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About Me: اسلام عليکم Assalam O Alikum First... (and for those who don’t know its meaning, it means "Peace be upon you' and that’s why I prefer it on 'Hello' or 'Hi". As a matter of fact it is obligatory on every Muslim to greet first, and for every Muslim to reply when one greets, ~ I wonder if somebody greets me back! :P {Qur'an, An-Nisa 4:86})

Its not good to praise yourself from your own mouth. Lolz that's all I want to say... ~ Kidding. Well I am trying to become a good Muslim Inshallah . And, I want to be like a mirror, something that shows what other exactly is... I am a Muslim by birth but have become or rather realized it only 2 years back. Now life has changed a lot because I see myself growing into a real Muslim. I'm proud to follow Islam the only Deen.

Me and My big mouth, it always gets me in trouble. I don’t actually know what can I write in this section, but I can write a lot. Seems I have to write that essay… "My self"

So, I am a 16 year old boy, from Lahore, a city of Pakistan. I am in the final year of IGCSE ( Edexcel - London Board). And… !!! My name is Ahsan Arshad (and it is pronounced as "Ehsan" ~ that is how you pronounce Ahsan in Urdu… its not that Ahsan of Arabic or Persian pronunciation, although the meanings are same… ) mmm, according to the documents, my name is Mohammed Ahsan, but people know me by the name 'Ahsan Arshad." I'm the eldest of my siblings :D

The problem with me is I want to meet people. I want to explore , I want to know, I want to quench my thirst of knowledge. I want , I just want it. .. Actually this is not very true, cause I cannot manage a hell lot of friends you know. But still I like to meet people :)

Hmmm boring na … you can always do something interesting like reading this: Surah/Chapter 095 - At-Tin. (The Fig, The Fig tree) Verse 4. "We have indeed created man in the best of moulds" … this is one of my favorite verses of the Noble Koran. It clearly tells that human is created in the best of its stature. It clearly denies those who make fun of some person saying that this or that person is not beautiful. Allah swt answers that every human is very beautiful. So do you doubt now? Kool na… Aint this book great!!! How about the one who revealed this book for us :):)

Hadith - Bukhari 9:651, Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri The Prophet said, "There will emerge from the East some people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not exceed their throats and who will go out of (renounce) the religion (Islam) as an arrow passes through the game, and they will never come back to it unless the arrow, comes back to the middle of the bow (by itself) (i.e., impossible)." The people asked, "What will their signs be?" He said, "Their sign will be the habit of shaving (of their beards)." (Fateh Al-Bari, Page 322, Vol. 17th)

Lol, no I am not trying to scare you.... I have recently grown beard, so thought of sharing this with you. Well, it is not very mature yet, but it is going to be!!! Actually I have special affection for those brothers who grow beard and those sisters who cover themselves properly (guard their chastity ~ read 24:30-31 of the Holy Koran/ Qur'an ), even in this MODERN AGE OF IGNORANCE.

I don’t like the people who have to say anything bad about Islam. Ah… like why don’t they believe that Islam is Peaceful. Tim McVeigh who bombed Oklahoma City Federal Building does not represent the white race, nor does he represent Christianity. Baruch Goldstein, a medical doctor from New York, went to the Al-Aqsa Mosque a few years ago and killed several Muslims worshipping there. That doctor does not represent all the Jews. Osama Bin Laden does not represent Islam. Does he??????????? The war is against terrorism, not against any religion or a religious community!

Since 9/11, according to official statistics, 212,638 Muslims in the US have been detained, arrested, raided, interrogated, investigated, fingerprinted or deported. Independent estimates and a public opinion poll suggest a number higher than half a million. Still, there is not a single terrorist which has been found among them. This is one very clean community of believers. Alhamdulillah.

And… what else… mmm let me think… yeah, about my beliefs… I think u already know what I believe but this is important too: Some people ask me if I am a Sunni… My answer: NO Some other people ask me if I a Shia… My answer: NO And some other ask me if I belong to some other sect… My answer: NOOOOO


That’s right… I am not a Sunni, nor a Shia. Its just that I am a Muslim… I like being a Muslim. I've been brought up in this way!!! Read: Surah/Chapter 005 - Al-Mâ'idah( The Table, The Table Spread) . Verse 3. "…This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion."

I mean why call ourselves Sunni or Shia anyways, We have a beautiful name …"MUSLIM". And I would love to be called by this name. The Holy prophet was not Sunni or Shia… he was a Muslim. An easy way to end the impure water of bidah is to publicize greatly the Sunnah of the prophet pbuh. When the pure water of the Sunnah flows the dirty water will by itself disappear.

A Message for Muslims (from the pen of my sister, no wait… not from the pen… from the keyboard of my sister :P):

"In the current times Muslims are at the front line, no others fault than our own with the media fanning the flames. The kuffar see no compatibility between the machine and system, they need to see Islam practiced otherwise they will continue to see this paradox, feel resentment and fear us for the unknown. we need to live up to the name of a Muslim and manifest within ourselves Islam"

All of us, citizens and leaders alike, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, need to work hard to make the earth a peaceful and just place to live for us and our children.

… Say, my profile can be an effective way to teach people, lolz perhaps I should prepare a lecture every week and paste it in my profile. Don't you think!!! Say, my profile is getting long… perhaps its enough, I should stop writing now :):P At least after reading my profile you'd know how expressive I am. Lol, I am only 16!!!

I am learning Inshallah. Everything mentioned in my profile is what I've learnt from people, from books, from websites and of course from orkut (means from communities and knowledgeable people on orkut), I've just reproduced the words, the message is same. I am ordinary as others are.

When a doctor inoculates a price he does not consider him self better  than the prince. In the same way those who give religious talks should not consider themselves better than the listeners. Sheikh Ashra ALi rahimullah used to say whenever I advice somebody I always consider him better than me. (paragraph taken from a msg in the msn group)

026.083: "O my Lord! bestow wisdom on me, and join me with the righteous; 026.085 And place me among the inheritors of the Garden of Delight," (THE HOLY QUR'AN) - I like these verses, they were mentioned at the end of islam4all yahoo group's msg. you would not mind to say Amen would you!!! Amen

passions: I'ma do things my way, its my way, my way or the high way. One day you'll see things my way. Well, anything one puts on must look decent, doesn't matter it was on in 1895 or 3005!!!!!!!!!!I just love women in hijab and men in Pant coat.

hmmm stupid me, why am I writing this in passions lol??? Anyways.. i just wanted people to read this specially... So now that you've read, does it matter if i am writing it in my passions or somewhere else?? :P Actually har aik cheez 'about me' main likh likh ke thak gaya tha… ;) I am actually free right now, so thought of keeping myself busy by wasting time on my profile. So now u know that one of my "passions" is keeping my self busy ;)

I am Interested in Comparative studies of religions... LOVE DAWAH :). I wonder if I can be scholar or something! Inshallah am going to be a Better Muslims. (to acquire knowledge is the duty of every Muslim, Said Mr. Mohammed pbuh) (still reading my profile??? Cmon don’t u have anything else to do???? waisay i love to meet or talk to converts/reverts etc ;)

Sports: Football and Basket ball... but only a little. I like swimming too, but that is only in centuries when we go to some swimming pool or something. But I like swimming, really. And I am champ in football. Want a match anybody? I don’t like playing computer games, except FIFA. U wouldn’t believe that I don like cricket :P Seriously, I don't.

Activities: Searching about different topics, to get more and more info. Specially gaining more n more knowledge about Islam.. I'm also read stuff on Comparison of Religion. I am studying top 3 religions: Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, but I don’t know much about Hinduism. Also Ive read a little about Judaism. I surf on net… and I like Islamic forums, chat rooms and stuff. ( "tafaqahu fiddin" ~ Strive to develop and Understand religion, Sayings of the Holy Prophet pbuh) I like hanging out with friends!!! And also using computer all day. ( oh god u r still reading???? Don’t waste time yar!!!)

Books: The Noble Koran , of course with translation… some people miss tht part. Planning to read Bible soon, Inshallah. (Qur'an, 2:256: "Let there be no compulsion in religion: *TRUTH* stands out clear from Error" - Bible, John 8:32 "And ye shall know THE *TRUTH,* and the truth shall set you free.")

And of course… the thick, old and boring books of my course!!! ( i.e. IGCSE or should I say O'Levels; but its not actually O'Levels ) Man, they're difficult. Can somebody teach me please… specially Mathematics!!! Oh God, from where do the get the idea of these DIFFICULT questions… hoooh. These are the books I remember: - Proving The Existence of Allah (swt) To An Atheist by Dr. Zakir Naik

- Christ in Islam by Ahmad Deedat

- Can You Stomach The Best Of Rushdie? "The Satanic Verses" unexpurgated by Ahmed Deedat

- Corruption of the Torah by Misheal A. Al-Kadhi

- Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction by Ahmad Deedat

- Is Qur'an God's Word? Question and answer session by Dr. Zakir Naik

- Is Bible God's Word? by Ahmad Deedat

- Muhammed the Natural Successor to Christ by Ahmad Deedat

- Qur'an and the Modern Science - Conflict or Conciliation by Dr. Zakir Naik

- The Qur'an and Modern Science - Compatible or Incompatible

- Islam and terrorism by Zakir Naik

- Answers to Non-Muslims' common Questions about Islam

- The Qur'an and the Bible in the light of Science by Dr. Zakir Naik

- Resurrection or Resuscitation by Ahmad Deedat

- What the Bible says about Muhammad by Ahmad Deedat

- What is His Name by Ahmad Deedat

- What was the sign of Jonah by Ahmad Deedat

- Who Moved the Stone by Ahmad Deedat

- The True Message of Jesus Christ by Dr. Bilal Phillips

- Islam101 (American Edition) compilation by Ishaq Zahid

- Judaism101 by Tracy R. Rich

- Combat kit Against Bible Thumpers by Ahmad Deedat

- Muharamat - Prohibitions that are taken too lightly (English Translation) Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

- The Lat of the Prophets by Dr. Ahmad Sahfa'at

- The Roots of Western Culture by Charles Gai Eaton

- The Muslim at prayer by Sheikh Ahmad Deedat

- Women's' Rights in Islam - Modernizing or outdated? By Zakir Naik

- I Appeal To You Sense of Shame by Nawaal bint Abdullah (translated by Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq)

- Manhiaat Disallowed Matters (English Translation) Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

- I Want to Repent, But… (English Translation) Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

- Shakawa Wahulool Problems and Solutions (English Translation) Book by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

- Is Nom-Vegetarian Food Permitted Or Prohibited For The Human Being? By Zakir Naik

- Our Dialogue (by I don’t know :D)

- Islamiat for students by Farkhanda Noor Muhammad

- Harry Potter (series) by J.K. Rowling

- Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare


oh… enough with books already… I cant think of anymore!!!! Good thing there's no section of articles here, otherwise my hands would go numb because of continuous writing and writing and writing… Well most of the Articles I've read are from the websites mentioned in the section of 'about me.' And most of the books/articles I've read are usually e-books. Most articles are from the following websites or msn/ yahoo groups:

>Islam 101 www.islam101.com (Founder: Ishaq Zahid)

>Shariahway/MuslimConverts www.shariahway.com (Founder: Abu Obadiah)

Also I've joined some Islamic groups on msn and yahoo, like Islam is Universal, Islam4all, Sabr, World of Islam and young Muslims etc. ( oh yar bas bhi ker do meri profile padhna… like go and do your work :P)

Music: Left … Alhamdulillah only at his young age of 16 :) Its only precussions for me now. And I don’t know why do they say Music is the food of soul ;)

Tv shows: A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTT, but I don’t get time to watch any of'em. I like to watch Discovery or National Geographic Channel or some Islamic program is preferable. And incase nothing is on… Cartoons. (c'mon don't laugh, there are people elder then me who still like Cartoons. :P) I like Dexter, because I like science:) I also liked Johnny Quest, but they're no more telecasted. :(… and a lot moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Movies: 'The Message' is good , or may be some other good enough movies such as "Vertical limit", "twister" or something like that otherwise I don’t have time to waste on romantic Movies. Those movies which enhance knowledge are good enough. In like Star Wars and other (science/) fiction movies. Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Core, Lord of the Rings, Batman, X-men etc, … these are few I like the most. And I also love Cartoon movies… The Lion King, Madagascar, Batman, Scooby doo etc.. They're kooooooooooool… :) Ah.. Like I hate Indian movies... except a few.

Cuisines: Mmmm never thought of it… My mom's the best cook, cause she cooks from what my dad earns from the sweat of his brow ( for people who don’t know... it is a hadith)

mmm basically I eat everything… but I like vegetables most. People say I am a vegetarian, but I am not. I only eat chicken when my mom roasts it and fish when my dad cooks it… yummy. Otherwise… its vegetables for me.

--HoNEsT_ScARrY 21:14, 8 January 2006 (UTC) Ahsan Arshad[reply]