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Fadenya or “father-childness” is a word used in Mande culture, originally to describe the tensions between half-brothers with the same father and different mothers. The concept of fadenya has been stretched and is often used to describe the political and social dynamism of the Mande world. Fadenya is often discussed in contrast to badenya, or mother-childness.


Fadenya originally described the conflicts between half-siblings with the same father, but different mothers. In the traditionally polygamous Mande world, half-brothers would, in a sense, compete for control of their father’s lineage and claim to his wealth and land. In order to do so, these brothers would have to set out on their own, leaving the safety of their community, in order to achieve something independently and claim the lineage of their father or to “[overcome] paternal and ancestral reputations” [1]. This setting out to make a name for oneself was particularly common among younger brothers, who were less likely to receive anything from their father and therefore more motivated to overhaul the system through there own actions. These younger brothers have more to gain and much less to loose if they leave the family to seek their own fortunes.

File:Mande index.jpg

Although the term originally refers specifically to the conflict between bothers, the concept of fadenya is much larger than intra-familial conflict. In addition to its meaning of “father-childness, or half-siblinghood, fadenya is also used as a word for conflict in general [2]. Fadenya can also extend beyond immediate family and affect an entire clan [3]. Fadenya is seen as the source of political and social change in the Mande world, for upheaval of the existing social order occurs due to the tension of fadenya. Fadenya is associated with “centrifugal forces of social disequilibrium: envy, jealousy, competition, self-promotion” [4]. One overcomes the “contraints of the group” through fadenya [5]. Fadenya is the catalyst and root of all sociopolitical changes in the Mande world, “the conceptual vehicle of dymanism in Mande society”, and thus carries with it all of those connotations [6].

Fadenya itself requires a departure from society, whether literal or not [7]. In many traditional tales, one leaves one’s family and the safety they provide in order to make their own name and fortune[8]. Fadenya does not always imply a physical journey, however. One may also figurarively leave their family and village by deviating in opinion or values.

Because fadenya describes paternal ties, and almost always describes tensions between men, fadenya is often considered a decidedly masculine force. This creates an interesting cultural phenomenon, in which men are seen as the forces of change and advancement or decline. The masculinization of change creates interesting gender roles with in the Mande world.

Positive and Negative Fadenya

Positive Fadenya Leading to Innovation

Although based on its definition of rivalry and tension between half-siblings, fadenya may seem like an intrinsically destructive force, in reality, it is often tremendously positive. Fadenya is the means through which “the innovative actions of the young hero can lead to a modification of norms within the tradition of a community” [9]. Through a positive form of fadenya, one can improve society through the evolution and growth of customs. It is only through innovation that a society can survive and thrive, and positive fadenya provides the impetus for such change [10]. This positive fadenya is “predicated on commitment to society’s traditions and social mores and describes how such traditions and mores are reproduced or ‘’reinvented’’ to meet the demands of, and even develop and improve modern social life”[11]. The emphasis in positive fadenya is a respect for the existing elements of society and a recognition that traditions should be “reinvented” as opposed to essentially changed. For fadenya to be positive, it must place value in the current society and badenya, and change elements only to innovate, not to destroy or severely alter [12].

As seen in the figure, positive fadenya necessitates reintegration [13]. One must return from their experiences of the outside world or of other views, and bring this new knowledge to the community, using it to innovate and adapt existing customs.

Negative Fadenya Leading to Destruction and Shame

In contrast to positive fadenya, negative fadenya harms society. In instances of negative fadenya, one does not return with positive methods of integrating and innovating. A “dissociate breakdown into wildness” occurs, leaving family members shamed and society worse off [14]. One may use cruel force to impose different and self-serving values, rejecting years of societal progress and disrespecting the innovations and work of those who came before [15]. That is, of course, if one returns at all. Negative fadenya can also signal an individuals complete break from society, in which one leaves and never returns with anything to benefit their own family and people [16]. This also brings about great shame.

Relationship with Badenya


Badenya refers to “mother-childness” or the relationship between siblings of the same mother within the polygamous structure. Because these siblings often share a closer bond, and do not compete among themselves as half siblings with the same father, badenya is a source of safety and security. Badenya is often what saves one from the tensions and competitiveness of fadenya. One can always rely on a full sibling because of badenya.

When expanded, badenya is a uniting, community-oriented force; it promotes statis and security. Just as badenya is used to mean mother-childness or sibling hood, it is also used to mean harmony [17]. Within the community, badenya represents the “centripetal forces of society: submission to authority, stability, cooperation” [18]. The “strong forces in Mande society [which] emphasize group norms, decisions and success over those of the individual… are reflected in the term badenya [19]. Badenya is the reason which communities stay together despite fadenya; it is the strong link that acts against the weaker ones of fadenya. Badenya acts as the status quo to the change represented by fadenya.


  1. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa
  2. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa
  3. ^ Places and Power Theory in the Mande World: Today and in the Past
  4. ^ Explorations in African Systems of Thought
  5. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa
  6. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  7. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  8. ^ Sunjata
  9. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa
  10. ^ Explorations in African Systems of Thought
  11. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  12. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  13. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  14. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  15. ^ Explorations in African Systems of Thought
  16. ^ Civil Taxis and Wild Trucks: the Dialectics of Social Space and Subjectivity in Dimache a Bamako
  17. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa
  18. ^ Explorations in African Systems of Thought
  19. ^ Younger Brother in Mande: Kinship and Politics in West Africa