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This is an article about people who revere the biblical Lucifer. For the Luciferians, fourth century followers of a Catholic breakaway sect led by Saint Lucifer, see Lucifer Calaritanus.

Luciferianism can be understood best as a belief system that venerates the essential characteristics that are affixed to Lucifer.

Luciferianism is identified by some people as an auxiliary of Satanism, due to the popular identification of Lucifer with Satan. Some Luciferians accept this identification or consider Lucifer as the light bearer aspect of Satan, and thus could properly be called Satanists. Others reject it, arguing that Lucifer is a more positive ideal than Satan. They are inspired by the ancient myths of Egypt, Rome and Greece, Gnosticism and traditional Western occultism.


The name "Lucifer" was given to the first angel - and while commonly associated with the being known as Satan in the Christian tradition - is not the same spiritual being. The name appears in the King James Version of Isaiah 14:12, in which the King of Babylon is referenced as "Morning Star, Son of the Dawn" (in Hebrew, "Helel ben Shahar"), due to the original meaning of the word "Lucifer" in Latin to denote the planet Venus in its appearance as the Morning Star. This passage was later applied, especially in Christian tradition, to Satan (hence his title of Morning Star, in Latin Lucifer, a word whose literal meaning is Light-Bringer) but as having been condemned to Hell, along with the angels who supported him, as punishment for his attempted usurpation of God's throne.

Gnostic Luciferianism

While "Gnostic Luciferian" can sometimes be found mentioned in older works (such as Eliphas Levi's Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, first published in 1855) the term did not enter more popular usage until the early 2000s. Modern groups and individuals identifying themselves as "Gnostic Luciferian" often emphasize their understanding of the entity or Archetype titled "Lucifer" (from the Latin for "Light-Bearer") as being separate from the usually synonymous entity titled "Satan" (from the Hebrew for "Adversary".) As the fourth-century Saint Lucifer's name attests, the name was at that time not yet associated exclusively with "Satan before the Fall". Some classically-educated Free Masons and those inspired by their work used "Luciferian" in the scholarly sense of "bringing enlightenment", invoking Prometheus who stole fire from the gods to bring to man. Polemicists linked such Masonic usage with sects worshiping the archetype Lucifer, which have had persistent groups of followers since the Middle Ages.

In Kosmology, by Jeremy Christner, the author describes a Luciferian worldview inspired heavily by Gnosticism and classical Greek philosophy, as well as harboring some influence from Hindu philosophy. The path described in Kosmology is further explained in the essay The Silhouettes of Twilight, from the publication Clavicula Nox II: Lucifer (Ixaxaar).

Historical Luciferianism

A pantheistic thirteenth-century German sect held that Lucifer should be worshiped as the ruler of the material world. This concept of the material world as Lucifer's domain was, most likely, taken from Catholic doctrine [1] and his titles in the Bible as 'the god of this world' in 2 Corinthians 4:4 and 'lord of this world' in the Book of John 12:31.

The Gesta Treverorum records that in 1231 heretics began to be persecuted throughout Germany, among them Luciferians principally in the archdiocese of Trier, but also Mainz and Cologne. Over the following three years, several people were burned as a result. According to a papal letter from Gregory IX, dated 13 July 1233, one of the claims made by the Luciferians was that Lucifer had been cast out of Heaven unjustly. Women were implicated in the cult, and the heretics were accused of perversities. The chronicler of the Gesta seems, however, to have confused Luciferians with the Cathars in some respects.[2]

Modern Luciferianism

The Church of Lucifer is a Modern Luciferian organization, which views Lucifer as a symbol of the never-ending quest for wisdom and a force of and behind particular aspects of nature, and has been active for over twenty years with United States and international membership. Founded by the late Rev. Robert Stills and passed on to Frederick Nagash, the Church of Lucifer is currently administered by Rev. Frederick Nagash, Rev. Satrinah Nagash and Rev. Maskim Xul. The organization encourages the study of several ancient cultures to learn its wisdom and incorporate that into the Luciferian's own repertoire.[3]

Luciferian groups

  • The Order of Phosphorus is a non-profit Luciferian Magickal Order founded by Michael W. Ford. The Order sanctifies core Luciferian traits of self-discipline, spiritual excellence and the predatory pursuit of knowledge. This initiatory magickal system fuses the complexities and rewards of traditional ceremonial magick with the efficiacy of Chaos Magick. Progress is self-directed and anti-heterodox, evidenced in the Order's diverse cross-section of Initiates including Theistic, Traditional and Atheistic Satanists, Gnostic Luciferians and a newly-emergent class of Left Hand Path pantheism.
  • The Church of Adversarial Light, an ecclesiastical affiliation of the Order of Phosphorus, augments the culture and wisdom of the Luciferian Current without the rigors and requirements of the Phosphoric initiatory system.
  • The Ordo Luciferis, as distinct from the Ordo Luciferi mentioned below, was a spiritual Luciferian group consisting of high-grade Freemasons. As testament to the intact and thriving systems of initiation in the Order of Phosphorus, the Ordo Luciferis graciously dissolved its own organization to honor and best contribute to the emminence of this Luciferian Current. [4][5]
  • The Ordo Luciferi is an international occult group that does not mandate any strict religious or dogmatic belief system. Otherwise known as "The Luciferian Order", the Ordo Luciferi exists to enable free discussion of philosophy, magick and lifestyle with like minded individuals. There is a series of six named degrees which are granted to members upon recognition by a Magus (third degree member) or above. There is also a "Working Group" designed for the co-ordination of practical workings. The Working Group is considered "The Official Think-Tank of The Luciferian Order" and is engaged in research and development of practical occult techniques. [6]
  • The Temple of the Dark Sun (TDS) also known as the Order of the Dark Sun (ODS) is a Luciferian Occult Organisation that believes you must harness both Light and Dark Energies (Earth, and Universal) to create the natural balance within. Bringing pure undiluted Spirituality, the essence of Order and Chaos. The Order is selective on who is permitted to enter. The TDS has a level/degree system, and with all levels and degrees there are certain requirements that have to be met. This includes a person's attitude to others, hard work and Occult knowledge. No matter what the degree or knowledge base a person has earned from another group, all who are selected to become members will begin at the lowest level. Only the Founder of the organization can authorize levels or degrees within the Order. The Order does not have any links to other religious organizations.

See also


  1. ^ Clifton, Chas. Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics. Barnes & Noble Books, 1992, p. 82-83. ISBN 0-7607-0823-1.
  2. ^ Paul B. Pixton, The German Episcopacy and the Implementation of the Decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council, 1216-1245: Watchmen on the Tower (Brill, 1995), pp. 381–387 limited preview online.
  3. ^ The Church of Lucifer website
  4. ^ http://www.luciferianwitchcraft.com
  5. ^ http://www.luciferian.net
  6. ^ http://www.ordo-luciferi.org

Further reading

  • "The Bible of the Adversary", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "Luciferian Witchcraft", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "Luciferian Goetia", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "The First Book of Luciferian Tarot", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "ADAMU - Luciferian Tantra and Sex Magick", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "Liber HVHI", By Michael W. Ford.
  • "Kosmology", Jeremy Christner. Ixaxaar.
  • "The Lucifer Gospel", Paul Christopher. Onyx.
  • "A Revolução Luciferiana", Adriano Camargo Monteiro. Madras Editora.
  • "The Lucifer Light", Michael Salazar. Bantam.
  • "Red Dragon", Thomas Harris (fiction)