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William Stephen Raikes Hodson

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Brevet Major William Stephen Raikes Hodson
Captain William Hodson's grave in La Martiniere College in Lucknow
Born(1821-03-10)March 10, 1821
DiedMarch 11, 1858(1858-03-11) (aged 37)
EducationRugby and Cambridge
Childrenone daughter (died an infant)
ParentRev. George Hodson

Brevet Major William Stephen Raikes Hodson (March 10, 1821 - March 11, 1858) was the British leader of irregular light cavalry during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. He was known as "Hodson of Hodson's Horse."

I Hope I Have Done My Duty

Not only was he described as 'the finest swordsman in the army' (a quote from "Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911 edition"), Hodson has the joint distinction of first introducing khaki uniform. His most notable action (apart from riding through 152 miles of enemy territory, swarming with enemy cavalry, to deliver secret messages), was to apprehend and safely return the King of Delhi (see below) and the following day march with 100 men into an enemy camp several thousand strong and demanded the surrender of the Moghul Princes who were leading the rebellion around Delhi (see LJ Trotter, 'A Leader of Light Horse', pages 200-202).

In explanation of the fact that he never received the Victoria Cross it was said of him “that it was because he earned it every day of his life”.

Born on the 9th of March 1821 at Maisemore Court, near Gloucester, third son of the Rev. George Hodson (who became archdeacon of Stafford and canon of Lichfield) he accepted a cadetship in the Indian army at the advanced age of twenty-three; joining the 2nd Bengal Grenadiers he went through the first Sikh War.

Unusual among fellow officers, Major WSR Hodson had been a Cambridge graduate and was a keen linguist. A contemporary described Hodson as tall man with yellow hair, a pale, smooth face, heavy moustache, and large, restless, rather unforgiving eyes… a perfect swordsman, nerves like iron, and a quick, intelligent eye. Hodson delighted in fighting and his favourite weapon was the hog spear. He was a brilliant horseman with the capacity to sleep in the saddle. The initial assistance he gave in organising the newly formed Corps of Guides had been one of Sir Henry Lawrence's projects in which Hodson excelled. Within a short time he was not only commanding the regiment but established himself as the foremost intelligence authority in India.

Begun in December 1846 the Guides Corps had (Lt) H. Lumsden as its commandant and (Lt) WSR Hodson as second-in-command. Significantly, among the duties assigned to Hodson was responsibility for equipping the new regiment. This also necessitated his choosing the regiment's uniform. Accordingly in May 1848 he liaised with his brother The Rev George Hodson, in England, to send all the cloth, rifles and Prussian-style helmets required. With Lumsden's approval Hodson decided upon a lightweight uniform of Khaki colour - or 'Drab' as it was then referred to. This would be comfortable to wear and 'make them invisible in a land of dust'. As a result Hodson and Lumsden had the joint distinction - 150 years ago - of being the first officers to equip a regiment dressed in Khaki. Many view it as the precursor of modern camouflage uniform. He made his name by riding with dispatches for General Anson from Karnal to Meerut and back again, a distance of 152 miles, in seventy-two hours, through country swarming with the rebel cavalry. The commander-in-chief was so pleased that he empowered him to raise a regiment of 2000 irregular horse, which became known as Hodson’s Horse, and placed him at the head of the Intelligence Department.

Three Princes

His most bitterly criticised action in his career, was the execution of the Three Princes: Mizra Moghul, Mizra Khizr Sultan and Mizra Abu Bakr thus ending the Mogul blood line descending from Genghis Khan.

The British knew that the old King was proving to be a focus for the uprising and the mutineers, and they also knew that the King, his sons and their army were camped just outside Delhi at Humayun’s Tomb; however it was considered too dangerous to assault or harass the enemy force. The General in command said he could not spare a single European. Hodson volunteered to go with 50 of his irregular horsemen, this request was turned down but after some persuasion Hodson obtained from General Wilson permission to ride out to where the enemy were encamped. Hodson rode 6 miles through enemy territory into their camp, containing some 6000+ armed mutineers, a quote from the time says:

"His orderly told me that it was wonderful to see the influence which his calm and undaunted look had on the crowd. They seemed perfectly paralyzed at the fact of one white man (for they thought nothing of his 50 sowars) carrying off their King alone.”

Here he accepted the surrender of Bahadur Shah, King of Delhi: As a sign of surrender the King handed over his arms, which contained two magnificent swords, one with the name ‘Nadir Shah’ and the other the seal of Jehan Guire (Jahangir) engraved upon it, which Hodson intended to present to the Queen.

The Princes had refused to surrender and on the following day with 100 horsemen Hodson went back and demanded the Princes surrender unconditionally. Again a crowd of 6000+ mutineers gathered, and Hodson with marvellous coolness ordered them to disarm, which they proceeded to do. He sent the princes on with an escort of ten men, while with the remaining ninety he collected the arms of the crowd. On galloping after the princes he found the crowd once more pressing on the escort and threatening an attack; and fearing that he would be unable to bring his prisoners into Delhi he took a rifle from one of his men shot them with his own hand; thus terminating the Moghul blood line, bringing to an end the lineage of Genghis Khan in the Indian Royal House.

The fabulous bejewelled swords he took from the King of Delhi were given to Queen Victoria as a symbol of the King's surrender and are still held in the Queen’s Collection. Hodson was killed on the 11th of March 1858 in the attack on the Begum Kotee at Lucknow. He had just arrived on the spot and met a man going to fetch powder to blow in a door; instead Hodson, with his usual recklessness, rushed into the doorway and was shot. His last words were ‘I hope I have done my duty’. Major William Stephen Raikes Hodson (1821-1858) is remembered for a number of notable achievements in his lifetime. Furthermore, his military career won him respect and praise from many quarters; this included recognition from the Minister for India, the Prime Minister and HM Queen Victoria.

Financial Matters

Through out his career Hodson was dogged by accusations of at best negligence in financial matters and at worst theft. He was investigated on more than one occasion but nothing was ever proved. His detractors claim he was a looter. His supporters say that these accusations came from those who disliked his manner and his military success. He had not followed the normal career path for an officer plus he was renowned for his curt, brisk manner and not afraid to step on toes or say what was on his mind. His supporters point to the powerful people who lined up to praise his actions plus the fact he died a relatively poor man, his widow relying on charity from the state, as ample evidence that at best he was a brilliant soldier at worst he was arrogant and found administration tedious.

On the other hand the Rev. G Hodson states in his book that he obtained the inventory of his brother's possessions made by the Committee of Adjustment and it contained no articles of loot, and Sir Charles Gough, president of the committee, confirmed this evidence. This statement is totally incompatible with Sir Henry Daly's and is only one of many contradictions in the case. Sir Henry Norman stated that to his personal knowledge Hodson remitted several thousand pounds to Calcutta which could only have been obtained by looting. On the other hand, again, Hodson died a poor man, his effects were sold for £170, his widow was dependent on charity for her passage home, was given apartments by the Queen at Hampton Court, and left only £400 at her death.

Hodson died without leaving his widow money enough to pay her passage home and she had to apply to the Compassionate Fund for assistance, which was granted. His effects included a ring, watch, Bible and Prayer book, and a miniature. The amount realized from the auction of his other things was only £ 170. General remarked "there was nothing in his boxes but what an officer might legitimately and honorably have in his possession."

Parliamentary Speeches

In parliamentary speeches made on 14th April 1859 the Prime Minister Earl of Derby, and the Minister for India Lord Stanley, singled-out Major Hodson for his unique services to the country. In a shortened account Lord Stanley is quoted as saying: 'Especially distinguished is Major Hodson who in his short but brilliant military career displayed every quality which an officer should possess. Nothing is more remarkable than the variety of services in which he was engaged...He crowded into the brief space of eleven years the services and adventures of a long life. He died when his reward was assured - the consciousness of duty done and the assurance of enduring military renown'.

The Prime Minister said of him 'Doubtless many have fallen who, if they had been spared, might have risen to greatest eminence and have held the highest stations in public service. I allude to Hodson a model of chiefs of irregular forces. By his valour, his rigid discipline, and careful attention to his men's real wants, comforts, desires, and even prejudices, he had obtained an influence which was all but marvelous. This enabled him to lead his troops so formed and disciplined into any danger and into any conflict as if they had been British soldiers. He has met a soldier's death. It will be long before the people lose the memory of Hodson'. General Hugh Gough said of him, “A finer or more gallant soldier never breathed. He had the true instincts of a leader of men; as a cavalry soldier he was perfection; a strong seat, a perfect swordsman, quick and intelligent”. - This recognition of Hodson by the Prime Minister was reflected in the special pension granted his widow by the Secretary of State for India in Council, who declared it was 'testimony of the high sense entertained of the gallant and distinguished services of the late Brevet-Major W.S.R. Hodson' and Her Majesty Queen Victoria honoured Major Hodson posthumously by granting his widow private apartments at Hampton Court Palace "in consideration of the distinguished service of your late husband in India".


On 11th March, 1858. Hodson's regiment was in Lucknow and while storming the 'Begam's palace' he fell back shot through the liver, the bullet having entered between two of his false ribs in front and coming out between two of the same ribs behind. At 1-25 pm. of 12th March, 1858 the sad scene was over. He died most quietly, without a struggle. He merely ceased to breathe. On the evening of the same day, his body was buried in the garden of Martiniere (Lucknow). Great was the grief in 'Hodson's Horse' at the death of their leader, for no man was more loved by his men.

Those who served under him and the sons of those who served under him used to speak by the title given to him by the old king of Delhi - Hodson Sahib Bahadur. …

His grave and memorial is located within the grounds of La Martinière College, a private school located in Lucknow in the present day state of Uttar Pradesh in independent India.

Subsequent controversy

The controversy relating to Hodson's moral character is very complicated and unpleasant. Upon Hodson's side see Rev. G Hodson, Hodson of Hodson's Horse (1883), and LJ Trotter, A Leader of Light Horse (1901) ; against him, R Bosworth-Smith, Life of Lord Lawrence, appendix to the 6th edition of 1885; TR Holmes, History of the Indian Mutiny, appendix N to the 5th edition of 1898, and Four Famous Soldiers by the same author, 1889; and General Sir Crawford Chamberlain, Remarks on Captain Trotter's Biography of Major WSR Hodson (1901).

Further Reading

Barry Joynson Cork, "Rider on a Grey Horse, A life of Hodson of Hodson's Horse", (Cassells 1958); Charles Allen "Soldier Sahibs, the Men who made the North-West Frontier", (John-Murray 2000); Saul David, "The Indian Mutiny", (Vicking 2002); Julian Spilsbury, "Indian Mutiny",(Weidenfeld & Nicholson 2007).


The following verse appeared in India shortly after Hodson's death:

I rode to Delhi with Hodson: there were three of my Father's sons;
Two of them died at the foot of the ridge, in the line of the Mori's guns.
I followed him on when the great town fell; he was cruel and cold they said:
The men were sobbing around the day that I saw him dead.
It is not soft words that a soldier wants; we know what he was in fight;
And we love the man that can lead us, ay, though his face be white.

And when the time shall come, sahib, as come full well it may,
When all things are not fair and bright, as all things seem today,
When foes are rising round you fast, and friends are few and cold
And half a yard of trusty steel is worth a prince's gold
Remember Hodson trusted us, and trust the old blood too,
And as we followed him - to death - our sons will follow you.

See also

  • [1] Encyclopedia Brittanica 1911 edition.