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{A liberal is someone who favors increased government spending, power, and control, as in ObamaCare, as well as censorship of Christianity. Increasingly, liberals side with the homosexual agenda, including supporting homosexual "marriage". Many liberals favor a welfare state where people receive endless entitlements without working. Liberals are often anti-Christian, or otherwise disagree with moral or social principles held by many American Christians. They prefer atheism over the Christian faith, as atheism has no objective morality to hinder their big government plans. The liberal ideology has worsened over the years and degenerated into economically unsound views and intolerant ideology. Some liberals simply support, in knee-jerk fashion, the opposite of conservative principles without having any meaningful values of their own.

Polling data has consistently shown that a increasingly large percentage of Americans identify as conservative, rather than as liberal, currently by 38% to 21%.[1]

A liberal supports many of the following political positions and practices:

   Spending money on government programs (the significant economic problems in the Eurozone due to government debt will no doubt increasingly discredit this aspect of liberal ideology and make things more difficult for advocates of liberal economic ideologies)
   Government's ability to solve economic problems[2]
   The belief that terrorism is not a huge threat, and that the main reason for Muslim extremists' hostility towards America is because of bad foreign policy [3]
   Taxpayer-funded and/or legalized abortion
   Cessation of teacher-led prayer in classrooms and school/state-sponsored religious events.
   Gun control
   Affirmative action[4]
   Opposition to government regulation or restriction of obscenity, pornography and violence in video games as a First Amendment right[5]
   Government-funded medical care, such as Obamacare
   Belief in evolution
   Destroying the Christian foundations on which America was built on.
   Taxpayer-funded and government-controlled public education
   Placement of men and women in the same jobs in the military
   Legalized same-sex marriage and homosexual adoption
   Tax and spend economics
   Economic sector regulations[6]
   Spreading of political correctness
   Destroying liberty
   Ending Western morality
   Non-syndicalist labor unions
   Encouraging promiscuity through sexual education (the teaching of safe sex) rather than teaching abstinence from premarital sex[7]
   A "living Constitution" that is reinterpreted as liberals prefer, rather than how it is thought to have been intended.
   Government programs to rehabilitate criminals
   Abolition of the death penalty
   Constitutionally mandated separation of church and state.
   Opposition to full private property rights.[9]
   Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine
   Opposition to domestic wire-tapping as authorized in the Patriot Act
   Opposition of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a major part of the War on Terrorism
   Opposition to the War on Terrorism and the War in Iraq
   Regulation of business rather than a laissez-faire capitalist economy
   Opposition to the Constitution. Liberals seek to expand federal power at the expense of local government and silence the conservatives who hold them back, violating the 10th and 1st Amendments respectively.
   Denial of traditional gender roles
   Support of financially irresponsible policies
   Advocating policies which are proven to be incorrect
   Encouragement of global warming alarmism
   Persecution of Christianity with deference to other religions, such as Islam. 

Liberals currently use two Clauses of the Constitution to try to expand their power: the Commerce Clause and the General Welfare Clause. The General Welfare Clause mentions "promoting the general welfare". This to a liberal means taxing the rich at increased rates and redistributing that money. The Commerce Clause, on the other hand, says that Congress has the power to regulate trade with foreign nations, between the states and with the Indian tribes. Since the days of FDR this Clause has been interpreted very loosely and has resulted in the federal government expanding its power. The latest example is The Affordable Care Act (ACA), better know as Obamacare. In the ACA, the liberals justify the individual mandate by saying it regulates commerce between the states.

The decline in liberal principles can be illustrated by how Franklin Delano Roosevelt opposed and condemned public sector unions, stating that the idea of collective bargaining can't be transferred from the private to the public sector, as that would result in the government being unable to carry out its duties. Yet today, decades later, Democrats and liberals are in lock-step with public sector unions, as they "donate" money to the reelection campaign in exchange for more taxpayer money in their wallets and fluffed up pensions.

Current dictionaries describe the liberal ideology by pretending that a liberal is "a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties" or "a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets,"[10] or "open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by traditional or conventional ideas, values, etc." or "favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties."[11] In practical usage, the term "liberal" is more closely synonymous with "radical," "immoral," "anti-freedom," or "bad."