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Dirac equation in curved spacetime

Math Formula Information


Name: Dirac equation in curved spacetime

Description: generalization of the Dirac equation from Minkowski space to a general Lorentzian manifold with spin structure

Elements of the Formula

Gamma matricesmatrix representation of a Clifford algebra
Dirac spinor fieldfield whose values are Dirac spinors
Dirac operatorfirst-order differential linear operator on spinor bundle, whose square is the Laplacian
rest mass (invariant mass) or rest energybody's intrinsic mass (or equivalent intrinsic energy), motion-independent (Lorentz invariant); equals total mass (or energy) when at rest
imaginary unitsquare root of negative one, used to define complex numbers
frame field in general relativitySpacetime modeled by four pointwise-orthonormal vector fields

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