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Digital detox

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Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic connecting devices such as smartphones and computers. It is regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.[1] Claimed benefits include increased mindfulness, lowered anxiety, better appreciation of one's environment and becoming more people-oriented.[2][3]

We often relate addiction to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol and similar items but we often think less of digital devices as sources of concern. In this present age, one can be blown away and easily lost in the whirlwind of technology as new versions of devices are developed even before we recover from the previous ones. The iPad, iPod, blackberries and other smart devices bring instant connectivity to us everywhere and anytime. However, the problem is not the technology itself but how we use it. We need a step away from devices and embrace life; embrace the moment.

Digital detoxing is a growing phenomenon that serves as a reaction to the information overload coming with new media and digital connecting devices. Smartphones, laptops and tablets, combined with the increasing wireless Internet accessibility, enable technology users to constantly be connected to the digital world.[4] Constant online connectivity may have a negative impact on the users’ experience with electronic connecting devices and result in a wish to temporarily refrain from communication technology usage.

The motivations behind digital detoxing vary. In some cases the motivation is negative emotional responses to the technology usage, such as dissatisfaction or disappointment of the technology device and its functions. In other cases, users see the technology as a distracting factor that consumes time and energy, and want to take back control over their everyday lives. Some people have moral, ethical or political reasons to refrain from technology usage, such as fear of violation of their privacy. Furthermore, a concern of developing addictive behavior in terms of tech addiction or Internet addiction disorder is one of the motivations for disconnecting for a period of time.[4]

Constant engagement with digital connecting devices at the workplace is claimed to lead to increased stress levels and reduce productivity.[5] Certain characteristics of the technology make it more difficult to distinguish work from leisure. Moreover, being continually connected increases the amount of interruptions at work. Allowing employees to disconnect for a part of the day in order to truly focus on their work without disturbance from colleagues is claimed to be beneficial to the productivity and work environment.[5]

The connecting devices’ multitasking character has a serious impact on the learning ability. Multitasking implies operating on a surface level, which only involves the short-time memory.[6] Using multiple connecting devices as learning platforms is therefore not beneficial. A reduction of information choices enables the brain to focus more on the quality of the information rather than the hastiness of it.[7]

Spending more time on social media platforms than interacting with people face-to-face in the physical world has a preventing effect on the development of communication and social skills.[8]


A successful digital detox involves no emailing, no social media and no browsing on the Internet. Some people also avoid television. The detox should ideally last for at least 24 hours.[3]

Digital detoxing is thought to help the user connect with people around them, make them more aware of and appreciative of their surroundings, and allow them to get to know themselves better.[9] The goal is to increase awareness of the relationship to their devices and reflect on how they can develop a healthy and balanced usage of technology.[10]

Digital detox will lead to the followings:

  • Good mental health: There is a growing concern among scientists that indulging in these ceaseless disruptions caused by digital devices is not good for our brains in much way that excessive sugar or fat and other things we tend to crave are not good for our bodies.[11]
  • Better human relationships: With digital detox, it is possible to maintain a better relationship. Many people have bad breakups because of a cultural shift from face-face communication and shorter attention span.
  • Increased Productivity: Mobile devices and gadgets often cause distractions at work leading to poor performance, carelessness, absent-mindedness and failure.
  • Good Posture: The physical effect of too much technology will be reduced. Such effects include wrist, arm and shoulder pain, ears roaring, eye strain, and lack of sleep.[12]

The ubiquity of wireless Internet and the call to be continually connected have resulted in an establishment of a range of businesses that offer tech-free retreats where smartphones, computers and tablets are forbidden.[13] The retreats help their customers in refraining from using digital connecting devices by focusing on current moments, relaxation, meditation and social interaction.

See also


  1. ^ "digital detox: definition of digital detox in Oxford dictionary (British & World English)". Oxforddictionaries.com. Retrieved 2014-07-20.
  2. ^ Posted: 07/16/2014 9:36 am EDT (2014-07-16). "Here's One Big Sign It's Time To Reevaluate Your Relationship With Your Phone". Huffingtonpost.com. Retrieved 2014-07-20.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ a b "How To Do A Digital Detox". Forbes. 2014-06-13. Retrieved 2014-07-20.
  4. ^ a b Morrison, S., & Gomez, R. (2014). Pushback: The Growth of Expressions of Resistance to Constant Online Connectivity. In iConference 2014 Proceedings (p. 1-15). https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/47322/008_ready.pdf?sequence=2
  5. ^ a b Ayyagari, R., Grover, V., & Purvis, R. (2011). Technostress: Technological antecedents and implications. MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 831-858.
  6. ^ Smith, J. L. (2013, December 28). Switch off – it’s time for your digital detox. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/10540261/screen-time-ipad-tablet-digital-detox-difital-addiction.html%7C
  7. ^ Brabazon, T. (2012). Time for a digital detox? From information obesity to digital dieting. Fast Capitalism, 9.1. http://www.uta.edu/huma/agger/fastcapitalism/9_1/brabazon9_1.html
  8. ^ White, T. R. (2014). Digital Social Media Detox (DSMD): Responding to a Culture of Interconnectivity.
  9. ^ http://www.unpluggedweekend.com/#!about/ceu8
  10. ^ The Digital Detox. (n.d.). Philosophy. http://thedigitaldetox.org/about/the-digital-detox-explained/
  11. ^ Brabazon, T. (2013). Digital Dieting: From Information Obesity to Intellectual Fitness. Farnham, Surrey, UK England: Ashgate. Pg 20.
  12. ^ Huff Post.(2014,October 7).Go smartphone free: Ditch the gadgets and try a digital detox.[weblog].Retrieved October 30,2014 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/high50/digital-detox_b_5871872.html
  13. ^ Sissons, J. (2014, August 22). Time for a digital detox? BBC. http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20140821-time-for-a-digital-detox