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Commemoration ball

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A Commemoration ball or Commem. ball is a formal ball held by one of the colleges of the University of Oxford in the 9th week of Trinity Term, the week after the end of the last Full Term of the academic year, which known as "Commemoration Week".

Commemoration Week is so known because of the ceremonies in commemoration of the benefactors of the university that are held then, namely the Commemoration Day sermon formerly held (until 2006) on the Sunday, and the Encaenia ceremony (where the annual Creweian Oration in honour of benefactors is given) and garden party on the Wednesday of that week. Commemoration Week was formerly one of two occasions when balls were traditionally held, the other being Eights Week, the 5th week of Trinity term when the Summer Eights bumps races occur. Eights balls are nowadays comparatively rare.

Tradition and Past Balls

Current practice is usually for only the larger, white-tie, balls to be referred to as Commemoration balls, with several of the larger colleges each holding a ball once every three years. The pre-eminent position of the Magdalen College and New College commemoration balls in two of the three years of the cycle is generally accepted, but in the third year of the cycle, as of 2008, there are three major colleges holding commemoration balls: Trinity College, Worcester College and Christ Church (although Christ Church's 2008 ball is held on the eve of Commemoration Week). Before 1990, the Christ Church ball was pre-eminent, but an incident at the ball in 1990 led to a suspension by the Governing Body of that college that lasted until 2005.

  • 2002 — Trinity College
  • 2003 — Magdalen College
  • 2004 — New College
  • 2005 — Christ Church, Trinity College, Worcester College
  • 2006 — Magdalen College
  • 2007 — New College
  • 2008 — Christ Church, Trinity College, Worcester College

St John's College also held a private white-tie Anniversary ball in 2005. It is not clear if the 2008 ball is to be designated a commemoration ball.

Several colleges hold triennial black-tie balls during Commemoration week which they refer to as Commemoration balls, e.g. Oriel College and The Queen's College. Many other colleges hold smaller events during Commemoration Week which they call summer balls or parties rather than Commemoration balls.


Commemoration Balls have an enviable reputation for securing private performances from leading entertainers; some notable performances are listed below.


See also

The 2008 Balls
