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Stefan Zawadzki

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Stefan (Steven) Zawadzki (born 1946 in Jasieniec, Poland) - Polish historian, the researcher of ancient history of Middle/Near East (in Polish only Near East). The professor in Adam Mickiewicz University. He has written and translated great amount of historical publications. He is the author of articles: "Mezopotamia" ("Mesopotamia"), "Persja" ("Persia/Persian Empire"), "Media", "Hetyci" ("Hittites"), "Huryci" ("Hurrians"), "Urartu", "Izrael" ("Israel"), "Nabuchodonozor II" ("Nebuchadnezzar II") i "Nabonid" ("Nabonidus") in the Encyclopædia Britannica Polish edition. His specialisation is the history of Mesopotamia in 1th millenium B.C.


Publications in English

  • Some Remarks Concerning the Property of the Eanna Temple in Uruk (7th c. B.C.), [in:] Folia

Orientalia 18, 1977, pages 187-197.

  • The Economic Crisis in Uruk during the Last Years of Assyrian Rule in the Light of the so-Called Nabu-uşalli Archives, [in:] Folia Orientalia 20, 1979, p. 175-184.
  • Oriental and Greek Tradition about the Death of Sennacherib, [in:] State Archives of Assyria Bulletin IV, 1990, p. 69-72.
  • Neo-Assyrian Temple Sacrifice: 1. reseti, [in:] Rocznik Orientalistyczny 41, 1980, p. 151-155.
  • Offerings in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Some remarks, [in:] Gesellschaft und Kultur im alten

Vorderasien, (Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients 15), Berlin 1982, p. 247- 254.

  • Herodotus' Assyrian History, [in:] Eos 72, 1984, p. 253-267.
  • The Foundry of the Neo-Assyrian Temple, [in:] Eos 73, 1985, p. 101-130.
  • Babylonian Chronicle BM 25127, 1-17, [in:] Eos 4, 1986, p. 337-343.
  • New Data Concerning 'qipu' and 'šangu' of the Ebabbar Temple in Sippar in the Neo-Babylonian and Early Persian Periods, [in:] Eos 74, 1986, p. 85-89.
  • Gubaru: A Governor or a Vassal King of Babylonia?, [in:] Eos 75, 1987, p. 69-86.
  • Errors in the Neo-Babylonian Business and Administrative Documents and Problems of their Dletion, [in:] Orientalia Varsoviensia I, 1987, p. 15-21.
  • The Fall of Assyria and Median-Babylonian Relations in the Light of Nabopolassar Chronicle, Poznań-Delft 1988.
  • Who was the supreme god of Calah after 800 B.C.? , [in:] Folia Orientalia 24, 1987, p. 23-28.
  • The First Year of Nabopolassar's Rule according to the Babylonian Chronicle BM 25127, [in:] Journal of Cuneiform Studies 41, 1989, p. 57-64.
  • Great Families of Sippar during the Chaldean and Early Persian Periods (626-482 BC) , [in:]

Revue d'Assyriologie 84, 1990, p. 17-25.

  • Notes on the Dating of Three Documents from the Yale Collection: YOS 17 104, 170, and 254, [in:] Journal of Cuneiform Studies 42, 1990, p. 86-87.
  • Ironsmiths, Bronzesmiths and Goldsmiths in the Neo-Babylonian Texts from Sippar. Contributions to Studies on Babylonian Society in the secend of first Millenium B.C., [in:] Welt des Orients 22, 1991, p. 21-47.
  • The Date of the Death of Darius I and the Recognition of Xerxes in Babylonia, [in:] Nouvelles

Assyriologiques Bréves et Utilitaires 1992, No 39 (next as NABU)

  • YOS XVII 113: a Document from the Time of Nebuchadnezzar III, [in:] NABU 1992, No 62.
  • The Revolt of 746 B.C. and the Coming of Tiglath-Pileser III to the Throne, [in:] State Archives of Assyria Bulletin VIII, 1994, p. 53-54.
  • The First Persian Journey of Itti-Marduk-balaţu, [w:] Archaeologiche Mitteilungen aus Iran 27, 1994, p. 123-126.
  • Bardiya, Darius and Babylonian Usurpers in the Light of the Bisitun Inscription and

Babylonian Sources, [w:] Archaeologiche Mitteilungen aus Iran 27, 1994, p. 127-145.

  • NER 18 and NER 70 as a Source for the Topography of Babylonia, [in:] Altorientalische

Forschungen 22, 1995, p. 240-246.

  • Is there a Document dated to the Reign of Bardiya II (Vahyazdal’ta)?, [in:] NABU 1995, No 48.
  • Chronology of the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar III and Nebuchdnezzar IV, [in:] NABU 1995, No 48.
  • BM 63282 - the Earelist Babylonian Text dated to the Reign of Nebuchadnezzar IV, [in:] NABU 1995, p. 49-50.
  • Two 'misssing' Document from the British Museum Collection 83-1-18 rediscovered, [in:] NABU 1995, p. 50-51.
  • Unusual Writing of Cyrus' Name, [w:] NABU 1995, p. 51-51.
  • A Contribution to the Chronology of the Last Days of the Assyrian Empire, [in:] Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 81, 1991, p. 67-73.
  • Hostages in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, [in:] Immigration and Emigration within the Ancient

Near East, Festschrift E. Lipiński, (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 65, 1995), p. 449-458.

  • Two Neo-Assyrian Documents from 562 B.C., [w:] Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 86, 1996, p. 217-219.
  • Another Babylonian 'Prebend Text' from the British Museum, [in:] Archiv für Orientforschung 42-43, 1995-1996, p. 210.
  • Cyrus-Cambyses Coregency, [in:] Revue d'Assyriologie 90, 1996, p. 171-184.
  • The Question of King's Eponymate in the latter half of the 8th Century- the 7th century B.C.,

[in:] Assyria 1995, Helsinki 1997, p. 383-389.

  • BM 54209: A Document from the Reign of Nabonidus, [in:] Rocznik Orientalistyczny 51, 1996/1998, p. 33-41.
  • The Circumstances of Darius II' Accssion in the Light of BM 54557 as against Ctesias'

Account, [in:] Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap, Ex Oriente Lux No 24 (1995-1996), Leiden 1997, p. 45-49.

  • A Contribution to the Understanding širkutu in the Light of a Text from the Ebabbar Archive,

[in:] Altorientalische Forschungen 24, 1997, p. 226-230.

  • Document from the second Year of Sin-šar-iškun, [in:] Written on Clay and Stone. Ancient

Near Eastern Studies Presented to Krystyna Szarzyńska on the Occasion of her 80th Birthday, Warsaw 1998, p. 109-112.

  • BM 54209: A Document from the Reign of Nabonidus, [in:] Rocznik Orientalistyczny 51, 1996/1998, p. 33-41.
  • The Circumstances of Darius II' Accssion in the Light of BM 54557 as against Ctesias' Account, [in:] Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap, Ex Oriente Lux No 24 (1995-1996), Leiden 1997, p. 45-49.
  • A Contribution to the Understanding širkutu in the Light of a Text from the Ebabbar Archive,

[in:] Altorientalische Forschungen 24, 1997, s. 226-230.

  • Document from the second Year of Sin-šar-iškun, [in:] Written on Clay and Stone. Ancient Near Eastern Studies Presented to Krystyna Szarzyńska on the Occasion of her 80th Birthday, Warsaw 1998, p. 109-112.
  • Patinnu = TÚG.MURUB.ÍB.LA, [in:] NABU 1997, No 16.
  • Zazannu and Sušan in the Neo-Babylonian Texts from the Şahit-gine family, [in:] Variatio Delectat Iran und der Westen Gedenkschrift für Peter Calmeyer, (Alter Orient und Altes Testament Bd 272, Münster 2000), p. 723-744.
  • BM 74675 - A Neo-Babylonian Texts concerning the Clothing Ceremony in Sippar, [in:] Studi Sul Vicino Oriente Antico dedicati alla memeria di Luigi Cagni, Napoli 2000, p. 1215-1218.
  • A Neo-Babylonian Tablet with Aramaic Caption, [in:] Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 90, 2000, s. 219-222.
  • [with Michael Jursa] Samaš-tirri-kuşur, a smith manufacturing weapons in the Ebabbar temple at Sippar, [in:] Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 91, 2001, p. 347-363.
  • New Data Concerning High Officers from the Neo-Babylonian Period, [in:] NABU 2001, Nr 60 (p. 57-59).
  • Nebuchadnezzar and Tyre in the Light of New Texts from the Ebabbar Archives in Sippar,

[in:] Eretz-Israel Archeological, Historical and Geographical Studies. Hayim and Miriam Tadmor Volume 27, 2003, p. 176-181.

  • Bookkeeping Practices at the Eanna Temple in Uruk in the Light of the Text NBC 4897, [in:] Journal of the Cuneiform Studies 55 (2003) 149-173.
  • Payment in Wool in the Economy of the Ebabbar Temple at Sippar, [in:] Revue d’Assyriologie 96 (2002, really 2004), p. 149-167.
  • The building project north of Sippar in the time of Nabonidus, [in:] H. D. Baker, M. Jursa

(red.), Approaching the Babylonian Economy. Proceedings of the START Project Symposium Held In Vienna, 1-3 July 2004 (Veröffentlichungen zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Babyloniens Im. Jahrtausend v. Chr., Bd 2; Alter Orient und Altes Testament, Bd 330, Münster 2005), p. 381-392.

  • Nebuchadnezzar's campaign in the 30th year (575 B.C.): a conflict with Tyre?, [in:] M.

Cogan, D. Kahn (red.), Treasures on camels' humps: historical and literary studies from the ancient Near East presented to Israel Eph`al, Jerusalem 2008.