Barricade tape
Barricade tape is an intensely colored tape that is used to warn or prevent people from entering a nearby possible risk or hazard. Barricade tape is also known as caution tape, barrier tape, hazard tape or police tape. Although we are more familiar with the bright yellow and black police tape with “Do not cross police line” text; barricade tapes are actually commonly used for industrial applications. These are used to workplace safety and accident prevention. Just like any other safety and early warning devices, barricade tapes must comply with the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) regulations. OSHA and ANSI Requirements for Barricade Tape OSHA and ANSI provided precise specification for barricade tape colors. However, the dimension, thickness and materials of the barricade tape are up to the manufacturers’ discretion. Barricade tape colors, as directed by OSHA, are as follows:
- Red / white for Fire Prevention and Protection Equipment
- Black / white for Housekeeping and Aisle Marking
- Magenta / yellow for Radiation Hazards
- Green / white for Safety and First Aid
- Blue / white for Defective Machinery
- Orange / white for Traffic and Caution Warning
- Black / yellow for Physical Hazards
Barricade tape colors, as directed by ANSI, are as follows:
1. Yellow/Black Barricade Tape serves as CAUTION and POTENTIAL HAZARD from: a. Excavation less than 1.2 meters (4 feet) in depth b. Identification of trip hazards, and low hanging objects c. Material storage on the site 2. Red Barricade Tape indicates DANGER and SERIOUS HAZARD from: a. Overhead work b. Live electrical components c. Scaffold under construction d. Around swing radius of equipment with a rotating superstructure. 3. Magenta (Purple)/Yellow Tape DANGER and POSIBLE RADIATION EXPOSURE