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Gameplay of Eve Online

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Eve Online is a player-driven persistent-world massively multiplayer online game set in a science fiction space setting. The Eve Online universe consists of several thousand interconnected solar systems.[1] Players create their characters by choosing characteristics such as race and bloodline that define starting attributes and skills. Over time, players advance by training skills in real-time, whether they are logged in to the game or not.[2] The game's open-ended sandbox-like design allows players to set their own goals without the need to follow pre-defined missions.[3]

The game's developer CCP Games continuously adds expansions free of charge that change game mechanics and add features.[4] Since the game's release in 2003 the expansions have added gameplay elements such as more ship classes and advanced missions for players to master.


Eve Online runs on a supercomputing cluster known as "Tranquility".[5] Several smaller clusters are used for public and in-house testing including the public test servers "Singularity" and "Multiplicity". The servers require a daily downtime for maintenance and updates. Tranquility's downtime (DT) is scheduled between 11:00 and 12:00 GMT.[6]


The playing environment in Eve Online consists of about 7,500 star systems, almost all of which can be visited by the player.[1] Each solar system is connected to other systems by one or more stargates, and in this way neighboring systems are organized into constellations and constellations are in turn organized into regions. In total there are 64 regions.[1] The central regions make up most of the so-called high-security ("hisec") space with some low-security ("losec") systems in between. Surrounding these are regions with no security, or 0.0 ("nullsec" or "zero-zero").[7] (See section Security status system for more information). In some solar systems a player might be alone. In others more than 600 players might gather, e.g. for a fleet battle or to use a trading hub. Different systems contain different types of celestial objects, making them more or less suitable for different kinds of operations. In a typical solar system the player will find asteroid fields, stations, and moons, the latter two most often orbiting planets. Planets themselves are currently not explorable; however, players can use moons to anchor their parent corporation's structures for production and research or for moon mining. Asteroid fields can be mined for minerals. Other objects that can be found in systems are the aforementioned stargates, complexes or static dungeons for exploration. Occasionally a player may even stumble across a historic site, e.g. one where another player's Titan-class ship was destroyed and the wreck now floats in space.

In addition, an area of the galaxy is occupied by the Jovian Empire, and is currently not accessible by players.


Eve Online is different from MMOGs such as World of Warcraft, Guild Wars and EverQuest II because the player characters do not gain experience points through actions or by completing tasks. Instead, the player learns skills by training a specific skill over time, a passive process that occurs in real world time so that the learning process will continue even if the player is not logged in. As a result, new players are generally unable to gain more skillpoints than existing players who continue to train[2] but this is reduced somewhat by a diminishing returns policy for training higher skill levels. Each skill has 5 steps, or levels and the time required to train a skill to a particular level is determined by the player's attributes and how many skill points a certain skill requires, determined by a skill's rank. The skill training system is connected with five attributes: Intelligence, Perception, Charisma, Willpower and Memory. Each skill has a primary and secondary attribute, thus the higher these attributes, the faster skills that use them are trained. There are also skills and implants that can increase attributes.

Training within the game occurs in real time whether the user is logged in or not. The time it takes to train a skill varies depending upon an attribute known as its "rank". Low-rank skills trained to a low level may represent a few minutes of training whereas high levels of high-rank skills may represent several months of training.

Since training time is directly related to a character's attributes, a player can lower the training time of skills by training "Learning" skills, as well as by using Implants to boost attributes.

Due to the sheer number of skills available to characters, it is not realistic for a character to acquire perfect skills with all ships and weapons systems. As each skill level takes over five times longer than the previous (a geometric progression) while the bonus it provides almost always scales linearly, a new player has the option to either acquire acceptable skills in many fields, or perfect skills in a relative few.[8]


An example of Eve Online's in-game market screen.

There is a single currency unit in Eve Online, the Interstellar Kredit (ISK), which takes its name from the Icelandic króna, whose ISO code is ISK.[3][9][10] Players can barter between themselves for items, use the in-game market system for ISK-based transactions, place and accept contracts between players for assets and services or use a Loyalty Points store.[11]

The Loyalty Points systems allows one to use non-transferable Loyalty Points in combination with other assets to purchase standard items at a reduced rate or to acquire otherwise unattainable items.

A large proportion of the in-game economy is player driven; Non-player character merchants supply some basic blueprints, items and trade goods. Players, through the use of blueprints and in-game skills, can gain the ability to build items ranging from basic ammunition to cutting-edge capital ship hulls, and manufacture them for personal use or for sale. Pricing and availability of goods varies from region to region within the Eve universe. These aspects contribute to an economic environment influenced by factors like scarcity of resources, specialization of labor and supply/demand dynamics.[12] The economy is closely tied with the (also player driven) political aspect of the game. Player corporations (the Eve equivalent of guilds) rise and fall as they struggle for market dominance as well as territorial control.

From a technical point of view, the economy in Eve is known as an open economy, that is there is no fixed amount of money or materials in the universe. CCP did attempt to implement a closed economy (that is an economy where there is a fixed amount of currency and therefore materials) early on in the game's existence; however, it proved too difficult to balance the effects of new players entering the game with the capabilities of older players able to earn more ISK or obtain more materials. The current Open economy is automatically balanced by introducing extra materials in underpopulated areas to encourage an even spread of players.[13]

Eve's End User Licence Agreement forbids the exchange of ISK for real currency; however there is a secure in-game system for trading "Game Time Codes" (GTC) in exchange for in game currency. In a similar way selling and buying characters for in game currency is allowed.

On 27 June 2007 CCP announced that an economist had been employed[14] to assist in the development of the economic side of the game. Dr. Eyjo Guðmundsson has stated that he will be responsible for compiling quarterly economic reports for the community and providing ongoing analysis of the economic facets of Eve, along with coordinating research with other interested parties.[15][16]


Fleet combat in Eve. Each ship is highlighted with a square.

Combat in Eve is a mixture of both tactical intelligence and spontaneous decision-making using a point-and-click interface. While every race has certain tendencies for different battle tactics, a character's combat capabilities are determined by skill levels, the ship being piloted and various hardware modules fitted into it. Outside of decisions involving targeting and selection of weaponry, combat is almost entirely hands-off. Every aspect of combat like maintaining a certain range to targets and firing weaponry is usually controlled by the computer. The player can choose to fly the ship directly rather than use the computer controls. However, distances between ships tend to range in kilometers, so reacting to a target's speed, direction and maneuvers manually can be difficult.

Eve's combat system allows ships of all sizes to be useful in combat. Large ships such as battleships are typically outfitted with heavy weapons allowing them to battle other ships of their size. Such weapons however do not have the accuracy to effectively damage smaller, faster ships like frigates.[17] While a large ship can equip smaller weapons designed for attacking smaller targets, this leaves them at a disadvantage against other large ships. Drones can also be used against smaller ships, or in a support role such as providing extra shield for a gang mate or in a utility role such as electronic warfare. Small ships such as frigates may be unable to do significant damage to larger ships on their own, but can greatly affect the outcome of small group battles by employing tactics such as "tackling" (disrupting the engines or guidance computers of enemies thus reducing mobility or chance to escape), jamming enemy sensors, or attacking a larger ship as a pack.

The open player versus player combat system, and the tendency for ships to drop some of their cargo and equipment when destroyed, provides incentive for player piracy. Pirates risk being branded criminals by CONCORD and thus becoming open targets to all other players, as well as being unable to access high security systems. Players may even place a bounty on another player's head, providing work for bounty hunters.[18]

At the strategic level, the rich resources available in low security space reward large co-operative groups. Usually formed when several player-owned-and-operated corporations (similar to guilds, in other MMORPGs) band together, these "alliances" can vary widely in size and strength. The network of jumpgates, which allows travel between star systems, includes a multitude of choke points, which careful alliances can garrison to restrict access to claimed 0.0 systems. Moreover, corporations and alliances have the ability to manufacture Player-Operated Starbases (POS) that mine resources from moons in a system. Each POS requires substantial logistical support to remain in operation, but once an alliance mounts and maintains such facilities at the majority of moons in a system, it achieves the status of sovereignty and remains so until an enemy destroys enough POSs and replaces them with its own.[19]


Agents in Eve are NPCs from which the player receives a variety of assignments, depending on the type of NPC: Internal Security gives more pirate hunting missions, and Personnel Agents give more "delivery" and trade route missions. Completion awards the player with ISK and various material goods. Agents also give various personal "gifts" for completing missions within certain bonus criteria, and award Loyalty Points from the Agent, which can be redeemed for other goods. Completing Agent missions also raises the player's standing in the corporation or group the Agent represents, while lowering his standing among the Agent's competitors. Raising standing in a corporation allows the player to access more valuable and dangerous missions through higher level Agents, up to Level 5, the most difficult, which are nearly impossible to be completed by a solo player if the mission requires combat. The player can also pay Agents to provide manufacturing and research services.

Security status system

CONCORD patrol ships.

Eve features an open PvP system where combat between players can occur anywhere within the Eve Universe. To balance this "free aggression", Eve has implemented a "security status system". Every solar system in the Eve universe has a public security status which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The lowest end of the scale is lawless space, and rules are set and enforced by player-run alliances. The highest end of the scale provides protection to players in the form of sentry guns and CONCORD, the NPC 'police'.[7]

Players committing illegal actions within "empire" systems (security status between 0.1 and 1.0) lose personal security standings with CONCORD. Loss of Security status varies depending on the crime. Showing aggression will only result in a minor loss of standings, while the act of killing a ship that has not defended itself will result in a further drop in standings, and the largest loss of standings occurs with the intentional destruction of a player's 'pod'.[7] As players lose security status, their ability to enter certain levels of secured space becomes more and more limited.[20]

While breaking the law in high-security systems (that is, those with a security of 0.5 to 1.0) means certain death (surviving a CONCORD attack is considered an exploit) for the offender, this does not guarantee the absolute safety of the victim: a well-planned suicide attack can still successfully destroy a ship before CONCORD and sentry guns can neutralize the aggressor.

In lawless space (0.0), CONCORD has no influence and the dynamics for player interactions change. Corporations band together into alliances in order to defend a region of space which they claim. These alliances often fight wars for contested systems and send gangs to raid each other. Although lawless space is dangerous and difficult to defend the rewards are much higher. Asteroids contain far more valuable ore and NPC pirates in lawless space carry far higher bounties.


A pod (pre-Apocrypha) floating in space after a player's ship has been destroyed.

In the event that a player's ship is destroyed, a wreck is left behind. Any cargo hold contents, ship modules, drones and ammunition that were not destroyed in the explosion can be recovered by any player, and additional components of the structure of the ship can be retrieved by a player with the correct "salvaging" modules and skills. These components can be used to build ship enhancement modules known as 'rigs'. To (partially or fully) mitigate the loss of an expensive vessel, ships can be insured against destruction. Insurance payouts are based strictly on material build costs;[21] the market value of the ship is not taken into account. Some ships (e.g. T2 hulls) have a market value that is dozens, if not hundreds of times as much as the ship's build cost. Modules, rigs and cargo cannot be insured at all; any of these items may also have a market value equal to, or much higher than, the ship itself. Players have no possibility for indemnification with regard to losses sustained in this way.

When a ship is destroyed, the player is ejected in a pod. This pod may be destroyed as well, if another player chooses to open fire on it. This player death is known as "pod killing" or "podding". In this case, the "podded" player character will die and be revived as a clone at a pre-determined cloning facility. Non-player characters will not attack a pod. Any implants installed on a player will be irrevocably lost when he or she is pod-killed. Implants cannot be insured.[2]

Players may purchase an upgraded clone which is used in the event of pod death. The cost of a clone depends on how many skill points it can hold - the more skill points, the more expensive the clone becomes. When the player dies and is revived in his or her clone, if this clone holds a number of skill points lower than the number the player had at the time of death, then the player will lose a varying amount of skill points.[2] In some cases, this represents more than a month's worth of training time. Therefore, players who value their skill points purchase upgraded clones sufficient to hold all their skill points. This is known as "keeping your clone up-to-date". Clones are single-use items; when a character dies and is resurrected via a clone, they are also awarded the basic, 900,000-point "Alpha" clone. Therefore, it is imperative that, as soon as possible after death, players purchase a replacement clone of a level appropriate to their character's skill points.

Expanding the cloning system further, Jump Clones were added in Red Moon Rising, and enhanced in Revelations to allow advanced players to mitigate risking their cybernetic implants by using the Infomorph Psychology skill to jump into a cloned body in another station, without requiring their existing body to die to achieve this. The original body (complete with its cybernetic implants) remains stored in the original station and may be returned to via another clone jump (after a 24-hour waiting period).[22] This method offers a way for developed characters to use expensive implants for skill training or economic pursuits, while still having the option to engage in dangerous combat operations without the risk of losing them or by creating jump clones with different groups of implants that control other aspects of the game such as shield support, enhanced damage capabilities or better targeting abilities.


  1. ^ a b c Guðmundsson, Eyjólfur (3 August 2007). "Econ Dev Blog - Market Overview for Mineral Markets" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2007-09-03. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  2. ^ a b c d CCP Games. "Eve Online Player Guide, Chapter 6, Skills Guide" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-02-24.
  3. ^ a b CCP Games. "Eve Online Player Guide, Chapter 1, About EVE Online" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  4. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Features" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-14.
  5. ^ CCP Games (2006-09-14). "Eve Online launches the most powerful supercomputer in gaming history" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  6. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Knowledge Base: Daily Downtime" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  7. ^ a b c "Eve Online Support: Security Zones & Security Status" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. 17 October 2007. Retrieved 2007-10-17. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help); Unknown parameter |month= ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  8. ^ Nex (26 May 2007). "Eve Online interview; what's your anti-WoW?". Destructoid.com. Retrieved 2007-10-06. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  9. ^ CCP kieron. "Eve Online forum topic "Why isn't it ISC instead of ISK(eve easter eggs)"" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  10. ^ CCP Wrangler. "Eve Online forum topic "EVE Fanfest 2007!"" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  11. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Version 33752 (Revelations II) Patchnotes" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  12. ^ Redundancy (2006-08-14). "Dev blog "A Deal is a Deal"" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  13. ^ Lehdonvirta, Vili (2006-10-02). "Virtual Economy Research Network: Interview with Hilmar Pétursson and Magnús Bergsson" (HTML). virtual-economy.org. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  14. ^ "Eve Online Appoints In-World Economist". CCP Games. June 28, 2007. Retrieved June 28. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  15. ^ CCP Dr.EyjoG (2007-06-27). "Dev blog "Move Over, Greenspan"" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  16. ^ Darren Waters (2008-02-21). "Virtual and real blur in Eve Online" (HTML). news.bbc.co.uk. BBC News. Retrieved 2008-02-23.
  17. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Player Guide: Tracking" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  18. ^ happyapples (2006-07-27). "Article "My first kill as a pirate hunter"" (HTML). eve-pirate.com. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  19. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Support: Sovereignty" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  20. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Online Support: Security Status and Travelling Restrictions" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  21. ^ CCP Games. "Eve Support: Insurance Tips" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
  22. ^ CCP Games. "Red Moon Rising Features: Project Rebirth" (HTML). eve-online.com. CCP Games. Retrieved 2008-01-15.