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R. B. More

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Ramchandra Babaji More (Comrade R B More) ( March 1, 1903 – May 11, 1972) was one of the stalwarts of struggle against Caste and Class exploitation in Indian sub-continent. He was born on March 1, 1903, in Dalit/Schedule Caste family of agricultural workers at the Ladavli village in Mahad tehsil in the state of Maharashtra [1], [2].

At the tender age of 11, he began his struggle against untouchability. With the aid of some social reformers, he began sending letters to the British government for being denied admission to Mahad high school even when he had won a scholarship on completing his primary education [3], [4], [5].

He was the main organizer of Mahad satyagrah of March 19-20, 1927, which was led by Dr B.R.Ambedkar, [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]. Comrade More originally wrote a detailed account of Mahad satyagrah in Marathi [12], [13]. The struggle of Dalits at Mahad for asserting their rights to access the public tank, the Chavadar tank, was arguably the first civil rights struggles in history [14]. Comrade R.B. More was also the organizer of another convention at Mahad, which was also led by Babasaheb Ambedkar. This convention took place on December 25-26, 1927, in which thousands of Dalits gathered together to publicly burn a copy of the Manusmruti, the much despised ancient symbol of Brahminical caste and gender oppression. Dr. Ambedkar also addressed a separate meeting of Dalit women, as part of the convention [15]

Inspite of the fact that More joined then undivided communist party [16] – CPI - in 1930, under the influence of Marxism-Lenninism, his closeness with Babasaheb Ambedkar remained till Babasaheb’s demise on December 6, 1956. He also participated in freedom struggle against British and working class movement with great vigour and remained “one of the most respected leaders of the CPI(M) till his death on May 11, 1972” [17].

Comrade More consistently raised the issue of caste discrimination prevalent in Indian society at different forums of Communist Party. He had sent a specific note on the "Problem of Untouchability and the Caste System" [18], [19]. to the leadership of the party before third party congress in 1953 [20], [21]. Comrade More submitted the note to the Polit Bureau on 23rd December 1953 with a request to place it before forthcoming Party Congress. This note was later revised and sent again in 1957 and 1964, with an emphasis on the necessity of taking up issues of caste and social discrimination as an essential ingredient of class struggle with a proper appraisal of contribution of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s in the struggle for social justice.[22], [23].

  1. ^ https://www.scribd.com/document/270510052/RB-More-Intro-Eng
  2. ^ http://www.socialsciencecollective.org/comrade-more-red-star-blue-sky/
  3. ^ http://jaibhimji.in/?p=2498
  4. ^ http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/from-mahad-to-mumbai-to-hyderabad-the-story-of-india-s-caste-blues/story-ggYqaHOin82umAKX650GVN.html
  5. ^ http://www.anticaste.in/comrade-r-b-more-red-star-in-blue-sky/
  6. ^ http://velivada.com/2017/03/21/from-mahad-to-5-kalidas-marg-90-years-apart-tales-of-2-purification/
  7. ^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwhiQPf3jt4
  8. ^ http://ssdindia.org/about/
  9. ^ https://drambedkarbooks.com/2016/03/20/mahad-satyagraha-a-clip-from-dr-babasaheb-ambedkar-movie/
  10. ^ http://aakarbooks.com/content/mahad-making-first-dalit-revolt/
  11. ^ http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/maharashtra-mahad-relives-ambedkar-s-water-satyagraha-for-dalits/story-oGt2HuH4l3k1aRwAAqmp6N.html
  12. ^ http://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/books/ambedkar-book-review-anand-teltumbde-the-other-satyagraha-2799481/
  13. ^ http://www.countercurrents.org/2017/04/21/caste-gender-and-other-such-issues-should-be-dealt-with-as-class-struggle-anand-teltumbde/
  14. ^ http://aakarbooks.com/content/mahad-making-first-dalit-revolt/
  15. ^ http://www.anticaste.in/comrade-r-b-more-red-star-in-blue-sky/
  16. ^ http://jaibhimji.in/?p=2498
  17. ^ http://archives.peoplesdemocracy.in/2003/0323/03232003_comrade_%20More.htm
  18. ^ http://www.countercurrents.org/gatade030912.htm
  19. ^ http://www.sacw.net/index.php?page=imprimir_articulo&id_article=2822
  20. ^ http://www.anticaste.in/comrade-r-b-more-red-star-in-blue-sky/
  21. ^ http://archives.peoplesdemocracy.in/2003/0323/03232003_comrade_%20More.htm
  22. ^ http://www.countercurrents.org/gatade030912.htm
  23. ^ http://www.sacw.net/index.php?page=imprimir_articulo&id_article=2822