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The name "Amnidab" can either relate to:

Aminidab in the Lamanite Prisons

Aminidab is mentioned in Helaman 5: 35-41 of the Book of Mormon. He is said to have been a Nephite, and a member of the true Church. However, evidently he fell away from the Church, and became associated with the Lamanites, as a guard in their prisons.

In the Book of Helaman, after Nephi had given up the Cheif Judgment Seat to Cezoram, he and his brother Lehi went to the land of Zarahemla to preach the Gospel to the Lamanites. They are taken prisoners by the Lamanites, and kept under guard.

One day it is said that angels came and wrapped Nephi and Lehi in fire, while all around them is total darkness. The Lamanite guards wonder what is going on, and Aminidab tells them "They do converse with the angels of God". When they ask him how they too might be visited by the angels of God, he told them "You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ".

From the verses following, it is assumed that he also prayed in faith, had his body encircled about with fire, and became converted again to the Gospel.

See also

External links

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