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May Week

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This article is about the tradition at the University of Cambridge. For the celebratory week in Argentina, see May Revolution.

May Week is the name used within the University of Cambridge to refer to a period of time at the end of the academic year. Originally May Week took place in the week during May before year-end exams began. Today, May Week takes place in June. The end of exams is a cause for heavy celebration amongst the students of the University. Highlights of the week include May Balls, June Events and garden parties.

Suicide Sunday

Suicide Sunday is the name used at Cambridge University to refer to the Sunday immediately after the end of the summer term (known as Easter Term). By this Sunday, all students have finished exams but most of the results have not been published, so it is traditionally a period of nerves and suspense. The name, however, ironically refers to the celebration that students haven't committed suicide due to stress of exams. Garden parties are hosted by many groups, most famously the Gentlemen Wyverns of Magdalene College, attended by 2500 people in 2010.

May Week 2011

May Week 2011
Thursday 16th Friday 17th Saturday 18th Suicide Sunday 19th Monday 20th Tuesday 21st Wednesday 22nd Thursday 23rd Friday 24th Saturday 25th
The Varsity Twenty20 Garden Party Hughes Hall May Ball Emmanuel May Ball Jesus May Ball St John's May Ball Trinity Hall June Event Homerton May Ball Clare Hall June Event
Robinson May Ball The Gentlemen Patricians' Garden Party The Crescents' Garden Party Clare May Ball Queens' May Ball Magdalene May Ball Newnham MCR Garden Party Corpus May Ball
Downing Lady Orchids Garden Party Union Garden Party Downing Tribe - Tribal Barbecue Trinity May Ball Downing May Ball Pembroke May Ball Wolfson June Event
The Hawks' Event The Gentlemen Wyverns' Garden Party Newnham JCR Garden Party King's Affair Darwin College May Ball
The Gentlemen of St John's Garden Party The Marguerites' Garden Party St. Edmund's May Ball
The Wilberforce Society Annual Garden Party QEnts Presents "BOUNCE"
TCSS Garden Party

Previous May Weeks

May Week 2010
Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12th Suicide Sunday 13th Monday 14th Tuesday 15th Wednesday 16th Thursday 17th Friday 18th Saturday 19th
Robinson May Ball Hughes Hall May Ball Emmanuel June Event Clare May Ball Christ's May Ball King's Affair Homerton June EventSt Edmund's May Ball
The Crescents' Garden Party Downing Tribal BBQ Jesus May Ball Pembroke June Event Wolfson June Event
Wyverns' Garden Party Trinity May Ball St John's May Ball Sidney Sussex May Ball Darwin College May Ball
The Marguerites and Hippolytans Garden Party Newnham June Event St Catharine's May Ball Clare Hall May Ball
Murray Edwards Garden Party Gonville and Caius May Ball Trinity Hall June Event
Queens' Bounce

May Week 2009
Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Suicide Sunday 14th Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th
Robinson May Ball Peterhouse May Ball Emmanuel May Ball Clare May Ball St John's May Ball Trinity Hall June Event Corpus Christi May Ball
Homerton May Ball Hughes Hall May Ball Wyverns' Garden Party Jesus May Ball Downing May Ball Magdalene May Ball Darwin May Ball
Murray Edwards Garden Party Trinity May Ball Queens' May Ball Pembroke May Ball Wolfson June Event
King's Affair

May Week 2008
Thursday 12th Friday 13th Saturday 14th Suicide Sunday (15th) Monday 16th Tuesday 17th Wednesday 18th Thursday 19th Friday 20th Saturday 21st
Homerton June Event Robinson May Ball Hughes Hall May Ball Emmanuel June Event Clare May Ball Christ's May Ball King's Affair Darwin May Ball Selwyn May Ball
Clare Hall May Ball Jesus May Ball Gonville and Caius May Ball Pembroke June Event St Edmund's May Ball
Trinity May Ball St John's May Ball St Catharine's May Ball Wolfson June Event
Trinity Hall June Event
Sidney Sussex May Ball

May Week 2007
Friday Saturday Suicide Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Robinson May Ball Emmanuel May Ball St. John's May Ball King's Affair Wolfson College June Event
Homerton May Ball Jesus May Ball Queens' May Ball Magdalene May Ball St Edmund's May Ball
Clare May Ball Pembroke May Ball Corpus Christi May Ball
Trinity May Ball Trinity Hall June Event
Downing May Ball
May Week 2006
Suicide Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Emmanuel June Event Trinity May Ball St. John's May Ball King's Affair Wolfson College June Event
Queens' Bounce Jesus May Ball Gonville and Caius May Ball Peterhouse May Ball St Edmund's May Ball
Clare May Ball Christ's May Ball Pembroke June Event
Trinity Hall June Event
St. Catharine's May Ball
Sidney Sussex May Ball