dei Croati nazionalisti. Puoi aiutare a "bilanciare" un po' la situazione? Grazie.--Cherso (talk) 03:56, 17 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]