This page is a redirect. The following categories are used to track and monitor this redirect:
From a fictional character: This is a redirect from a fictional character to a related fictional work or list of characters. The destination may be an article about a related fictional work that mentions this character, a standalone list of characters, or a subsection of an article or list.
An {{anchor|(anchor name)}} or {{visible anchor}} template, a HTML element with id="(anchor name)", or an |id=(anchor name) parameter might be installed at the beginning of a paragraph, in or near a section header or within a table. The anchor might also be an old section header that has been edited and is anchored within or near the new header to prevent broken internal and external links.
Even though section headers of the general form ==(Header name)== are themselves a type of anchor, use {{R to section}}instead.
When appropriate, protection levels are automatically sensed, described and categorized.