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User:SeungH Lee/My sandbox

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by RichardOxales (talk | contribs) at 21:31, 4 December 2011 (→‎Hierarchy - Category: Added an introduction.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Technological Infrastructure

Functional Tiers


In general, websites have three obvious functional tiers: presentation, processing, and data. The presentation tier is the tier that is closest to the end user. It occurs on the browser of the user and involves displaying the page as it appears to that user. The processing tier is the middle tier. Here the information is broadcast from the site's servers to the user's browsers. The third information tier, the data tier, is furthest from the end user. This is the tier where the sites' servers create the web page that then gets sent to the other two tiers. It is also here that all the data from the site is stored.



deviantArt has the same functional tiers as other web sites. In the data tier, the webpage is created on deviantArt's servers. It is then broadcast through the internet in the the processing tier. Lastly, the webpage is displayed on the user's browser in the presentation tier. The template of the presentation, processing, and data tiers remains intact on the deviantArt website.



At their most basic, the functions of a web site are what users can do on that site. They can include logging in, communicating, or uploading content. A feature is the end-user aspect of a function. Therefore, when a user interacts with a feature on a site, they are also utilizing the function of that feature. Each function has a purpose, a user interface, a user procedure, an algorithm, and an impact on the data.



The six most prominent functions of deviantArt are logging in, searching, uploading media, commenting on media, adding to favorites, and profile maintenance.

Search Query

On the top center and top left corner of deviantART page, there is a search box where users can search for arts and media. When users type keywords into the search box and hit search button, a number of results related to the keywords will show up. The search function is to help users find the media they want among hundreds of thousand media.

The user interface is quiet simple. There is a box users can type words into and a button called search. These two search box is displayed on every deviantART page. The one on the top left corner is a general search box searching everything on the deviantART website, and the one below it return results only in the category where users are at. For example, if a user is at deviantART shop page, the second search box wil only search things in deviantART shop, but not all deviantART arts.

The idea behind search is indexing. Indexing is an alphabetical or numerical list of terms with links back to information that’s described by that term. Every picture or media has index on deviantART. When user performs a search, the deviantART server will search that query(which is what user types) and find matching index and return pictures or arts linked to that query. The search function uses almost all deviantART information types including media, users, groups, etc.so it can give more comprehensive results.

Upload Media

deviantArt’s main purpose is the facilitation of media sharing; people go to deviantArt to share and find media pieces. One function on the site that facilitates this process is uploading media. These pieces of media are called “deviations” and “can be images, literature, film, or Flash”, as defined by deviantArt.[1] The process of uploading deviations is free and deviants are able to upload an unlimited number deviations. Once uploaded, these deviations can be viewed by anybody. This provides artists with easy exhibition space. The process for uploading media consists of the deviant clicking on the submit button, inputting a title for the deviation, choosing a category from a drop-down list, and uploading a file.

Comment on Media

Once deviations are uploaded to deviantArt, other deviants are able to go through and comment on the deviations. One purpose of commenting on the media is to provide user feedback for the artists. Deviants can use the site as a place to receive responses and critiques for their work. Another purpose of commenting on media is to help other users find valuable pieces. Deviations that have good reviews indicate to other users that this particular piece is worth examining. When viewing the deviation, there is a comment box directly underneath the piece. People wishing to provide feedback on the image merely have to type their comment there. These comments are then displayed for public view beneath the comment box. Additionally, people can add an emoticon from a list that includes depictions of ‘love’, ‘joy’, ‘wow’, ‘mad’, ‘sad’, ‘fear’, and ‘neutral’. Later, by clicking on one of the emoticons in a legend displayed below the comment box but above the displayed comments, deviants can choose to only read the comments associated with one emotion.

Add to Favorites

On the webpage for each piece of media, there is function called Add to Favorites that allows users to save media to their profiles. The purpose of this function is to allow users to bookmark certain images and be able to refer back to that image. The user interface of this feature is a simple green, rectangular button with a yellow star that exists on the webpage of the picture. Another purpose of this function is to allow users to connect with each other by sharing media and creating an online community. The button allows allows the Uploader to get an idea for the communities opinion of his or her artwork.

Profile Page

The main control panel for a user (colloquially, a deviant), the profile page allows user to customize their own personal page, which other deviants may view and contribute to. Within the profile page exists several functions called widgets, and these widgets are separated into four categories:

• Art Zones relate to deviations in relations to you.

• Personal Zones relate to information pertaining to you.

• Misc. Zones relate to all other possible functions and uses.

By default, each profile is created with two art zones, three personal zones, and two misc. zones, making up the basics of deviantArt, such as submitting and favoriting artwork, journal entries and personal info, and comments and watchers. If a deviant upgrades to a premium account, they are given access to other widgets, such as posting polls, linking your Twitter account with your deviantArt profile, and it even becomes possible to create custom widgets.

The user interface is clean and easy to understand. Near the top of a profile appears a deviant’s username and avatar. To the right are five buttons labeled Profile, Gallery, Prints, Favorites, and Journal. The profile shortcut is the main page that can combines aspects of the other four shortcuts, though they are convenient in making it easier for other deviants to look at specific portions of a deviant’s profile. For example, clicking “Gallery” will reveal a page that shows all of the deviant’s art submissions in in order of latest date.

Profiles have several info types that can be associated with them. The most obvious ones are featured under the profile page, such as whether the deviant is a premium member, how long they have been ad deviant for, their username, name, sex, age, location, how many submissions or journal entries they have made, and total page views.

Information Infrastructure

Information Model




One of the main information types on deviantArt is Media.

Diagram and Discussion

Example and Discussion

User Profiles


Diagram and Discussion

Example and Discussion



A group on deviantART is a group of users(deviants) who share similar taste gather together. A group has attributes of name, members, focus, media, location, type, number of watchers and date of formed.

Diagram and Discussion

Focus has value such as art creation, art collection, resources, social. Media has ...

Example and Discussion

Journal Entries


Journal entries can be created by individual deviants, in which they can write down anything. These can later be viewed and commented on by other deviants.

Diagram and Discussion

Example and Discussion



Diagram and Discussion

Example and Discussion

Info Types and their Relationships



deviantArt Types and Relationships Between Types


Individual Users and Groups
Individual Users and Journal Entries

Another relationship on deviantArt is between individual users and journal entries. The relationship between deviants and Journal Entries is that deviants can write, comment on and share journal entries.

Individual Users and Media

One of the most important relationship between information types on deviantArt is the relationship between the individual users and the media. It is upon this relationship that many of the interactions on deviantArt are based. Individual users are able to upload media, comment on media, add a piece of media as a 'favorite', look at media, search media, or purchase media.

Group and Media
Merchandise and Media

Organizational Structures


There are four main types of information structure: hierarchy, index, sequence, and links. All four of these types and can be found on deviantArt. Hierarchies occur when it is possible to apply different filters to narrow down a search and create sub-categories. Indexes are lists on contents or keywords from within a piece. Indexes are always either alphabetical or numerical. Sequences are a progression of options that are placed in a particular order. They might be placed based on the time they were created or added or in the order that the creator of the site would like the user to view them. Links are connections between two pages. If a user clicks on a link, they will be brought to the web page to which that site is connected.

Hierarchy - Category


Categories describe the mediums that artworks can be submitted as. They are listed in a hierarchical setting, ordered by commonly viewed media (digital art at the top, scraps at the bottom). The category list may appear strange at first as it lacks an obvious index-based ordering but in time, many deviants quickly familiarize themselves, putting no thought into browsing a particular category. When clicked on, categories open up subcategories to further define the exact medium of an image.


Hierarchy - Merchandise


Another example of a hierarchical organizational structure can be found though the 'T-Shirts & Gear' button under the Browse heading at the top left of the deviantArt home page.

Alt text

Index - Sub-categories


Sequence - Polls


Sequence - All Channels


Links - Ads


Displaying ads is a important way to make money for deviantArt and many websites. On deviantArt website, ads are showed on every page, usually on the right side of a page.


File:Ads on deviantArt.png


A link basically is hyperlinks that lead to information. Ads are a kind of links because when users click on ads, they are redirected to external websites of advertiser. Advertisers will pay for information provider, in this case is deviantArt, money based on number of views or clicks of their ads.

Because both advertiser and deviantART want users to pay attention to ads, ads are often on the place where is easy to notice. Ads sometimes can be annoying, but ads also keep the website for free.
