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Military Academy (Serbia)

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The Military Academy, in the scope of the defense system’s reforms of our country, is completely integrated into the higher education system of The Republic of Serbia, and has accredited curriculums in graduate and post-graduate studies. The Military Academy is an educational establishment in which all levels of education and specialization. The Military Academy contains a Military High School which conducts the education according to the secondary education program. The School of National Defense, which is also a part of The Military Academy, contains all levels of officers’ specialization, according to the career development. Classrooms completely equipped with modern educational means and military appliances, a sports center with a swimming pool, a stadium with a running tracks, modern classrooms for foreign language learning, and other facilities of The Military Academy provide a good basis for realizing of lectures. With a quality staff of highly experienced lecturers, trained for education both indoors and outdoors, The Military Academy has a tendency to grow into a regional center for education of the military staff.

Regarding our close future, we plan to constantly follow and study the experiences of the military education of the countries in the region, the states members of The Partnership for Peace and members of NATO, as well as the preserving of all past values acquired in long and great tradition of military education in Serbia.

Mission of MA The Aim of Studying History Educational Program

   Graduate Studies
   Master studies

Enroll to MA Location and Contact

Mission of MA The identity of a profesional officer – a leader, honourable, loyal, trained and prepared for intelectual and ethical challenges of an officer’s vocation in service of the homeland - The Republic of Serbia - should be established by the Military Education System.

The Aim of Studying The aim of education at the Military Academy is training of students for the initial duties at arm – service in accordance with missions and tasks of the Army of Serbia and their further specialized training.


The Artillery School There were more attempts at founding degree-granting military school in The Principality of Serbia from the acquiring of the autonomous status in The Ottoman Empire in 1830. In December 1830, The Military Academy started its work, but after the six months the school stopped working. Some years later, Ilija Garasanin, who was in charge of The Garrison Army, suggested that The Artillery School should be founded and in that way to improve the military education of The Principality of Serbia. The State Counsel accepted the proposal, and the Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic welcomed it on 18th March 1850. The Artillery School is the first military degree-granting institution in Serbia, whose tradition, today, was preserved by The Military Academy in Belgrade. The Structure of the Military Academy After the Serbian-Turkish Wars (1876-1878), The Principality of Serbia was, at The Congress of Berlin, 1878, internationally recognized as the independent and sovereign state. War experiences and enlargement of the state territory, imposed the necessity of reorganizing The Artillery School. The Minister of Defense of the General Staff, second-lieutenant Jovan Miskovic, set up the commission which launched ‘The Act on the Structure of the Military Academy’. The National Assembly adopted ‘The Act on the Structure of the Military Academy’ and the Prince Milan Obrenovic accepted it on 30th January 1880. Military Institutions The Military Academy kept working until The Balkans Wars (1912). The work was also stopped during the First World War, and then, once again, in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, by breaking out of The April War in 1941. During The Second World War, by the decision of The Supreme Command of The Army of National Liberation and The Partisan Force of Yugoslavia from 21st November 1944, The Military Academy of The Democratic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia was founded. Two-year studying started in February 1945. By The General Staff’s Decree from 31st July 1945, The Military Academy was reformed as the general military academy and it was decided that the military-academy students continued the education in the special military institutions deployed by arms. Until September 1945. The Military Institutions were formed, and the teaching started in November 1945. In 15 military Institutions, placed on the complete territory of Democratic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, education lasted from 14 months to 2 years. The Military Academy’s tradition was followed by The Infantry Military Institution. The Military Academy (The Land Forces) Education in the Infantry Military Institution was, 1949, prolonged from two to three years. After that, the name ‘The Infantry Military Institution’ was changed in The National Active Infantry Officers School, and then in The Active Duty Officers School. Finally, 1952, the school got the name ‘The Military Academy of The National Army of Yugoslavia’.The Military Academy of the National Army of Yugoslavia trained the officers of all arms of the Land Forces. The Military Academy of the National Army of Yugoslavia was in 1964 renamed in The Military Academy of the Land Forces so the name served the purpose. The Military Academy - one-of-the-kind Education at the Military Academy the Land Forces was, in 1966, prolonged from three to four years. Alongside with the Military Academy of the Land Forces, the other military academies of branches, arms and services were developed. Until the breaking out of the civil war on the territory of former SFR Yugoslavia, the military academies were working without major changes in organization. From 1991, the arm officers were educated at The Military Academy, and the officers of the service at The Military-Technical Academy. The Military Academy, one-of-the-kind, was intended for education of officers for the needs of all arms and services is located from 2006 on one location in Belgrade at Banjica.

Educational Program

The following levels of studies are organized in The Military Academy:

- Graduate Academic Studies
- Postgraduate Specialist Studies
- Postgraduate Master Studies
- Postgraduate Specialized Training
- The Reserve Officers School
- Basic, applied and developing researches important for raising of quality of degree-granting education, training of scientific and teaching staff and briefing students on scientific work.

Besides above mentioned, in the system of education at the Military Academy, it is also found secondary military education at The Military High School.

Graduate Studies A professional qualification, moral completeness and physical readiness are the basis for successful realization of tasks and command of units in positioned missions and tasks, continual development and improvement of officers. An officer is the one whose vocation is commanding. A general aim of education at the general academic studies: The aim of the education at the Military Academy is the education of students for the vocation of professional officer, training for initial duties at the level of commanding officer of platoon and preparations for intellectual and ethical challenges of officer vocation, in accordance with missions and tasks of The Army of Serbia. There are six programs of studies at the Military Academy: Defense Management Military - Electronic Engineering Military - Mechanical Engineering Military - Chemical Engineering Military Aviation Logistic The programs of studies have many modules which provide students with vast specialist knowledge and necessary skills which an officer of the Army of Serbia has to possess. After graduation, students become: managers (defense managers), mechanical engineers ( engineers of military - mechanical engineering), engineers of electrical engineering and computer science ( engineers of military - electronic engineering), engineers of techology ( engineers of military - chemical engineering) and engineers of traffic and transportation ( engineers of military aviation – pilots) by profession. After their graduation from the first degree academic studies, students go into a professional military service at the rank of second-lieutenant or they can go on with their education at the master studies organized by the Military Academy. To these students, alongside attendance of compulsory lectures, it is also enabled to acquire internationally accepted certificates: STANAG (knowledge of foreign languages) and ECDL ( computer skills). Teaching process at the Military Academy consists of active classes ( lectures, exercises, and other forms of teaching) and special forms of teaching ( camps, military training, training in winter conditions – skiing, training for steering a motor vehicle, flight training, embarking on the ships of river units, etc.). The teaching process is organized by the teachers from the Military Academy, as well as professors from other faculties, associates from scientific institutions, The Ministry of Defence and The General Staff of the Army of Serbia. Emphasis is on the practical impelementation of knowledge and skills which students acquire through lectures and exercises. Teaching is organized in the contemporary equipped laboratories, cabinets, classrooms equipped with computers and Internet. The library and reading-rooms, with numerous publications of scientific-educational literature and fiction and possibility of using the newest publications of technical journals are at students' disposal. All programs which are organized at the Military Academy are in a complete accordance with the programs of studies which are organized at military academies in Europe.

Master studies Master studies enable you to expand the knowledge you acquired at the graduate academic studies and to acquire the competence in fulfilling higher duties in your branch – service, as well as to perform the job of a graduate manager, i.e. a graduate engineer. The studies last one year or two semesters during which you obtain 60 ESPB. After a successful graduation, you are a graduate defence manager or a graduate engineer of a certain profile. Thus, you will have gained all necessary conditions for reaching better position in your profession and specialized training. Master studies are carried out through four programs of studies: Defence Management Military - Mechanical Engineering Military - Electronic Engineering Military - Chemical Engineering

Specialization After graduation from the first degree studies, and during a military career, the opportunity of postgraduate scientific and professional specialized trainings for achieving higher levels of education is offered to officers. To officers, chosen by contest, alongside with parallel work in the units, the specialized training which represents a type of postgraduate education is enabled, and it can be done on specialized, master and doctoral studies. In The National Defense School, command and general-staff officer education for the highest duties in The Army of Serbia and The Ministry of Defense is organized. The forms of specialized trainings at The Military Academy are: general-staff specialized training and command specialized training

Enroll to MA Candidates apply at the Command of Military Department (section) in the place of residence, and soldiers apply to the Command of Military Department on the territory where they are in their military service. The form of application is got on the occasion of application at the Military Department ( section). The preliminary examination consists of: Health Examination Test in Mathematics General Knowledge Test Specific Tests for Some Programs of Studies (e.g. surviving in Nature, basic flight instruction, etc.) Physical Aptitude Checking Psychological Testing at a School and Clinic Psychologist's Information on the results of application, candidates can get from 20th June at the Commands of Military Departments ( sections) where they applied. Candidates, who are not enrolled for a wanted program of studies, can enrol at other program, in accordance with their wishes. The costs of studying are carried out by the Ministry of Defence, and candidates are obliged to stay in professional militar service at least twice longer than their studying lasts.

Location and Contact The Military Academy is located in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Address: Pavla Jurišića Šturma Street, number 33
