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Heinz Thilo

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 06:24, 2 December 2012 (add. info.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


Dr Heinz Thilo. Nazi Dr at Auschwitz, involved in selections for the gas chamber. He committed suicide in prison after the war. [1] Lifton writes, in his book, Nazi Doctors, that "One . . . selected only according to categories.” But the doctor was still central, Dr. B. emphasized: “He stood there and led the thing.”

"The same time there was constant pressure from above toward maximum involvement in selections, particularly from the spring of 1944 when dentists and pharmacists were also ordered to take their turns on the ramp." p. 197. [2] Image of Dr Thilo on the ramp, making selections. [3] "The lives of Jews ordered to line up in rows of five and separated by gender rested in the hands of SS physicians conducting the selection (usually Dr Josef Mengele, Dr Heinz Thilo, head physician Dr Eduard Wirths and the Hungarian-speaking Dr Viktor Capesius, originally from Transylvania)." [4] (talk) 09:33, 30 November 2012 (UTC)


  1. ^ www.encyclopedie.bseditions.fr/article.php?pArticleId=23&pChapitreId=37392&pSousChapitreId=37394&pArticleLib=Les+SS+servant+%E0+Auschwitz+et+leur+devenir+%5BAuschwitz%2C+camp+de+concentration+nazi-%3ELes+bourreaux%5D
  2. ^ www.holocaust-history.org/lifton/LiftonT174.shtml
  3. ^ degob.org/index.php?showarticle=2024
  4. ^ degob.org/index.php?showarticle=2023
