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Vinegar Hill, New Zealand

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Looking down on Vinegar Hill


Vinegar Hill is a camping ground on the banks of the Rangitikei River within the Putai Ngahere Reserve, and is located on State Highway 54, about 5 km north of Hunterville in the Manawatu-Wanganui region of New Zealand, on State Highway 1.

General History

There is a misconception over how this Vinegar Hill was named. Some think that it is named after the Battle of Vinegar Hill in Ireland. However, the name was derived from a source closer that that. The Manawatu District Council information sheets on the campsite state that it was named after a bullock cart carrying barrels of vinegar overturned after the bullocks slipped on the muddy track on the hillside, covering the hillside in vinegar from the broken barrels.

In late summer 2004, massive flooding caused great damage to many parts of the Manawatu-Wanganui region. The campsite at Vinegar Hill was inundated with floodwater and the toilet block at the northern end of the site was destroyed. However, there was little damage to the southern end in comparison, where the LGBT camp is held, despite a line in the bush showed the floodwater had been over three metres deep. Nevertheless, the septic tank did need replacing, the toilets had to be cleared of silt, and the track leading past the beach had to be regraded.

New toilets have since been built at the northern end, consisting of several uni-sex toilets and lockable showers. The Manawatu District Council is evaluating the usefulness of these toilets, and whether they remain relatively free of graffiti, before replacing the toilets at the southern end with a similar block to comply with environmental codes requiring the septic tank to be further from the river.

Queer History

Since the 1980s, Vinegar Hill has been a popular camping spot for Gay and Lesbian people and their families over Christmas and the New Year holiday period in the height of summer.

The first time gay men camped at Vinegar Hill was shortly after New Year in January 1977. This consisted of six men, among whom were Kevin and Pearl (Peter) and Owen Draper, from the Manawatu and Hawkes Bay regions. It grew from there, and by the early 1980s had developed a particular culture. The first queen was appointed in 1985, for the 1986 camp. This was Bill Armstrong, who was presented with the award by Mal Vaughn, a popular bar operator from Wellington. Initially, the idea of "Queen of Vinegar Hill" was based on a comedic idea of beauty queens, but this later developed into an idea of appointed royalty. As a result, the initial names engraved on the trophy presented each year are the drag names of the people appointed to the role of queen.

Overlooking the Camp from the West bank of the Rangitieki River, 31 Dec 2008
File:059 Panorama overlooking camp from East.jpg
Overlooking the Camp from the East bank of the Rangitieki River, 1 Jan 2009


The Queen is appointed every year by all the former Queens who are present on the 31st of December. Only those who have been to Vinegar Hill for a number of years, and who have provided some particular service to the camp can be elected. It is part of the Queen's responsibilities to collect the camp fees on behalf of the Council, and to organise events. These events include the entertainment on the nights of the 30th and 31st of December.

Crowning of the Queen, 31 December 2005

The entertainment on the 30th of December usually consists of a series of competitions. Recently, this has consisted of best buns for men, best boobs for women, and best legs for all. Prizes are usually awarded to all competitors, but 1st and 2nd (and 3rd, depending on the number of competitors) get special prizes. This is usually followed by a large party around the campfire. Recently, however, movie nights have been shown on the evening of the 28th or 29th.

The entertainment on New Years Eve often consists of a series of shows that continue up until prize giving. These shows are often drag queen/king performances, and some of them may have adult content. Prizes are awarded for Miss/Ms "Hospitality", and to recognise the 'camp' campsites, Best Use of Technology, Best Lighting, and Best Decorations. The most coveted of the campsite awards is the Best Campsite award. This is usually followed by the coronation of the new Queen, slightly before midnight, and followed by a dance party that lasts until dawn.

Although the weather is generally good, as with all campsites, at least one day of rain or other bad weather is to be expected. Some years are better than others in this respect, but there have been years when rain has been a major problem. In 2006, although it rained several days prior to the 31st of December, including the 30th of December (which meant the postponement of that night's entertainment), the rain was not heavy, and thus did not soak the ground. As a result, the fair weather on the 31st allowed the ground to dry sufficiently for the dance party.

The 2007 camp was perhaps one of the driest in recent years, with only a few showers happening between Christmas day and the 28th of December. A short hail storm on the 25th, however, ensured a "white" Christmas before it melted in the warm temperatures. The lack of rain, and the higher temperatures, meant that the river was at it's lowest level in a decade. This encouraged people to swim more often, and to take part in raft races down the river from a point about 1.5km upstream of the road bridge, giving a total ride distance of about 2.5km. There were no subsidiary competitions on the 30th of December in 2007.

The 2008-2009 camp saw the reinstitution of competitions on the 30th of December, with Fashion in the Field and Pick a Purse being held on that night. There was little rain over the duration of the camp, with only light showers on Christmas Eve, and no rain at all between 25 December and 31 December. HOwever, for the first time in the memory of those attending the camp, it rained over the New Year. A light shower fell just before the coronation of the New Queen, but about 10 minutes after the coronation, the rain began begain. Initially a moderate shower, it settled to a light, but warm shower, that began around 11.45 and went till after 2am on the 1st. This did not, however, dampen the party, which still went to 4am. This year was also marked as being the first in which the local Hunterville Police patrolled the campsite on foot, rather than appearing in vehicles and doing a drive around on a random basis. As one person was caught trying to steal a wallet from a tent early on, and arrested as a result, their presence was welcomed by all.

The role of Queen has been filled by people from many parts of the North Island, including Wellington, Auckland, Hamilton, Manawatu, and the Hawkes Bay. Dion Leslie (2006-2007) was the first Queen to to appointed who was younger than the Camp, and the youngest Queen to be appointed. The current Queen is Daniel Corney of Auckland, who has supplied aid and assistance to a number of queens since the early 2000s. The following list a complete list of the Queens appointed.

Index Of Reigned Queens

Number Year of Coronation Name Year of Reign Years since camp began
1 1985 Wellamiena Armstrong 1986 10
2 1986 Mal Kennedy-Vaughan (née Vaughan) 1987 11
3 1987 Pearl Pawson 1988 12
4 1988 A-Malcolm-B 1989 13
5 1989 Wanda Wilkinson 1990 14
6 1990 Dorothy Gibbs 1991 15
7 1991 Lilac Draper 1992 16
8 1992 Mike "Bikie Binzi" Binis 1993 17
9 1993 Slimmy Simmy 1994 18
10 1994 Sheela Shitface Johnston 1995 19
11 1995 Daniel Fielding 1996 20
12 1996 Ian Heteraka[1] 1997 21
13 1997 Lyn and Heather 1998 22
14 1998 Jimmi Hart 1999[2] 23
15 1999 Kim and Chris 2000 24
16 2000 Neil Day 2001 25
17 2001 Geoff Robinson 2002 26
18 2002 Calum Bennachie 2003 27
19 2003 Colin Waterhouse 2004 28
20 2004 Toni Farrow 2005 29
21 2005 Marc Smith 2006 30
22 2006 (Celine) Dion Leslie 2007 31
23 2007 Jenni James 2008 32
24 2008 Daniel Corney 2009 33
25 2009 2010 34
26 2010 2011 35

[1] Ian's name was not initially engraved on the trophy, causing confusion among following queens, and it was not until after 2006 that his name was remembered. The queens appointed on either side of him were unavailable for consultation to confirm this earlier.
[2] The running of the 1999 camp, the Millennial Camp, was taken over by Deus, a Wellington group that ran dance parties. This caused considerable controversy.

See also