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European Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding

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The European Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (also, EURO Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding, EWG on Multicriteria Aid for Decisions, or EWG-MCDA) is a working group whose objective is to promote original research in the field of multicriteria decision aiding at the European level.[1]

EWG-MCDA is one of the working groups of EURO, the Association of European Operational Research Societies, and has approximately 350 members from 38 countries. The Group was founded in 1975[2] by Bernard Roy during the First European Conference on Operational Research (EURO I) held in Brussels, Belgium.[3]

The objectives of the EURO Working Group on MCDA are the following:[1][3]

  • to contribute to the development, at a European level, of an original way of thinking in the field of multicriteria decision aiding;
  • to allow each member of the group to present to others methodological, theoretical or applied results, to submit his/her own work and thoughts to critical discussion by the group, and also to facilitate collaboration;
  • to develop multicriteria aid for decisions by facilitating contact between all people interested in the subject, and by stimulating continuity and progress in exchanges and work;
  • to keep the group alive and open by means of bi-annual meetings which should not be mini-conferences but real meetings favourable to exchanges and to the emergence of new ideas.


  1. ^ a b http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/ewgmcda - EWG-MCDA webpage
  2. ^ Ballestero, E. and Romero, C. (1998). Decision Making and its Applications to Economic Problems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. p. 9. ISBN 0792382382
  3. ^ a b http://www.euro-online.org - EURO, Association of European Operational Research Societies