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List of characters in SaGa Frontier

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This page lists the characters in SaGa Frontier. Template:Spoiler-about


Humans are the most versitile of characters and can learn nearly any weapon techniques. Most of the main characters are human and they are the easiest to level up.


A young woman working for Gradius, a group of vigilantes based in Koorong, to support her little sister and brother. She plays a big part in Emelia's quest and takes the other main characters to Despair to find the Freedom Rune. She also plays a small bit in Red's storyline. Annie is also one of the best sword fighters in the game.


A young mage fresh out of magic school. His quest is to collect the "Gift" for as many magics as possible. (Light or Shadow, Arcane or Rune, Space or Time) After that he is destined to fight his twin who has gained the opposite magics. Whichever brother survives obtains the other's magic and recieves sacred "Life" magic.

Captain Hamilton

Captain of the Victoria region ship, Hamilton is a tough lady. She is always seen eating at Owmi because "They dont use MSG or stuff like that". She was also a friend of Lute's father and helps Lute avenge his death. Gameplay-wise her abilities are very simmilar to Roufas, a mix of guns and swords.


Icy Doll of IRPO. Said to be the voice of reason between her coworkers Fuse and Silence. Doll joins Red claiming her brother was kidnapped but later reveals she was just undercover on a mission to catch a criminal in Shingrow.


Emelia is good with swords and guns.


Fei-on is a martial artist on his way to Kyo to train, possibly for Mind magic. The ship he was on however, was eaten by an inter-regional monster known as Tanzar. Since then he has become the leader of a base in Tanzar for other passengers of the ship, protecting them from Nomad, a pirate who was also swallowed. Fei-on and Mei-ling were dating before this all happened and fight about it when they run into each other again in Riki's quest.


Number one officer around IRPO, Fuse is not the easiest person to get along with. Among his biggest rivals are the "Narcissistic Cosplay Jerk", his own personal nickname for Silence and Roufas. His conflict with Silence began when they were both hit with a Maelstorm attack but Silence was wearing a sea jewel for protection while Fuse was washed away.


A master swordsman hailing from the now destroyed Region of Wakatu, Gen currently deals his sorrows over the destruction of his hometown in the form of alcoholism, taking every opportunity to 'get a drink'. While he has no one Region he calls home, he does act as a guardian figure to Rose and Thyme in Junk, and plays a major part in T260G's quest. While his character and his inhibitions towards alcohol has a little to be desired, his swordsmanship is second to none.


Liza is the best martial artist in the game.

  • KO Throw
  • Air Throw


Lute starts with no skills.


Mei-ling knows how to use guns and light magic.

  • SharpShot
  • SunRay
  • StarlightHeal


The head of Gradius and a district leader in Koorong. Roufas has a long standing rivalry with IRPO(Inter-Regional-Police-Organization) and in particularly it seems, Fuse. He is an expert with guns but also starts with some sword skills and the gift for Mind magic.


Blue's twin brother. Rouge is said to be slightly more friendly than Blue in "The Essense of Saga Frontier". This would explain why he joins everybody else's quest and Blue won't. Also according to Essense he is the brother that chooses Space Magic but is kicked out of Paridise by Kylin for being rude. He is also supposed to be the victor of the duel with his brother but in gameplay that is left up to the player. After defeating Hell's Lord he is sealed in Hell, the Magic Kingdom was just using him to stall for time.



Asellus is a Half-Mystic who is good with magic and swordsmanship.

Dr. Nusakan

A Mystic doctor who runs a clinic in the Koorong backstreets. In rather macabre twist on a typical 'doctor', Dr. Nusakan doesn't dabble in his trade for the sake of saving lives or curing illnesses, but is rather fascinated by the concept of illnesses and diseases caused by microbes and viruses, something which Mystics are immune to. Another point of interest is that Dr. Nusakan is incredibly powerful in the Mystic realm, and it is said that he posesses enough power to be considered a Mystic Lord, but it seems that Dr. Nusakan could be the least interested.


One of the many Mystic Princes of Facinacturu. Ildon can seem cold at times but grows more gentle depending on what ending you get in Asellus's quest. He is also Rastaban's (another Mystic Prince) lover.


Mesarthim starts with the gift in Rune Magic.

  • Fascination
  • Victory Rune


Rei is the only character in the game that can use Mirage Magic naturally.

  • BlackCat
  • Nightmare
  • Jackal
  • Cockatrice
  • Reaper


A natural mute, and possibly one of the only Mystics in the IRPO's employ, Silence (or rather, his shadow) is in Omble, chasing after a fugitive. Notorious among players for being totally unable to attain the Shadow Gift, hindering his usefulness.

White Rose

She starts with all the basic Light Magic spells.

  • Sun Ray
  • Starlight Heal
  • FlashFire
  • FlashFlood


He is the only playable character in the game that can use Evil Magic. He also bear an uncanny resemblance to Akuma of Street Fighter fame.

  • RavaShot
  • SharpPain
  • PainDoubler
  • DeathCurse



A Monster in the employ of the IRPO, found captured by the mad scientists in the Bio Lab in Shrike. Apparently is in the middle of an investigation involving interegional bandits.


Kylin is the only character in the game that starts with the gift of Space Magic.

  • Kylin's Song
  • Photosynthesis
  • Vapor Blast
  • Reverse Gravity
  • Vanish
  • Light Shift
  • Dark Shift
  • Vortex


A Monster of unknown past and origin, trapped by (presumably) Orlouge in the Labyrinth of Darkness at some point in time. Joins in Asellus' quest.


Riki's default form is a Lummox.

  • Tail
  • TailHit
  • Heal


  • Kusanagi
  • MinionStrike
  • Deathsynthesis
  • HPDrain
  • Sacred Song


Just a random Slime, taking residence in the Regional supermonster Tanzer. Tags along with any character who acquires the Vitality Rune in Tanzer's innards.


  • FireBreath
  • FireBarrier
  • Wing
  • GliderSpike



BJ&K is a Type4 mec.

  • HypnoFlash


EngineerCar is a Type6 mec, a repair model.

  • Crosshair
  • RangeFire


Leonard is a customized Type6 mec, a repair model designed to look like his human form.

  • Bolt Thrower (gun)
  • MemoryBoard (parts)
  • BeamSword (built-in)
  • RepairPack (built-in)
  • MiniPlant (built-in)
  • HypnoFlash
  • EnergySupply


PzkwV is a Type5 mec, a heavily armored model.

  • Two Protectors (armor)
  • Rail Cannon (built-in)
  • AT Missile (built-in)
  • Micro Missile (built-in)
  • Fort Body (built-in)
  • ShootingMastery


T260G is a Type1 mec, a model constructed from junk parts.

  • Mec Body (built-in)


Zeke is a Type3 mec, a light-weight and agile model.