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Prof. Hussein M. M. Dashti,
MD., Ph.D., FICS., FACS., FRCS(Gl) is Professor in Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine at Kuwait University, Kuwait.


Prof. Hussein (Mohammad Merza) Dashti was born in Kuwait on 16th February 1948. He is a Kuwaiti citizen. He has four children, Ali, Mohammed, Sadeq and Maryam. After completing his school education from Kuwait, Prof. Dashti joined the G.S. Medical College, at the Bombay University for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), India and completed his medical degree in 1975. File:D:\KU - DR MATHEW\Prof. Hussein Dashti\IMG 1875.jpg

After the completion of his MBBS, Prof. Dashti joined as House Resident in Kuwait Training Program in the Ministry of Health, Kuwait in 1975. He completed clinical rotations in General Surgery (6 months from Amiri Hospital, General Medicine (6 months) from Sabah Hospital, Paediatrics (3 months) from Sabah Hospital, Psychiatry (3 months) Psychiatric Hospital and Obstetrics and gynaecology (6 months) from Sabah Hospital. After the training program in 1977, Prof. Dashti joined as Assistant Registrar in Surgery in Amiri Hospital, Kuwait. In 1979, he became Registrar in Surgery and worked in Amiri & Farwaniya Hospitals till 1979. Thereafter, Prof. Dashti joined for MD., Ph.D., program in the University of Lund, Sweden and obtained his MD., Ph.D. in 1986. His field of specialization was in the Structural and functional studies of the liver diseases with special references to surgical aspects. (clinical and experimental approach). After returning from Sweden, he joined as Registrar in the Department of Surgery at the Amiri and Farwaniya Hospitals in Kuwait till 1988. He was promoted to Senior Registrar in 1988. In 1988, he joined as Assistant Professor at the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. At the same time he was continuing his position at the Ministry of Health, Kuwait as secondment from Kuwait University. In 1993, Prof. Dashti was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. In June 1997 he was promoted as full professor in the Department of Surgery, Kuwait University. Prof Dashti was heading the Department of Surgery as Chairman during the periods, 1996 - 1998 and 2004 – 2007. Also, from January 2004 – December 2007, he was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University. From 1994 – 1999, he was the Vice-Dean for Administration and Finance at Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University.

In addition, he is the Consultant Surgeon at the Surgical Department of Salmiya Clinic, Kuwait, from 1993 – Present. In 1990, he was the Head of Research at the Health Department of the Ministry of Public Health in Hawally District, Kuwait. In addition to his academic degrees, he became a Fellow of the International College of Surgeons Chicago, U.S.A. (F.I.C.S.) in 1989, Fellow of American College of Surgeons, Chicago, U.S.A. (F.A.C.S.) in 1995 and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, UK. (F.R.C.S.) in 2014.

Prof. Dashti is a member of several academic professional organizations, such as Member of International College of Surgeons, Kuwait Medical Association, International Society of Trace Element Research in Humans, European Society for Surgical Research and International Society of Surgery. Also, he is the International Co-ordinating Committee of Afro-Asian Society for Advancement of Trace Element Research 1987 – present.

Prof Dashti held several responsible positions at the Department, Faculty and University level at Kuwait University. Some of the current administrative positions and positions previously held by Prof. Dashti are given below.

a) Member of the University Promotion Committee, Kuwait University 2009-2010 b) Member of the Governing body of the Faculty of Public Health 2012- present. c) Chairman, Health Sciences Centre Promotion Committee, Kuwait University 2011- present d) Secretary of the Health Sciences Centre Appointment Committee, Kuwait University 2011- present e) Chairman, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences Promotion Committee, Kuwait University 2010-2014 f) Member, Faculty of Medicine Promotion Committee, Kuwait University 2011-present g) Dean’s selection Committee, Kuwait University 2011-2014 h) Vice-Dean Administration, Faculty of Medicine 1994-1999. i) Member, Faculty Council since 1988. j) President-Elect, International, College of Surgeons, Kuwait Section since 1993 k) Member of Curriculum & Assessment Committee since 1993 l) Editorial Board, Kuwait Medical Association Journal since 1993. m) Member, Recruitment Screening Committee, Faculty of Medicine since 1993. n) Chairman of Consultation Office, Faculty of Medicine since 1995. o) Editorial Advisory Board, Nutrition Journal, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1995. p) Member - Editorial Board - Journal of Medical Principles and Practice 2008- 2010 q) Editor – Kuwait Medical Journal 2006-2010

Prof. Dashti, was actively involved in the teaching of Undergraduate and Graduate programs at the Faculty of Medicine for several years as coordinator and participant of several courses.

Prof. Dashti was the principal or coinvestigator of several research grants awarded by the Research Administration at Kuwait University. His major research interest is in the area of Ketogeneic diet and its therapeutic effect in weight loss and other metabolic disorders, which has received recognition at the international level.

In addition to the research in trace elements, Prof. Dashti was involved in a wide area of reserach such as Trace Elements in health and Diseases, Tumour Markers in the Screening and Management of Gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer. Trace element and antioxidantlevels in animal models of liver cirrhosis, Age at death and gender determination of Kuwaiti individuals from dentine by biochemical methods,Cell adhesion molecules as markers of tumor progression and metastasis, Therapeutic role of α-interferon and vitamin E in liver cirrhosis, Antibacterial properties of plant flavanoids and the Protective mechanisms of green tea in intestinal mucosa of rats.

In total Prof. Dashti has 146 publications in highly reputed Journals and has an H-Index 18. Five selected publications of Prof. Dashti from the last five years are given below.

• Al-Khalifa A, Mathew TC, Al- Zaid NS, Mathew E, Dashti H. (2010) Low carbohydrate ketogenic diet prevents the induction of diabetes using streptozotocin in rats. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, In press)

• Abdeen S.M., Mathew TC, Dashti HM, Asfar S. (2011) Protective effects of green tea on intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury. Nutrition 27: 598–603

• Hussain TA, Mathew TC, Dashti A, Asfar S, Al-Zaid N, Dashti H. (2012) Effect of low - calorie versus low - carbohydrate ketogenic diet in type 2 diabetes. Nutrition 28 (10) : 1016-1021

• Mohammad H Jamal, Hamad Ali, Ali Dashti, Jasim Al-Abbad, Husain Dashti, Chako Mathew, Waleed Al-Ali, Sami Asfar (2015) Effect of epigallocatechin gallate on uncoupling protein 2 in acute liver injury. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 8(1):649-65

• Feinman RD, Pogozelski WK, Astrup A, Bernstein K, Fine EJ, Westman E, Accurso A,

• Frassetto L, Gower BA, McFarlane SI, Nielsen JV, Krarup T, Saslow L, Roth KS, Vernon MC, Volek JSRD, Wilshire GB, Dahlqvist A, Sundberg R, Childers A, Morrison K, Manninen AH, Dashti HM, Wood RJ, Wortman J, Worm N, (2015) Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: Critical review and evidence base. Nutrition 31: 1–13

Prof. Dashti's contribution as Editor or Co-Editor of international scientific journals is given below:

• Metabolism of Minerals and Trace Elements in Human Diseases (Abdulla, M., Dashti, H.,Sarkar, B., Al-Sayer, H., Al-Naqeeb, N., Eds.) Smith Gordon, 1989, London, England,.

• Lecture Notes In Surgery For undergraduate Students. Editors, Behbehani, H., Dashti, H., Bhatia, V., Al-Sayer, 2nd edition.

• Co-Editor of the Nutrition (Supplement) 1995, 11 (5); in conjunction with Medical Principles and Practice. Trace elements, Free Radicals, Tumour Markers, Chromosomal analysis and cytokines in Clinical Medicine and Biochemistry. (eds) A. Behbehani., Hussein Dashti and Naji Al-Zaid.

• Co-Editor of the Journal of the Kuwait Medical Association (Supplementary issue); Proceedings - The 9th Scientific Congress of the Kuwait Medical Association.

Prof. Dashti had received the following international awards in recognition of his merits

• Best Scientific Research award in Medical Sciences in 1995 by Kuwait Foundation for the advancement of Science • The Albert Schweitzer Golden Grand medal awarded by the Polish Academy of Medicine • Grand Gold Medal. Awarded by the Polish Academy of Medicine

	أ.د حسين محمد دشتي
	السيرة الذاتية (مختصرة)

	المركز الحالي 	: بروفسور في قسم الجراحة –كلية الطب – جامعة الكويت


1. كلية الطب – قسم الجراحة 2. تليفون - 99604729 3. E-MAIL dashticlinic@gmail.com

	الأختصاص والأختصاصات الدقيقة

1. أستاذ جراحة – كلية الطب - جامعة الكويت. 2. تخصص رفيع بالمعادن النادرة. 3. عضو الجمعية الطبية الكويتية. 4. باحث علمي بجامعة لوند بالسويد. 5. عضو مؤسس في الجمعية الدولية عن المعادن النادرة في جسم الإنسان . 6. عضو مؤسس اللجنة الافروآسيوية المنظمة لهيئة التقدم في البحوث عن المعادن النادرة في جسم الإنسان 7. عضو الهيئة الأوربية للأبحاث في مجال الجراحة


1. بكالوريوس طب وجراحة 1975 جامعة بومباي (الهند) 2. دكتوراة في الطب جامعة لوند 1986 السويد 3. زمبل كلية الجراحين العالمية 4. زميل كلية الجراحين الأمريكية 5. زميل كلية الجراحين الملكية جلاسجو

	الجوائز والميداليات:

1. حاصل على الجائزة والميدالية الذهبية من جامعة كاستربا في مجال البحث عن السرطان سنة 1996 . 2. جائــزة احـســن بحـث علـمي من سويسرا لعــلاقة المعــــادن (الزنــك) بالعقم سنة 1998 . 3. جائزة الإنتاج العلمي من مؤسسة الكويت للتقدم العلمي سنة 1994. 4. حاصل على جائزة ألبرت شوايتزر في العلوم الطبية مايو سنة‏ 1999. 5. حاصل على جائزة من الأكاديمية العالمية مايو سنة 1999 6. حاصل على جائزة ألبرت شوايتزر الطبية الذهبية رفيعة المستوى الممنوحة إليه من قبل الأكاديمية البولندية والعالمية للعلوم الطبية لتعمقه في الأبحاث وإنسانيته في مجال الطب نوفمبر سنة 1999. 7. حاصل على جائزة أقضل بحث علمي عن الغذاء الكيتوني 2004- كلية الطب

	الخبرة والأنشطة العلمية:

1. تخرج من جامعة بومباي سنة 1975. 2. دكتوراه من جامعة لوند بالسويد. 3. عمل طبيبا جراحا في مستشفى الأميري سنة 1975. 4. مسجلا في قسم الجراحة سنة 1977. 5. مدرس في جامعة الكويت سنة 1988 – قسم الجراحة. 6. أستاذ مساعد في سنة 1993 – كلية الطب – قسم الجراحة . 7. عميد مساعد للشؤون الإدارية والمالية 94 – 1998. 8. استشاري جراحة سنة 1994. 9. عميد مساعد للشؤون الإدارية والمالية 1998-2002 10. رئيس المجلة الطبية الكويتية منذ يناير 2001 الى 2005 11. : رئيس قسم التشريح –كلية الطب – جامعة الكويت

	البحوث العلمية:

1. ترأس اكثر من 30 جلسة علمية في مؤتمرات طبية عالمية. 2. لديه اكثر من 30 فصلا في الكتب الطبية. 3. محرر في مجلة الثقافة العالمية. 4. محرر في مجلة الطب الأمريكية للتغذية . 5. محرر في مجلة الجمعية الطبية الكويتية . 6. محرر سابق في مجلة MPP جامعة الكويت. 7. مؤلف كتاب تأثير المعادن في الصحة والمرض (إنكلترا واليابان) 8. مؤلف كتاب الجراحة للطلبة. 9. لديه اكثر من مائة وخمسون بحثا يتعلق بالطب منشورة في مجلات طبية عالمية 10. مترجم لكتاب البدانة والحساسية 11. مؤلف كتاب النظام الغذائي لعلاج الآمراض المتعلقة بالسمنة من اكثر الكتب انتشارا

ألأنتداب الى وزارة الصحة: منذ تعيينة في كلية الطب تم انتدابة الى وزارة الصحة للعمل كأستشاري في مركز السالمية التخصصي