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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Jocullen84 (talk | contribs) at 22:04, 11 August 2009. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

She looked up at the wall in behind her, it was past 10pm. Still she had loads to finish by the end of the week and she could only imagine the ton of work to come this next few days. She laid her head down on her desk and thought to herself - "maybe I should just rest my eyes for a bit." In what seemed to be seconds, she heard the door open and shut. "Bloody hell, you, sleeping at work. Id never imagine that!" -Harry said, staring down at her. She opened her eyes and looked up at the figure in front of her - "Oh, no, no, I wasnt, my eyes were getting a bit..." "Thats ok Hermionie, I wont tell anyone. Maybe you should get going, I just came by to leave you this" - he set down a small piece of parchment with writing she recognized - "Oh, when did you get this? This is great, I cant wait to show it to.." "Actually, he did see it. Almost had a fit when he read the last part." - he pointed her at the bottom of the letter where she read "I hope you are doing great. I just saw Victor and he sent his love to you..." She giggled a bit as she set the letter down - "I couldnt imagine why he would do that" and they both laughed at the thought of Ron being jealous of Victor Krum, it seemed ages since they've seen him. "We better get going. Its getting late for both of us" - she said as she grabbed her things. They headed towards the lift, entered it and pressed the button. "So - Hermionie said as she stared up at the flying memos still waiting to be delivered - how is she?" "Am, she's fine - Harry said as he sighed - she's not due until two weeks from now." She stared at him, he could see the longing for his wife in his eyes. Harry looked up at Hermionie and she faced the front of the elevator. "It been almost a month and I miss her a lot" - Harry stated, as he and Hermionie stepped down from the lift and walked towards the fireplaces . Several wizards and witches were stepping into them and heading off onto green smoke. Hermionie stepped up in front of one of them, Harry by her side - "So, I guess I'll be seeing... "No, dont. Im making some onion soup, I think you might want to join us for dinner. Besides, Ginny will kill me if you arent fed. You look skinnier by the minute!" Hermionie joked, since Harry actually has gotten build since he was a skinny teen at Hogwarts. "Well, ok. I guess I can go" - he said, as he ran his fingers through his unkept hair, same as always. "Great! Lets head home then!" - she stated as she went into the fireplace, Harry right at her heels. Harry dusted off his robes while looking around at the living room. Hermionie was placing a blanket over Ron who was sleeping in the sofa. He stepped into the kitchen as he saw Hermionie start to cook some soup for the both of them. He took a seat in one of the chairs and stared at her, with longing in his eyes. He was seeing this same image in his mind, only Ginny taking her place. She had her long red hair up in a bun and was busy placing a roast in the oven. He missed her a lot, every single day he was feeling lonelier but he knew it was the best for her, being as independent as she is, she couldnt be held back by Harry, but since he loved her, he let her be the great journalist she was becoming. They sat down at the table and began chatting about everything: Ginny, George and the Joke shop, Teddy Lupin and Ronald. "Oh, look at the time. Ive got to go" - Harry said as he stood up from the kitchen chair. "Ok. Well, dont be a stranger Harry. And send Ginny all my love. Good night!" - she said as he disapparated out of her house. She closed the door as tightly as possible not wanting to wake her husband up. "What, who.. Whats going on?" - Ron said as he straightened up and got of the couch. "Oh, honey. Im sorry. It was Harry just leaving, he stayed for supper. Come on, lets go to bed" - she said as she headed towards the bedroom door. "Thats a great idea, so we can pick up where we left off this morning" he stated, putting his arms tightly around her waist and picking her up. Hermionie giggled as they entering their bedroom and kissing at the same time, Ron shutting the door with the heel of his foot.

"Gosh, thank God its Saturday!" - Hermionie thought, as she looked at the window, with one eye open. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes once more, pulling up her sheets over her head to shut out the light coming from outside. She tried to reach out to her left side, trying to get a hold of her husband, but she just found a pillow lying next to her. She rolled then to her other side and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep again. "Hmm, smells funny. Like burned..." -she thought to herself, as she heard her bedroom door open up, as quietly as posible. "Hermionie, you up yet?" - Ron said as he came closer to her side of the bed. "No, Im not, this is me talking on my sleep" she said as she cuddled under her covers, wanting to sleep a bit more. "I... I made you breakfast honey" - Ron said, stuttering a bit. She opened her eyes and got the covers off of her and sat with her back straight, staring at Ronald from head to toe. "What... Whats with that look" - "You usually dont cook Ronald, you do it when you did something wrong or you have to tell me... DID YOU GET FIRED!?!" - she yelled and covered her mouth with both hands in shock. "No no, its not it. Its actually far more better" - he said, as he laid the breakfast tray on the nightstand and sat on the bed next to her. "Ive been asked to do a special project in the United States. For two weeks! With all expenses paid and a small raise." " What!? Oh my God, Im so proud of you, congratulations!"Hermionie stated as she climbed to her husband's lap and gave him a kiss. "Wow, If Id known you would react this way, I would've told you sooner" Ron stated as she started to kiss his neck. "Wait, what?" - she stepped back and stared at him "Since when do you know" - she glared at him, anxious. "Ahm, mmm. Two weeks now, I actually have to leave two days from now", "WHAT!?!? And you waited until now to tell ME!?" - she argued, as she hit him with her pillow. "Im sorry dear. I just.. I hadnt had the time and I was afraid" "Afraid? Afraid of what? Me reacting like this? - she glowered at him, feeling upset and betrayed by his actions. "Ah.. Actually.. I was. If you want me, I wont take the job and stay here with you... "- he said as he jumped of the bed and stood in front of her. "No Ronald, dont say that. Id never ask you to do that " she sighed. She turned around and faced the open window. The view was amazing, the first thing that she loved about their house. You can see the village down below and the sun just starting to rise behind the hills. "I just... Wanted you to tell me earlier" she said, he folded his arms around her from behind and set his face on her shoulder. He brushed her hair from her neck and gave her a soft peck. "I know. Im terribly sorry. But I dont want to leave you alone. I was considering not going, but it is a great oportunity for us, we can save up those galleons for a trip, for the honeymoon we didnt have" he said as he looked out the window too. It was their wedding day, and just before the reception, Fleur went into labor and the whole Weasley pack had gone to St Mungos for the delivery. They decided to postpone the honeymoon to stay with Bill, even though Arthut and Molly refused them to do so. "Yes. That would be great. And... No, I wont be alone. Id see Harry at work everyday and I'll visit your mum often" she turned around and faced him, looking up at his blue eyes. "I'll be ok. Besides, it'll just be a week, wont it?" she asked Ron and stared at him, waiting for an answer. He turned a light shade of red. "Mmmm. Actually, It will be three" "WHAT!?" Hermionie screamed, throwing her arms down and putting them on each side of her waist. Ron grabed her from her arms and brought her closer to him and he leaned to her face in order to kiss her. He practically had to hold her as she tried to fight it off, but she couldnt. She let go of herself and placed her arms around his neck and kissed him back, with the same strenght he was using. He stepped back a couple of steps and lay down on the bed with her on top of him, kissing passionately. "You know I wont forget this" she said, as she let go and grasped for breath "Im not counting on it" he quickly grabbed her and laid her down softly on the bed. He kissed her again, but this time, with caution.

I know I shouldnt write this here but at my job this is the only thing I have access to, so Im writing a draft here and when I get home Ill just post it into my documents.. Jo Cullen (talk) 19:29, 22 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]