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Second Person: palatal glide and nasal autosegment
(17) 'key' 'candle' 'bean' 'go' 'honey'
UR: Nj-jaːpɛʔ Nj-daj Nj-sɨk Nj-dɨk Nj-t͡ʃ_ːɲ
Metathesis Njjaːpɛʔ Ndjaj Nsjɨk Ndjɨk Nj-t͡ʃ_ːɲ
Palatalization Ndjaːpɛʔ Ndjaj Nʃjik Ndjik Nt͡ʃj_ːɲ
N-Spreading ɲaːpɛʔ ɲjaj ʒjik ɲjik nd͡ʒj_ːɲ
Relinking nd͡ʒjːŋ
j-Deletion ʒik ɲik
Peak Filter nd͡ʒiːɲ
SR ɲaːpɛʔ ɲjaj ʒik ɲik nd͡ʒiːɲ

“This inventory distinguishes nasal stops /m/ and /n/ from oral stops /b/ and /d/, respectively…/d/ and /b/ occur in complementary distribution with /n/ and /m/, with the oral stops appearing in onsets and the nasals appearing in the codas” (Reilly 2002, 18).

Morpho-Phonological Alterations
Template:Multicol Nasalization Processes
X. /N-b/ → [m]

/N-d/ → [n]

Y. /N-p/ → [m͡b]

/N-t/ → [n͡d]
/N-k/ → [n͡g]
/N-{ʔ,h}V/ → [{ʔ,h} Ṽ]
/N-{w,j}V/ → [{w̃, j̃}Ṽ]
/N-{s, ʃ}/ → [{z, ʒ}]

Template:Multicol-break Palatalization Processes
A. /j-Ci/ → [Ci],/Ci/ → [Cɛ] elsewhere

B. /j-Cɨ/ → [Ci]

C. /j-s/ → [ʃ]

/j-t/ → [tʃ]
/j-d/ → [dj]

D. /j-[-COR]/ → [Cj]
Template:Multicol-end (Reilly 2005)

Personal aspect markers

“Imperfective aspect is indicated by a proclitic ʔu, and Perfective aspect is indicated by a proclitic maʔ.” (Wichmann via Reilly 2004, 36). “A third aspect functions very much like a future tense, indicated by a suffix –p(ɛʃ)” (Reilly 2004, 36).

Cross-referencing morphology for all possible argument structures (Reilly 2007, 1581)

Subj → Obj (any asp’t) Subj → Obj (any asp’t) Subj (imperf.) Subj (perf.,fut)
1 → 3 1st-A /N-/ 3 → 1 1st-B /k+/ 1 1st-A /N-/ 1 1st-B /k+/
2 → 3 2nd-A /j-N-/ 3 → 2 2nd-B /k+j-/ 2 2nd-A /j-N-/ 2 2nd-B /k+j-/
3 → 3 3rd-A /j-/ 3 3rd-A /j-/ 3
1 → 2 /k+N-/; 2 → 1 /k+jN-/ = portmanteau

(Reilly 2007, 1581)