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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 07:36, 1 June 2012 (Newly Authored). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


The files at the link below clearly show and state that many radio operators intercepted Earhart's radio transmissions. These files on pages 49 thru to 54 establish that Earhart landed in the Marshall Islands and was taken prisoner by the Japanese. After reading the files it is obvious that Earhart and Noonan were both alive and had landed safely, however into or near a secret Japanese base. Due to the planes altitude the radio transmissions misled those waiting to intercept Earhart as planned. Off course far north of Howland Island, Earhart is said to have actually landed on Knox Island nearer to the Marshall Islands. This is outlined by the FBI files. The files document often repeated and frantic requests by radio operators to get FBI assistance in finding Earhart, even many years after her disappearance. Here is the FBI link: http://vault.fbi.gov/amelia-mary-earhart/amelia-mary-earhart-part-01-of-01/view

Newly Authored

Perception and Proportion, as viewed from your mind

Using your imagination visualize the following things:

1. you are standing where you are looking out at the place you stand
2. your shoulders are back, your chest is out.
3. you lift off earth into space through the clouds
4. raising beyond the blue sphere that is the earth
5. you hold out your hand, and the earth floats as a tiny blue ball in your out stretched hand.
6. you travel away from the earth and see the sun
7. the sun at first is a large ball of orange
8. as you travel away from the sun
9. you hold your hand out and the sun is as a tiny speck floating in your hand'
10. you continue to travel away from the sun
11. coming into view you see a huge swirl of speckled shiny dust
12. you now see the milky way galaxy as a huge swirling be-speckled mass
13. slowly, that mass shrinks down, into a bright swirl of dust and shiny dots, suns
14. you hold out your hand and the entire milky way galaxy is floating in your hand.
15. you continue to travel away out into space, now you see a massive ball
16. the ball is as if a mass of swirls and and speckles
17. the known universe is now clearly visible as a ball of swirling masses.
18. at first the bright swirling masses are blinding and immense.
19. as you travel away from these masses you hold out your hand and the universe is as a ball of galaxies floating there.
20. you place your hand at your sides and the known universe gets smaller and smaller.
21. now as the know universe is as a tiny ball, your eyes are filled with blue electricity.
22. the the blue electricity is as a curved surface of intertwined lightning bolts laying flat.
23. as you become immersed in this field of lightning bolts, you see a more pronounced surface forming, as if it were a ball.
24. now traveling above that twisted mass of lightning, you see that it is actually a sphere
25. you see this blue sphere of twisted lightning is be-specked with static electrical hairs
26. now farther off, you see the blue lightning energetic sphere has statically charged hairs, like a chaotic ball of pure energy
27. as you look at this amazing sight you can faintly see the entire known universe shining brightly and perfectly inside this blue lightning energetic sphere
28. you travel on away from this sight and it becomes smaller as if a tiny dot.
29. you hold out your hand and now you see the entire universe and beyond, floating there in your hand, everything you have ever known.
30. you place your hands at your side and you see a large cube of matter, as a translucent substance.
31. as you look at this cube of translucent matter, you see the tiny blue sphere within it, as a tiny speck, the known universe, in the spherical twisted lightning ball.
32. looking intently, this cube becomes the size of a small dice.
33. you hold out your hand and this tiny cube holding all that exists is in your hand.
34. suddenly there are more cubes like dice, as translucent as the first cube.
35. now as if traveling very very fast away from these cubes, the lines defining the cubes blur, in fact it is as if there were, there are no cubes at only matter,and only one tiny speck of blue.
36. you are now transfixed in this translucent mass, as if your body were immersed in this translucent substance.
37. you now cannot travel any further away, you look up by casting your eyes upward, you are transfixed in this strange translucent place.
38. hands at your side looking up you see as it were, a bowl of darkness, from your eyes upward you are motionless looking into nothingness.
39. as your eyes remain fixed looking into nothingness, your feet start to stretch back towards where you have traveled from.
40. with your conscience looking into a bowl or dark nothing, you step away from your soul, and view your feet as they project back towards the cubes of matter that are redefined far below.
41. your body is as spaghetti as your feet stretch back towards the known universe a tiny blue speck
42. a way is opened as your feet accelerate towards that tiny blue speck, that is the spherical lightning ball, holding the known universe.
43. your feet proceed thought the blue sphere and into the be-speckled universe below
44 your feet travel very fast through the known universe, through the galaxy, and through to the sun.
45 you bend your feet past the sun towards the earth
46. your feet then travel past the clouds and finally back onto the earth
47 finally, almost instantly, your feet touch the exact spot where you are now standing
48. your eyes which are still fixed into the dark empty bowl of space far beyond all the exists, close, slowly
49 you see yourself as an endless string from beyond existence connected to your feet on the earth.
50. transfixed in this imagination you take a deep breath
51. as you let out that breath your imagination of yourself shatters into a thousand pieces.
52. all that you have imagined dissolves into the universe, which you visualized traveling through.
53. you look back into your soul and realize that you have traveled beyond proportion.
54. as you understand your feet physically pushing against the earth, you understand that you are as if a machine, interpreting proportion.
55. through your imagination you have seen the universe as it is without any proportion, as a human imagination, a mere thought.

As if I held your hand gently, explaining all that I have known, as a secret, unknown to any man except I, within my soul and mind.

The universe which is not a Pandoras box, not a Mobius and is also not infinite as we know infinite.

However the universe is without end as we understand things that do not end.

This universe is a function of mathematical relationships, as a balanced equation that must always equal 1.

Such as to the "n"th implies that there is a relation of definable quantities, that as a totality explain the functional state of matter intertwined in time and manipulated by vibration as energy.

This thing which I have explained to you all is a universe without end.

all right reserved international copy right claimed 05-31-2012 Joseph Eric Bressman

all reproduction must credit Joseph Eric Bressman as the author of this material: Perception and Proportion, as viewed from your mind. reproduction of this material is not otherwise limited

The Theory of Universe Origin and Creation By Joseph E Bressman 05-27-2012

I hope by now you all accept my theory that the universe is only matter and nothing else except matter. Space originally was perfectly filled with matter. "The universe was originally all low density matter that perfectly filled space."

Matter originally had no surface. Matter originally had low density at zero gravitation.(approaching 0 very little if any) Matter originally had very low electrical potential. (perhaps 1/millionth of an electron volt per cubic mile of matter/space)

"The universe was originally all low density matter that perfectly filled space." The all low density matter universe had "limitless" potential energy. The original state of matter was as if a 4th (5th if you count plasma) phase change "a solid with no true mass or surface".

An event transformed matter (perhaps wave interference) and matter was shattered into particulate which had a surface.(a surface as if it were infinite) The event that transformed matter led to a void being created as we observe aka "space" which is actually a void in the all matter universe. This void which is our relative universe is filled with vacuum caused by the property of matter occupying less space.

This void and the matter in it which has immense surface area is acted upon by energy as vibration. Matter is being transformed into denser and denser forms which displace more void/space and cause gravitation as vacuum/suction. At a back hole gravitation "flat-lines" since matter can become no denser.(a "one dimensional" object with negative potential energy) (potential energy is described as "an anticipated ability to propagate vibrations as energy") Gravitation is described as "vacuum from matter displaced space/void manifesting as the second dimensional force, frictionless attraction." Therefore vacuum might seem to be a type of surface with no friction at all in fact effected by negative potential energy, ablative to vibration and energy.

Electromagnetism which typically is vibrations acting on the surface of matter is a 3 dimensional force. Electromagnetism is the property of the surface of matter to vibrate, and a result of gravitational instability in particulate fields, (caused by the fact that no 3 dimensional field may have typically equal measurements on all axises) particulate matter continually oscillates. Electromagnetism is a property of matter which counteracts gravitation to some extent.

Some matter is in a state of transition from low density with no surface to high density with 1 surface. (inert matter) (gravitationally effected) convergent matter

There are several curious properties of matter: limit on velocity, constant velocity, orbital quirks, and over all universe expansion. These properties are evidence that the universe is all matter with a void in it, and that there are counter acting gravitational forces opposing black holes.(and the known universe) This evidence of "matter all around" and "gravitation all around" implies that "at least half of all transformed matter" is spherically dwelling at the edge of the space/void. This edge of of known universe, the outer perimeter of a spherical void in low density matter, may have only highly energetic subatomic particles. (see also background noise) These highly energetic subatomic interactions are strongly pulling apart the known universe.

Some matter is acted on by vibration and is perpetually energetic with a nearly infinite surface. (energetic matter)(electromagnetically effected) divergent matter

The supportive theory is that, on the edge of the voided area of the spherical universe..., the particles wildly interact with matter pulled into this outer subatomic field, as the surface area continues to increase. therefore allowing the vibrations to be conserved, as a divergent reaction allows, as opposed to convergent reactions that ablate vibrations. this spherical vibration at the edge of the void/space is also somewhat anti gravitational therefore the field must contain far more mass than the observed universe. At the outer edge matter is subliming into low density "original" matter refilling the voided area in matter space, as the 4th phase of matter, no surface no gravitation matter. It seems that this is a process by which matter will eventually return to its original state.

Therefore all the heavy objects we see in voided/space are acting on the outer sphere of the void to propagate an intensely energetic reaction. That reaction then thrashes out original matter via subatomic reactions.(again background measurements suggest near @ 300 gigahertz) perfectly spoken: matter fractures and inherits a surface and a container as a void filled with vacuum, this wave propagates to a limit, as observed, and acts on all matter within a spherical area, as the depth and limit of vacuum, mass, and density are reached, so to, on the edge of the spherical void/space, are the limits of vibration and subatomic particulate also reached. these limits are as measured as happenstance and as the real properties of matter. (as matter is transformed and inherits properties) as a whole the forces and fields interact seamlessly on matter as could be expected.(as an extension of measurements and properties defined)

while to me the starting point of the reaction seems almost inert, (wave interference)(somehow surface-less matter erupts) I however guess, that surface area combined, with the void in matter, combined with all that potential energy....., lead to the conclusion that an endothermic-exothermic reaction must occur to a totality. There is limitless potential energy

I have decided that since there is limitless time for these reactions to occur...... it is not unreasonable to believe that original matter simply fractured as a result of wave interference, and that led to the endothermic exothermic reactions we see in the known universe, which will one day cause the entire voided area of matter/space to be filled again perfectly with low density matter.

this statement as I have written it may be etched in stone as my 'The Theory of Universe Origin and Creation."

all rights reserved (the story by which the universe is explained in detail) world wide copyright claimed on this day 05-27-2012

this theory may be reproduced for any reason at anytime however it must be credited to: Joseph Eric Bressman the author

by Joseph E Bressman

anyone can see why I am constantly dropping hints about the violation of time by nuclear reactions....(for now an out and out fantasy) it is not possible to explain those things which do not exist in the here and now.

I have concluded that ample evidence exists that wave interference caused the universe to transform matter, and that matter will interact as an endothermic reaction to an exothermic reaction(or visa versa) to a totality then return to its original state.(via those reactions)

Joseph E Bressman

The Totality of Proportion (a synopsis of universe transforming events) By Joseph E Bressman @2012 all rights reserved

It is totally reasonable to say that wave interference "ignited" original matter.

Original matter is dry and endless, so over time a reaction may, could and did occur. This reaction is the probability that eons of time and various minute changes as voltage, acting on original matter, (the probability that even minute changes could congeal to form gravity and increase voltages) would pulverize and particulate a vast amount of original matter,(in an equally vast area) until every electrical potential is/was extracted from the remaining original matter. (the remainder of untransformed original matter) Some area of matter/space is effected while the remainder of matter/space remains unchanged.

This event (wave interference) is somewhat proven since the universe and the "gravity all around" are perfectly spherical. This nature of matter to dwell as spherical mass and in a spherical realm, is evidence that no gravitation existed before such as wave interference transformed original matter.

At the end of all reactions, where energetic matter is trying to break apart and rend black holes, some part of a black hole cannot be totally dissolved by these intense counter acting subatomic reactions. It is as if this remaining black constitutes "singularity" it is without proportion the product of wave interference.

I can easily reason that a single electron volt can and will turn some original matter into particulate. That this electron volt reaction will pull every scintilla energetic potential from original matter, in an area trillions of light years wide. Turning all original matter in that area into a virtual gas, and that dryness and surface area provoke an electromagnetic storm. and that all this leads to the observed universe as we see it today.

Understand that all those events or that event (wave interference) leads to a reverse reaction which attempts to return the universe to its original state. That eventually almost all matter is reconciled back to its original state. With the obvious exception that some black hole matter, without proportion, cannot be differentiated from a single electron volt...(by the universe as a whole) being that the observer may simply move further off as to get a different perspective of proportion. (men cannot say things get smaller and smaller as you move away, however the universe may say that)

To the observer, human life, both reactions occur and have drastically different properties. However these two circumstances = 1/n electron volt = n/1 singularity of a black hole (outside of proportion) are so as is it were, the two circumstance that allow for a balanced equation. 1/n+n/1 (=1)

Another point is we could via happenstance simply dwell at or near the center of the universe. In spite of the fact that I offer an explanation as from "time zero" "all original matter". Since "original matter" looks a lot like slag or froth from a caldron. It could be that we simply dwell in the body of a redundant endothermic and exothermic reaction.

Sure I offer a starting point from absolute time zero, however perhaps that in and of itself is an illusion and the energetic properties and spaces act perfectly over time as to be conserved, especially since the "dynamic' of the proportions of matter, energy, space, and time are present. (to the "n"th)

So the two proposed theories are: 1 from a starting point to an end which is then a starting point (with us observing from at near the middle point of the reaction) 2 conserved energetic matter cycling along the "outer parameter of each facet" of matter/space/energy (with us observing as a happenstance inside the reaction)

My theories lay in the circumstance of total fact, that is to say if all things observed were to be unraveled, you would see my theory play out. Or if all things continued as observed, you would see my theory played out.

I propose two starting points simply because both versions may be true. The Universe did have a starting point however now is redundantly "endo-exothermic". However possible it is to know this.....

This theory may be etched into stone. world wide copy right apply 05-29-2012 Joseph Eric Bressman republication for any reason is ok however Joseph E Bressman must be credited by as the author

I Joseph E Bressman am the sole owner of these works: "The Totality of Proportion" (a synopsis of universe transforming events) — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:09, 1 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]