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Regensburg Cathedral

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The Regensburger cathedral (cathedral pc. Peter) is the most important church of the city and cathedral of the diocese Regensburg. The church is the hauptwerk that gothical architecture in South Germany.


  • Overall length inside 85.40 m
  • broad inside 34.80 m
  • height central ship 31.85 m
  • height of towers 105 m


  • Around 700 first bishop church in the place of the today's Dompfarrkriche Niedermuenster (grave-put hl. Erhard).
  • Around 739 canonical Erreichtung of the diocese by the Hl. Bonifatius. He selected the range of the Porta Praetoria (north gate) of the old Roemerkstelles, this cathedral district as Bischohfssitz was never more changed. Late 8. or 9. Jhdt. New building of the karolingischen cathedral. Beginning of 11. Jhdt. Large extension to the west with approx.. 15 m deep transverse house, 2 towers and atrium. *1156/1172 the cathedral burn out twice and are repaired.
  • 1273 beginning of the new building in the west after a city fire (vermutl. around 1150 destroyed old cathedral.
  • Around 1285/90 high-gothical planning.
  • Around 1320 the three choirs of the new cathedral can be used. Abort of the old cathedral. 1385-*1415 completion of the aufwaendigen hauptportals in the west.
  • 1442 establishment of the roof framing over the central ship. *Around 1520 provisional end of the construction work.
  • 1514-1538 development of the cloister.
  • 1613-1649 restoration of the cathedral and baroque transformation (crossing-cupola).
  • 1828-1841 on and order king Ludwig Ith Regotisierung (e.g. removal of the baroque Fresken) and dismantling of the dome, this are replaced by a kreuzrippengewoelbe.
  • 1859-1869 development of the towers and completion of the polygonal spires.
  • 1870/72 completion of the cathedral with the completion of the Querhausgiebels and the ridge turret (vierung) after 600 years construction period.
  • 1923 establishment of the national hut of building of cathedrals for constant maintenance, maintenance and restoration of the cathedral.
  • 1984/85 establishment of the underground bishop-grave-puts and archoeologische sounding of the central ship (opening of parts of the former, southern arcade course of the atrium of a Roman building of predecessors).
  • 1985-1988 reorganization of the interior without changes.
  • since 1989 cleaning of the external facade, distance of the pollutant crusts. The work is presumably locked 2006 at the hauptportal.
  • 2004 establishment and altar consecration of the Sailerkapelle for the Meditation. 2005 the repair works of the polygonal spires is final, so that now again both towers without stand are to be admired, after information of the hut of building of cathedrals is this in such a way also for the next decades to remain. 2006 (gepl.) Conclusion of the restoration that of west portal up to the planned Pope attendance of Benedikt XVI.


A characteristic of the Regensburger of cathedral is the spatial separation from the older cathedral cloister, which resulted from a southwest transfer opposite the previous Roman cathedral. When a witness of the Roman predecessor is today still the donkey tower at the north side of the cathedral receives, which is used at that time and also today still for the transport of the building materials into the upper ranges. In the western roof framing an impeller is received, with which materials were raised by an opening in the cover (with the western portal). East the cathedral stands the national hut of building of cathedrals, it is verwntwortlich for the receipt of the building. In contrast to many other huts of building of cathedrals not with modern machines but only with old handicraft witnesses one works here. These are manufactured in the building hut. The Erminoldmaria is a a component the group of notices in the Regensburger cathedral. It goes back on the so-called Erminoldmeister, which the Marienfigur and the figure of the famous laughing angel Gabriel around 1280 in stone gehauen and multicolored painted. The two figures correspond at the two western four-columns with one another. Maria raised the right hand easily repelling to the greeting. Into the left hand it holds a book, into which it in-noticed the index finger. At the eastern four-columns the steinfiguren of the holy Petrus us are Paulus, around 1320 and/or. originated in to 1360/1370. At the exterior also a Jew sow is in form of a sow at their zitzen three Jews hangs. The Jew sow is besides in the direction of the former Jew quarter at the Neupfarrplatz aligned. 2005 gave it a controversy over the mounting of a sign. Jew sow at the cathedral pc. Peter in Regensburg (June 2004)Die all holy chapel in the cathedral cloister 1164 were built as grave chapel for bishop Hartwig II. of the Comasken (building master family from Como, north Italy). On the inside it consists zentralbau with Fresken from the building time of one feingegliedertern. Most of the valuable color windows developed between 1220-1230 and 1320/1370. The windows of the west front became only in 19. Century supplements. 1967/1968 the windows were added from the hand of Professor Oberberger in the left Nebenchor. It created also 1988 the Pfingstfenster in the west of the northern transverse ship and the Obergadenfenster in styles of the gothic. The silver high altar comes from Augsburger artists and in the time between 1695 and 1785 developed. A characteristic are the five gothical Ziboriumsaltaere. In the south choir 2004 a new Zelebrationsaltar from the hand of Helmut Langhammer developed. Of the stone pulpit in the central ship (1482) 1556/1557 the holy Petrus Canisius preached.