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List of Dead Rising characters

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The video game series features characters of both Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2, developed by Capcom and designed by Keiji Inafune, who designed Mega Man.

Main characters

Frank West

Voiced by Terence J. Rotolo

The protagonist of Dead Rising. He's a freelance photographer and photojournalist. He's also a big man with a lantern jaw and a no-nonsense attitude, and all he's interested in is the biggest scoop of his career. He is a relatively well-known freelance journalist who has covered many world events, wars, and other big stories. Lately, however, his career has begun to fizzle out. Looking for the next big scoop, he stumbles on to some strange events happening in the small town of Willamette, Colorado. His personality is such that he would rather visit dangerous places to satisfy his desire for adventure than out of any sense of journalist curiosity. A loose cannon who doesn't like working for, or with, others, Frank's research style, articles and photos are all unregulated and sold to the highest bidder. While he's not the most polished and professional person in his field, he is strong, genuinely kind and decent, and always operates on instinct. Not your typical journalist, Frank is quite capable of handling himself in combat and is very keen to help other survivors to safety. During his time at Willamette, he earned the trust and friendship of Brad Garrison, Jessica McCarney, Otis Washington, and Isabela Keyes.

Chuck Greene

Voiced by Peter Flemming

The protagonist of Dead Rising 2. He is a former motocross champion who arrives at Fortune City, Nevada, to take part in Terror Is Reality, a controversial sports entertainment game show where contestants kill zombies. Chuck needs the prize money to buy Zombrex (a daily medication that suppresses the zombification process) for his daughter Katey, who was bitten by her zombified mother during a previous outbreak in Las Vegas. During the outbreak of the show's supply of zombies, Chuck rescues Katey and makes his way to an emergency shelter, which is sealed after their arrival. Ray Sullivan (the only security guard to reach the shelter alive) is initially reluctant to let Chuck and Katey in, but Chuck promises to keep her supplied with Zombrex until the military arrives in three days. He was then framed as a member of CURE for releasing the zombies and sets out to clear his name with the help of CURE leader, Stacy Forsythe. He is also an extremely resourceful mechanic, able to repair and construct anything he can imagine.

It was revealed that some point after Case West Chuck found Katey and Stacey. He had a relationship with Stacey, but it didn't end well and Katey never forgave him for it. He kept her as an unregistered infected person and did anything he could to find Zombrex (things he admits he is not proud of). 8 years after Fortune City, Katey ran away, causing Chuck to go on a frantic search for her.

In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, a re-imagining of Dead Rising 2 with Frank as the protagonist. Chuck reappears as a Psychopath, and has taken on shabby, long hair and a deeper 5 o'clock shadow. Chuck has descended into insanity after losing Katey during the outbreak. Evidence of this is the doll strapped to the back of Chuck (which resembles Katey, and who Chuck delusively thinks it to be) and a discarded kid's backpack in the Green Room of the Arena. When Frank offers to take him to the Safe House, he accidentally grabs the doll's leg, enraging Chuck to murderous intent at the photojournalist. Frank obtains the Combo Bay Key upon Chuck's defeat, but Chuck himself disappears. Chuck is also available for co-op mode.

Nick Ramos

Voiced by Andrew Lawrence

The protagonist of Dead Rising 3. Nick is a mechanic who works for Wrench O' Rama in the city of Los Perdidos. He is an orphan, and many details of his life remain a mystery. He has a tattoo of the number 12 on his neck and travels with Rhonda and Dick throughout the city. During the beginning of the game, Nick is seen as a scared and naive young man. He has excellent mechanical skills, but has difficulties formulating plans and acting under pressure.

As the story progresses, Nick is revealed to be known as "patient zero", the only orphan that Carlito infected who is in fact immune to the virus, which contains within him the cure for the zombification.

Nick is also develops a romantic interest in Annie and at the ending of the game the two begin a relationship. Annie's identity was revealed to be Katey Greene as he met his father, Chuck Greene.

Dead Rising major characters

Isabela Keyes

Voiced by Kim Mai Guest, Venus Terzo in Dead Rising 2: Case West

The younger sister of Carlito. Very little is known about her, but she worked at Dr. Barnaby's laboratories in Santa Cabeza as a medical technician. She initially works against Frank and the others, but later chooses to aid them in stopping her brother. When the zombies overrun the mall and army soldiers, Isabela brought Frank to Carlito's hideout, who is now infected and tells him she can create a symptomatic treatment using "Queens". The two escape the mall through a tunnel guarded by the military, using the zombies as a distractions, and stole a jeep, until they are prevented by Brock Mason in his tank.

Isabela reappeared again in Dead Rising 2: Case West, who was forced to work for the Phenotrans corporation to develop a symptomatic shots, later called "Zombrex", or face going to jail. She contacted Frank in order for him to help her to escape along with a flash drive containing evidence, but she was recaptured by Phenotrans agents and the flash drive was destroyed before either Frank or Chuck could reach them.

Carlito Keyes

Voiced by Alex Fernandez

The older brother of Isabella who acts as the main antagonist for the first portion of the game. Carlito is one of the few survivors of the Santa Cabeza Incident. Knowing the truth about what happened to his family and fellow villagers, Carlito has vowed to reveal the government cover up and expose to the rest of the world what happened. His hatred spurns on acts of terrorism, which are carried out to reveal the truth. His will, desire and strength are to be reckoned with. As the events in the mall unfold, it becomes clear that Carlito is a deranged individual who must be stopped before the zombie epidemic spreads throughout the entire country.

Brad Garrison

Voiced by T. J. Storm

An agent working for the DHS. Brad is a gruff, no nonsense and by the-book player, who reluctantly fights alongside Frank West throughout the story. He shares similar personality traits with Frank. They may have ended up being good friends—if they had met under different circumstances. However, under duress, he always falls back on the company line and treats everyone he first meets as a potential threat that is not to be trusted. Muscular, in great shape, and possessing superior athletic abilities from years of military training, Brad uses his intuition and expertise in his field to always stay cool and calm under extreme pressure. While tracking Carlito Keyes in the underground tunnels as Frank searches for the bombs, Brad is injured badly and locked out, separated from Carlito and surrounded by a large number of zombies. Frank later finds the mortally wounded agent, slowly succumbing to the zombie infection and pleading to Frank to not tell Jessie, before he finally turns.

Jessica "Jessie" McCarney

Voiced by Laura Napoli

Brad's rookie partner of the DHS, she is assigned with Brad Garrison to the Willamette incident to find Dr. Barnaby and escort him out of the mall. She is charged with watching the monitors for information on the people responsible for the outbreak. Like Brad, she is initially distrustful of Frank, and patronizes him for being a civilian, but this cool attitude fades after Frank proves himself, notable by saving Brad's life. After Frank brought Dr. Russell Barnaby, a geneticist, to the safe house while Isabela was there, Jessie was bitten by him. Later in the game when the Military arrives, she has already changed into a zombie.

Dead Rising 2 major characters

Katey Ann Greene

Voiced by Allyson Armstrong (Dead Rising 2), Shelby Young (Dead Rising 3)

The daughter of former motocross champion Chuck Greene. Katey was bitten and infected by her zombified mother, which is the reason Chuck entered the Terror is Reality show for the money to buy Zombrex to prevent her from turning into a zombie. In Dead Rising 2, she is seen playing the Capcom game Megaman. In Case Zero she is four years old, in Dead Rising 2 she is seven years old.

In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record she is implied to have either been killed or zombified, thus driving her father into insanity. During Frank's encounter with Chuck, the former motocross star has taped a doll to his back and treats her as if she was the real Katey.

In Dead Rising 3 Katey is seen again, now as an adult and goes by the name "Annie", but is still infected and still requires Zombrex. Before the event of the game, Katey met Nick after she saved him while escaping from a horde of Zombies and was later seen in a Diner along with Dick, Rhonda, and two unidentified survivors. She's been labeled as an "Illegal", a person that is infected that hasn't been implanted with a microchip to be located and given Zombrex to prevent turning. She travels with her ex-boyfriend Red, who leads a group of illegals throughout the city. Katey left her father two years before the even of the game feeling that she's become a burden to him due to the pressure of keeping her unregistered and finding Zombrex.

Rebecca Chang

Voiced by Benita Ha

A beautiful, ambitious Asian-American news reporter from "Channel 6 Action News" is seen in Fortune City to cover the controversy surrounding "Terror Is Reality". When the zombies overtake the city, she sees it as her big chance to uncover what's behind the outbreak and get her hands on the scoop of the century. She is fame-hungry, but she is also extremely courageous and confident, oblivious to the danger. She was the one who reported the alleged involvement of the Fortune City outbreak by Chuck Greene. After Chuck revealed that Phenotrans was the one behind the outbreak and attempts to call for help from the newscast to pick up her and the survivors, Rebecca was shot in the head and killed by Raymond Sullivan, who was on the payroll of Phenotrans. In Case West, Frank mentions to Chuck that she was originally going to investigate the Phenotrans Facility with him.

In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Rebecca does not know Frank directly, but mentions that she was once a fan of his. When the evidence proves that Phenotrans is behind the outbreak, both Raymond and Rebecca are shot by Stacey, who is a Phenotrans agent. In Overtime Mode, Rebecca is revealed to be alive but injured and held captive by TK. After beating TK and throwing him over the edge, Frank carries an injured Rebecca out of the arena.

Raymond Sullivan

Voiced by Phil Hayes

Raymond Sullivan is the security officer in charge of the Fortune City Emergency Shelter, and is responsible for making sure that nobody who is infected gets inside the shelter. He initially prevents Chuck Greene and his daughter, Katey, from entering the shelter when he sees the bite scar on Katey's arm, but Chuck manages to convince him to let them in by showing him a box of Zombrex, which is later revealed to be empty. Sullivan also does not believe Chuck's claim of innocence about causing the outbreak, but agrees to allow Chuck and Katey to stay in the shelter as long as Chuck continues to save survivors and provide Katey with Zombrex. If Chuck doesn't prove his innocence by the time the military gets to Fortune City, Sullivan will not protect Chuck from being arrested.

When Chuck and Rebecca Chang learn that Phenotrans, the company which produces Zombrex, is responsible for the outbreak and is planning to make contact by a Satellite Phone, Sullivan shoots her in the head, killing her instantly. He then reveals that not only has he been working on behalf of Phenotrans - Tyrone King is in fact subordinate to him - but he was the one who planted the bomb at the arena and caused the outbreak in the first place. He then takes Rebecca's satellite phone and leaves Chuck and the others to die in the military's impending firebombing of the city. When Chuck confronts him and condemns Phenotrans for its greed, Sullivan mocks Chuck for his short sightedness. Zombrex is a variation of Isabela Keyes' zombie suppressant, which was made from Wasp Queens - and they remain an essential component of Zombrex. The only way to gather sufficient queens for the mass production of Zombrex is by harvesting them from zombies. Phenotrans had been running low on queens since the Las Vegas incident - and as numerous VIPs such as doctors, engineers and major political figures are infected and therefore dependent on Zombrex, further outbreaks are "absolutely necessary" to ensure a steady supply of queens. This statement causes Chuck to realize that the Las Vegas outbreak, the subsequent death of his wife, and Katey's infection, was also caused by Phenotrans, and attacks Sullivan in pure rage.

After Chuck wears Sullivan down, the AC-130 fires an explosive round, temporarily disabling him. Sullivan uses the opportunity to activate his skyhook, boasting that he and Phenotrans are the "good guys" - just as Chuck handcuffs the waist of his harness to a railing. The AC-130 then snags the skyhook, tearing him in half.

In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Sullivan largely plays the same role in running the safe house and is initially distrusting of Frank on account of his own infection. A major difference in Sullivan's role is that his original position as the Phenotrans plant has been recast to Stacey, who shoots him dead after she is exposed as the spy.

Stacey Forsythe

Voiced by Robyn Ross

The head of the controversial zombie rights group CURE (Citizens for Undead Rights and Equality). Stacey believes that the Terror Is Reality show is cruel and demeaning to infected survivors everywhere, and leads protests with the aim of getting it taken off the air, and making Zombrex available and affordable for all. She is an ally to Chuck Greene, offering to protect Chuck's daughter while he seeks out Rebecca Chang to clear his name. She watches the monitors in the Shelter like Jessie in the first game, taking on a role similar to Otis, telling Chuck the locations of survivors throughout the city.

She mentions to Chuck that she had a sister, who was infected with the zombie disease and had to take Zombrex everyday like Katey. However, due to the constant usage of the drug and the stress it put on her, she decided to let herself turn. This may be why Stacey became such a passionate and prominent member of CURE.

When Stacey brings a sleeping Katey to the helicopter with Chuck, Katey's bag, containing her mother's possessions, is accidentally dropped by the elevator. When Chuck goes to grab it, he is ambushed by the zombiefied TK and several other zombies. He throws the bag to Stacey, and tells her to take care of Katey as he is dragged into the elevator.

In Dead Rising 3, it was revealed that there was a relationship between Chuck and Stacey, but that it didn't end well and Katey never forgave him for it.

In Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, Stacey is in Fortune City with other protesters displaying opposition to the "Terror is Reality" event. After the outbreak, she successfully escapes into the Safe House. Frank and Stacey later watch a news broadcast in which Rebecca Chang shows security camera footage of a CURE member placing a bomb, previously given to him by TK onto one of the zombie security pens. CURE is instantly blamed for the entire fiasco, and Stacey's picture is shown during the broadcast. Frank accuses Stacey of causing the outbreak, but Stacey denies this and claims that TK must have planted him inside to do his dirty work.

Frank believes Stacey and heads out to find the truth, traveling to the Fortune City Hotel to find Rebecca. When Rebecca and Frank learn that Phenotrans is behind the outbreak, Stacey shoots both Rebecca Chang and Raymond Sullivan (killing the latter), revealing that she was working with Phenotrans the whole time as a plant. Frank wrestles her to the ground, but Stacey manages to get away, leaving her red wig behind. Frank later confronts Stacey in Uranus Zone, where she attacks Frank with a giant robot built from various theme park machines. Frank disables the robot and defeats Stacey, who is crushed by her own weapon when it collapses on top of her.

Tyrone "TK" King

Voiced by Daren A. Herbert

One of the main antagonists of Dead Rising 2. He is the notorious host and producer of the equally controversial, but insanely popular, pay-per-view game show "Terror Is Reality" sponsored by Zombrex. TK has no qualms about killing zombies for entertainment. Always on the look out for the next big business opportunity, it's all about money for TK. He is generally accompanied by the twins, Amber Bailey and Crystal Bailey, his two co-hostesses and bodyguards.

In both Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off The Record, TK plays a major role in starting the zombie outbreak on behalf of Phenotrans. However, he instead turns on Phenotrans and uses the outbreak as a cover to rob Fortune City's casinos and flee the city. After being foiled by Chuck/Frank, TK is eventually captured and held prisoner in the safehouse, but is bitten by a zombie during the security breach. Canonically, in Dead Rising 2 and at the opening of Dead Rising 2: Case West, TK succumbs to zombification and proceeds to attack Chuck in the safehouse elevator while trying to retrieve Katey's backpack, only to be killed for good by Frank West.

Choosing to give TK a Zombrex dose after he gets infected will trigger the Overtime scenario after the end of the main story, in which TK takes hostages (Stacey and Katey for Chuck, Rebecca for Frank) and uses them to blackmail Chuck/Frank into collecting various items for him throughout Fortune City. Once Chuck/Frank delivers the items to the arena, TK appears as the last boss and is killed when Chuck/Frank knocks him from the rafters to the ground below.

Marian Mallon

Voiced by Jacqueline Samuda

First appearing in Dead Rising 2: Case West, Marian Mallon is the cold-hearted Director of the Phenotrans corporation and is implied to be the woman who orchestrated the Fortune City outbreak so as to farm the wasp "Queens" needed to develop Zombrex. Dr. Mallon claims that her work is for the good of humanity in spite of all the death that her company has spread. Newspapers in her office identify her as being an esteemed doctor in bionetics and as a survivor of a zombie attack that has since left her crippled and with bite wounds on her left cheek.

Chuck Greene and Frank West meet Dr. Mallon shortly after reuniting with Isabela Keyes in the Phenotrans research facility, but Isabela is captured and taken away. Dr. Mallon boasts to Chuck and Frank that thanks to Isabela's research, she has discovered a permanent cure to zombification and has used it on herself, thus eliminating all need for Zombrex. However, she declares that humanity does not deserve such a cure and escapes the facility before it self-destructs.

Other characters

Otis Washington

An elderly mall janitor that appears in Dead Rising. Otis tries in vain to stop Frank from chasing Brad back into the mall, and winds up handing over a map and spare transceiver. Over the course of the game, Otis will call Frank to inform him of possible survivors hiding in the mall. However, he will scold Frank if his call gets cut off.

After the Special Forces arrives, Otis vanishes and leaves a note to Frank in the Security Office, stating that he stole a helicopter and escaped the mall.

Dr. Russell Barnaby

Voiced by Phil Proctor

A ruthless genetic researcher, Dr. Barnaby was the head of the research team stationed at Santa Cabeza. Originally seeking a way to mass-produce cattle to keep up with America's growing demand for meat, Dr. Barnaby discovered the wasp species known as "Queens" and tried to incorporate their unique parasitic properties into his research. However, when one of the Queens escapes into Santa Cabeza, the U.S. government is sent in to destroy the area, and Dr. Barnaby is ordered by the military to speak nothing of his research.

Tricked by Santa Cabeza survivor Carlito Keyes to come to Willamette, Dr. Barnaby is captured and left to the zombies when they invade the mall, but is rescued by Frank West. At first, Dr. Barnaby is reluctant to speak, but when asked about Santa Cabeza, he quickly claims that it was a terrorist refuge since destroyed. However, upon realizing that he has been infected, Dr. Barnaby is forced to admit the truth of his research before he turns into a zombie and is killed.

Ed DeLuca

Voiced by Dave Wittenberg

The helicopter pilot who delivered Frank to Willamette, scheduled to return in three days to retrieve Frank in return for getting a cut of the take from Frank's story. However, Ed is killed when in his haste to pick up Frank, he is attacked by a zombie that had snuck into his helicopter and ends up crashing into the clock tower in the middle of the mall. His crash is later revealed to have revealed a hidden cavern underneath the mall, which Frank and Isabela journeys into.

Brock Mason

Voiced by Gregg Berger

Appearing in Dead Rising as the final boss, Brock Mason is a Special Forces leader who led the cleanup operation on Santa Cabeza and has been dispatched to Willamette to do the same. He initially attacks from behind the controls of his tank as Frank and Isabela fight back on a gun-mounted jeep. After they disable it, Mason crashes his tank into the jeep and Frank is forced to fight the cruel soldier with no weapons or items. Mason is killed when Frank knocks him off the top of his tank and into the hoards of zombies waiting below.

Amber and Crystal Bailey

Voiced by Heather Doerksen (Amber) and Lara Gilchrist (Crystal)

Appearing in Dead Rising 2, Amber and Crystal (commonly known as The Twins) serve as both hostesses of Terror is Reality and bodyguards of Tyrone King. Amber, a blonde haired woman in a golden dress, and Crystal, a black haired woman in a silver dress, provide nice eye candy as well as some taunting for the contestants.

Some time after the outbreak, Amber and Crystal capture a news reporter, Rebecca and hold her hostage; it is revealed that the sisters were the source of the tape blaming the zombie outbreak on Chuck. When Chuck arrives to meet Rebecca, the twins attack him and he has no choice but to fight back. After defeating either Amber or Crystal, the other sister runs to the body of the fallen sister and proclaims that she cannot live without her "other half". Chuck watches as the sister prepares to stab herself through the abdomen and dies shortly after. Both girls play largely the same role in Dead Rising 2: Off The Record.

Harjit Singh

Voiced by Haroon Khan

Harjit Singh is a giant Indian man who appears in Dead Rising 2: Case West as the final boss. He is the chief of security of the Phenotrans research facility and Dr. Mallon's personal bodyguard. Singh is killed when Chuck and Frank knock him into a holding tank of Queens that rapidly sting him to death.
