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User:Hairy huntsmen

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Boys i am still working on this so i will sort out all the spelling problems later if you guys want anything added just let me know.


The date was Monday the 23rd of March 2008 It was a warm Monday night in Western Australia when the Hairy Huntsmen Basketball team was born.

The question was asked "Now we have been put up a grade in basketball what should our new name be?" There was a heated discussion between the group that are now know as the Hairy Huntsmen’s, Many great names were put forward, but nothing could be agreed upon. It is not known who was the first to say the now famous words 'Hairy Huntsmen'. But after it was spoken there was no need for further disicusion as a group they had decided what there new name should be. This is a night that in years to come will be etched into people’s memory, the night of the huntsmen.


They are an interesting group of players, they come from all walks of like, Joined together with the one common goal 'Huntsmen Basketball'

You might think that to play in a team the bears the name 'Hairy Huntsmen' you would need special talents, well you are right it is required they just don't let and one play 'Huntsmen Ball' here is a brief summary of the players and some of there talent.

Damo (AKA Big Red)

As the newest member of the team Damo takes pride in his spidy senses that allow him to achieve at least 5 steals a game. He is also a sharp shooter from beyond the three point arch. A former champion AFL player Big Red has a lot to learn about basketball. He however is a quick study going from a part time player to a mabey the best hustler, playing on our team.

Nate (AKA Mr. T)

Our leading point scorer for the 2009 season, being the leading scorer on this team is no easy feat, you must remember the quality of player that wear the huntsmen uniform. It is even more impressive considering he is currently sporting and injury. (I might add I believe he has been playing better since suffering it). One may ask how a only child becomes such a good offencive player. It normally requires years of backyard hustling with your older brothers to get to his level. He took a different path basicly he was just born with natural ability a gift shared by all the huntsmen.

Almz (AKA Slap)

One might ask where you can find a point guard that is faster then the speed of light. The answer is running point for the huntsmen. No two men put on this planet are able to move and handle the ball like Almz, his Layups need to be seen to be believed. This talented player does not just rely on his inside game, his ability to drain three's is quite frankly fantastic.

Ben (AKA Ben) come on his name is short enought as it is!

This soon to be Father is trying his best to impart his wisdom on the basketball court before it is wasted by raising a child. He might be the wises of all the players, he is already looking towards the future. Can you imagine how good a second generation Huntsmen will be. His ability to nearly sit on the floor before he takes the tip of at the beginning of the game is a skill I myself cannot match. A center like none other, that is the best way to describe Ben.

Ethan (AKA Stake King or Eth)

The youngest member of our squad. Eth does not know what the backboard is, a man that is more suited to netball with his talent in putting the ball in the hoop with out touching the glass. Ethan comes up with some epic calls, i myself have been burnt on many occasions, i am looking foward to his call in the years to come. A word to the wise dont miss Ethans birthday game it is very special.

Gary (AKA Toota)

A shot so flat that moves like lighting is the first of many weapons in the Toota arsenal. There is no player on the team that puts in the same work ethic as Toota, you know every minute that he is on the court he has the pedal to the metal.

Jorome (AKA)

Most players that play in the center of the key require jumping to bring down the boards, that not our Jorome, some might put it down to his strict diet of Red Roster and Coke before the game. Those who play with him know it is just his way of conserving energy for his excellent robot dancing that we are all treated to after the game.

Chris (AKA Mainy)

Our current leader for fouls for not only this season but for all seasons to come. He lays a defensive web so complex that the only decision that the referees can make is to call fouls on most of his steals. He also sets a killa screen, an aspect of the game that is nearly forgotten in our league.


The Hairy Huntsmen are one of the only sporting teams in the world right now that can say they have a perfect record. In fact it seems that every week they get a little bit better. This may sound a little bit cocky, and quite frankly it is. I make no excuse for this, the team is just that talented. On there current form i can envisage them playing in the NBA by 2014.

No matter how good we are there will be a day that we lose our first game. This might be in a week or 6 years this will be a somber night for the huntsmen, but when it finally does happen look to the skies, you will see pigs flying


As only a new team the Huntsmen have no real rivals, the only real disapointment that we as a team face is the fact that we have never been able to skool and group of players known as (Number 1 offence) They talk the talk but can not walk the walk in our higher grade, this is a shame as a good percentage booster is always helpful. **** Breaking news **** NASA has just release a computer generated final score between the two teams Huntsmen 1456 to 7

Mission Statement

The Hairy Huntsmen are a just for fun basketball team, that just happens to be made up of some of the best players currently living in Australia. They play so well because they are only there to have fun, they know as well as anyone that team sports should be enjoyable and this is what the do, enjoy themselves.


The team is currently sporting and white singlet and black shorts. Don't rush to the stores just yet to buy matching gear. The huntsmen are soon be be wearing custom gear. once the final design has been finalized i will upload some picters.

Meeting the huntsmen's

After a hard fought game the players can be found outside of Morley Rec enjoying a refreshing beer, if you wish to meet one that is you best chance, come on over with beer in hand and say hello. Huntsmen don't bite.

Supporting our team

Feel free to join our face book page if you wish to support the team or failing that Monday nights at Morley Rec we will be there.

Face book link [1]