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Marcelo Samuel Berman

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Marcelo Samuel Berman is an Argentine/Brazilian (double citizenship) theoretical physicist, specialized in Relativistic Cosmology, and Professional Journalist, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 10 April 1945 [1] [2]


Early life

Berman attended elementary school through third grade, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, then moved to Curitiba, in Brazil, in March, 1955, finishing elementary and high school, in 1962. He entered the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), in São José dos Campos,

Graduate studies

After finishing his engineering degree in electronics, he received three different invitations to stay in ITA for graduate studies leading to an academic career in the Department of Physics, the Division of Electronics, the laboratory of Computing. In each case, he would have been soon sent to the United States, for Ph.D. studies, paid by Brazilian government funds, while keeping a salary as an instructor at ITA. However, he chose to work at the UFPR Federal University of Paraná, but did not go ahead very far, because of political conflicts during the military dictatorial regime.[3] He then took graduate courses in theoretical physics at ITA, and then received a Master of Science in Physics in 1981 from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, under the direction of Fernando de Mello Gomide, followed by a Doctor of Science in Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1988, under the direction of Murari Mohan Som,[1][2]

He subsequently had post-doctoral studies at Department of Astronomy, University of Florida (1989–90) and part-time adjunct, or visiting positions at Department of Exact Sciences, FURJ (UNIVILLE), in Joinville, SC, Brazil, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and Group of Cosmology and Gravitation, Division of Astrophysics, National Institute of Space Research, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil,[1][2]

Academic career

His field of interest is the General Gravitational Theories and Relativistic Cosmology; he has written about one hundred papers in refereed Journals and about ten books, as cited below.

From 1996 to 2000 he was Professor, Department of Physics, ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), São José dos Campos,.[1][2] He then was Scientific Counselor, Tecpar (Technological Institute of Paraná). Curitiba,PR -Brazil from (2000-2002) and since 2006, the Scientific Director, Instituto Albert Einstein/Latinamerica,(Curitiba and Mafra).

He also has been the publisher of books dealing with Science, Philosophy of Science and learning techniques, through Editora Albert Einstein Ltda. (1986-),[1][2]

Major Scientific Achievements

The most important and recent contribution of Marcelo Samuel Berman, was the solution of a one hundred years old discussion on the Einstein's Machian Program, which Einstein himself abandoned as being impossible to solve, one year before his death in 1955, and that consisted in reconciling relativity ideas with Machian suggestion that by looking into the Cosmos (i. e., the mass distribution throughout the Universe), absolute accelerations could be detected. Berman's solution involved considering Universal rotation centripetal decelerations, like those suffered by Pioneers Space Probes; his solution preserved General Relativity Theory, so that reconciliation was indeed obtained, because the spacecrafts were in outer space,so the decelerations were absolute (see Published Books number 10, and paper number 112 in this page), besides the early discovering of an infinite class of constant deceleration parameter cosmological models, while Rowan-Robinson's book published in the early eighties, only mentioned two known particular cases, that were considered before Berman´s discovery, and that these models are today used by any cosmologist, mostly no one finds it necessary to mention Berman as the father of the models in presently published papers, having become standard lore. Other subjects that were tackled by him very early, was the dark energy time-varying cosmological constant, as well as other time-varying physical constants. He is the principal scientist who derived a surligned Machian Principle definition as the zero-energy Universe (see link),through semi-relativistic and General Relativistic approaches including a technical relativistic mathematical tool called the pseudo-tensor of energy and momentum, which he tied with recent astronomical, astrophysical and cosmological observations made public mainly by the Polish academician Godlowski, about a possible Universal Rotation, plus the accepted expansion of the Universe, with which he explained the three NASA anomalies, two of them related to the space-probes Pioneer X and Pioneer XI, and to the flyby anomaly revealed by gravity assists of satellites around the Earth and other planets(see links). As a consequence, he was led to considering variable-mass neutrinos, as dark matter in the Machian Universe. He also considered a possible magnetic field of the Universe decreasing with the inverse of the radius of causally-related Universe.

He was the first to classify, in General Relativistic Cosmology, two possible rotational—and at the same time—expanding models: one of them, called by him Generalized Robertson-Walker's Metric, differs from the usual metric by introducing a temporal metrical coefficient, which is time-varying and related directly to the angular speed of the Universe. The other model is based on Godlowski's idea, under which the expansion factor time derivative, should be augmented by linear speed term representing tangential speed arising from the angular speed term. This makes the energy density Einstein's field equation, look augmented likewise. In the first case, the geometrical metrical interpretation is that the three-space rotates relative to the orthogonal time axis, thus it is a generalized Gaussian metric. Other results include a total zero-energy density Friedman generalized field equation, what solves the initial infinite singularity problem, because it is taken into account the negative energy density of the gravitational field. It is worth commenting that in Berman's model there is no center or axis of rotation. Berman coined four basic Machian postulates, the egocentrism, which means that any observer in the universe may think himself in its center, the democracy, which means that all observers are equivalent, the sphericity postulate, and the zero total universal energy postulate, identified with Mach's "principle". The semi-relativistic approach that was employed in his early papers, dealing with rotation of the universe, was in 2010, replaced by a general relativistic approach, which followed from a paper published in the year 2009, where he proved the zero total energy theorem, by means of pseudo-tensor calculations which ensured that general relativity is obeyed. At the same time, with collaboration of L.A. Trevisan, he published the creation of the Universe out of nothing, which paved the way for the material published lately, which include some models where the angular momentum of the Universe is conserved, so that no external agents are required in the rotational process. Other results include cosmological frame-dragging and cosmological gravito-magnetic phenomena, along with a model with time-varying speed of light, which is equivalent to universal rotation. Included in his late research, there is a scenario for quantization of geometry and mass, and it would be wise to remember that Berman was the first cosmologist to realize that the scale-factor of Robertson - Walker's metric, could be associated, and practically identified, in the calculations, with the Machian causally-related radius of the Universe.

The two books, published in 2012 by Nova Science Publishers, plus the earlier ones, and the list of papers included below, prove and verify thoroughly the above description of his achievements, notably by two papers in late 2011, and one,early in 2012, published by Astrophysics and Space Science, now followed by three papers, (with his respective co-authors, Fernando Gomide, in two of them, and Newton da Costa in the third) posted on arXiv, and to be published in the next special issue (September,2012), by the Journal of Modern Physics.As can be checked, Berman also contributed scientifically outside Relativistic Cosmology fields,mainly in the theory of Black-hole energetics and angular momenta (see list of papers).


For many years, he contributed to several Brazilian newspapers, first as science writer, now he also got official Professional Journalist ID, which entitled him to write on other subjects, which include, economy and politics. Main newspapers in Brazil, like O Estado de São Paulo and Folha de São Paulo, Gazeta Mercantil, Gazeta do Povo, O Estado do Paraná and also lately Diário de Riomafra and Diário do Planalto. He is also identified by FIJ (International Federation of Journalism). He was recently admitted to ABRAJI (Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism).

Other Activities

He has been publisher of scientific textbooks, science and philosophy of science literature, through Editora Albert Einstein Ltda. (1986-). He was partner of this, and also of other companies outside his scientific, academic and journalistic activities, notably he was partner of Construtora Gustavo Berman LTDA, (1980/1988), an engineering company, even occupying the Financial Director position (1984/1988). His present immediate concern, has been solving a problem which apparently had no solution, because he fights four powerful gangsters,at the same time, and is practically alone, and needed to the develop a strategy he learned with Albert Einstein´s teachings (post-mortem).The strategy is jumping out of the paradigm,and in fact he turned the "Talk" page, of this wikipedia item, into a tool for fighting Mafia criminals and human rights violation offenders in Curitiba and Mafra, and Chapecó, three Brazilian cities.Their names are André Luiz Lopes de Souza (judge of Mafra city Court),Jussara Schittler Wandscheer (judge in Chapecó court),and other two gangsters.The judge André assassinated his wife, was not even investigated, the Mafia in Brazil says Dr. Marclo Samuel Berman is crazy, so that no investigation was needed.Berman was drugged, doped, while jailed, to give him a warning alert and make him forget the subject.He invites wikipedia readers to force Dilma Vana Rousseff, President of Brazil, to prosecute the judges, and to force the Ministry of Justice to finalize the reparation he has been asking for many years, unsuccessfully, through the Political amnesty Comission dealing military dictatorial regime victims.Msberman (talk) 12:04, 21 September 2012 (UTC)

Books and Other Works

Published Books

1 - Ótica Geométrica - Estudo Programado - with C.D.D. César. Gráfica e Editora DB-Curitiba (1972)

2 - Cálculo Tensorial e Relatividade Geral: Uma Introdução - with F.M. Gomide, McGraw-Hill, São Paulo, second edition - (1987)

3 - Introdução a Cosmologia Relativística - with F.M.Gomide, McGraw-Hill, São Paulo, second edition, (1988)

4 - Learn How to Study Efficiently (in Portuguese). Editora Albert Einstein, Curitiba (1993). Second Edition in 2011, totally illustrated.

5 - Introduction to General Relativity and the Cosmological Constant Problem - Nova Science, N.Y. (2007) (in 61 listed libraries according to WorldCat [4][5]

6 - Introduction to General Relativistic and Scalar-Tensor Cosmologies - Nova Science, N.Y. (2007) (in 51 listed libraries according to WorldCat [5][6]

7 - A Primer in Black Holes, Mach´s Principle, and Gravitational Energy, Nova Science, New York (2008)(in 51 listed libraries according to WorldCat [5][7]

8 - Philosophy of Science: Brief History, with Fernando de Mello Gomide - Booksurge Publishing (2009) [8][9]

9 - General Relativity and the Pioneers Anomaly, Nova Science, New York (2012)[5][10]

10 - Realization of Einstein´s Machian Program - Nova Science Publishers, New York (2012). (Series "Distinguished Men and Women of Science Medicine and the Arts)[5]

Book Chapters

A - Energy of Black-Holes and Hawking´s Universe, in Trends in Black-Hole Research”(Chapter 05)-pages 147-162, ed.Paul V. Kreitler,Nova Science, N.Y.(2006)

B - Energy, Brief History of Black-Holes, and Hawking´s Universe, in "New Developments in Black Hole Research"Chapter 05, pages 185-202, ed. By Paul V. Kreitler, Nova Science,New York (2006)

C - Rotation of the Expanding Zero-Energy Universe , Chapter 12, pp 285/0in Big Bang: Theory, Assumptions and Problems,edited by Jason R. O'Connell and Alice L. Hale, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2012). Co-author-F.M.Gomide.

D - Entropy Growth in the Universe, Chapter 8, pp 229/242 in Big Bang: Theory, Assumptions and Problems, edited by Jason R. O'Connell and Alice L. Hale, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2012)

Edited Books

General Editor for the Brazilian version of “The Illustrated A Brief History of Time”, by Stephen Hawking (1997)

Papers In Refereed Journals

1 - Special Law of Variation for Hubble's Parameter. Nuovo Cimento, Série 11, vol. 74B, nº 2, 182 6, Italy, (1983)

2 - A Cosmological Model with Cilindrical Symmetry. Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofísica; Co-authors: F.M. Gomide and R.L. Garcia, vol. 12, pp. 46–48, México, (1986).

3 - Cosmological Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter. General Relativity and Grav., 20, nº 2, 191-198. Co-author: F.M. Gomide, USA, (1988)

4 - Representations of the Lorentz-Screw Transformation. Coauthor: F.M. Gomide. Rev. Bras. Física, vol. 18, nº 1, pp. 115– 120, (1988). Brazil.

5 - A Special Anisotropic Model of the Universe. Gen. Rev. Grav., 20, nº 8, pp. 841–5, USA, (1988)

6 - A Special Anisotropic Model of the Universe II. Gen. Rel. Grav., 21, 967-970, USA, (1989). Co-author: M.M. Som.

7 - Brans-Dicke Static Universes. Gen. Rel. and Grav., 21, nº 3, pp. 287–292. USA, (1989). Co-authors: M.M. Som and F.M. Gomide.

8 - Brans-Dicke Anisotropic Models with Constant Deceleration. Nuovo Cimento, 103 B, 203-207 (1989). Italy. Co-author: M.M. Som.

9 - Inflationary Phase in Brans-Dicke Cosmology. Physics Letters A, 136, nº 4, 5, 206-208, (1989). Co-author: M.M. Som. The Netherlands.

10 - De-Sitter Phase in Conformally Flat Spacetime. Progress of Theoretical Physics, vol. 81, nº 4, 823-5. Co-author: M.M. Som. Japan (1989)

11 - Density Perturbation in the Inflationary Phase for Brans- Dicke Cosmology. Physics Letters A, 139,119-120 (1989). The Netherlands.

12 - Whitrow-Randall's Relation and Brans-Dicke Cosmology. General Relat. Grav., 22, 625-9 (USA) (1990). Co-author: M.M. Som.

13 - Inflationary Phase in Brans-Dicke Cosmology with Cosmological Constant. Phys. Let. A (The Netherlands) 142A, 335-7, (1989)

14 - Lambda - Models Revisited. Phys. Let. 142A, 338-340, (1989). Co-author: M.M. Som. (The Netherlands).

15 - On the Stability of a Brans-Dicke Static Universe. Physics Letters A 142, 227-228 (1989). (The Netherlands)

16 - Density Perturbations in a Flat Universe. General Relativity and Grav., 22, 389-392 (1990). USA.

17 - Static Universe in a Modified Brans-Dicke Cosmology. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 29, 567-570 (1990). USA

18 - Cosmological Models in General Relativity and Brans-Dicke Theories: A Comparison. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 29, 571-7 (1990). USA

19 - Kantowski-Sachs Cosmological Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter. Il Nuovo Cimento Italy. 105 B, 239- 242 (1990)

20 - Inhomogeneous Inflation with Spinning Fluid. Il Nuovo Cimento 105 B, 235, (1990), Italy.

21 - Inflation in the Einstein-Cartan's Cosmological Model. General Relativity and Gravitation 23, nº 3, pp. 1083–88 (1991). USA

22 - Inflationary Phase with Quadratic Viscosity. Nuovo Cimento B, 105, 1377-80 (1990). Italy. Co-Author: T. Paim.

23 - Brans-Dicke Models with Time-Dependent Cosmological Term. Co-author: M.M. Som. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 29, 1411-4 (1990). USA.

24 - Density Perturbations in a Brans-Dicke Cosmological Model. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 29, 1415-7, (1990). USA.

25 - A Static Universe with Magnetic Field in Einstein-Cartan's Cosmology. Nuovo Cimento B, 105, 1373-5. (1990). Italy.

26 - Brans-Dicke Theory and the Duration of the Early Universe. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 29, 1423-5. (1990). USA.

27 - Brans-Dicke Cosmology with Time-Dependent Cosmological Term. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 29, 1419-21 (1990). USA.

28 - Cosmological Models with Variable Gravitational and Cosmological - Constants. General Relat. and Grav., 23, 465-9, (1991). USA.

29 - Inflation in Brans-Dicke Cosmology for Radiation Universe". Co-author: M.M. Som. "International Journ. Theor. Phys." 31, 325-8, (1992).

30 - Cosmological Models with Variable Cosmological Term". Physical Review D, 43, 1075-8. (1991).

31 - Cosmological Solution in Wesson's 5D Theory of Gravity". Astrophys. and Space-Science. Co-Author: M.M. Som, 207, 105- 108, (1993).

32 - An alternative form for Raychaudhuri's Equation”. International Journal of Theor. Physics, 33, 1929-1931 (1994).

33 - Age of the Universe and the Density Parameter”. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 33, 1961-2, (1994).

34 - Large Number Hypothesis”. International Journ. Theor. Phys., 31, 1447 (1992).

35 - Geodesics for Photons, Particles and Tachyons in a Cosmological Model. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 36,1249,(1997).

36 - Large Numbers Hypothesis: Reply to a paper by Beesham. Intern. Journ. Theor. Phys. 35, 1033–35, (1996).

37 - A Generalized Large Number Hypothesis. Astroph. and Space Science 215, 135-136 (1994).

38 - [same title as in # 37]- Intl. Journ. of Theor. Phys. 31, 1217-19 (1992).

39 - Spatially Homogeneous Isotropic Models with non-minimally coupled electromagnetic field”. Co-author: M.M. Som. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 34(1), 111-4 (1993).

40 - Raychaudhuri's Equation and the Present Universe. The Brans-Dicke Perspective. Intl. Journal of Theor. Physics 31, 329 (1992).

41 - Planck's Universe and Mach Principle. Astrophysics and Space Science. 222, 235-6 (1994).

42 - Static Cosmological Solutions in Wesson 5D Theory of Gravity. (Co-author: M.M. Som). Astrophysics and Space Science, 225, 237-240, (1995).

43 - Inhomogeneous Static Model in Brans-Dicke Theory. International Journal of Theor. Phys. 31, 321, (1992).

44 - What if Omega ≠ 2q Intl. Journ. Theor. Phys. 31, 1451 (1992).

45 - Electric Energy Calculations in General Relativity. Intr. Journ. Theor. Phys. 35, 1719–22, (1996).

46 - Superinflation in G.R. and B.D. Theories: An eternal Universe? Intrn. Journ. Theor. Phys. 35, 1789–92, (1996)

47 - Mach’s Principle and the Deceleration Parameter. International Journ. Theoret. Phys.36,1461-5,(1997).USA.

48 - Machian Solution with Matter Injection in Cosmology. Nuovo Cimento B,111,1279–82,(1996). Co-Author R. M. Marinho Jr.

49 - Spacetime may be Chief Source of Proton Spin. Physics Today, Letter to the Editor 49, 13-14, Sept. Issue, (1996). Co-Author R. M. Marinho Jr.

50 - The Very Early Universe Might Not Have Been Radiation- Dominated. Co-author:R.M. Marinho. Astrophys. and Space Science,278,367-69 (2001)

51 - Natural Entropy Production in an Inflationary Model for a Polarized Vacuum. Astrophys.and Space Scie,310,277 (2007). Coauthor- M.M. Som. Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0701070. DOI: 10.1007/s10509-007-9514-8 - Springuer Link http://www.springerlink.com/content/u15638x8v887h450/

52 - Brief History of Black-Holes (2004) - Cornell University Library, http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/gr-qc/pdf/0412/0412054v2.pdf - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

53 - Energy of Kerr-Newman Black-Holes and Gravitomagnetism – (2004) Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0407026. This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

54 - Inflationary Phase with Time Varying Fundamental Constants(2002)- Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0207051 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

55 - Possible Cosmological Implications of Time Varying Fine Structure Constant(2001)- Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0112011 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

56 - On a time varying fine structure constant with L.A. Trevisan, – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0111102 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

57 - Estimate on the deceleration parameter in a Universe with variable fine structure constant (2001) - Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0111101 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

58 - Amplification of Gravitational Waves During Inflation in Brans-Dicke Theory(2001)-- Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0111100 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

59 - Static Generalized Brans-Dicke Universe and Gravitational Waves Amplification(2001)- Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0111099 - This Paper was included in a Berman Book.

60 - Inflationary phase in Generalized Brans-Dicke theory(2009)-Interntl. Journal Theor. Phys. 48,1929 (2009). Co-author: L.A. Trevisan. – Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0111098

61 - On the creation of the Universe out of nothing - Intern. Journ. Modern Phys.D19,1309-1313 (2010).Co-author :L.A.Trevisan. DOI 10.1142/s0218271810017342 - For old version (year 2001) see Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0104060

62 - Misconceptions in Halliday,Resnick, and Walker’s textbook Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0507110 - New submitted version:Misconceptions on Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology.(2008).

63 - On the zero-energy Universe(2009) - Intl.Journ. Theor. Phys.,48,3278,(2009).DOI 10.1007/s10773-009-0125-8 Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0605063

64 - Cosmological Model For the Very Early Universe in B.D. Theory(2006) — Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0605092

65 - Note on Density Perturbations in the Very Early Universe.(2007)

66 - Is the Universe a White-hole?. Astrophys. Space Science,311, 359-361,(2007). Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0612007

67 - On the Rotational and Machian Properties of the Universe - Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0610003 - [former title: “On the Machian Properties of the Universe”].

68 - Shear and Vorticity in Inflationary Brans-Dicke Cosmology with Lambda-term - Astrophysics and Space Science 310,205 (2007).Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0703244

69 - The Pioneer Anomaly and a Machian Universe - Astrophys. Space Science 312,275 (2007) . Los Alamos Archives,http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0606117.

70 - Shear and Vorticity in a Combined Einstein-Cartan-Brans- Dicke Inflationary Lambda-Universe — Letter, Astrophys. Space Science 314,79-82 (2008). For a previous version, see: Los Alamos Archives,http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0607005.

71 - Gravitomagnetism and Angular Momenta of Black-Holes. Revista Mex. Astron. Astrofís.43,297-301 (2007) - Los Alamos Archives,http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0608053.

72 - On the Magnetic Field, and Entropy Increase, in a Machian Universe.(2006). Main result published within # 69. - Los Alamos Archives,http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0611007.

73 - On a time variation of Neutrino´s Mass - Los Alamos Archives,http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0606208. - New version submitted with title ”The Pioneer Anomaly and a Machian Universe-Part II”(2008).

74 - On the Machian Origin of Inertia(2008). Letter.Astrophysics Space Science, 318,269-272 (2008) Preliminary version, Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0609026

75 - Simple derivation of Schwarzschild, Lense- Thirring,Reissner-Nordström,Kerr, and Kerr-Newman metrics - Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0702014

76 - Are Mass and Length Quantized? - Submitted under new title and in extended version Cosmic and Micro-Cosmic Scales of Length, Mass, and angularity. For early version, see Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0707.3290

77 - Energy and Angular Momentum of Dilaton Black-Holes - Revista Mex. Astron. Astrof. 44,285-291,(2008). Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.0881

78 - A General Relativistic Rotating Evolutionary Universe- Astrophys. Space Science 314,319-321 (2008). Preliminary version posted in Los Alamos Archives - http://arxiv.org/abs/0712.0821

79 - Spin of the Universe [previous title The Asymmetric Universe - In preparation

80 - Pryce-Hoyle Tensor in a Combined Einstein-Cartan-Brans- Dicke Model - International Journ. Theoret. Physics, 48,836 (2009). - Preliminary version, at Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.0448

81 - Self energies of a sphere - In preparation

82 - A General Relativistic Rotating Evolutionary Universe Part II, Astrophys. Space Science,315,367-369 (2008). Posted with another title, in Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.1954

83 - Lambda-Universe in Scalar-Tensor Gravity - Astrophysics and Space Science, 323, 103(2009)

84 - Curvature and Torsion — how they can be recognized- In preparation

85 - General Relativistic Machian Universe - Letter.Astrophys. & Space Science 318,273-277, (2008). Los Alamos Archives - http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.0139

86 - Simple Model with time-varying fine-structure - constant- RevMexAA, 45,139-142,(2009)

87 - Simple Model with time-varying fine-structure - constant- Part II” - RevMexAA, 46,23-28, (2010) Preliminary version,Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/0809.4793

88 - Calculation of Planck´s constant Through General Relativity Theory - In preparation

89 - Gravitons,Dark Matter, and Classical Gravitation AIP Conference Proceedings - (Eds): T. E. Simos, G. Psihoyios, and C.. Tsitouras, 1168,.1064-1104 (2009) - Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.1766

90 - ”Shear and Vorticity in an Accelerating Brans-Dicke Universe with Torsion”. Astrophys. Space Science, 317, 279-281 (2008). Los Alamos Archives, http://arxiv.org/abs/0807.1866

91 - Entropy of the Universe – International Journal Theoret. Phys.,48,1933,(2009). Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3135

92 - Schwarzschild´s metric and a General Relativistic Machian Universe - In preparation

93 - Entropy of the Universe and Standard Cosmology (2009) International Journal Theoret. Physics 48,2286 (2009)

94 - General Relativistic Singularity-Free Cosmological Model - (2009)- Astrophys. & Space Science,321,157 (2009) Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3141.

95 - Why the initial Infinite Singularity of the Universe is not there(2009)- Internatl.Journ.Theoret. Phys.48,2253 (2009)- Los Alamos Archives http://arxiv.org/abs/0904.3143.

96 - On the Newtonian and General Relativistic Energies of a Rotating Body - Astrophys. and Space Science, 324,1,(2009)

97 - Static Scalar-Tensor Universes and Gravitational Waves Ámplification (2009)- Astrophys and Space Science,323,99 (2009)

98 - Classical Interpretation of the Cosmological Constant(coauthor- L.A. Trevisan)- In preparation

99 - Amplification of Gravitational Waves in Scalar-Tensor Accelerating Lambda-Universes(2010), Astrophysics and Space Science, 325, 283-286 (2010). DOI 10.1007/s10509-009-0180-x - http://www.springerlink.com/content/w24nr73u74777h7t

100 - Equation of state for the Machian Universe - In preparation

101 - On Sciama´s Machian Cosmology - Interntl. Journ. Theor.Phys.,48,3257, (2009). DOI 10.1007/s10773-009-0112-0

102 - Amplification of Gravitational Waves in Scalar-Tensor Inflationary Lambda-Model(2010)-Interntl. Journ. of Theoret. Phys., 49, 232-237. DOI 10.1007/s10773-009-0161-4

103 - Non-adiabatic Inflation in Scalar-Tensor Cosmological Models - In preparation

104 - Non-adiabatic General Relativity and the Equivalent Scalar-Tensor Cosmological Models - In preparation

105 - Constant Deceleration Parameter in Generalized-Action Cosmological Models - In preparation

106 - Energy Analysis of the Fate of Black-Holes - In preparation

107 - General Relativistic Treatment of the Pioneers Anomaly, Los Alamos Archives, with F.M. Gomide, http://arxiv.org/abs/1011.4627 - To be published in September Special issue on "Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology", of "Journal of Modern Physics"(2012).

108 - On the stability of our Universe - with N.C.A. da Costa.Cornell University Library, http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.4160 - To be published in September Special issue on "Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology", of Journal of Modern Physics(2012).

109 - Relativistic Cosmology and the Pioneers Anomaly - with F. M. Gomide. Cornell University Library, http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.5388 - To be published in September Special issue on "Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology", of Journal of Modern Physics(2012).

110 - The Two Pioneers Anomalies and Universal Rotation(2011) - Astrophysics and Space Science vol.336,337 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s10509-011-0825-4

111 - General Relativity with Variable Speed of Light and Pioneers Anomaly(2011). Astrophys. and Space Science, vol.336,327-329 (2011). DOI 10.1007/s 10509-011-0839-y

112 - Realization of Einstein´s Machian Program:the Pioneers and Fly-By anomalies. Astrophys. and Space Science. DOI 10.1007/s10509-011-0838-z - Astrophysics and Space Science(2012)-337,477-481


  1. ^ a b c d e f CV Officialy verified by the Brazilian Federal Government
  2. ^ a b c d e His official CV
  3. ^ Ministry of Justice (www.mj.gov.br) Political Amnesty Comission (Process 2004.01.41822)
  4. ^ WorldCat
  5. ^ a b c d e www.novapublishers.com
  6. ^ WorldCat
  7. ^ WorldCat
  8. ^ [1]
  9. ^ www.amazon.com
  10. ^ WorldCat