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Free energy suppression conspiracy theory

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Free energy suppression is a conspiracy theory that states that advanced technology which would allow us to better meet our energy needs exists today but is being suppressed by special interest groups to whom the status quo is advantageous.

Many free energy claims, such as extracting zero point energy, are demonstrably impossible under modern science. Conspiracy advocates therefore claim that the scientific community has controlled and suppressed research into alternative avenues of energy production via the institutions of peer review. Other claimed means of suppression include buying the patent of the free energy device from the inventor or his family, suing the inventor or patent holder, or even assassination.

In addition, some claim that perpetual motion machines or other devices capable of extracting significant and usable power from pre-existing energy reservoirs for little or no cost exist but are being suppressed[1][2][3][4] by governments and special interest groups (such as the oil/petroleum industry),[5] and that suppression has been going on for some time.[6]

According to energy suppression conspiracy advocates, the main motive behind this is the preservation of the economic status quo and sustained increase of fuel prices. Variations on the energy suppression conspiracy state that free energy cannot be allowed in a capitalist system because it would break down if it was introduced.

No reliable evidence has ever been presented for free energy suppression, and the basic premises of the theory are flawed according to contemporary physics (see Theory Analysis section).


Proponents of this conspiracy theory claim certain renewable technologies (such as solar cells)[7] and other efficient technologies, capable of tapping into reserves of energy, that could provide energy at reduced cost to consumers, reduce pollution levels, or increase energy/fuel efficiency, exist, but are being suppressed[8] by governments[9] and special interest groups[10] (such as the oil/petroleum industry)[11] and that suppression has been going on for some time.[12] According to the energy suppression conspiracy, the main motive behind this is the preservation of the economic status quo and sustained increase of fuel prices. Peter Lindemann has stated that an "energy revolution" could occur, but “[...] unless something really changes on the social or political or economic level, the technology is irrelevant; it will not be allowed to happen.”[13][14]

In the 1930s, Thomas Henry Moray reported that he and his family had been threatened and shot at on several occasions and his lab ransacked to stop his free energy research and public demonstrations. The 1975 book The Sun Betrayed claimed solar energy production was being suppressed by the U. S. governmental bureau allocated to help its development.[15]

It has been stated that the scientific community has also further controled research into alternative avenues of energy production via the institutions of peer review,

[...] as the paradigmatic means of choosing among research projects and, more recently, programmatic awards and grants for new research centers and national science and engineering facilities, sometimes has the effect of suppressing consideration of public values.[16]

It is then alleged that some politicians may use this system to further vested interests and divert funding into conventional non-renewable sources.[17] The allegation exists that alternative and free energy research is labeled by various conspirators in the review systems as pseudo-scientific, or unrealistic, and suppressed. There are various other factors which can prevent funding of some alternative energy development, such as "time and information" and capital costs.[18] Groups behind "the conspiracy" have been said to include various national governments, international automakers, and the petroleum industry. An article in Nexus magazine claims

The spread of working free-energy technologies has been prevented by wealthy elites governments, deluded inventors and con men, as well as a non-demanding public.[19]

Researchers in the field of cold fusion have been claimed to be subjected to suppression via academic pressure as well as via lack of funding.[20] The United States Department of Energy has a budget for the development of alternative energy methods to lessen the dependence on fossil fuels.

Dr Eugene Mallove, a proponent of Cold Fusion, was murdered in 2004 a few months after writing an open letter to the world requesting research funds for Cold Fusion and Zero Point Energy. [21]

Despite free energy suppression being labeled a conspiracy theory, events supporting this technology are held at MIT, such as "Cold Fusion Science and Technology with Special Tribute to Dr. Eugene Mallove at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology" [22]. A paper was presented at another MIT Cold Fusion Conference, which covered the "Hutchison Effect". [23]

John Hutchison, known for the Hutchison Effect, filed an official affidavit with the US District Court, Southern District of New York, in support of Dr Judy Wood's case alleging that directed energy weapons were a causal factor in the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. This case is represented by well-known attorney Jerry Leaphart. [24]

Theory analysis

The standard rebuttal to the theory is that these devices are absent in the market because they do not work. In the case of such concepts as perpetual motion or extracting zero point energy, basic physical laws (such as the first and second laws of thermodynamics) dictate that they cannot work.

With respect to physically possible technology being suppressed, economic arguments hold. Various energy commodities are in some form of competition in the market place, with oil, coal, and natural gas in competition with known renewable energy methods. Any truly effective free energy technology would provide vastly more benefit if widely employed than if kept secret.

The American TV show MythBusters has examined some claimed free energy sources. All of the tried methods failed.[25] Several other reports have been exposed as hoaxes and scams.[26][27][28][29] Conspiracy advocates claim these represent attempted suppression. However, governments have not imprisoned individuals for research concerning solar cells, windmills, and geothermal energy production, nor have they closed down research centers investigating such topics. The United States government, the European Union and the Japanese have invested some amount of resources in developing alternative sources of energy, typically with the goal of gaining energy independence and a competitive market edge

The usual claimed justification for alleged suppression is to maintain the current economic system. But from an economics perspective, the existence of free goods contradicts the idea that free or very cheap energy would destroy a market economy. Air and water, necessary raw materials in many processes, are available to anyone at no cost except transport and storage. Furthermore, if energy were in fact free, then there would still be charges for costs of delivering that energy to the end user in conventional transmission lines. In many parts of the world, water is free in the sense that anyone can pull it out of a river; purifying and delivering it, however, has profit potential. Moreover, according to established economic theories, significantly lowered energy costs would result in increased economic growth, since the costs of producing goods and services would drop. "Free energy" would produce a fast growing economy and enable huge economic growth. Increased economic growth from lowered energy costs has occurred before: raw material and resource commodities (notably coal, aluminum, textiles, and labor) dropped in price as a consequence of the industrial revolution. Generally, when a resource becomes cheap, other economic sectors absorb the loss, or new demands will be created.

Gary McKinnon

Between 2001 and 2002, Gary McKinnon carried out what has been described as being the "biggest ever military computer hack" in history[30] when he gained access to 97 computer systems belonging to the US military and other government bodies, claiming to have seen designs for free energy devices (specifically, zero-point energy devices), and other potentially beneficial technologies.[31] No evidence for his claims has been provided.

See also

References and external articles

  1. ^ Frissell, Bob (2002), Nothing in this book is true, but it's exactly how things are: Esoteric meaning of the monuments of Mars, Frog Ltd, ISBN 1583940677
  2. ^ Mad Macz (2002), Internet Underground: The way of the hacker, PageFree Publishing, Inc. ISBN 1930252536
  3. ^ David Alison (1994), Another free-energy cover-up?: The Dennis Lee Story, Nexus Magazine, (June-July 1994)
  4. ^ Free Energy - A Reality Not a Conspiracy. (Video) Time frame 00:35 - 00:45.
  5. ^ Charles D. Jaco, The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics of Oil. Politics of Energy, Page 191 - 198
  6. ^ Tutt (2003), "The Scientist, The Madman, The Thief and Their Lightbulb: The Search for Free Energy".
  7. ^ Solar development cooperative/smith's amended, motion of notice of intent to claim compensation, Solar development cooperative 'Lighting the Way With Creation’s Original Remedy', Corona del Mar, CA 92625 July 19, 1999. Retrieved April 2007. Original location, http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/1905/AMENDEDNOI.doc (ed., there was a notice of intent decision at cpuc.ca.gov) [cf., Enron-Amoco began using Solarex patents to sue major American PV leaders that attempted to evolve new or innovative PV applications or technologies in this nation]
  8. ^ Eric Lerner, Stop the Suppression of an Alternative Energy Source!. Progressive Engineer.
  9. ^ Paul Ballonoff, Energy: Ending the Never-Ending Crisis. (ed., The book states that governmental energy regulation only help special-interest groups at the cost of energy consumers.)
  10. ^ Richard A. Smith, Interest Group Influence in the U. S. Congress. Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Feb., 1995), pp. 89-139 doi 10.2307/440151
  11. ^ Charles D. Jaco, The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics of Oil. Politics of Energy, Page 191 - 198
  12. ^ Tutt (2003), "The Scientist, The Madman, The Thief and Their Lightbulb: The Search for Free Energy".
  13. ^ Lindemann is an author, inventor, and researcher of energy alternatives
  14. ^ J Manning (1996), The Coming Energy Revolution.
  15. ^ Ray Reece, The Sun Betrayed, page 14-15
  16. ^ Sarewitz (2002), "Public Failures in US Science Policy". Page 12.
  17. ^ Sarewitz (2002), "Public Failures in US Science Policy". Page 12. (cf., There is some evidence that science bureaucrats are aware of the role of peer review in goal displacement.)
  18. ^ Weinberg (1979) "Are the alternative energy strategies achievable".
  19. ^ Where in the World is all the Free Energy?, Nexus magazine, V8#4 (2007-06/07
  20. ^ Phenomenon Archives: Heavy Watergate, The War Against Cold Fusion. Channel One. (video)
  21. ^ http://www.pureenergysystems.com/obituaries/2004/EugeneMallove/LastMessage040513 ^ "Eugene Mallove's Open Letter to the World" with preface by Richard Hoagland and clarification by Christy Frazier. PES Network, last update August 30, 2004.
  22. ^ http://world.std.com/%7Emica/colloq.html Cold Fusion Science and Technology with Special Tribute to Dr. Eugene Mallove at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA on May 21, 2005
  23. ^ http://www.svn.net/krscfs/EVOs%20and%20Hutchison%20Effect.pdf NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION FROM LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE, Paper presented at the MIT Cold Fusion Conference, May 21, 2005 By Ken Shoulders
  24. ^ http://drjudywood.com/articles/JJ/JJ8.html John Hutchison's Affidavit for the Qui-Tam case
  25. ^ MythBusters, Episode 24 — "Ming Dynasty Astronaut". Free Energy.
  26. ^ Redheffer's Perpetual Motion Machine http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/redheffer.html
  27. ^ (word processor parameters LM=1, RM=70, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501
  28. ^ No. 438: Redheffer's PMM-I
  29. ^ Harry Perrigo of Kansas City "Method and Apparatus for Accumulating and Transforming Ether Electric Energy". Investigators report that his device contained a hidden motor.
  30. ^ Campbell, Duncan (04-04-07), "Hacker faces US justice after extradition appeal fails", The Guardian
  31. ^ "UFO Hacker" Tells What He Found, Wired News, 21 June 2006
  32. ^ Rudolf Diesel, His Invention and Mysterious Death, article at germanculture.com