EDL may refer to:
- Edit decision list, representation of film or video edits
- Electrical double layer (interfacial), variation of electric potential near a surface
- Electronic Defense Laboratories, an American company
- English Defence League, a British anti-islam organisation
- Enhanced Driver's License, containing an embedded radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag, issued in some parts of America and Canada
- Entry, Descent, and Landing; a set of procedures required for a vehicle in space to safely land on a planet surface.
- European Day of Languages
- European Democratic Lawyers
- Event Driven Language, a computer language created for the IBM Series/1 Event Driven Executive (EDX) operating system
- Every Day Life, a rapcore group
- Experiment Description Language, a scripting language for the GNU/Linux program fsc2 for controlling spectrometers
- Extensor digitorum longus, a leg muscle