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SCOPE Maastricht

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SCOPE Maastricht
TypeNon-Profit Organization
FocusStudy Association
  • Tongersestraat 43, Maastricht, The Netherlands
OriginsMerger of EFM Academy and FAME Cooperation
Area served
Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics
Key people
Sebastian Ihler (President of Executive Board), Charlotte Behnke (Chair of Advisory Board)
EUR 117,000 (fiscal year 2009-2010)

SCOPE Maastricht is a study association (in the legal form of a Dutch vereniging) at the School of Business and Economics (commonly abbreviated as SBE) at Maastricht University, representing over 3000 students and organizing social, academic and career-oriented activities and events. It serves as umbrella association for the more study-specific associations SCOPE | 3MA (Marketing, Management, Organization), SCOPE | Economics (Economic Studies), SCOPE | FOCUS (Finance, Accounting, Controlling) and SCOPE | Vectum (Econometrics, Operations Research). SCOPE Maastricht as well as its sub-associations, operate on a non-profit basis and form in terms of absolute members and consolidated revenue the biggest study association in the south of the Netherlands. Revenue is generated through membership fees and sponsor contributions by local and multinational companies. [1]


SCOPE Maastricht was created in 2011 as a merger from study associations EFM Academy and FAME Cooperation. Back then, FAME Cooperation used to be the umbrella organization for study association at the School of Business and Economics, operating a bookstore inside the faculty building. Other study association under FAME included: 3MA (now: SCOPE | 3MA), FS FOCUS (now: SCOPE | FOCUS), IES Network (now: SCOPE | Economics) and Vectum (now: SCOPE | Vectum). EFM Academy was formed as a vereniging under Dutch law in 2002 in a merger of EFM Alfa and EFM Imperator, two study associations that focused on Dutch and international students of the faculty respectively. EFM Academy focused on all first and second-year bachelor students in the B.Sc. programs International Business and Economics. Effectively, most students became member of EFM Academy in the beginning of their studies and stayed in the association for two or three semesters, before their membership was transferred to a study association specialized on their major or study track. [1]

Mission and goals

SCOPE Maastricht's mission statement reads as follows: “SCOPE aims to fulfill the interests of the general student body of the School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University and acts as a point of contact for all internal and external parties, including potential sponsors, students of the SBE and other SCOPE associations.”.

SCOPE Maastricht tries to achieve its mission by providing students a large number of events, activities and services throughout the year. The activity portfolio constitute three pillars: Social, academic and career-oriented activities. It is also important for the association to give an opportunity to its active members, who can learn teamwork and organizational skills by organizing the events and activities. Many international companies, consultancies, banks and recruiting companies have used the study associations to get access to the general student body and recruit talented students.


General membership

General members of SCOPE Maastricht attain reductions on all admittance fees of events organized by the SCOPE associations, as well as a discount on study material prices in the SCOPE Bookstore, which is located in the faculty building (Zone F0) and operated in cooperation with Studystore. The majority of students at SBE becomes member of SCOPE, most of them during the Faculty Introduction Days at the beginning of the year. Online registration is however possible any time.

Active membership

Active members of SCOPE Maastricht are responsible for organizing the events and services. Working as an active member is voluntary and not paid. An average of 40 active members is organized in committees that specialize on certain activities. Each committee has its own chair person and a responsible board member is also attending the weekly committee meetings. These two persons are responsible for leading the committee. The list of committees consists of the following (as of 2011): Education Committee, Social Committee, Magazine Committee, Foreign Trip Committee, Study Trip Committee, Master Committee and External Relations Committee. In order to increase social networking among its active members SCOPE Maastricht offers active member activities. These active member activities take place three to four times a year and are free of charge. In addition, a yearly active member weekend is organised in the fall semester. The other SCOPE associations have their own active member community with similar committees and activities. [2]

Executive board

The association is led by an executive board of six students. The board carries responsibility for all operations. As required by Dutch law board members are elected during the biannual General Member Assemblies – usually for a period of one year – and are bound to the association by contract. Their tasks are described in the association’s domestic regulations. The board meets weekly, but its board members are obliged to work for at least 30 hours per week in the office of SCOPE Maastricht. SCOPE in total has seven offices in the faculty building, the necessary infrastructure is provided by the university. Each board member is specialized on different fields. The positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Academic Activities Coordinator, and Social Activities Coordinator. [3]

Members of the board

History of board members 2002–present
Year President Vice President Gen.-Secretary Treasurer Academic Activities Coordinator Social Activities Coordinator
2012-present Sebastian Ihler Surali Ribadiya Nina Gibson Lotte van Doorn Alexander Kaden Daphne Dovermann
2011-2012 (Startup Board)** Robert Tilch Inge Grubben Hendrik Borgaes Elizabeth Kirstein Maike Will Kathrin Lingenau
2010-2011 Charlotte Behnke Sylvie Poels Christian Moeller Chantal Römgens Paula Bode Sophie Schäfgen
2009-2010, second semester Esther-Vanessa Vollmer Charlotte Saes Charlotte Clasen Tilman Bletzinger Jana von Sobbe Eugen Wollfarth
2009-2010, first semester Esther-Vanessa Vollmer Charlotte Saes Silvana Jansen Tilman Bletzinger Jana von Sobbe Eugen Wollfarth
2008-2009 Schirin Chahvand Jonas Fikke Servé Brouwers Bastian Grundmann Susanne Wolf Moritz Süß
2007-2008, second semester Lotte Oudendijk Suzan van Zutphen Margit van Opstal Mark Toemen Malte Ehlert Tim Mayer
2007-2008, first semester Lotte Oudendijk Suzan van Zutphen Margit van Opstal Tim Huonker Jelena Priewe Katrin Huesken
2006-2007, second semester Daniel Masny Jan A. Scheele Nora Dublanka Tim Huonker Jelena Priewe Pia Scholtes
2006-2007, first semester Daniel Masny Jan A. Scheele Nora Dublanka Rebecca T. Altmann Stephan Dickhoff Pia Scholtes
2005-2006, second semester Matthias Koeplin Hans Heijnen Bianca Claassen Rebecca T. Altmann Stephan Dickhoff Nastasja Tennhardt
2005-2006, first semester Baris Altay Laura Tolen Bianca Claassen Matthias Koeplin Willem van Altvorst Nastasja Tennhardt
2004-2005, second semester Thomas Krings Laura Tolen Jonneke de Koning Christian Mantele Agata Stachaszewska Willem van Altvorst
2004-2005, first semester Thomas Krings Dreas van Donselaar Jonneke de Koning Christian Mantele Agata Stachaszewska Ashanti Caesar
2003-2004, second semester Sam Renkema Bas Thijssen Celine van Soest Ashanti Caesar Frederic Dufays Dreas van Donselaar
2003-2004, first semester Sam Renkema Bas Thijssen Nancy Bocken Mark Joosten Celine van Soest Bram van Beek
2002-2003, second semester Mark Joosten Manuel Neven Bram van Beek Job Annegarn Stijn Verhagen Kirsten van Lierop
2002-2003, first semester Mark Joosten Manuel Neven Saskia de Heus Job Annegarn Stijn Verhagen Kirsten van Lierop
2002 (Startup Board)* Alex Smits Margje Heijmans Sara Kellendonk Martijn van Opijnen

*) First Board EFM Academy - In the startup board there was no such task division as in later years.**) First Board of SCOPE Maastricht
Source: [4]

Monitoring institutions

Control Body

The Control Body of SBE Study Association (CB) is the highest executive body and serves as point of contact for communication with the faculty. CB meetings are scheduled every block with the Managing Director of the faculty. Many prominent professors have joined the meetings in which decisions with respect to strategic alignment and ongoing matters are discussed. The CB has seven members, the Chairman or President of every SCOPE associations and the Treasurer and Secretary of SCOPE Maastricht. The Student Representative to the SBE Board has an advising role. The President of SCOPE Maastricht chairs the meetings and therefore acts as the President of SCOPE as a whole. [5]

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board (AB) is responsible for guiding the SCOPE Maastricht Board. All have been former board members. The role of the AB is to provide advice whenever needed and assist in case of unexpected events and emergencies. The current Advisory Board consists of (2011-2012) [6]:

  • Charlotte Behnke (Chair)
  • Robert Tilch
  • Tilman Bletzinger
  • Daniel Masny
  • Schirin Chavand

Internal Control

To ensure transparency when it comes to financials SCOPE has implemented an extensive system of internal control. The Internal Accounting Control Committee (IACC) consists of former board members, who guide the Treasurer and needs to approve the completeness and correctness of the bookkeeping and financial statements. The External Accounting Control Committee (EACC) consist of faculty Professors form the department of Accounting and Information Management, who half-yearly check the financial statements of all SCOPE associations. The current IACC consists of (2011-2012) [7]:

  • Tilman Bletzinger
  • Bastian Grundmann

Event portfolio

SCOPE Maastricht offers curricular-related programmes to increase specific skills, career-orientation activities, and social events. While its portfolio is frequently adapted to changes in demand, it usually entails the following: Extra Tutorials, Exam Trainings, Study Trips to destinations like Barcelona or Milan (usually three to four companies are visited during these trips), Foreign Trips for example to Budapest, parties in and around Maastricht (including special events like cave or boat parties), workshops on presentation skills etc. The other SCOPE associations organize similar events, however these are designed to suit the needs of the students represented by the association. Special emphasis lies on recruitment, e.g. through the Maastricht Business Days. In contrast, SCOPE Maastricht organizes events for the whole student body. Many international companies, consultancies, banks etc. have used these events to recruit business and economics students from Maastricht. [8]


  1. ^ a b "About SCOPE". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  2. ^ "Active Membership". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  3. ^ "SCOPE Board". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  4. ^ "Alumni". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  5. ^ "Control Body". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  6. ^ "Advisory Board". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  7. ^ "Accounting Control Committee". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.
  8. ^ "Benefits of membership". SCOPE Maastricht. Retrieved 2012-04-15.