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PeopleCode is an (ool) object-oriented proprietary (case-insensitive) language used to express business logic for PeopleSoft applications. In its fundamentals, PeopleCode syntax resembles other programming languages. Some aspects of the PeopleCode language, however, are specifically related to the PeopleTools environment. However, the basic fundamentals of objects and classes are the same as in Java language. Definition name references, for example, enable you to refer to PeopleTools definitions, such as record definitions or pages, without using hard-coded string literals. Other language features, such as PeopleCode data types and metastrings, reflect the close interaction of PeopleTools and Structured Query Language (SQL). Dot notation, classes and methods in PeopleCode are similar to other object oriented languages, like Java.

Supported Functions

PeopleCode supports the following types of functions:

Built-in: The standard set of PeopleCode functions. These can be called without being declared.

Internal: Functions that are defined (using the Function statement) within the PeopleCode program in which they are called.

External PeopleCode: PeopleCode functions defined outside the calling program. These are generally contained in record definitions that serve as function libraries.

External non-PeopleCode: Functions stored in external (C-callable) libraries.

In addition, PeopleCode supports methods. The main differences between a built-in function and a method are:

-A built-in function, in your code, is on a line by itself, and does not (generally) have any dependencies.

-You do not have to instantiate an object before you can use the function.

-A method can only be executed by an object (using dot notation).

-You must instantiate the object first.

Describing Application Class Structure

  • Import any classes that will be used by a class, including the superclass this class extends
  Import PackageName:Superclassname;
  • A class is defined using the Class construct.
   Class Classname [Extends SuperClassname]
  • The first set if declarations are the properties and methods that are part of the public, external interface.
  Property datatype PropertyName [get][set];
  Method MethodName ([parameter_list])
  • The private instance variables, constants, and the methods are declared following the keyword Private.
    Instance DataType &InstanceName;
    Constant &Constant = {Number | String | True | False | Null };
  • The keyword end-class follows the declarations of properties, methods, instances, and constants.
  • After the end-class keyword and before get and set definitions or method definitions, decclare any variable and functions that will be used my methods.
  • Get and set methods corresponds to properties declared with the get and set keywords.
  • Use a get method definition to execute PeopleCode that will return a value.
  get Propertyname
   Return &Value;
  • Use a set method definition to execute PeopleCode that will change a value.
  set PropertyName
  • Method definitions are similar to function definitions.
  method Methodname
  • A special case of a method definition is the constructor.
  • A constructor has the same name as the class and will always run when the class is instantiated.
  • A class that does not extends some other class does not need any constructor.
  • A class that extends another class must have a constructor, and in the constructor, it must initialize its superclass.

Executing SQL in PeopleCode

  • Where a SQLExec(built-in function) only delivers a single row, using the SQL class you can retrieve and process multiple rows.
  • Instantiate a SQL object with the CreateSQL built-in function.
    • Use CreateSQL("SQLString") when you pass a text string to your SQL object.
    • Use GetSQL(SQL.sqlname) when you get the SQL from a SQL definition.
  &SQL = CreateSQL("SQL Statement",[bind values]);
  You can also choose to omit the values for the bind variables and supply those values later. 
  For Insert, Update, or Delete commands these values would be supplied using Execute method.
  (If you supply all the necessary input values, the SQL is executed immediately.)
   &SQL = CreateSQL("SQL Statement");

  • For a SQL object containing a Select statement, the Fetch method is used to retrieve the next row from the cursor.

PeopleCode Functions, retrieved 2008-12-14

  • For further documentation on PeopleCode

http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E05317_01/psft/html/docset.html(Version 8.49) http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B31274_01/psft/html/docset.html(Version 8.48)