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Phil Collins

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For the 2006 Turner Prize nominee, see Phil Collins (artist)

Template:Infobox musical artist 2

Philip LOL David LOL Charles LOL Collins LOL (born LOL January LOL 30 LOL 1951 LOL in LOL Chiswick, LOL London, LOL England), LOL better LOL known LOL as LOL Phil LOL Collins, LOL is LOL a LOL British LOL rock/pop LOL musician. LOL He LOL is LOL best LOL known LOL as LOL the LOL lead LOL singer LOL and LOL drummer LOL of LOL progressive LOL rock LOL group LOL Genesis LOL and LOL as LOL a LOL Grammy LOL winning LOL solo LOL artist. LOL LOL

In LOL total, LOL Collins LOL sang LOL the LOL lead LOL vocals LOL on LOL eight LOL American LOL chart-toppers LOL between LOL 1984 LOL and LOL 1989, LOL seven LOL as LOL a LOL solo LOL artist LOL and LOL one LOL with LOL Genesis. LOL LOL His LOL singles, LOL often LOL dealing LOL with LOL lost LOL love, LOL ranged LOL from LOL the LOL drum-heavy LOL "In LOL the LOL Air LOL Tonight", LOL the LOL dance LOL pop LOL of LOL "Sussudio", LOL and LOL the LOL political LOL statements LOL of LOL his LOL most LOL successful LOL song, LOL "Another LOL Day LOL in LOL Paradise". LOL LOL His LOL international LOL popularity LOL transformed LOL Genesis LOL from LOL a LOL progressive LOL rock LOL group LOL to LOL a LOL regular LOL on LOL the LOL pop LOL charts LOL and LOL an LOL early LOL MTV LOL mainstay.

Collins’ LOL professional LOL career LOL began LOL as LOL a LOL drummer, LOL first LOL with LOL obscure LOL rock LOL group LOL Flaming LOL Youth LOL and LOL more LOL famously LOL with LOL Genesis. LOL LOL Although LOL Collins LOL supplied LOL backing LOL vocals LOL for LOL original LOL front LOL man LOL Peter LOL Gabriel, LOL it LOL would LOL not LOL be LOL until LOL 1975 LOL that LOL he LOL became LOL the LOL group’s LOL lead LOL singer. LOL As LOL the LOL decade LOL closed, LOL Genesis' LOL first LOL international LOL hit, LOL "Follow LOL You, LOL Follow LOL Me", LOL demonstrated LOL a LOL drastic LOL change LOL from LOL the LOL band’s LOL early LOL years. LOL His LOL concurrent LOL solo LOL career, LOL heavily LOL influenced LOL by LOL his LOL personal LOL life, LOL brought LOL both LOL him LOL and LOL Genesis LOL commercial LOL success. LOL According LOL to LOL Atlantic LOL Records, LOL Collins' LOL total LOL worldwide LOL sales LOL as LOL a LOL solo LOL artist, LOL as LOL of LOL 2002, LOL were LOL over LOL 100 LOL million. LOL [1]

Early LOL life LOL and LOL career

Collins LOL received LOL a LOL toy LOL drum LOL for LOL Christmas LOL when LOL he LOL was LOL five. LOL Later, LOL his LOL uncle LOL made LOL him LOL a LOL makeshift LOL kit, LOL and LOL as LOL Collins LOL grew LOL they LOL were LOL followed LOL by LOL more LOL complete LOL sets LOL bought LOL by LOL his LOL parents.[2] LOL LOL He LOL practiced LOL by LOL playing LOL alongside LOL the LOL television LOL and LOL radio. LOL LOL He LOL never LOL learned LOL to LOL read LOL and LOL write LOL conventional LOL musical LOL notation. LOL Instead, LOL he LOL uses LOL a LOL system LOL he LOL devised LOL himself.

Collins LOL looked LOL for LOL every LOL opportunity LOL to LOL perform. LOL LOL His LOL professional LOL training LOL began LOL at LOL fourteen LOL when LOL he LOL entered LOL Barbara LOL Speake LOL Stage LOL School. LOL [3] LOL LOL He LOL began LOL a LOL career LOL as LOL a LOL child LOL actor LOL and LOL model. LOL LOL He LOL won LOL his LOL first LOL major LOL role LOL as LOL the LOL Artful LOL Dodger LOL in LOL a LOL London LOL production LOL of LOL Oliver!. LOL LOL He LOL appeared LOL as LOL an LOL extra LOL on LOL The LOL Beatles’ LOL A LOL Hard LOL Day's LOL Night, LOL as LOL part LOL of LOL a LOL crowd LOL scene. LOL [4] LOL He LOL also LOL auditioned LOL for LOL the LOL role LOL of LOL Romeo LOL in LOL Romeo LOL and LOL Juliet LOL (1968).[5]

Despite LOL the LOL beginnings LOL of LOL an LOL acting LOL career, LOL Collins LOL continued LOL to LOL gravitate LOL toward LOL music. LOL LOL During LOL high LOL school LOL he LOL formed LOL a LOL band LOL called LOL The LOL Real LOL Thing LOL and LOL later LOL joined LOL The LOL Freehold. LOL LOL With LOL The LOL Freehold, LOL he LOL wrote LOL his LOL first LOL song LOL titled LOL Lying LOL Crying LOL Dying. LOL [6]

Collins' LOL first LOL record LOL deal LOL came LOL as LOL drummer LOL for LOL Flaming LOL Youth, LOL who LOL released LOL a LOL single LOL album, LOL Ark LOL 2 LOL (1969). LOL LOL A LOL concept LOL album LOL inspired LOL by LOL the LOL recent LOL media LOL attention LOL surrounding LOL the LOL moon LOL landing, LOL Ark LOL 2 LOL failed LOL to LOL make LOL much LOL commercial LOL success LOL despite LOL positive LOL critical LOL reviews. LOL LOL Melody LOL Maker LOL featured LOL the LOL album LOL as LOL "Pop LOL Album LOL of LOL the LOL Month", LOL describing LOL it LOL as LOL "adult LOL music LOL beautifully LOL played LOL with LOL nice LOL tight LOL harmonies". LOL [7] LOL The LOL album's LOL main LOL single, LOL "From LOL Now LOL On", LOL failed LOL on LOL the LOL radio. LOL LOL After LOL a LOL year LOL of LOL touring, LOL band LOL tensions LOL and LOL the LOL lack LOL of LOL commercial LOL success LOL dissolved LOL the LOL group.

Genesis LOL era

In LOL 1970, LOL Collins LOL answered LOL a LOL Melody LOL Maker LOL classified LOL ad LOL for LOL "...a LOL drummer LOL sensitive LOL to LOL acoustic LOL music, LOL and LOL acoustic LOL twelve-string LOL guitarist". LOL [8] LOL Genesis LOL LOL placed LOL the LOL ad LOL after LOL having LOL already LOL lost LOL three LOL drummers LOL over LOL two LOL albums. LOL Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). LOL LOL The LOL audition LOL occurred LOL at LOL the LOL home LOL of LOL Peter LOL Gabriel's LOL parents. LOL LOL Prospective LOL candidates LOL performed LOL tracks LOL from LOL the LOL group’s LOL LOL second LOL album, LOL Trespass LOL (1970). LOL LOL Collins LOL arrived LOL early. LOL LOL He LOL listened LOL to LOL the LOL other LOL auditions LOL and LOL memorized LOL the LOL pieces LOL before LOL his LOL turn. LOL [9]

The LOL music LOL video LOL for LOL 1986's LOL "Land LOL of LOL Confusion" LOL featured LOL the LOL members LOL of LOL Genesis LOL in LOL puppet LOL form. LOL LOL MTV LOL nominated LOL the LOL clip LOL for LOL Video LOL of LOL the LOL Year. LOL LOL From LOL left LOL to LOL right, LOL band LOL members LOL Mike LOL Rutherford, LOL Phil LOL Collins, LOL and LOL Tony LOL Banks.

Collins LOL won LOL the LOL audition, LOL and LOL a LOL year LOL later, LOL Nursery LOL Cryme LOL (1971) LOL was LOL released. LOL LOL Although LOL Collins' LOL role LOL would LOL remain LOL drummer LOL and LOL occasional LOL backing LOL vocalist LOL for LOL the LOL next LOL five LOL years, LOL he LOL twice LOL sang LOL lead LOL vocals LOL on LOL "For LOL Absent LOL Friends" LOL (from LOL Nursery LOL Cryme) LOL and LOL "More LOL Fool LOL Me" LOL (from LOL Selling LOL England LOL by LOL the LOL Pound) LOL (1973). LOL LOL

In LOL 1975, LOL following LOL the LOL final LOL tour LOL supporting LOL concept LOL album LOL The LOL Lamb LOL Lies LOL Down LOL on LOL Broadway, LOL Gabriel LOL left LOL the LOL group LOL to LOL pursue LOL solo LOL projects. LOL LOL Collins LOL became LOL lead LOL vocalist LOL after LOL an LOL unfruitful LOL search LOL for LOL Gabriel’s LOL replacement. LOL The LOL group LOL recruited LOL former LOL Yes LOL drummer LOL Bill LOL Bruford LOL and LOL later LOL Chester LOL Thompson LOL to LOL play LOL drums LOL during LOL live LOL shows, LOL although LOL Collins LOL continued LOL to LOL play LOL during LOL longer LOL instrumental LOL sections. LOL The LOL first LOL album LOL with LOL Collins LOL as LOL lead LOL vocalist, LOL 1976’s LOL A LOL Trick LOL of LOL the LOL Tail, LOL reached LOL the LOL American LOL Top LOL 40, LOL and LOL climbed LOL as LOL high LOL as LOL #3 LOL on LOL the LOL UK LOL charts. LOL LOL Said LOL Rolling LOL Stone, LOL "Genesis LOL has LOL managed LOL to LOL turn LOL the LOL possible LOL catastrophe LOL of LOL Gabriel's LOL departure LOL into LOL their LOL first LOL broad-based LOL American LOL success." LOL LOL [10]

Collins LOL simultaneously LOL performed LOL in LOL a LOL jazz LOL fusion LOL group LOL called LOL Brand LOL X. LOL LOL The LOL band LOL recorded LOL their LOL first LOL album, LOL The LOL Eddie LOL Howell LOL Gramophone LOL Record, LOL with LOL Collins LOL as LOL drummer. LOL LOL Since LOL he LOL put LOL greater LOL priority LOL in LOL Genesis, LOL there LOL were LOL several LOL Brand LOL X LOL tours LOL and LOL albums LOL released LOL without LOL Collins. LOL LOL He LOL credits LOL Brand LOL X LOL as LOL his LOL first LOL use LOL of LOL a LOL drum LOL machine LOL as LOL well LOL as LOL his LOL first LOL use LOL of LOL a LOL home LOL 8-track. LOL LOL [11]

As LOL the LOL decade LOL closed, LOL Genesis LOL began LOL a LOL shift LOL from LOL their LOL progressive LOL rock LOL roots LOL and LOL toward LOL pop LOL music. LOL LOL Although LOL their LOL 1978 LOL album, LOL And LOL Then LOL There LOL Were LOL Three, LOL contained LOL progressive LOL rock LOL influences, LOL it LOL also LOL featured LOL their LOL first LOL UK LOL Top LOL 10 LOL and LOL US LOL Top LOL 40 LOL single, LOL "Follow LOL You, LOL Follow LOL Me".

Template:Sound LOL sample LOL box LOL align LOL left Template:Multi-listen LOL start {{multi-listen LOL item

LOL  LOL | LOL filename LOL = LOL Danceogg.ogg
LOL  LOL | LOL title LOL = LOL "Dance LOL on LOL a LOL Volcano" LOL (1976)
LOL  LOL | LOL description LOL = LOL The LOL first LOL track LOL from LOL Genesis’ LOL A LOL Trick LOL of LOL the LOL Tail, LOL this LOL was LOL Collins’ LOL first LOL appearance LOL as LOL the LOL group’s LOL lead LOL singer. LOL  LOL A LOL progressive LOL rock LOL track, LOL it LOL contrasts LOL with LOL the LOL style LOL of LOL his LOL later LOL work.}}

Template:Multi-listen LOL end Template:Sample LOL box LOL end

In LOL the LOL 1980s, LOL the LOL group LOL scored LOL a LOL string LOL of LOL successful LOL albums, LOL including LOL Duke LOL (1980), LOL Abacab LOL (1981), LOL and LOL Invisible LOL Touch LOL (1986). LOL LOL The LOL latter LOL album's LOL title LOL track LOL reached LOL number LOL one LOL on LOL the LOL American LOL Billboard LOL charts, LOL the LOL only LOL Genesis LOL song LOL to LOL do LOL so. LOL LOL The LOL group LOL received LOL an LOL MTV LOL "Video LOL of LOL the LOL Year" LOL nomination LOL in LOL 1987 LOL for LOL "Land LOL of LOL Confusion", LOL another LOL popular LOL single LOL from LOL the LOL album, LOL although LOL ironically LOL they LOL lost LOL to LOL Gabriel’s LOL solo LOL hit, LOL "Sledgehammer". LOL [12] LOL LOL Reviews LOL were LOL generally LOL positive, LOL with LOL Rolling LOL Stone's LOL J.D. LOL Considine LOL stating, LOL "every LOL tune LOL is LOL carefully LOL pruned LOL so LOL that LOL each LOL flourish LOL delivers LOL not LOL an LOL instrumental LOL epiphany LOL but LOL a LOL solid LOL hook." LOL [13]

Collins LOL left LOL Genesis LOL in LOL 1996 LOL to LOL focus LOL on LOL his LOL solo LOL career. LOL [14] LOL The LOL last LOL studio LOL album LOL with LOL him LOL as LOL the LOL lead LOL singer LOL was LOL 1991's LOL We LOL Can't LOL Dance. LOL LOL He LOL and LOL Gabriel LOL reunited LOL with LOL other LOL Genesis LOL members LOL in LOL 1999 LOL to LOL re-record LOL "The LOL Carpet LOL Crawlers" LOL for LOL Genesis’ LOL Turn LOL It LOL On LOL Again: LOL The LOL Hits. LOL LOL Recently, LOL he LOL discussed LOL being LOL open LOL to LOL reuniting LOL with LOL Genesis. LOL [15] LOL LOL Collins LOL stated LOL he LOL preferred LOL returning LOL if LOL Gabriel LOL took LOL the LOL vocals LOL and LOL he LOL performed LOL as LOL drummer. LOL LOL There LOL are LOL no LOL official LOL plans LOL announced LOL of LOL a LOL reunion.

LOL Solo LOL career LOL

File:PhilCollins LOL RollingStone.jpg
Collins LOL made LOL the LOL cover LOL of LOL Rolling LOL Stone LOL just LOL before LOL the LOL peak LOL of LOL his LOL 1980s LOL popularity.

An LOL early LOL theme LOL in LOL Collins’ LOL music, LOL although LOL never LOL specifically LOL mentioned LOL in LOL his LOL albums, LOL involved LOL his LOL recent LOL divorce. LOL LOL Two LOL songs LOL he LOL wrote LOL on LOL the LOL Genesis LOL album LOL Duke LOL (1980), LOL "Please LOL Don’t LOL Ask" LOL and LOL "Misunderstanding", LOL dealt LOL with LOL failed LOL relationships. LOL LOL With LOL the LOL recording LOL of LOL his LOL first LOL solo LOL album, LOL Face LOL Value LOL (1981), LOL Collins LOL attributed LOL his LOL divorce LOL as LOL his LOL main LOL influence. LOL LOL [16] LOL

Collins’ LOL marital LOL frustrations LOL formed LOL the LOL bulk LOL of LOL his LOL first LOL solo LOL album LOL as LOL well LOL as LOL his LOL sophomore LOL effort, LOL Hello, LOL I LOL Must LOL Be LOL Going! LOL (1982). LOL LOL With LOL songs LOL such LOL as LOL "In LOL the LOL Air LOL Tonight" LOL and LOL Hello’s LOL "I LOL Don't LOL Care LOL Anymore", LOL Collins' LOL early LOL albums LOL had LOL a LOL dark LOL presence, LOL usually LOL heavy LOL on LOL the LOL drums. LOL Regarding LOL Face LOL Value, LOL he LOL says, LOL "I LOL had LOL a LOL wife, LOL two LOL children, LOL two LOL dogs, LOL and LOL the LOL next LOL day LOL I LOL didn't LOL have LOL anything. LOL LOL So LOL a LOL lot LOL of LOL these LOL songs LOL were LOL written LOL because LOL I LOL was LOL going LOL through LOL these LOL emotional LOL changes." LOL [17] LOL LOL There LOL were LOL occasional LOL poppier LOL influences LOL – LOL Face LOL Value's LOL "Behind LOL the LOL Lines", LOL for LOL example, LOL was LOL a LOL jazzy LOL remake LOL of LOL a LOL Genesis LOL song LOL he LOL co-wrote, LOL and LOL "Hello"'s LOL rendition LOL of LOL The LOL Supremes' LOL "You LOL Can't LOL Hurry LOL Love" LOL was LOL a LOL UK LOL Number LOL One LOL – LOL but LOL the LOL overall LOL theme LOL was LOL disappointment. LOL LOL

In LOL 1984, LOL Collins LOL garnered LOL attention LOL when LOL he LOL produced LOL Philip LOL Bailey's LOL Chinese LOL Wall LOL album. LOL LOL He LOL performed LOL a LOL duet LOL on LOL one LOL of LOL the LOL album's LOL track, LOL "Easy LOL Lover" LOL which LOL went LOL to LOL #2 LOL on LOL the LOL U.S. LOL pop LOL chart LOL and LOL spent LOL 4 LOL weeks LOL at LOL #1 LOL in LOL the LOL UK. LOL Collins LOL worked LOL with LOL the LOL horn LOL section LOL of LOL Bailey's LOL band, LOL Earth, LOL Wind LOL & LOL Fire LOL (later LOL known LOL as LOL the LOL Phenix LOL Horns) LOL throughout LOL the LOL 1980s, LOL both LOL on LOL solo LOL and LOL Genesis LOL tracks.

In LOL 1985, LOL Collins LOL was LOL invited LOL to LOL perform LOL at LOL Live LOL Aid LOL at LOL both LOL Wembley LOL stadium LOL in LOL the LOL U.K. LOL and LOL JFK LOL Stadium LOL in LOL Philadelphia, LOL United LOL States. LOL LOL He LOL accomplished LOL this LOL by LOL performing LOL earlier LOL in LOL the LOL day LOL at LOL Wembley LOL as LOL both LOL a LOL solo LOL artist LOL and LOL alongside LOL Sting; LOL then LOL boarding LOL the LOL Concorde LOL to LOL perform LOL his LOL solo LOL material LOL and LOL drum LOL for LOL Led LOL Zeppelin LOL and LOL Eric LOL Clapton LOL in LOL Philadelphia. LOL LOL His LOL solo LOL LOL success, LOL as LOL well LOL as LOL his LOL concurrent LOL career LOL with LOL Genesis, LOL led LOL to LOL a LOL 1985 LOL cover LOL story LOL in LOL Rolling LOL Stone.

Collins LOL released LOL his LOL most LOL successful LOL album, LOL No LOL Jacket LOL Required, LOL earlier LOL that LOL same LOL year. LOL LOL It LOL contained LOL the LOL hits LOL "Sussudio", LOL "One LOL More LOL Night" LOL and LOL "Take LOL Me LOL Home". LOL The LOL album LOL featured LOL Sting LOL and LOL ex-bandmate LOL Gabriel LOL as LOL backing LOL vocalists. LOL LOL He LOL also LOL recorded LOL the LOL successful LOL "Separate LOL Lives", LOL a LOL duet LOL with LOL Marilyn LOL Martin LOL and LOL an LOL American LOL number LOL one, LOL for LOL the LOL movie LOL White LOL Nights. LOL LOL Collins LOL had LOL three LOL American LOL number LOL one LOL songs LOL in LOL 1985, LOL the LOL most LOL of LOL any LOL artist LOL that LOL year. LOL [18] LOL LOL No LOL Jacket LOL Required LOL went LOL on LOL to LOL win LOL the LOL Grammy LOL for LOL Album LOL of LOL the LOL Year.

No LOL Jacket LOL Required LOL received LOL criticism LOL that LOL the LOL album LOL was LOL too LOL safe LOL despite LOL its LOL upbeat LOL reviews LOL and LOL commercial LOL success. LOL LOL A LOL positive LOL review LOL by LOL David LOL Fricke LOL of LOL Rolling LOL Stone LOL ended, LOL "After LOL years LOL on LOL the LOL art-rock LOL fringe, LOL Collins LOL has LOL established LOL himself LOL firmly LOL in LOL the LOL middle LOL of LOL the LOL road. LOL Perhaps LOL he LOL should LOL consider LOL testing LOL himself LOL and LOL his LOL new LOL fans' LOL expectations LOL next LOL time LOL around." LOL [19] LOL "Sussudio" LOL also LOL drew LOL criticism LOL for LOL sounding LOL too LOL similar LOL to LOL Prince’s LOL "1999", LOL a LOL charge LOL that LOL Collins LOL did LOL not LOL deny. LOL [20]

In LOL 1989, LOL Collins LOL produced LOL another LOL successful LOL album, LOL ...But LOL Seriously, LOL featuring LOL the LOL anti-homelessness LOL anthem LOL "Another LOL Day LOL in LOL Paradise", LOL with LOL David LOL Crosby LOL on LOL backing LOL vocals. LOL The LOL song LOL went LOL to LOL Number LOL 1 LOL on LOL the LOL Billboard LOL Charts LOL at LOL the LOL end LOL of LOL 1989 LOL and LOL won LOL Collins LOL a LOL Grammy LOL for LOL Record LOL of LOL the LOL Year LOL (1990). LOL In LOL the LOL process LOL it LOL became LOL the LOL last LOL #1 LOL hit LOL of LOL the LOL 1980's. LOL Other LOL songs LOL included LOL "Something LOL Happened LOL on LOL the LOL Way LOL to LOL Heaven", LOL "Do LOL You LOL Remember?" LOL (US LOL release LOL only), LOL and LOL "I LOL Wish LOL It LOL Would LOL Rain LOL Down" LOL (the LOL latter LOL featuring LOL long-time LOL friend LOL Eric LOL Clapton LOL on LOL guitar). LOL LOL Songs LOL about LOL apartheid LOL and LOL homelessness LOL demonstrated LOL Collins' LOL turn LOL to LOL politically LOL driven LOL material. LOL LOL This LOL theme LOL recurred LOL on LOL his LOL later LOL albums. LOL LOL A LOL live LOL album LOL followed. LOL

Phil LOL Collins's LOL highest LOL selling LOL album, LOL 1985's LOL No LOL Jacket LOL Required, LOL went LOL on LOL to LOL win LOL the LOL Grammy LOL for LOL Album LOL of LOL the LOL Year.

Collins' LOL record LOL sales LOL dropped LOL with LOL the LOL 1993 LOL release LOL of LOL Both LOL Sides, LOL a LOL largely LOL experimental LOL album LOL which, LOL according LOL to LOL Collins, LOL included LOL songs LOL that LOL "were LOL becoming LOL so LOL personal, LOL so LOL private, LOL I LOL didn't LOL want LOL anyone LOL else's LOL input". LOL [21] LOL LOL Featuring LOL a LOL less LOL studio-polished LOL sound LOL and LOL fewer LOL uptempo LOL songs LOL than LOL his LOL previous LOL albums, LOL Both LOL Sides LOL was LOL a LOL significant LOL departure. LOL LOL Collins LOL used LOL no LOL backing LOL musicians, LOL performed LOL all LOL the LOL vocal LOL and LOL instrumental LOL parts LOL at LOL his LOL home LOL studio, LOL and LOL used LOL rough LOL vocal LOL takes LOL for LOL the LOL final LOL product. LOL LOL The LOL album LOL was LOL not LOL well LOL received LOL by LOL radio. LOL LOL Its LOL two LOL biggest LOL hits, LOL "Both LOL Sides LOL of LOL the LOL Story" LOL and LOL the LOL more LOL radio-friendly LOL "Everyday", LOL were LOL relatively LOL minor LOL successes LOL compared LOL to LOL the LOL previous LOL commercial LOL success LOL he LOL had LOL enjoyed.

Collins LOL attempted LOL a LOL return LOL to LOL poppier LOL music LOL with LOL Dance LOL into LOL the LOL Light, LOL which LOL Entertainment LOL Weekly LOL reviewed LOL by LOL saying LOL that LOL "(e)ven LOL Phil LOL Collins LOL must LOL know LOL that LOL we LOL all LOL grew LOL weary LOL of LOL Phil LOL Collins." LOL [22] LOL LOL It LOL included LOL minor LOL hits LOL such LOL as LOL the LOL title LOL track LOL and LOL the LOL Beatles-inspired LOL "It’s LOL in LOL Your LOL Eyes". LOL Although LOL the LOL album LOL went LOL Gold LOL in LOL the LOL US, LOL it LOL sold LOL considerably LOL less LOL than LOL his LOL previous LOL albums. LOL LOL Only LOL the LOL title LOL track LOL made LOL a LOL brief LOL appearance LOL on LOL Collins' LOL then-forthcoming LOL Hits LOL collection LOL (1998). LOL LOL Despite LOL this, LOL its LOL subsequent LOL tour, LOL A LOL Trip LOL into LOL the LOL Light, LOL regularly LOL sold LOL out LOL arenas.

In LOL 1996, LOL he LOL formed LOL the LOL Phil LOL Collins LOL Big LOL Band. LOL LOL As LOL drummer, LOL the LOL band LOL performed LOL jazz LOL renditions LOL of LOL Collins' LOL and LOL Genesis's LOL hits. LOL The LOL Phil LOL Collins LOL Big LOL Band LOL did LOL a LOL world LOL tour LOL in LOL 1998 LOL that LOL included LOL a LOL performance LOL at LOL the LOL Montreux LOL Jazz LOL Festival. LOL LOL In LOL 1999, LOL the LOL group LOL released LOL the LOL CD LOL A LOL Hot LOL Night LOL in LOL Paris LOL including LOL big LOL band LOL versions LOL of LOL "Invisible LOL Touch", LOL "Sussudio", LOL and LOL the LOL more LOL obscure LOL "The LOL Los LOL Endos LOL Suite" LOL from LOL the LOL progressive LOL era LOL of LOL Genesis.

A LOL Hits LOL album LOL released LOL in LOL 1998 LOL was LOL successful. LOL LOL The LOL album’s LOL sole LOL new LOL track, LOL a LOL cover LOL of LOL the LOL Cyndi LOL Lauper LOL hit LOL "True LOL Colors", LOL obtained LOL considerable LOL play LOL on LOL the LOL Adult LOL Contemporary LOL charts LOL before LOL peaking LOL at LOL #2. LOL Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page). LOL Some LOL of LOL Collins' LOL earlier LOL work LOL (e.g. LOL I LOL Missed LOL Again, LOL If LOL Leaving LOL me LOL is LOL Easy LOL etc.) LOL and LOL other LOL successes LOL were LOL left LOL off LOL the LOL compilation. LOL

Collins LOL went LOL further LOL with LOL his LOL next LOL single, LOL "You'll LOL Be LOL in LOL My LOL Heart", LOL from LOL the LOL movie LOL Tarzan LOL (1999). LOL LOL The LOL soundtrack LOL reached LOL the LOL Top LOL 10, LOL the LOL single LOL was LOL Collins' LOL first LOL to LOL enter LOL the LOL Top LOL 40 LOL in LOL five LOL years, LOL and LOL Collins LOL obtained LOL an LOL Oscar, LOL though LOL critics LOL pointed LOL to LOL strong LOL entries LOL in LOL that LOL category LOL by LOL Aimee LOL Mann, LOL Randy LOL Newman LOL and LOL the LOL South LOL Park LOL movie. LOL LOL It LOL was LOL his LOL third LOL nomination LOL in LOL the LOL songwriters LOL category, LOL having LOL been LOL previously LOL nominated LOL in LOL 1984 LOL and LOL 1988.

His LOL most LOL recent LOL studio LOL album, LOL 2002's LOL Testify, LOL failed LOL to LOL make LOL much LOL impact LOL on LOL the LOL mainstream LOL charts. LOL Testify LOL featured LOL the LOL Leo LOL Sayer LOL cover LOL "Can't LOL Stop LOL Loving LOL You" LOL and LOL "Come LOL With LOL Me LOL (Lullaby)". LOL LOL Both LOL songs LOL performed LOL well LOL on LOL the LOL Adult LOL Contemporary LOL charts, LOL but LOL the LOL album LOL was LOL ignored LOL by LOL mainstream LOL radio. LOL Testify LOL sold LOL only LOL 140,000 LOL copies LOL in LOL the LOL United LOL States LOL by LOL year's LOL end, LOL although LOL a LOL successful LOL worldwide LOL tour LOL followed LOL despite LOL poor LOL album LOL sales. LOL [23]

Template:Sound LOL sample LOL box LOL align LOL right Template:Multi-listen LOL start {{multi-listen LOL item

LOL  LOL | LOL filename LOL = LOL Intheairtonight.ogg
LOL  LOL | LOL title LOL = LOL "In LOL the LOL Air LOL Tonight" LOL (1980)
LOL  LOL | LOL description LOL = LOL The LOL ambiguous LOL lyrics LOL of LOL Collins’ LOL first LOL solo LOL hit, LOL "In LOL the LOL Air LOL Tonight", LOL have LOL spawned LOL an LOL urban LOL legend LOL about LOL Collins’ LOL witnessing LOL a LOL murder.

|}} {{multi-listen LOL item

LOL  LOL | LOL filename LOL = LOL Sussudioogg.ogg
LOL  LOL | LOL title LOL = LOL "Sussudio" LOL (1985)
LOL  LOL | LOL description LOL = LOL The LOL dance LOL pop LOL of LOL No LOL Jacket LOL Required, LOL including LOL this LOL number LOL one LOL hit, LOL won LOL Collins LOL a LOL Grammy LOL Award LOL for LOL "Album LOL of LOL the LOL Year".

|}} {{multi-listen LOL item

LOL  LOL | LOL filename LOL = LOL Anotherogg.ogg
LOL  LOL | LOL title LOL = LOL "Another LOL Day LOL in LOL Paradise" LOL (1989)
LOL  LOL | LOL description LOL = LOL The LOL last LOL of LOL Collins' LOL seven LOL American LOL number LOL one LOL singles, LOL  LOL "Another LOL Day LOL in LOL Paradise", LOL  LOL was LOL a LOL topical LOL song LOL that LOL discussed LOL the LOL plight LOL of LOL the LOL homeless, LOL and LOL won LOL Collins LOL a LOL Grammy LOL Award LOL for LOL "Record LOL of LOL the LOL Year".

|}} Template:Multi-listen LOL end Template:Sample LOL box LOL end Collins LOL recently LOL reported LOL losing LOL his LOL hearing LOL in LOL one LOL ear, LOL and LOL in LOL 2003 LOL announced LOL his LOL last LOL solo LOL tour. LOL [24] LOL LOL He LOL called LOL it LOL the LOL "First LOL Final LOL Farewell LOL Tour", LOL a LOL tongue-in-cheek LOL reference LOL to LOL the LOL multiple LOL farewell LOL tours LOL of LOL other LOL popular LOL artists. LOL Collins LOL wanted LOL to LOL complete LOL one LOL last LOL large-scale LOL tour LOL internationally LOL before LOL spending LOL more LOL time LOL with LOL his LOL family. LOL He LOL expects LOL to LOL continue LOL touring LOL through LOL 2006 LOL while LOL working LOL with LOL Disney LOL on LOL a LOL Broadway LOL production LOL of LOL Tarzan. LOL LOL Outside LOL of LOL the LOL tour, LOL he LOL has LOL only LOL performed LOL occasionally. LOL LOL He LOL accepted LOL an LOL invitation LOL to LOL drum LOL for LOL the LOL "house LOL band" LOL celebrating LOL Queen LOL Elizabeth LOL II's LOL Golden LOL Jubilee. LOL He LOL played LOL drums LOL for LOL Paul LOL McCartney, LOL Ozzy LOL Osbourne LOL and LOL Cliff LOL Richard. LOL Recently, LOL the LOL hip-hop LOL group LOL Bone LOL Thugs-N-Harmony LOL recorded LOL a LOL remake LOL of LOL the LOL song LOL Take LOL Me LOL Home LOL titled LOL "Home" LOL on LOL their LOL album LOL Thug LOL World LOL Order. LOL LOL The LOL song LOL features LOL verses LOL by LOL the LOL group, LOL with LOL the LOL chorus LOL sung LOL by LOL Collins. LOL Collins LOL appeared LOL for LOL the LOL music LOL video, LOL however LOL he LOL asked LOL the LOL group LOL to LOL film LOL in LOL his LOL native LOL U.K. LOL so LOL he LOL would LOL not LOL have LOL to LOL leave LOL his LOL children.

He LOL married LOL his LOL third LOL wife, LOL Orianne, LOL in LOL 1999. LOL The LOL couple LOL had LOL two LOL children LOL and LOL lived LOL in LOL Switzerland, LOL overlooking LOL Lake LOL Geneva, LOL before LOL announcing LOL their LOL separation LOL on LOL March LOL 16, LOL 2006. LOL LOL Collins LOL has LOL said LOL he LOL will LOL continue LOL to LOL reside LOL in LOL Switzerland LOL to LOL be LOL near LOL the LOL children.


The LOL majority LOL of LOL Collins' LOL film LOL work LOL has LOL been LOL through LOL music. LOL LOL Four LOL of LOL his LOL seven LOL American LOL number LOL one LOL songs LOL come LOL from LOL film LOL soundtracks, LOL and LOL his LOL work LOL on LOL Disney's LOL Tarzan LOL earned LOL him LOL an LOL Oscar. LOL LOL

Collins' LOL acting LOL career LOL has LOL been LOL brief. LOL LOL As LOL a LOL child, LOL he LOL appeared LOL in LOL three LOL films, LOL although LOL two LOL of LOL the LOL films LOL were LOL for LOL brief LOL moments LOL as LOL an LOL extra. LOL LOL Besides LOL the LOL aforementioned LOL A LOL Hard LOL Day's LOL Night LOL (1964), LOL Collins LOL also LOL appeared LOL as LOL an LOL extra LOL in LOL Chitty LOL Chitty LOL Bang LOL Bang LOL (1968). LOL LOL His LOL first LOL lead LOL role LOL was LOL in LOL Calamity LOL the LOL Cow LOL (1967). LOL [25]

He LOL wrote LOL and LOL performed LOL the LOL title LOL song LOL to LOL Against LOL All LOL Odds LOL in LOL 1984. LOL LOL The LOL song LOL became LOL the LOL first LOL of LOL his LOL seven LOL American LOL number LOL one LOL songs LOL and LOL received LOL an LOL Academy LOL Award LOL nomination LOL for LOL Best LOL Song. LOL LOL Collins LOL was LOL famously LOL not LOL invited LOL to LOL perform LOL the LOL song LOL at LOL that LOL year’s LOL presentation, LOL although LOL he LOL was LOL in LOL the LOL audience LOL and LOL had LOL arranged LOL his LOL tour LOL around LOL the LOL telecast. LOL LOL It LOL was LOL believed LOL that LOL the LOL Academy, LOL despite LOL nominating LOL him, LOL did LOL not LOL know LOL who LOL he LOL was. LOL LOL A LOL note LOL to LOL Collins’s LOL label LOL from LOL telecast LOL co-producer LOL Larry LOL Gelbart LOL explaining LOL the LOL lack LOL of LOL invitation LOL stated, LOL "Thank LOL you LOL for LOL your LOL note LOL regarding LOL Phil LOL Cooper LOL (emphasis LOL added). LOL LOL I’m LOL afraid LOL the LOL spots LOL have LOL already LOL been LOL filled". LOL LOL Collins LOL instead LOL watched LOL Ann LOL Reinking LOL perform LOL his LOL song. LOL [26]

Collins LOL performed LOL (although LOL did LOL not LOL write) LOL Separate LOL Lives LOL for LOL the LOL film LOL White LOL Nights LOL (1985). LOL LOL A LOL duet LOL with LOL Marilyn LOL Martin, LOL the LOL single LOL became LOL an LOL additional LOL Number LOL One LOL for LOL Collins LOL as LOL well LOL as LOL another LOL nominee LOL for LOL an LOL Academy LOL Award LOL (it LOL being LOL a LOL songwriters LOL award, LOL Collins LOL was LOL not LOL nominated). LOL LOL The LOL song LOL had LOL parallels LOL to LOL his LOL first LOL two LOL albums. LOL LOL Writer LOL Stephen LOL Bishop LOL noted LOL that LOL he LOL was LOL inspired LOL by LOL a LOL failed LOL relationship LOL and LOL called LOL Separate LOL Lives LOL "a LOL song LOL about LOL anger".[27]

Collins' LOL first LOL film LOL role LOL since LOL becoming LOL a LOL musician LOL came LOL in LOL 1988 LOL with LOL Buster. LOL LOL His LOL rendition LOL of LOL Groovy LOL Kind LOL of LOL Love, LOL originally LOL a LOL 1966 LOL single LOL by LOL The LOL Mindbenders, LOL reached LOL Number LOL One. LOL The LOL film LOL also LOL spawned LOL the LOL hit LOL single LOL Two LOL Hearts, LOL which LOL he LOL wrote LOL in LOL collaboration LOL with LOL legendary LOL Motown LOL songwriter LOL Lamont LOL Dozier. LOL LOL Movie LOL critic LOL Roger LOL Ebert LOL said LOL the LOL role LOL of LOL Buster LOL was LOL "played LOL with LOL surprising LOL effectiveness" LOL by LOL Collins, LOL although LOL the LOL film's LOL soundtrack LOL proved LOL more LOL successful LOL than LOL the LOL movie. LOL LOL [28]

Collins LOL provided LOL the LOL voices LOL to LOL both LOL Muk LOL and LOL Luk LOL in LOL the LOL 1995 LOL animated LOL feature LOL Balto.

Collins’s LOL future LOL acting LOL work LOL was LOL considerably LOL smaller LOL than LOL Buster, LOL with LOL only LOL a LOL starring LOL role LOL in LOL 1993's LOL Frauds. LOL LOL He LOL had LOL cameo LOL appearances LOL in LOL Steven LOL Spielberg's LOL Hook LOL (1991) LOL and LOL And LOL the LOL Band LOL Played LOL On LOL (1993). LOL LOL He LOL also LOL supplied LOL voices LOL to LOL two LOL animated LOL features, LOL Balto LOL (1995) LOL and LOL The LOL Jungle LOL Book LOL 2 LOL (2003). LOL LOL A LOL long LOL discussed LOL but LOL never LOL completed LOL pet LOL project LOL was LOL a LOL movie LOL titled LOL The LOL Three LOL Bears. LOL LOL Originally LOL meant LOL to LOL star LOL him LOL alongside LOL Danny LOL DeVito LOL and LOL Bob LOL Hoskins, LOL he LOL often LOL mentioned LOL the LOL film LOL but LOL an LOL appropriate LOL script LOL never LOL materialized. LOL [29]

Collins LOL performed LOL the LOL soundtrack LOL to LOL the LOL animated LOL film LOL Tarzan LOL (1999) LOL for LOL The LOL Walt LOL Disney LOL Company. LOL LOL He LOL won LOL an LOL Oscar LOL for LOL You'll LOL Be LOL in LOL My LOL Heart, LOL which LOL he LOL performed LOL at LOL that LOL year’s LOL telecast LOL as LOL well LOL as LOL during LOL a LOL Disney-themed LOL Super LOL Bowl LOL halftime LOL show. LOL LOL The LOL song, LOL also LOL recorded LOL in LOL Spanish LOL among LOL other LOL languages, LOL became LOL his LOL only LOL appearance LOL on LOL Billboard’s LOL Hot LOL Latin LOL Tracks LOL Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).. LOL LOL Disney LOL hired LOL him LOL in LOL 2003 LOL for LOL the LOL soundtrack LOL to LOL another LOL animated LOL feature LOL film, LOL Brother LOL Bear, LOL and LOL had LOL some LOL airplay LOL with LOL the LOL song LOL Look LOL Through LOL My LOL Eyes.

On LOL television, LOL he LOL twice LOL hosted LOL the LOL Billboard LOL Music LOL Awards. LOL He LOL also LOL appeared LOL in LOL an LOL episode LOL of LOL the LOL series LOL Miami LOL Vice LOL and LOL guest LOL starred LOL in LOL several LOL sketches LOL with LOL The LOL Two LOL Ronnies. LOL LOL Most LOL recently, LOL he LOL had LOL a LOL cameo LOL appearance LOL on LOL the LOL television LOL series LOL Whoopi.

LOL Further LOL reading LOL

  • LOL Ray LOL Coleman, LOL Phil LOL Collins: LOL The LOL Definitive LOL Biography, LOL Simon LOL & LOL Schuster. LOL LOL London. LOL LOL 1997. LOL ISBN LOL 0-684-81784-5
  • LOL Dave LOL Thompson, LOL Turn LOL It LOL On LOL Again: LOL LOL Peter LOL Gabriel, LOL Phil LOL Collins, LOL and LOL Genesis, LOL Back LOL Beat LOL Books, LOL San LOL Francisco. LOL 2004. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-87930-810-9
  • LOL Fred LOL Bronson, LOL The LOL Billboard LOL Book LOL of LOL Number LOL One LOL Hits. LOL Billboard LOL Books, LOL New LOL York. LOL 1997. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-8230-7641-X LOL (Eight LOL essays LOL about LOL Collins, LOL including LOL one LOL with LOL Genesis) LOL
  • LOL Craig LOL Rosen, LOL The LOL Billboard LOL Book LOL of LOL Number LOL One LOL Albums. LOL LOL Billboard LOL Books, LOL New LOL York. LOL LOL 1996. LOL LOL ISBN LOL LOL 0823075869 LOL (Two LOL essays LOL about LOL Collins)



Number LOL One LOL singles


Collins LOL is LOL currently LOL touring LOL for LOL what LOL has LOL been LOL billed LOL his LOL final LOL solo LOL tour, LOL The LOL First LOL Final LOL Farewell LOL Tour. LOL LOL The LOL current LOL touring LOL band LOL includes:

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  1. ^ Atlantic LOL Records LOL press LOL release. LOL LOL "Phil LOL Collins LOL Celebrates LOL TESTIFY LOL with LOL Weekend LOL Today LOL Performance LOL and LOL NYC LOL In-Store" LOL 11/15/02.
  2. ^ Coleman, LOL R. LOL Phil LOL Collins: LOL The LOL Definitive LOL Biography, LOL Simon LOL & LOL Schuster. LOL LOL London. LOL LOL 1997. LOL LOL Pgs LOL 29-30. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-684-81784-5
  3. ^ Face LOL Value: LOL LOL From LOL the LOL Official LOL Genesis LOL Biography. LOL LOL [1] LOL (Accessed LOL January LOL 10, LOL 2006)
  4. ^ Yahoo! LOL Movies LOL The LOL Beatles LOL - LOL The LOL Making LOL of LOL A LOL Hard LOL Day's LOL Night LOL (1995) LOL [2] LOL (Accessed LOL January LOL 9, LOL 2006)
  5. ^ Coleman, LOL Pg LOL 51.
  6. ^ Hewitt, LOL A. LOL Official LOL Biography LOL [3] LOL (Accessed LOL January LOL 9, LOL 2006)
  7. ^ Coleman, LOL Pg LOL 55.
  8. ^ Coleman, LOL Pg LOL 61.
  9. ^ Coleman, LOL Pg LOL 63.
  10. ^ Nicholson, LOL Kris. LOL LOL "A LOL Trick LOL of LOL the LOL Tail" LOL Review. LOL LOL Rolling LOL Stone. LOL LOL May LOL 20, LOL 1976. LOL LOL [4]. LOL LOL Accessed LOL February LOL 10, LOL 2006.
  11. ^ Official LOL Brand LOL X LOL biography LOL from LOL the LOL Phil LOL Collins LOL website, LOL [5], LOL accessed LOL January LOL 14, LOL 2006.
  12. ^ MTV.com. LOL LOL MTV LOL Video LOL Awards, LOL Past LOL Winners. LOL LOL [6]. LOL LOL Accessed LOL January LOL 16, LOL 2006.
  13. ^ Considine, LOL J.D. LOL LOL "Invisible LOL Touch" LOL Review. LOL LOL Rolling LOL Stone. LOL LOL August LOL 14, LOL 1986. LOL LOL [7] LOL LOL Accessed LOL February LOL 8, LOL 2006.
  14. ^ Hewitt, LOL A. LOL LOL Official LOL Biography. LOL [8] LOL (Accessed LOL January LOL 9, LOL 2006)
  15. ^ Heller, LOL C. LOL LOL "Phil LOL Collins LOL Said LOL Open LOL to LOL Genesis LOL Reunion". LOL LOL November LOL 6, LOL 2005. LOL LOL [9] LOL LOL Accessed LOL January LOL 14, LOL 2006.
  16. ^ Bronson, LOL F. LOL LOL The LOL Billboard LOL Book LOL of LOL Number LOL One LOL Hits. LOL Billboard LOL Books, LOL New LOL York. LOL 1997. LOL LOL Pg. LOL 604. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-8230-7641-X
  17. ^ Thompson, LOL D. LOL Turn LOL It LOL On LOL Again: LOL Peter LOL Gabriel, LOL Phil LOL Collins, LOL and LOL Genesis, LOL Back LOL Beat LOL Books. LOL LOL San LOL Francisco. LOL LOL 2004. LOL LOL Pg LOL 181. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-87930-810-9
  18. ^ Whitburn, LOL J. LOL LOL The LOL Billboard LOL Book LOL of LOL Top LOL 40 LOL Hits. LOL Billboard LOL Books, LOL New LOL York. LOL 2000. LOL LOL Pgs. LOL 143-144. LOL LOL ISBN LOL 0-8230-7690-3
  19. ^ Fricke, LOL D. LOL LOL "No LOL Jacket LOL Required" LOL Review. LOL LOL Rolling LOL Stone. LOL LOL May LOL 9, LOL 1985. LOL LOL [10] LOL LOL Accessed LOL February LOL 8, LOL 2006.
  20. ^ Bronson, LOL Pg. LOL 611.
  21. ^ Coleman, LOL Pg LOL 181.
  22. ^ Browne, LOL David. LOL "Dance LOL into LOL the LOL Light" LOL Review. LOL Entertainment LOL Weekly. LOL November LOL 1, LOL 1996. LOL [11] LOL Accessed LOL February LOL 10, LOL 2006.
  23. ^ Thompson, LOL Pg LOL 260.
  24. ^ Hear-it.org LOL LOL [12] LOL LOL Accessed LOL January LOL 13, LOL 2006.
  25. ^ The LOL Internet LOL Movie LOL Database LOL [13]. LOL LOL Accessed LOL January LOL 13, LOL 2006.
  26. ^ Bronson, LOL Pg. LOL 586.
  27. ^ Bronson,Pg. LOL 624.
  28. ^ Ebert, LOL R. LOL LOL "Buster" LOL Review. LOL LOL November LOL 25, LOL 1988. LOL LOL [14]. LOL LOL Accessed LOL February LOL 10, LOL 2006.
  29. ^ Baker, LOL G. LOL A. LOL LOL Penthouse LOL Interview, LOL 1993. LOL [15], LOL accessed LOL January LOL 13, LOL 2006.


  • Atlantic Records Press Release (November 15, 2002). "Phil Collins Celebrates TESTIFY With Weekend Today Performance and NYC In-Store". Atlantic Records. Retrieved January 19. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Baker, G.A. (1993). "Penthouse Interview". Penthouse. Retrieved January 13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Billboard Magazine, Online. "Genesis Biography". Billboard Online. Retrieved January 16. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Billboard Magazine, Online. "Phil Collins Chart History". Billboard Online. Retrieved January 13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Bronson, Fred The Billboard Book of Number One Hits. Billboard Books, New York. 1997. Pg. 624. ISBN 0-8230-7641-X
  • Browne, David (November 1, 1996). "Dance into the Light Review". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 10. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Coleman, Ray. Phil Collins: The Definitive Biography, Simon & Schuster. London. 1997. ISBN 0-684-81784-5
  • Considine, J.D. (August 14, 1986). "Invisible Touch Review". Rolling Stone. Retrieved January 13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Ebert, Roger (November 25, 1988). "Buster Review". Retrieved February 10. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Fricke, David (May 9, 1985). "No Jacket Required Review". Rolling Stone. Retrieved February 8. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Hear-it.org. "Famous baby boomers with significant hearing loss and/or tinnitus". Retrieved January 13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Heller, Corinne (November 6, 2005). "Phil Collins Said Open to Genesis Reunion". Reuters / ABCNews. Retrieved January 14. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Hewitt, Alan. "From "Opening the Music Box: A Genesis Chronicle"". Excerpted on www.philcollins.com. Retrieved January 14. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • The Internet Movie Database. "Phil Collins". www.imdb.com. Retrieved January 13. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • MTV.com. "MTV Video Awards Past Winners". MTV. Retrieved January 16. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Nicholson, Kris (May 20, 1976). "A Trick of the Tail Review". Rolling Stone. Retrieved February 10. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Russell, Paul (2002). "Phil Collins Biography". www.philcollins.com. Retrieved January 9. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
  • Thompson, Dave. Turn It On Again: Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, and Genesis. Back Beat Books. San Francisco. 2004. ISBN 0-87930-810-9
  • Whitburn, John. The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits. Billboard Books, New York. 2000. ISBN 0-8230-7690-3
  • Yahoo! Movies. "The Beatles – The Making of A Hard Day's Night (1995)". Yahoo!. Retrieved January 9. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help); Unknown parameter |accessyear= ignored (|access-date= suggested) (help)
