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Alcohol education

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Alcohol education is an activity designed to get people (mostly young people) to drink responsibly and thereby avoid all the pain caused to self and others through ill health and drunken behaviour.[1] A major point missing from this definition is how alcohol education is to be conducted.

How is alcohol education conducted?

Much of alcohol education seems to involve instructing people on what alcohol is, how it is made, the diferent kinds of alcohol, the bad effects it can have on the human body and how many "units" a person can drink before endangering themsleves and others. However, another school of thought points out that alcohol education in its current form is not working. The number of children drinking is increasing and alcohol related crime is increasing.[2] Another question that must be answered is, since alcohol education is often included withing alcohol education, do we ned a separate discipline?

Alcohol education in the United States of America

Alcohol education in the United States traces its roots to the Scientific Temperance Instruction movement promoted by Mary Hunt of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). That movement began in the 1880s and by 1900, alcohol temperance or abstinence teaching was required in every state plus all possessions of the U.S.

Following the repeal of prohibition in 1933, some states maintained their own prohibition and other states maintained prohibition in hundreds of counties and municipalities across the country. About 38% of the American population lived under prohibition after national repeal. In addition, states continued to maintain laws mandating anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco instruction. For this reason, the WCTU continued to play a major role in influencing the content of alcohol education.

Enthusiasm for promoting alcohol abstinence tended to decline with the passage of time and alcohol education no longer had such a high priority. However, during the 1960’s the public became concerned over press reports of widespread illegal drug use. In 1970, President Nixon asserted that drug education was a matter of the highest national priority and must be taught from kindergarten through twelfth grade. By the 1970s, most of the 17,000 school districts had implemented drug education. Alcohol education had become a part of drug education.

Just as temperance movement activists assumed that teaching the evils of “Demon Rum” in schools would frighten students into abstinence, it was believed that teaching the evils of drugs would frighten young people into avoiding. The results were less than satisfactory.

In 1973, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse concluded that “no drug education program in this country, or elsewhere, has proven sufficiently successful to warrant our recommending it” and speculated that “the avalanche of drug education in recent years has been counterproductive” and may have stimulated rebellion or simply raised interest in the forbidden fruit. The Commission called for a moratorium on the production and distribution of new drug education materials until the effectiveness of existing materials could be evaluated.

In 1977, the Cabinet Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation concluded that young people would continue to experiment with illicit drugs as a natural part of growing up. Therefore, it recommended that drug education efforts be “primarily focused on moderating the effects of drug taking.”

That same year the federal government adopted an abstinence-only policy regarding alcohol and within a few years the “Just Say No” policy was in effect regarding both alcohol and drugs.

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, administered by the U.S. Department of Education, is the federal government’s largest school-based alcohol drug education program. It funds a wide variety of programs to prevent the consumption of alcohol and use of illicit drugs.

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program, begun in 1983, quickly became the leading vehicle for the delivery of alcohol education in the U.S. It is currently used in 75 percent of that nation's school districts and in over 43 countries around the world. It remains popular although research on its effectiveness is not supportive.

In 1986, the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education was established. It provides grants to colleges and universities for alcohol and drug education programs. Congress also passed legislation requiring colleges and universities to have alcohol and drug education programs in place in order to qualify for federal financial aid monies.


Further reading

  1. Responsibility and Alcohol: Teaching Responsible Decisions About Alcohol and Its Use for Those Who Chose to Drink
  2. Office for National Statistics, General Register Office for Scotland, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Alcohol-related death rates almost doubled since 1991[1]
  3. Patient UK - Alcoholisim and Problem Drinking[2]
  4. BBC News - English 'booze culture' Targeted[3]
  5. BBC News - Alcohol Statistics 2005[4]
  6. National Health Service of the U.K. Alcohol Statistics 2005[5]