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Safe & Sound (Prison Break)

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"Safe & Sound (Prison Break)"

"Safe & Sound" is the 62nd episode of the American television series Prison Break and was broadcast on September 22 2008 in the United States on the Fox Network.[1]


With the Scylla cards copied from Tuckhorn and Tabak, four cardholders remain. Unfortunately, the resolution on the video taken with Scofield's camera phone is too unclear to accurately ascertain the identities of the remaining cardholders. Luckily, FBI agent Donald Self recognizes one of the cardholders, as a colleague who works in the United States Treasury Department.

Meanwhile, Mahone receives a picture of Wyatt, the Company's assassin who killed his son. Sucre and Lincoln argue over whether to attempt to track down T-Bag, knowing he is somewhere in Los Angeles and that he has Whistler's bird book that contains the plan to break into the Company headquarters.

Scofield, having become the de facto leader of the entire team, decides to proceed on all fronts. He has Agent Self run high-resolution identity searches on the three unknown cardholders while attempting to copy the Treasury agent's card, and orders Sucre and Bellick to canvas LA to look for T-Bag.

Sara Tancredi, upon discovering she has lost Bruce Bennett's credit card, realizes she is being followed by Wyatt. She makes a run for it and manages to elude the assassin.

Agent Self, by making up a story about Al-Qaeda using stolen bearer bonds to somehow threaten American citizens, manages to barge into the cardholder's office in the Treasury Department. However, his efforts are in vain - the card itself is inside the holder's office wall safe, which blocks the device and prevents the card from being copied.

Bad news travels back to the group when they learn of this and Sara's close encounter. Scofield, however, is not disheartened and treats each new obstacle as part of the challenge, and begins formulating a plan to break into the Treasury Department, then the safe, and somehow copy the card. Mahone uses his detective skills and military experience to deduce likely locations where Wyatt is hiding.

Meanwhile, Wyatt visits the imprisoned Gretchen Morgan, whom despite repeated torture and a starvation diet has managed to resist. Wyatt explains how the humans have evolved over thousands of years to learn to recognize things that are either harmful or helpful to the body through smell, and proceeds to slowly suffocate and nauseate Gretchen by putting a tape over her mouth and leaving a bucket of urine and body parts in the room.

Sucre and Bellick arrive at GATE, and ask for T-Bag who is masquerading there as Cole Pfeiffer, Whistler's fabricated persona. The receptionist, intending to blackmail T-Bag, lies to the duo. Scofield then calls them and tells them that they're proceeding with the card plan instead. T-Bag agrees to pay the receptionist three percent of his commissions.

Mahone meets with his estranged wife, Pam, who is overcome with emotion. Mahone shows her pictures of possible Agents who match the description, and she immediately identifies Wyatt. But she reassures him, asking him to use all his intelligence and concentration to hunt down and kill the man who killed their son. She has brought him a gun, which Mahone plans to use on Wyatt.

Scofield has come up with a plan to break into one of the most protected buildings in the world and copy the card - by disguising Sucre and Bellick as cleaners, Scofield and Lincoln will be able to break into the room adjacent to the cardholder's and drill through the wall and the back of the safe. The occupant of that room will be led out of the building by Agent Self, who has arranged a lunch meeting.

Mahone has managed to find the hotel where Wyatt is staying. Wyatt, however, has already anticipated that his cover and location may have been blown by his failed attempt to recover Tancredi, and hires the hotel clerk to mislead any would-be followers and alert him immediately. The clerk, as per his orders, lies to Mahone and states that Wyatt has already checked out, but when he calls Wyatt to tell him, Mahone suddenly appears behind him with a gun. Terrified of Mahone, the clerk tells Wyatt that his working day is over and nobody has appeared. Mahone then takes Wyatt's number from the clerk.

Scofield's plan works and the foursome manage to breach the adjacent office, using a vacuum cleaner to cover the noise of drilling through the office wall. Lincoln discovers Scofield's nosebleed and asks him how long it has been occurring. Scofield brushes it off, saying it's not a problem and asks Lincoln not to tell Sara, though Lincoln says that since Sara is a doctor, she'd instantly find him out. The two manage to successfully drill through the wall and the back of the safe and copy the card, when the General unexpectedly shows up. Paranoid after recent events, he demands to see the card, but Michael successfully manages to copy and replace the card and gets the wall back up before it can be detected.

When the Company agent guarding Gretchen checks in on her, she successfully escapes and kills him using a nail she dislodged from her chair by lodging the nail in his temple.

The high-resolution identity scans have returned. Two of the three cardholders have been identified, along with their locations, but the third, the General himself, is a complete ghost - no records of his identity, past, or location exists in the database. Sara, however, tells Michael in private that she remembers hearing Gretchen reporting to a 'General' when she was in Gretchen's captivity. Meanwhile, the General and Wyatt discuss what to do about the escaped Gretchen, when a Company agent alerts them that someone has performed an enhanced digital search on the General and attempted to identify him. When asked who, the Agent reveals - Agent Self.
