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[[Image:The Hills.jpg|300px|From left to right: Ladybird, Bobby, Hank, Peggy, and Luanne]]
{{Politics of Guinea}}
The '''2008 Guinean coup d'état''' was an attempted military ''[[coup d'état]]'' announced in [[Guinea]] on 23 December 2008, shortly after the death of long-time President [[Lansana Conté]].

== Death of Conté ==
[[File:Lansana Conte 27 July 2001a.jpg|thumb|left|150px|The coup took place just hours after the death of Lansana Conte.]]

In the early hours of 23 December 2008, [[Aboubacar Somparé]], the [[Speaker (politics)|President]] of the [[National Assembly of Guinea|National Assembly]], announced on television that Conté had died at 6:45 pm local time the previous day "after a long illness."<ref name=AFP/> While Somparé did not name the particular illness,<ref name=Dies>{{cite news |url=http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/12/23/africa/AF-Guinea-Obit-Conte.php |title=Guinea's dictator, Lansana Conte, dies |agency=[[Associated Press]] |work=[[International Herald Tribune]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> sources reported that Conté had chronic [[Diabetes mellitus|diabetes]] and [[leukemia]].<ref>{{cite news |title=Guinea in chaos after long-term president's death |url=http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/6107099/Guinea-in-chaos-after-longterm-presidents-death |publisher=[[Radio Netherlands Worldwide|Radio Netherlands]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> According to the Constitution, the President of the National Assembly is to assume the Presidency in the event of a vacancy, and a new presidential election is to be held within 60 days.<ref name=AFP>{{cite news |url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jFamnEzZhIYHzv_eUXSc1TxAMfkA |title=Guinea's long-time military leader Conte dies |agency=[[Agence France-Presse]] |publisher=[[Google News]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> Somparé requested that the President of the Supreme Court, [[Lamine Sidimé]], declare a vacancy in the Presidency and apply the Constitution.<ref name=AFP/><ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.guineenews.org/articles/article.asp?num=20081222183858 |title=Economie et Politique : Somparé demande au président de la Cour suprême de faire constater la vacance du pouvoir |publisher=[[Guinéenews]] |language=French |date=2008-12-22 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> [[List of heads of government of Guinea|Prime Minister]] [[Ahmed Tidiane Souaré]] and Diarra Camara, the head of the army, stood alongside Somparé during his announcement.<ref name=Dies/><ref>{{cite news |url=http://allafrica.com/stories/200812230246.html |title=Guinea: Coup Follows Conté's Death |publisher=[[AllAfrica.com]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> Declaring 40 days of national mourning for Conté,<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.guineenews.org/articles/article.asp?num=2008122219645 |title=Economie et Politique : Le gouvernement décrète 40 jours de deuil national ; le programme des obsèques attendu mardi. |publisher=[[Guinéenews]] |language=French |date=2008-12-22 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref><ref name=Takes>{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7796902.stm |title=Military takes control in Guinea |publisher=[[BBC News]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> Souaré urged "calm and restraint". He told the army to secure the borders and maintain calm within the country "in homage to the memory of the illustrious late leader".<ref name=Takes/>

Speaking to [[Radio France Internationale]] after Conté's death, opposition leader [[Jean-Marie Doré]] of the [[Union for the Progress of Guinea]] stressed that the institutions of state must "be able to work to prevent unnecessary disorder in Guinea which would add to the current difficult situation".<ref name=Takes/>

==Announcement of coup d'état==
Six hours after Somparé announced Conté's death,<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jaQPxwTr7Ls-HVfZkk2xle0dPUhQD9589THO0 |title=Military-led group announces coup in Guinea |agency=[[Associated Press]] |publisher=[[Google News]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> a statement was read on state radio announcing a military [[coup d'état]].<ref name=Takes/> This statement, read by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara<ref name=Takes/><ref name=Prompts>{{cite news |url=http://news.smh.com.au/world/death-of-guinea-dictator-prompts-coup-20081223-741k.html |title=Death of Guinea dictator prompts 'coup' |agency=[[Agence France-Presse]] |work=[[The Sydney Morning Herald]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref> on behalf of a group called the National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD),<ref name=Takes/> said that "the government and the institutions of the Republic have been dissolved." The statement also announced the suspension of the constitution "as well as political and union activity."<ref name=Takes/><ref name=Prompts/> According to Captain Camara, the coup was necessary due to Guinea's "deep despair" amidst rampant poverty and corruption, and he said that the existing institutions were "incapable of resolving the crises which have been confronting the country." Furthermore, Camara said that someone from the military would become President, while a civilian would be appointed as Prime Minister at the head of a new government that would be ethnically balanced.<ref name=Takes/> The National Council for Democracy and Development would, according to Camara, include 26 officers as well as six civilians.<ref name=Attempt>[http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hUg0g3cBDoFewL3yt_fdvOxHUf2g "Coup attempt in Guinea after president dies"], AFP, 23 December 2008.</ref>

Reporting from [[Conakry]] at the time of the coup announcement, Alhassan Sillah of the [[BBC]] said that the situation in the city was "unusually quiet" and that he had not seen any soldiers.<ref name=Takes/> Later in the day, several tanks were seen in the city.<ref name=Declared>[http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2008/12/24/africa/AF-Guinea-Coup.php "Coup declared in Guinea after dictator's death"], Associated Press (''International Herald Tribune''), 24 December 2008.</ref>

Following Camara's announcement, Souaré said the government and state institutions were intact. According to Souaré, he did not know who was behind the coup attempt, but he said that he was "sure that they will see reason. They have not used force. There has been no threat against anybody." Somparé, meanwhile, called the coup attempt "a setback for our country" and expressed hope that it would not succeed. He argued that most soldiers were still loyal to the government.<ref name=After>{{cite news |url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gls1Z5Yf9aC7qPksMIL58YIFl6ZQ |title=Coup attempt in Guinea after president dies |agency=[[Agence France-Presse]] |publisher=[[Google News]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref>

It was reported that soldiers at the Alfa Yaya Diallo military camp had chosen a lieutenant-colonel, [[Sékouba Konaté]], as leader of the coup attempt, although some soldiers objected because they believed a higher-ranking officer should have been chosen.<ref name=After/> The chief of the armed forces, General Diarra Camara, said that the coup plotters represented only a minority of the army.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7798120.stm "Guinea coup plotters 'a minority'"] BBC News, 23 December 2008</ref> In the afternoon of 23 December, amidst confusion about who was in control of the country, Gen. Camara asked that the soldiers "at least wait until after [Conté's] funeral", while also stating that he was not trying to prevent anyone's ambitions.<ref name=Attempt/>

On 23 December, both the office of the Prime Minister and the Little Palace, Conté's former residence, were reported to be under the control of the coup leaders. Prime Minister Souaré was reportedly at Camp Samory with General Diarra Camara.<ref>[http://www.guineenews.org/articles/article.asp?num=2008122362410 "Economie et Politique : Le petit palais et la Primature sous contrôle des putchistes. Les loyalistes au Camp Samory"], Guineenews, 23 December 2008 {{fr icon}}.</ref> According to Somparé, the leaders of the coup held a meeting to choose an interim leader for the country late on 23 December; he said that Moussa Camara, Sékouba Konaté, and Toto Camara were considered candidates for the position.<ref name=Declared/> The composition of the CNDD was announced late on 23 December;<ref name=Liste>[http://www.guineenews.org/articles/article.asp?num=20081223123724 "Economie et Politique : Liste des membres du CNDD"], Guineenews, 23 December 2008 {{fr icon}}.</ref> it included 32 members, six of whom were civilians.<ref name=Liste/><ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7798578.stm "Guinea coup leaders name council"], BBC News, 24 December 2008.</ref>

In an interview with [[Guineenews]] on 23 December, opposition leader [[Cellou Dalein Diallo]] said that he believed the constitution should be respected, while also saying that he believed a new presidential election should be held together with the already planned [[Guinean parliamentary election, 2009|parliamentary election]] on 31 May 2009.<ref>[http://www.guineenews.org/articles/article.asp?num=2008122371216 "Economie et Politique : Cellou Dalein à Guinéenews© : « Nous sommes pour le respect de la Constitution.»"], Guineenews, 23 December 2008 {{fr icon}}.</ref>

== International reactions ==
*{{flagicon|AU}} The [[African Union]] will hold an emergency meeting over the situation. Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra said, "If the army coup is confirmed, it is a flagrant violation of the constitution and of African legality which absolutely forbids unconstitutional changes of government".<ref name="AU holds crisis meeting over Guinea coup">{{cite news |url=http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=79298&sectionid=351020506 |title=AU holds crisis meeting over Guinea coup |publisher=[[Press TV]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref>
*[[File:ECOWAS_Flag.png|15px|22px]]The [[Economic Community of West African States]] (ECOWAS) warned that Guinea could be suspended from the organization if the military took power.<ref name=After/>
*{{flagicon|EU}} The [[European Union]] condemned the coup and has called on Guinea's military and government to ensure a peaceful leadership transition. The EU called on political and army leaders to "respect constitutional measures to ensure a peaceful transition" of power through elections.<ref name="EU calls for calm transition">{{cite news |url=http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,3898095,00.html |title=EU calls for calm transition |publisher=[[Deutsche Welle]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref>
*{{flagicon|USA}} The [[United States]] expressed hope for "a peaceful and democratic transition". A spokesperson said "We are working with our partners in the region and other countries in the region and the African Union to encourage the institutions in Guinea to take all steps to ensure a peaceful and democratic transition".<ref name="US calls for 'democratic transition' in Guinea">{{cite news |url=http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5grGR0IHMO-phlwlIv-TGxnGVk8pA |title=US calls for 'democratic transition' in Guinea |agency=[[Agence France-Presse]] |publisher=[[Google News]] |date=2008-12-23 |accessdate=2008-12-23}}</ref>

== See also ==
*[[2008 Guinean military unrest]]

== References ==
{{wikinews|Military dissolves Guinean government}}
{{Coup d'état}}

[[Category:2008 in Guinea|Coup d'état]]
[[Category:Military of Guinea]]

[[el:Στρατιωτικό πραξικόπημα στη Γουινέα (2008)]]
[[ru:Военный переворот в Гвинее (2008)]]

Revision as of 08:16, 24 December 2008

From left to right: Ladybird, Bobby, Hank, Peggy, and Luanne