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Fifteen years ago in Ukraine, near Poltava city, on a huge dept of 2.5km, the extraordinary mineral – Bishofit was found. The high content of magnesium (up to 100g in one liter) and potassium (up to 10g in one liter) is combined with different microelements – iodine, bromine, selenium, silicone, ferrum and others. It has immediately drawn the attention of medical scientists. At the end of 80th years in all the URSS bishofit of Volgograd deposit was very popular. The remedial properties of bishofit were found out occasionally – the workers of boreholes noticed, that when the hands are washed with a solution extracted by drilling of artesian wells, joints of hands hurt less and physical fatigue is being soothed. The ministry of Health recommended to use the bishofit for the treatment of inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of peripheral nervous and locomotor system. Bishofit from Volgograd has become wide popular. Ten years later bishofit was discovered near Poltava city. Originally bishofit is a salt deposit of ancient seas, where the life on the entire planet has been conceived. That is why it has the astonishing similitude with the intracellular environment of living organisms and benefits on them. The main element of bishofit is magnesium, it is justifiably called the “mineral of life” www.magnesiumforlife.com There are only three discovered deposits of bishofit. Poltava deposit is the most ancient and deep. There were elaborated the methods of bishofit application in physiotherapy, sport medicine, rehabilitation of traumas consequences. Bishofit alleviates the inflammation, ameliorates regeneration, stimulates the immunity and metabolism. Poltavsky bishofit contains up to 400 gramms of pure minerals in one liter. Actually the major part of bishofit is being mined for technical purposes – construction, petroleum production, chemical industry. Technical bishofit (magnesium chloride), is very cheap and has very low health-improving properties. Less then 1% of bishofit is mined and processed especially for therapeutic purposes. In Ukraine bishofit is being recognized and valued for its health-improving properties. Sanatoriums, which have its own natural sources (sea salt, peloid, mineral waters) effectively complement the local natural resources, increasing its effectiveness and innovating the methods. Poltavsky bishofit has become a finding for the sanatoriums, which have natural sources of narrow remedial profile. The people are visiting health resorts in order to solve different health problems – joints and spine problems in a first turn. Therefore, Poltavsky bishofit give an opportunity of multimodality therapy and indications broadening for sanatorium treatment. Methods of application of bishofit: with healing devices – electrophoresis, ultrasonic, magnet, warming with ozocerite and wax, cryotherapy, professional massage and manual therapy. Bishofit in baths decreases arterial tension, removes stress, ameliorates sleep. It can be used at home for warming-up, compresses and massages. Poltavsky bishofit is a natural mineral with a scientifically investigated action.